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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Am I crazy for thinking younger Gen Z's have way different music tastes? Alot of zoomer girls like nu-grunge/punk like Olivia Rodrigo, or jersey club, or straight up pop i.e. Taylor Swift, etc. or Kpop. I think Old Gen Z was the last generation that really liked hip hop.


depends on the demographic tbh, Also rap has so many subgenres and different scenes at this point that its more about what rappers you listen to than any thing else. ofc there's tons of crossover and collaboration but mfers who listen to tyler the creator vs. mfers who listen to Kay Flock represent two very different fan bases. I imagine this is what rock music must have been like for certain old heads with different groups/cliques typically listening to specific scenes/genres of rock music

>t.zoomer peepeepootershitterfarder


You didn't have to make a thread if you couldn't come up with a halfway decent topic


>kids these days are so weird because thwy dont like the same stuff i do

Here we go again. Millennials said the same about you back in 2015
Gen X said the same about millennials in 2005.


generational warfare is making me schizophrenic


>Zoomer chick grunge
I like it


toopoor is 30 so im pretty sure shes a millennial, but her fans are all zoomers

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