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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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what were your musical "phases" you went through at various ages? This is kind of a cringe confessional thread, but I'm too old to be ashamed of my proclivities.

i notice a lot of people have "phases" they go through, but they're not consistent. Sometimes the phases are based on things like genres, while other times they're based on things like instrumentation, lyrics, timbre, etc.

When I was single digit age I didn't listen to any music on purpose. Basically my entire musical diet was SNES era video game music. Shit like the Donkey Kong Country soundtrack.

Then I had what I would call the "babby's first mp3 player" where I basically downloaded all the dadrock music older wyboyz were into: Metallica, Led Zeppelin, that kinda thing. At this point I shifted into the "obsessed with music that is hard to play." phase. Sax solos, guitar solos, banjo solos, piano solos, harpsichord solos, accordion solos, anything that "shreds." Doesn't matter what genre. Then I had the "weed lmao liberal hipster" phase, where I was in high school and hotboxing with friends a lot and listening to late 00s shit like Decemberists, Neutral Milk Hotel, yada yada.

Then I had the "slow jams discovery" phase where I started to care more about the "texture" of music and less about how hard it was to play, or how impressive the solos sounded. This coincided with a lot of sex having and more weed smoking throughout my college days. Then I stepped back from music altogether and became an "audiobooks and radio drama" guy, first with a focus on fictional literary classics, and then moving over to nonfiction and political theory, approaching 30.

Anyone else go through similar phases? What were your "phases" like?


oh and the "hotbox teen" phase was when I enjoyed a lot of hip hop, whether it was popular stuff, older stuff, or backpacker hipster type stuff


When I was a kid, I used to also only listen to videogame soundtracks. Then I got into electronic music (especially Daft Punk). Then, 70s rock in my teens. Eventually I got into other genres, though I still haven't ditched electronic and 70s rock. I listen to pretty much everything that isn't boring.


>every metal subgenre
>hardcore punk
>start getting into rap via chief keef and death grips
>discover vaporwave, still fuck with it heavy to this day

first half of highschool
>still a significant amount metal/punk
>discover /mu/core
>shit that got posted on /shugazi/
>Chiraq/NYC Drill rap
>Southern Rap in general

second half of highschool
>jacksonville/STL Drill
>michigan rap
>Phonk(real memphis-doomshop records-waterboyz-RIVDXR KLVN shit not the drift phonk bullshit)
>finally "get" older acoustic forms of music like jazz and country
>also discover the hexd/surge scene
>creep/traffic/nervous music
>DMV rap

college to now
>milwaukee lowend highspeed music
>bay area rap
>Dark Plugg
>anything dismiss yourself puts out
>VA crank music/RVA Drill
>jungle,House,Techno,Hardcore,Footwork,Trance,Dubstep EDM in general really

never really stopped listening to music from previous phases, I'd say the overall trend is metal/punk>/mu/core>EDM and what I can only describe as soundcloud rap for the chronically online


overly detailed history of my tastes in music for anons on leftypol who will likely not even read this

middle school
>"babby's first MP3 player" stuff (this was back when having an iPod meant you were cool)
Black Sabbath
Led Zeppelin
Pink Floyd

high school (freshman year)
>melodic death metal and nu metal
Children of Bodom
Lamb of God

high school (sophomore-junior year)
>hardcore punk/thrash/NWOBHM
Black Flag
Minor Threat
Dead Kennedys
Verbal Abuse
Leftover Crack
Agent Orange
Dark Angel
Death Angel
<idk too many to list here

high school (senior year)
>beginnings of being into goth/industrial
Suicide Commando
<some other random unknown bands that I don't remember

>garage rock/surf
The Growlers
Jay Reatard
a lot of Burger Records stuff (RIP in piss)
Best Coast
<a ton of other stuff, too much to list

>black metal

Ghost Bath

20s (so far)
>deeper into goth/industrial/synth
Dancing Plague
Forever Grey
Die Form
The Units
The Screamers
Nervous Gender
<way too much to list


Perc Trax
Moving Shadow
<idk lots of random individual songs mostly

>unironically listening to communist anthems (lol)

there's a lot of areas of music I still haven't explored enough to list on here but I have mostly just accumulated stuff over time rather than going through phases of listening to being into things that ended up having no long-term significance to me. the only things on here that I would say I don't really listen to anymore are like, nu metal (except for SOAD although I don't really count them) and some of the dadrock stuff. if anything I've just over time found that I vibed more with certain subcultures and genres (particularly goth) after very strongly identifying with punk for a long time (probably part of why I got into anarchism heh), because unlike a lot of people on imageboards I've never been a /mu/tant and just discovered everything I've ever listened to on my own from doing deep dives on music piracy blogspots and otherwise >going outside and >touching grass and >talking to people in real life


brings me back to freshman year of highschool listening to At The Gates at 7:37 AM or skating listening to thrash going to the corner store. Perc Trax and HyperDub go hard af


that's part of why I've over time come to appreciate stuff that I took a break from listening to for a few years. sometimes you've just gotta be a little stupid and unpretentious and listen to some shitty punk music and remember what it was like to be a retarded edgy teenager instead of a depressed edgy adult


most of us became retarded edgy adults with depressiona


Ive been lisyening to classic rock amd classic R&B since I was a baby.

Then, around seventh grade, I upgraded to house ad hip hop and modern rock.

I did listen to current music before then but it was on the bus, not on my own time.

Now, I listen to whatever.


Ive always listened to a wide variety of music but the overall arc was something like:
music parents subjected me to>pop>emo>alt-rock>classic rock>grunge>metal>jazz>classical


I was really into YouTube dubstep mixes at some point in my pre-adolescence


>Black Sabbath
>Led Zeppelin
>Pink Floyd
All of these go hard. Worth revisiting now that you're matured, especially Black Sabbath which has phenomenal percussion.


