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"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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>be noname
>make socialist music
>make feminist music
>make black nationalist music
>wypipo actually like and respect her shit
>start buying her albums seeing her live shows

What causes this kind of autism? Is she a woke segregationist or is there more to it? Is audience hostility simply part of her act or does she really want total cracker death?


What the fuck does autism mean to you? It's literally just liberalism.


>white fragility, the post
are you really considering not listening to her music because she told you not to? maybe you're not her audience, you've been filtered.


File: 1698251651564.jpg (169.71 KB, 1080x1080, FhZWmK-WIAAZfbZ.jpg)

Who cares?


This is why we need to return to Hegel. The only antidote for idpol.


I have no idea what this drama is premised on but I would like you to know I still don’t care


Total KKKraKKKer Death is the final destination for JDPON.


lol I remember when a bunch of edits got made of this and the absolute losers had a struggle session over it


Idk what this drama is about but I'm almost certain I'll discover that this artist was actually conveying something cool that you've chosen to interpret with the absolute worst faith possible, because you are an incurious consumer and not appreciator of art, someone that doesn't watch a film but "sees what's on the TV", possibly the exact type of white person she intended to shake up.


fuck artists and fuck messages in art. if you want to say something, say it in the most simple and clear way possible so it can be understood and discussed without ambiguities or contradictions
only cowards hide behind art, and only weak arguments need to be obfuscated to resist criticism

>use x as a prop for your product
>be surprised x is now a non-threatening commodity
and you are a liberal for liking it in the first place


ok autist


Peak idpol.

Peak insecurity.


>I'm almost certain I'll discover that this artist was actually conveying something cool that you've chosen to interpret with the absolute worst faith possible
nah. she said she doesn't want white people listening to her music


File: 1698391319888.png (679.71 KB, 1000x1500, ClipboardImage.png)

Hegel did idpol though


Sh has to be Aspergeric.


this is what op is talking about i assume


this article seems to imply she's some kind of leftist but probably cringe based on her statements so whatever

hope she's doing something useful


Meanwhile I’m waiting for Denzel Curry to go full commie.


idk what your reply is about but i'm almost certain i'll discover that it was conveying nothing cool and that i was interpreting it far too charitably, because you are an incurious assumer and not a responder to thoughts, someone that doesn't read a post but "sees what's on the chan," possibly the excact type of person this thread intended to shake up.

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