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/siberia/ - Off-topic

"No chin, no right to speak."
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We are doomed to die on this fucking planet:

>Anecdotal reports of human exposures to lunar dust during the Apollo program suggest that lunar dust has toxic properties. After each EVA, the crew modules were heavily contaminated with dust; many astronauts reported coughs, throat irritation, watery eyes, and blurred vision that likely reduced their performance. A flight surgeon exposed to the capsule interiors after recovery developed what appeared to be allergic reactions to lunar dust that worsened after each exposure. The apparent toxic effects of lunar dust were never comprehensively studied after the program, and the concentrations of dust that contaminated the spacecraft are not known. In each case, symptoms resolved within 24 hours, and post-flight pulmonary testing found no permanent impacts in the astronauts.[29]

>A 2005 NASA study listed 20 risks that required further study before humans should commit to a human Mars expedition, and ranked "dust" as the number one challenge. The report urged study of its mechanical properties, corrosiveness, grittiness, and effect on electrical systems. Most scientists think the only way to answer the questions definitively is by returning samples of Martian dirt and rock to Earth well before launching any astronauts.[8]

>Although that report addressed Martian dust, the concerns are equally valid concerning lunar dust. The dust found on the lunar surface could cause harmful effects on any human outpost technology and crew members:[20][21][22]

< Darkening of surfaces, leading to a considerable increase in radiative heat transfer;

< Abrasive nature of the dust particles may rub and abrade surfaces through friction;
< Negative effect on coatings used on gaskets to seal equipment from space, optical lenses, solar panels, and windows as well as wiring;
< Possible damage to an astronaut's lungs, nervous, and cardiovascular systems;
< Possible increased risk of spacesuit arcing due to small dust grains' exposure to the space environment.

>The principles of astronautical hygiene should be used to assess the risks of exposure to lunar dust during exploration on the Moon's surface and thereby determine the most appropriate measures to control exposure. These may include removing the spacesuit in a three-stage airlock, "vacuuming" the suit with a magnet[23] before removal, and using local exhaust ventilation with a high-efficiency particulate filter to remove dust from the spacecraft's atmosphere.[24]

>The harmful properties of lunar dust are not well known. Based on studies of dust found on Earth, it is expected that exposure to lunar dust will result in greater risks to health both from acute and chronic exposure. This is because lunar dust is more chemically reactive and has larger surface areas composed of sharper jagged edges than Earth dust.[25] If the chemically reactive particles are deposited in the lungs, they may cause respiratory disease. Long-term exposure to the dust may cause a more serious respiratory disease similar to silicosis. During lunar exploration the astronauts' spacesuits will become contaminated with lunar dust. The dust will be released into the atmosphere when the suits are removed. The methods used to mitigate exposure will include providing high air recirculation rates in the airlock, the use of a "Double Shell Spacesuit", the use of dust shields, the use of high–grade magnetic separation, and the use of solar flux to sinter and melt the regolith.[26][27][28]

Basically if you even solve the atmosphere problem, the lack of heat problem, the gravity problem, there's still the fucking dust that kills you in a day. If you ask me this is one of the main arguments against a god figure "creator". Why not put terraformable planets or moons in our solar system? We live on a 1 in a billion chance planet and the rest are just deadly orbs.
>inb5 we will live in cities built on fart clouds on venus
get real
360 posts and 67 image replies omitted.

why couldn't you take some of those hikikomori guys in japan and shoot them to mars? what's the difference of staying in your apartment all day playing games and doing the same thing on mars?
that's because the place is not habitable, if we made it so then people WOULD live there, that's what we do in every place that is habitable

>yet they always return to their respective country of origin
that's because it's illegal to live in antarctica

It would naturally develop the same way settlement develop on earth. You start with a mining colony, because there are people working there you add amenities, which requires additional workers, people bring, or start, their own families, requiring more services related to raising children, more people, growth of potential consumer and worker base justifies branching of economy outside of mining, etc.

Seem like that would take significantly more effort than building a mega-station from scratch in space.


>It would naturally develop the same way settlement develop on earth.
except you can't breath, your bones turn to liquid because of lack of gravity, you probably can't reproduce properly because the fetuses can't develop on non-earth G, and the moonsand is constantly eating away the walls of your moonbase while fellow explorers who go outside in spacesuits spontaneously combust because spacesuit arcing – that is TOTALLY like vikings going to the arctic and becoming eskimos dude

These are all secondary issues, the primary is - is it economically viable?

>your bones turn to liquid because of lack of gravity

bones turn into bone hurting juice in low G

technically 1/6 of the gravity here

just replace bones with prosthetics made out of steel, problem solved

Maybe we can harness the power of BBC to terraform Mars‘ surface

>is it economically viable?
You sent the scum and prisoners of society to Australia and they made it an economically viable modern country. You send people to the moon they can't survive and can't reproduce and they die. I would call that economically unviable.

You can put a research station on the moon that could function for a few risky decades, but that's pretty much it and that too is being technologically optimistic.

