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File: 1715473928267.webm (6.43 MB, 720x1280, oo_ee_oo.webm)


I prefer the originals but some of the synth tracks of Atomic Heart are pretty good.




>"Интернационал" в итальянском концлагере
Фильм "Они шли на восток" 1964


yeah I'm thinking Miku Miku oo ee oo







Once More!


>Лев Лещенко - ДЕНЬ ПОБЕДЫ
I like it
apparently it's super famous so I'm surprised I haven't heard it before


Checked. You probably haven't heard of it before because the Red Army Choir version is more commonly used and known.


smoked darts and sunbathed all day, ya I'm cancermaxxxing


So this just dropped.



japanese melancholia fans we UP!


Hottest music video in history. That and Satisfaction.


Damn this war hard.




NGL I find it surreal how Snoop, Nas, and Common are getting bigger fanfare and more streams/views than all these newer SoundCloud dweebs.





Camel by camel (slowed)

SANDY MARTON - Camel By Camel (Vocal Mix) 1985


>Sandy Marton - Camel by camel (extended version)


Something a bit romatic





Some stuff I've been listening to again recently

















File: 1719676279661.jpg (291.08 KB, 1200x1200, a2087395071_10.jpg)


File: 1719851476802-0.mp4 (3.49 MB, 720x1280, Doll Girl dance.mp4)

This girl is amazing


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