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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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Since US tech embargo on China is still in effect and US plans to squeeze Chinese tech companies by restricting their access to computer chips. China's reaction to this was to make one of their goals to have a home-grown alternative for Intel, AMD, TSMC and the like to decrease dependence on the US. So I was wondering what kind of progress have they been making lately and what are their prospects of ever having a viable alternative to Intel and AMD?

There is all this talk about SMIC, Loongson and Zhaoxin and that in early 2020 Zhaoxin allegedly published a chip comparable to 2017 level intel and AMD tech and they are planning to have parity with Intel in a few years. Then there are Some sources are saying that China is failing horribly at acquiring manufacturing tech for more advanced processors. And I really can't make any real sense out of it.

So when will I be able to buy a computer that uses a hardware that dunks on burger made tech and sends my personal data to Beijing instead of Washington, if ever?
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Does anyone have any good material to understand how this whole semiconductor industry operates? Not the physics but the business.


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>people who know very little about the subject.
like yourself? they have been shipping 7nm chips at least since 2021 but didn't publicize it so the west only found out in 2022
the bloomberg article here >>15971 quotes a techinsights report from 2022 where they basically say that they found 7nm chips in a chinese bitcoin miner they were analyzing. minerva (the company that designs and sells that SoC) had been selling this particular miner since mid 2021. smic process is scalable and viable

>build its own tools because the government will foot the bill is hardly a new idea, countries have tried

and succeeded, take the united states for example: the department of energy funded the EUV LLC, a consortium of three american companies that developed all the important parts for EUV lithography. the most important company of those three is cymer, a firm from texas that manufactures the EUV light sources necessary for the EUV process and that ASML was basically forced to buy

so although ASML is dutch in name, all the important R&D comes from the US, in part funded by venture capital, in part funded by the american state. and I'm sure that you would find even more state money if you were to dig into the "venture capital" part. this might surprise you, but is a common practice for the government to finance research and then give away the results to the private sector (but not the broad public) basically for free

>subsidies for me, not for thee


*from california


From your favorite soy faced tech tuber… a Chinese GPU.


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this is both an old article (2022) and a nothingburger.

this is the limit of the DUV technology, the fact that china managed to do this is impressive but without newer machines they cant get beyond 7nmn. Meanwhile TSMC, Intel, etc. will be getting into the angstrom era.


see this article from 2 weeks ago.
>Intel says it has completed development of its upcoming 20A and 18A chip production processes. The first chips built on the first of these new nodes—the 20A node—will be made in the first half of next year.

20 angstrom is 2nm. I.E. non chinese companies are already using EUV lithography to make 2 and 1.8 nm nodes.

>Previous reports have indicated that Loongson's 3A6000 processor will allegedly provide performance that is on par with AMD's Ryzen 5000 CPUs and Intel's 11th-Gen Core CPUs, which both debuted in 2020.
yes and later this year intel will be making chips that are far faster and smaller than what they did before.


are there any obvious advantages or use cases? beside like EMP resistance and audiophile applications?


huh so is intel finally going to stop making dogshit ovens?


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I think the point was China catching up despite the sanctions is impressive, not China producing the absolute cutting edge. Building a chip industry isn't easy, but China seems to be doing it. China has couple of things going for it. Manufacturing process and miniaturization matters less and less as Moore's law is dead and we are not getting 2x performance every few years so the race is less intense and catching up is easier in performance. The recent gains in performance originate from different part of the architecture, not so much from transistor counts anymore. I believe China will eventually jump the DUV to EUV gap. They will have the knowhow to accelerate from there with their own and poached Taiwan engineers once that speed bumb has been surpassed.


…theres sanctions on china?


Isnt there the blaringly obvious issue of support for these Chinese chip architectures? Would they actually be supported or will they be ignored?


They're faster than transistors


>poached Taiwan engineers once that speed bumb has been surpassed.
for the last time, the taiwan/TSMC engineers USE lithography equipment, producing chips using that equipment vs engineering the equipment to begin with are totally different fields!


