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"No chin, no right to speak."
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i miss the old thread. it got nuked with the outage

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It truly was the best thread

He actually undersells his split, it's 48.08 seconds.

I can try post some of my old ones

some of these might not actually be submissions to this thread but just other random thumbnails i screenshotted for reasons… i mean i like that femboy one

ok pretty sure this is it now

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Ugh I'm tempted to go watch this

lmao same but i will not stop

why they have to make him do the fat kid face…

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the fat kid soyjak is actually a trace of tony soprano's face when he's sick in bed and yelling for his wife. I forget what season.

Carmela can you please shut the DOOOOOOOOOOOOR

The extension I used for blocking channels stopped working, so now cancer came back to my recommendations with vengeance.

feedbackgaming is such a money hungry son of a bitch, most hoi4 youtubers try to monetize their videos but never really make it their whole deal. feedback on the other hand, oh no he ONLY monetizes his videos, he dosent do anything else

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very coworker-coded videos

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>without her asking

it's twitter for "normie"

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that twat in the hawiian shirt ain't normal
mafioso family, starting a right wing hate group

is not normal

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channel name is fucking sending me
>sissy recovery
as a recovering porn addict i feel bad for laughing but even through all my gooner brainrot i have never been trapped in sissy hypnosis


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MGS3 was very gay and very retarded. it's basically only deep if you're 12, which is what I was when I played it

thats how i feel about alot of popularised sci-fi/dystopian stories

sci-fi is always a dramatisation of the present, so its satire is often over-generalised

wtf is that T

deep family guy momento 😔

the tbibg is, people internaise the dystopian messaging and think the horros that they see in the movies are exactly how the future is gonna play out.
Alot of the people use sci fi as a moral crutch to curse the Internet for evrythin wrong with society despite alot of sad things hapoening long before the Internet.

the difference is that the future represents an "end of history" scenario which traps us in a sort of timelessness. in 1984 winston screams out that big brother cannot last forever - this is also what makes sci-fi exceedingly contemporary to me, since it is itself an analog for the present, which must be narrated as part of its reified structure.
sci-fi and horror also go together as genres for thematic reasons; in being discourses of modernity, which unleashes monsters upon us.

Again, go on YpuTube and theres fsr too many overeager philosoohical essay videos about 1984 or the Matrix and the comment section is insufferable.

"OMG we live in 1984"
"The Matrix was predicting (insert current tech here)"

Alot of the people who internaise said sci fi as gospel are often consoomers who are butthurt that their cultural prime is over.
They assume the new generations are the enemy.

the point though is that the criticism is lost on the generation which internalises its vehicle
the matrix is clearly about the 90s, not the future of the matrix world
1984 is about 1948, not 40 years in the future
blade runner is about the 80s, not the 21st century
and so on
the bad thinking comes when people miss the transparency of the critique

Again, people politicise pop cultural franchises to cope with getting older.
In fact, I garauntee that politics is general especially in the postmodern era seems to be about coping with growing up.
And people are bevoming more self-absorbed about their cultural era

"the adults are back in the room" springs to mind
prolonged adolescence and so on

the properness of politics is measured against the idea of family dynamics - to put the young in their place and so on

newgene pls go

Imo anyone saying "adult in the room" or "adults are talkimg" as sincere metaphor are ironically the most prone to absurdity.

Also, politics is just idle ruch dudes shooting the shit about the quirks of everyday people.

What is CNN and Fox but talking about data sets concerning gender, age, ethnicity doing whatever?

Like I coild make a YouTube channel discussing statistical graphs I made up about peoples consumer preferences.

that wasnt newgene you idiot

the active desire to be your parents is indeed absurd
same way teachers usually have weird neuroses also

And its absurd how many LeftyPol users whine about bourgeois leeches and romanticise working class folk but would never ever wanna do trades

there's pronouns in my games, millions of t****s must die

Analog horror slop. Seriously, is that shit just bad, or is it because I've watched so many horror films that it just doesn't even scratch "frightening" to me?

I watched it. Pretty chill dude for a former neo nazoid. I was half expecting him to rant about jews putting pronoun trans estrogen cum into Budweiser

I like the idea of it but horror is basically the kiddy pool. I guess its cool for the people stretching their legs and learning to be creative. I dunno. "The Kid and the Camera" is really the only one I would venture to say is good.

It's for little kids.

There is some decent analog horror, but this video is clearly for children. Although I agree the vast majority of it is pure slop.

Listened to Vita Carnis recently, got a good laugh out of that.

Depends. A lot of hard sci-fi is literally just an exploration of a cool idea the writer had. Even with the ones that are commenting on contemporary society are not just that. It's a bit of a reductionist thing to say,

>X is for kids therefore bad

I watched a few analog horror and it's good. The problem is that people want it to be "so deep" like Lovecraftian tier and make it as transcendental as possible.

I mean, the one I mentioned isn't "2deep4u" at all. It has a much simpler and grounded story than pretty much any other one. Trying to turn it into something "so deep" and failing it is it what makes most attempts at this type of horror come off as childish and eyeroll inducing.

I never said it was inherently bad, I just think it's for kids so you can't expect that much

It's ironic that kids media gets severely psychoanalysed by adults to the point of moral hysteria.

I keep getting awful recommendations

Adults analyze and theorise anything to the point of hysteria.

Only non-essential things
But when it comes to critical things, they just drop the ball .
And then they cry about how "growing up sucks".
Most complaints about adulthood are often idle, mediocre post-pubescent mouth-breathers who are plagued by unfulfilled teenage adventures.

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That shit sounds and looks awful
Like the Christian Batman parody Bible Man.

damn I cant believe they let my uygha wear that in court

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I hate my algo

I find it weird how many views some of the more rightoid videos have. In the grand scheme of things, 2.5 million (around the most views any of those videos got) people isn't *that* big of a number, accounting for less than 1% of the US population, but it's still noteworthy.

Porn addiction isn't real you're just weak willed faggots.

Porn addiction is real, but it's over hyped.
Like way too much.

I didn't mean I am addicted to sissy hypno, I just thought it would be funny

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What fucked up font/interface are you using bro

invidious. why?

I dunno it just looks ugly

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I like smooth and round looking fonts

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Why Limonov sucked uyghur cock?
I just want to get this straight.

I can't tell you that

Kimcocado juchecado

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>Stalin Slander

>Porn addiction is real, but it's over hyped.
Also, much like alcoholism it's very relative and few people agree on what constitutes addiction. If a person masturbates to porn 4 times a week is that porn addiction? Some would say yes. Some would say no.

If a person has 4 drinks a week are they an alcoholic? Some would say yes. Some would say no.

Alcohol addiction is more real.
Where I live, most people have four packs of booze a week.
They could be broke and when they get a bit if money theyre gonna waste it on booze.

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…..so? which one is it? they got erased or they never were real?

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Operation Burgerossa…

i saw this in the ookraine thread it's even funnier the second time.

almost makes me wanna see how is the US gonna deal with the nukes stationed in easternrussia

this made me roflmao

real shit??

Some aren't cropped bc lazy


Those korean subbed dbz videos are addictive

^ glitched

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you can't fuck pronouns, just the people that use them

everyone uses pronouns

fuck everyone :3

big if true

It's ovah fam

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the united states election season has poisoned my brain

thank you liberal phrenologists

that happened to me tomorrow

its all clickbait these days

lol I kinda wanna watch this but i know it'll be retarded

Don't know if this counts, but the thumbnail was funny for me so I'll include it.

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My algorithm has been wild lately.

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This one has been lurking in my FYP for a while

>red line on the bottom
guess the bait worked

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