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It's really funny how in the West, the "communists" immediately jump into visions of cosmic empires, the unification of a globe into a single world government is taken for granted, since the British Empire in the 19th century seemed to them to be the inevitable hegemon over the Globe– but this tradition of thought is considered more or less "grounded in reality" as opposed to the humble 5 Year Plans of Eastern Communists, who in many ways refuse to describe what "the end state of Communism" even is, because their focus is solely upon their immediate conditions, & the horizons of the class war in that immediate moment.

In the early 20th century, the United Nations was built by Anglo Global Hegemony, & even the Eastern Communists agreed to partake in this dispensation– but they ultimately turned the UN against Anglo Global Hegemony by this point in the 21st century, which is why there's a growing movement toward openly exiting the United Nations within the Anglosphere– if the US didn't have super veto privileges in the Security Council & a tacit agreement that it does not have to adhere to any motions passed by the UN, it wouldn't be involved.

The pattern is distinct, & it is as follows.

The West is corrupted by it's immediate power over t he Globe, & enchanted by its own visions of cosmic empire– while the East almost completely forgoes this sort of epic romance in its deliberations– it's focused entirely upon concrete issues in the present.
Simultaneous with the collapse of Western hegemony (ongoing in the 21st century) – is, within itself, the collapse of its own cultural imaginary– it can no longer imagine its own posited utopia, but only "what will be left after it fails" – & all this is, is how, perversely, Westerners can imagine the concrete present reality before them– only as mediated by a scientific-romantic fiction– Westerners in the 00s needed Zombie movies to see the homeless fentanyl addicts that are in their future.

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