Not sure if this qualifies as a "phase" but I grew up listening to rap, first and second albums ever bought were "Raising Hell"(Run DMC) & "It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back"(P.E.), respectively, and that persisted even as my family moved out of the "ghetto" and into lily White rural area, and of course lingered long into a weird, cringey Wyboi 20's of Spearhead, KOS & nostalgic NWA listens.
By the time I was raising my two daughters ten years later I was sort of "over it" and lyrics like "bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks…" and the appeal of, for instance, and generally speaking, Geto Boys, Bone Thugs, even Jurassic 5, oddly enough, began losing their flavor just by association.

I'd become the stereotypical "conservative", hyper-protective dad who wanted only the very best of everything, music and messages definitely included (was still an audiophile, is what I'm saying here) for my two precious little girls.
Of course, despite (or perhaps because of?) my preponderance of "alternative music" & the mainstreaming of all culture taking place via the internet, "my" daughters ended up loving the absolute filthiest shit imaginable, imo, lol. Mich to my emotional and very much physical distress.
Yin Yang, "Ms New Booty" and etc.
I can't even remember the names and was so entirely displeased and repulsed that I'm sure I swallowed my heartburn and in all likelihood blocked out the memories after trying in vain to take them out of it and appeal to their sense of taste with punk, industrial, really anything but what I considered to be trashy stripper music.
I won't spare you the details of what I found on my daughter's phone either!
Her at a local, apparently "underground" evidently "all-ages" rap concert, with older male rappers spitting rhymes like, and I'll never forget this as long as I live, "I got bitches in California! I got bitches in Canada! My pimp game got stamina" (grabbing crotch).. And my precious little daughter, all of 15 or so, the apple of my eye and love of my entire heart, interpreting him to plead, "can I get I huuug?" … oblivious to her father's impending heart attack at seeing this clip months later and just having the time of her life.
Needless to say it did not endear me to the artform but only served to increase my intense hated and fear of the entire thing.
Only recently, and with daughters out of the house and my heart thoroughly destroyed by their adolescence, by their misunderstanding my pritective gestures as hopelessly "uncool" / "grouchy" and or "tyrannical" and, as I say, my feeble attempts at *protection* (of their young, never to be again innocence) and etc now completely dismantled, ridiculed and long since abandoned in utter existential dispair and hopeless gloom, at the world, at myself and my failures as a parent and, sad to admit, at the prospects of my progeny and life's ambition ever being "decent, good people" (yes, I admit it, r pain was enough to sour my against my own children)…am I taking a step back, picking myself up, and occasionally hearing, say, even disco rap or Freestyle Fellowship with anything other than complete hatred, contempt and disgust.
So maybe that was a "phase" of some kind. Albeit a long and excruciating one (for all involved)?
Parenthood has a way of dragging some of us through the broken glass of our own remorseful memories of the careless, nay joyful even, gleeful, pain we caused to those who only, or at least mostly, in hindsight, sought to protect us from harm and enlighten us to quality music and the finer things in life.
Begin your ridicule of me if you will but this has been a sincere and honest recollection of it.
I try to confront my own biases routinely and understand the racism presented in my retelling. very much.
I only post to exhibit an example of … I'm not sure. Something I went through that rarely seems addressed in many political forums in the Left.
In my view, the Black community has had their voices directed towards unsavory representations by non-Black record labels and radio station owners. Etc.
Have fun and be well, fine people.
Until next time.


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Eminem has a point


speaking of eminem/chris morris this is my guilty pleasure genre


I like Chris Morris.
& Joe Frank. Lord Buckley, even though he appropriated his act from Black hepcats. Firesign Theater & National Lampoon not so much.
I apologized for being White repeatedly for years and I achieved nothing good and I'm not doing it anymore.
It's bullshit. It's fake.
You either don't mean it or it starts having a negative affect on your mental health. Which is why I guess he wants to kill himself.
That's where White shaming ends up for "White allies".
You're punishing the very people who are aware of their privilege and etc.
It's ridiculous & it achieves nothing. So fuck that racist shit.

We need class solidarity. Not division. All poor people should be sticking together as a class.

I think people are finally waking up to the fact that identity politics has been used *very successfully* to divide and demoralize the proletariat.
(Even if pushing against it gets us labeled racists) There's a reason it took off during OWS's rise. The same reason Cenk Uygur, no matter what you think of him, was replaced by Al Sharpton on corporate owned MSNBC.
He questioned Earl Blummaurs about Democrats agreeing with Republicans to raise the age at which people could access their social security and the MF was fired, lol, that night! Gone by the end of the week!
All this took place during the "Great" Recession of 2008. And lo and behold nothing substantial gets fkn done in the intermittent 15 years and we're looking at another global financial crisis.
That affects all races, genders, sexualities, abilities, age groups, nationalities, etc.
That affects POC worse than anyone.
But that all poor people suffer from.
Deaths of Despair, as I said.
Shit almost got me.
Anyways it's:
Divide and conquer.
Oldest trick in the book.

They peeled off union and swing state votes and fucked up OWS with that "step-in, step-out", regressive stack bullshit.
And here we all are 15 years later facing the exact same shit.

Nancy Frazer, Kurzwelly, Rapport, Spiegel, and other "Post-Left" critiques of id pol is spot on, imo.

Anyways …


My phases, in chronological order:
> power metal
> folk metal
> death metal
> black metal
> power metal


time is a flat circle moment


Does anyone remember seapunk?

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