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Post music to cry to.



i'l never understand how people found this sad, doesn't it play just after your free from the zombie town shithole? pretty comforting for me.


this is where it first plays iirc ?


oh, sorry so a bit after that, nad i guess it is sad if you associate it with the death of namless faceless rebel only known as winston (RIP)
but you getta ride a cool buggy after so eh




some raw screamo that I always throw on when I feel like killing myself


Pretty nice.





















I've heard many say this is the saddest song ever written.



There are sadder Elliott Smith songs.


For anyone who’s had their dream and lost it.




I listen to this song on repeat every time I'm devastated.


I used to think this song was about her killing him after discovering him cheating. Now I realize the gun stuff was just metaphor.


>>11221 (me)
This one is even sadder.







>all these songs being posted on a friday night/early saturday morning
rough week huh


Before this was in the ASPCA commercial it was the OG crying song.







Really makes you wonder why tribute songs sound like such shit today.




Story of my damn life.



Finally found this song after months of looking.



TBH I thought this was a Christian song by a Christian band because I remember it being used in so many baby loss videos on YouTube back in the early 2010s. “We refused to abort little Zoe Rose who had anencephaly because we’re pro-life, she lived for 10 minutes and then died.”





Posted elsewhere on here but I don't think an anti-war song has made me cry as much as this one.



Oh damn, this got taken down
Here's the song: Meddling Gut Wrenches by King Creosote from Love + Hate = Hate








impossible soul is his saddest song imo but you have to listen all the way through it and it's way too long


>tfw NazBols actually make good music



Not a "sad" song per se but this one always makes me tear up.




If you're into metal, basically everything Insomnium makes. If you're not, their stuff isn't really that heavy and is really accessible to listen to. I reccomend Across the Dark. Also The Great Cold Distance by Katatonia is pretty sad as well and is more like alternative rock.




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