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/music/ - Music

"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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>put a fucking hammer & sickle on your album cover
>years later your name is synonymous with everything "old" "outdated" and "pretentious" and considered "white people hip-hop"

The secret meeting definitely happened.


no, kanye cornered the pseudo-political hiphop for conspiritards market


imo his songs in spanish are weird because it obviously isn't his first language. I like his song about 9/11 but not for political reasons, I just like it


> your name is synonymous with everything "old"
well, immortal technique is a 45 year old man for one, and second it applies to a bunch of old east coast rap too, wu-tang clan also has a "white people hip-hop" aura to it.


>years later your name is synonymous with everything "old" "outdated" and "pretentious" and considered "white people hip-hop"

according to who???

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