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"You may say I'm a larper but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll join us and the proletariat will be as one"
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Any fellow leaves (or First Nations comrades) on this board want to weigh in on the Buffy Sainte-Marie controversy?

She’s a huge pop culture icon in Canuckistan largely due to her claims of being FN/Cree yet now it turns out she was never Canadian or FN.

We were lied to.

It's only a tragedy because she made some great protest songs back in the 60s and actually did a lot in terms of activism. She was allegedly on the FBI's list.

just went a little too deep with the Rachel Dolezal/Elizabeth Warren shit

The fact she kept pushing a bullshit origin story for 60 YEARS without the mask slipping is incredible acting.

Care to post her music so I can see what all the fuss is about?

It’s even more pathetic knowing so many people fell for her BS. She got numerous honours and awards because everyone thought she was indigenous.

im canadian and i never heard of her
i know like this land is your land from school but that's about it

What province are you in? Because my mother is from BC and she was devastated at the news.

>that obvious fake tan

im not a boomer, so

Here's a good perspective from an actual First Nations woman in Canada.

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