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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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>people still care about beyonce and rihanna
Why is American pop culture stuck 15+ years in the past

Do we really need to explain lost futures, simulacra, and hauntology? Pls OP. Nostalgia prints money. You know this.

>Do we really need to explain … simulacra
Yes please. Every time I try to read Baudrillard it makes my brain hurt.

One word: streaming
There is nothing you can meaningfully consider "pop" anymore
These artists were the last ones before the apocalypse, so they capitalize on the nostalgia

I don't know anon, why do you feel the need to make a shitty thread about it?

Thread police over here

Well the internet froze time in place and collapsed future present and past so everything is just a flat circle now and zoomers can enjoy the most modern hip hop from big x, older music from Rihanna, and 1930s based electro-swing and Mozart all in one setting. There is no linear time anymore as far as culture is concerned thanks to the internet and smartphones

This. And its wonderful.

Western millenials have the biggest concentration of failchildren of any generation. This is why Western countries are trying to import immigrants over these losers who throw away all of their generational wealth on crypto and NFT schemes and funko pops, much to the chagrin of said loser reactionary failchildren.

>import immigrants
Makes me sound like a reactionary. I meant bring in immigrants.

those immigrants children will also become failsons if housing prices dont change

It’s why they rock that New Kids on the Block hair cut everyone makes memes about.

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