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"No chin, no right to speak."
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Women in military uniforms get me hot and bothered 🤤

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haha yeha

war is cringe, you shouldn't romanticize war

You might like arknights

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I Know that feeling dude. I know exactly what you mean. It's nice to copulate with someone who can fight alongside you. both of you having the same intrests, that must feel nice

On that note, tfw no toussaint louverture gf

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tulcel thread

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Used to have a giga bite of it but the computer had to be cleaned up.

>K anon a tomboy enjoyer


It's stolen valour.

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dick says its hot but brain says larping is cringe so idk

Why is her pantsu rolled down, was she just having a piss?

Impossible to relate with shit like this.

Yeah, it's train conductors, isn't it?

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Man that pic above me is depressing. You're a British drummer boy and you saw you school friends and zulu foes from another continent die, soo much blood, and all for what, for a new colony to the first brit earl to settle there.

Of course the whitoid sypathizes with the colonizer.

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Who you're calling whitoid?

The real crime is sympathizing with colonizers.

I'm just sympathizing with the crakkka brit girl, she didn't have to be shipped all the way to fight people in Africa. People who look just her age, all so that someone above her in British society could subjugate the natives in the name of c*vilizing the place by turning it into his property.

They probably fed her a lot of bvll in the army about doing it for the king and country before she got shipped.

hot pic


You are approached in a port town by two people

>you look strong, señor, my child, i offer you the chance to fight for the pope, for Jesus Christ and the house of Habsburg. I'm the capitana de aragon. We are but brave missionaries traveling to the new world, a land of godless people in need of an adventurerer, a crusader! And i think of you. Join our sanctioned inquisition. Fight by our inquisitors. I ask you to command our tercios and pikemen. you'll be a captain, or a don! I'll be there always fighting behind you Guapo! I'll give you carvale ships to command! I'll tell the queen herself about your deeds! I'll name new cities in the Mexique after you! We'll write about this adventure till our missionary regiment becomes the envy of the Catholic world! and of course i shall personally let you claim any riches and dineros we find in our campaign! All i ask guapo, is for your loyalty to our noble house of the Habsburg!

<yakshit, my child will not be decieved by the prattle of syphilis-ridden greed-driven Iberian infidels, ever so cursed by the allah. My child, my brave Bikbulat. I am the khatun of the crimean khanate, and i suffer greatly from my coward tatari noyans. And the moscow Czar knows it, but if i had a man of refined mettle and immovable will under Russian winter and hot gunpowder like you, we'll profit by it god's willing. I offer you to join me. As my personal protector, I'll give you estates. trades right, kimiz, cuman wives, osmani galleys. Golden horses and . 30 nokhor guards by your side! All i ask for is to pledge to me your loyalty in mind, and your body in war. Command my kapikulu. My Mizra and seymani to the heart of Russia. And I'll have muftis spread your deeds throughout the land. What do you say?

*starts ranting about class warfare and how we need to overthrow the serf mode of production*

Uygha you're preaching to the choir. These sexy warbitches don't know what "mode of production
" Or dialects mean. Futuristic big words. they only understand chivalry codes from knight stories and how to swing a sword. And royal court scheming

…Robin Hood stories then :p

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Now we talkin

This is the first time i find out there was a 90s robin hood anime. why the hell am i surprised when animating western stories was popular in Japan

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I want khatun to fuck me against my will

i want them both to spit roast me

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>she didn't have to be shipped all the way to fight people in Africa
>"I-I didn't join the British Imperial army to get shipped off to conquer lands for crown and country!"
That is literally exactly what each and every one of them signed up for.

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bumbing good thread i want mexican larping gun gf

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saved from a nuked akm thread

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boys and girls i think i cracked the code to my sexuality

war= predominantly a man thing
women=expected to be femenine
a women in miltary uniform= appear as masters of both professions

that's all there is needed to make me feel horny, too bad in real life most girls in the military are there to recruit you as thirst traps, except maybe for the soviet republics and china

trancending traditions of gender to become ubermensch is as attractive as power itself

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this paisano gets it

The second and third pictures remind me of this:

Dat ass.


it's this pic
that reminded me of that song first time i saw it to be honest, the hats are way too similar

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they fucked, hard.

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I brought you women dressing up as entente soldiers on postcards still intending on joining the bolsheviks?

Best girl is the Italian one, worst girl is tied between English & Belgium.

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I want her to put out her cigarette on me !!

Nice, OC?

can you do one for opiates <3

>wagner shooting nazi
No more brother wars

No, its an edit.


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Here's the proper version

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Ok done, featuring Yakui the maid (sorta)

Yeah that's better

weed has won (based)

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long live the czar anon!

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very good taste in artists, anun

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>instead of clean, young aristocratic male teens we get w*men
this is evil…

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The 19th century has gone woke, folks.

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But worry not, I have three (3) images according to your tastes.

Ayo imperial Ruzzia had picklehaubes?

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for sure, the swedish guards of honor still do

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here's your 1700s tulcel army gf bro

long noses are sexy… erotic…

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god i just love hijacking ships for gaza mooniye

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