We are nowhere near terraforming or long term habitable colonies.

why is this thread so active?
anyway, my two cents is that space is gay, there will be no permanent off-earth habitation and nobody is leaving the solar system

>why is this thread so active?
because people consoom sci-fi as a means of coping with the realities of life

>anyway, my two cents is that space is gay, there will be no permanent off-earth habitation and nobody is leaving the solar system

the most likely scenario, yes

how many years do you think the human race has left? your answer has to be in the double digits if you don't believe we'll send people to live on the moon/mars/etc

>and nobody is leaving the solar system
you're underestimating my will to be the next human laika

>permanent off-earth habitation

yes, you don't think that'll EVER happen? not even a thousand years from now? how many years do you think we have left?

>how many years do you think we have left?
like 200 years before earth literally starts melting from climate change if we're being optimistic.

>yes, you don't think that'll EVER happen? not even a thousand years from now?
The task at hand doesn't scale. Terraforming an entire planet would take thousands of years by itself even if we had the tech.

we need to instead of trying to terraform planets, we need to adapt to their conditions instead, such as not needing to breath oxygen(mars' atmosphere is CO2), we should all become robots if we ever want to leave earth. why restrict ourselves with biological limits?

200 years

we need to instead of trying to take the ring to Mordor we need to become wizards instead, such as not needing to walk anymore (Gandalf can call the gryphons any time), we should all become wizards if we ever want to leave The Shire. why restrict ourselves with hobbit limits?

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absolutely mindbroken

I have a feeling that OP never used a vacuum

Yes, a complex large enough to house 300 million people has a single ventilation system. Back to playing Kerbal bud

You started a thread but you don’t even know why moon dust is so toxic? Pro-tip, it has something to do with the lack of water and erosion.Gotta play more bing bing wahoo Space Engine Mr. Gigabrain.

>why can't it be something done in stages?
Thats how Terraforming would work, OP is too retarded to google basic stuff and instead triple replies to every post of yours.

>this is how it is in fiction
we don't have the tech, there's nothing to plan

You're the same mf that thinks he is intelligent when he says that space has no wind, stfu

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space doesn't just have winds, it has farts, honey

This is a quarantined thread.
OP is a well known thread spammer on /games/, /weapons/ and /leftypol/.
If you see a shitty W40k, Starship Troopers, Fallout or other sci-fi thread barely related to the board and about a topic nobody fucking cares about, then it is most likely OP.
Examples of threads by OP are:
<Why da Imperium of man is da epic
<Da starship troopers are le epic
<Da drunesss are like my sci fi broo


So its confirmed that you’re OP samefagging?

Autists like OP are pillars of imageboard community.

no lightspeed travel
no terraforming

numbers confirm! (chekem)

inspect element

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Would people pay to live in a moon bunker? No gravity, shit food, shitty internet connection, have to constantly exercise so that your bones and muscles don't go to shit, no sex, and prison like conditions with the same handful of people.

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Doomer bros… you won.

Turbulance testing sattelites be like

That Caron can **** herself

op be like
>bing bing wahoo
bruh megacringe, 10 years later and quentin still gigaowns /v/irgins

Moon dust: A hidden danger that will cause harm to colonization

The Moon is surrounded by an exosphere, an extremely thin layer of gas. That is, the atmosphere there is so thin that it is often neglected. But astronaut activities, resource extraction, and rocket launches can upset this equilibrium, raising large amounts of regolith above the surface. This can damage both missions and equipment.

Rosemary Killen, a planetologist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, emphasizes the danger of tiny dust particles. Moon dust, formed by collisions of space rocks and the impact of the solar wind, is a threat because of its finely dispersed structure. Dust can damage lungs, electronics and machinery, as well as obstruct visibility.

Additional sources of pollution, such as vapor emissions from spacecraft or life support system leaks, will also affect the environment. Even small amounts of water or gas can spread over significant distances, settle in shaded regions, and alter the chemical composition of ancient frozen ice deposits.

An important task for scientists is to analyze the pristine ice in the craters, where water may have been stored for centuries. However, water vapor created by human activities can mix with natural stocks, making data interpretation difficult.

The missions of the Artemis program, which NASA runs with commercial partners, involve the active use of large vehicles. Heavy landings by such vehicles can lift dust to high altitudes, creating short-lived “atmospheric” pockets of gas and particles. Space agencies plan to minimize these effects through careful selection of landing sites and optimization of flight paths.

However, even a few seconds of rocket engine operation can cast dust over significant distances, polluting remote regions. Moon dust can damage astronauts’ lungs, scratch spacesuit surfaces and clog mechanisms. It has properties similar to coal dust, which is detrimental to the health of miners.

There is also a risk of dust transfer into the living modules. Dirty spacesuits, tools and Mars rovers can bring it into airlocks and rooms, creating additional health and engineering hazards.

Missions to the Moon promise new discoveries, but also remind us of the importance of responsible exploration. Efforts by space agencies, scientists and private companies are aimed at minimizing the impact of human activity, preserving the moon’s fragile environment and ensuring the safety of researchers.

In the future, smart soft landing technologies, controlled resource extraction, and global cooperation will pave the way for exciting discoveries, preserving the Moon for generations to come.

so basically
>you are not allowed to mine for shit or just land or build or whatever, space dust is there for eternity and gon fuck you up

these news are 1 week old, btw

OP was right. we are stuck on earth for ever

I had no choice

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So when are we going to terraform the planets and moons in our solar system?

Immortality will be discovered exactly day after I die.

In Sumerian mythology the Gods of their pantheon were jealous of mortal human beings because they saw that limited existence endowed meaning to their lives as opposed to swamp that was immortality.

So good for you, I guess.

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