>USE lithography equipment, producing chips using that equipment vs engineering the equipment to begin with are totally different fields!
how2 diy?


yeah it will be problem if they aim towards like towards consumer GPU's for PCs since they basically need to construct new APIs and have to get software devs to support them to compete. Won't be as big of a problem if they aim towards tailor made solutions, internal market or make like phone SoCs that they can more easily control and already have open source software.


bro shit is along the lines of proprietary tech made with cutting edge applied physics you don't just "DIY"


>you don't just "DIY"
This guy would like to have a word with you


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>this might surprise you, but is a common practice for the government to finance research and then give away the results to the private sector (but not the broad public) basically for free


You realize they're not reliable, easy to make, affordable or usable in good yields?

Its nice that we have people learning the ways, but it won't replace how many decades from this we are now.


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Chinese GPU Maker MetaX Emerges With Xisi N100, Gaming Card Coming Soon

>Over a dozen of new GPU developers emerged in China in recent years, and this month yet another GPU designer — MetaX — introduced its first product — the Xisi N100 — that is designed for artificial intelligence and video processing applications. What is perhaps more interesting is that the company vows to introduce its first gaming graphics processor by 2025.

>While it remains to be seen whether MetaX can produce a competitive gaming GPU, its Xisi N100 (MXN series) for inference and video processing looks quite promising. The single-slot low-profile card with the N100 chip and HBM2E memory onboard features compute performance of 160 INT8 TOPS and 80 FP16 TFLOPS. To put the numbers into context, Nvidia's entry-level A30 compute GPU features 330 INT8 TOPS and 165 FP16 TFLOPS (two times higher with sparsity). Assuming that MetaX's self-developed MXMACA software stack works fine and the compute GPU can indeed hit its peak performance, it looks rather capable.


would have to be some kind of special X-Ray microscope or regular electron microscope, both of which are likely to damage whatever they scan, and then still it'd only be practical to check small parts at a time, unless some kind of algorithmic solution is used.

oop, guess I'm too late
Open Source tastes best when forced anyways


forced? no, no, this is just a special libre update


holy BASED

when will we have home-bootstrappable low tech CPUs to cascade in like 5 cycles of re-etching upwards into formally verified FOSS CPUs? 50 years?


Teardown of Huawei's new phone shows China's chip breakthrough
>Sept 4 (Reuters) - Huawei Technologies and China's top chipmaker SMIC (0981.HK) have built an advanced 7-nanometer processor to power its latest smartphone, according to a teardown report by analysis firm TechInsights.
>Huawei's Mate 60 Pro is powered by a new Kirin 9000s chip that was made in China by Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp (SMIC), TechInsights said in the report shared with Reuters on Monday.
>Huawei started selling its Mate 60 Pro phone last week. The specifications provided advertised its ability to make satellite calls, but offered no information on the power of the chipset inside.
>The processor is the first to utilize SMIC's most advanced 7nm technology and suggests the Chinese government is making some headway in attempts to build a domestic chip ecosystem, the research firm said.
>The phone's launch sent Chinese social media users and state media into a frenzy, with some noting it coincided with a visit by U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.

>research firms told Reuters in July that they believed Huawei was planning a return to the 5G smartphone industry by the end of this year, using its own advances in semiconductor design tools along with chipmaking from SMIC.

>Dan Hutcheson, an analyst with TechInsights, told Reuters the development comes as a "slap in the face" to the U.S.



This, coupled with what seems to be Huawei's superior android app compiler than can increase performance by more than 30%, Huawei is in a great position.

Not sure how common this Ark compiler is and it doesn't necessarily work with google play store downloaded apps, unfortunately. Other than that, I might get a huawei as my next phone. I got the cheapest compatible pixel phone and installed grapheneOS. It's not too bad but I do wonder how effective it is.


FYI best that intel now has in raptor lake is around 7nm process in raptor lake. AMD has TSMC 5nm equivalent in 7000 series. Not that those nm counts are really accurate for real comparison.


I can't find this compiler. This is the only thing I have found, but it is described as an AOT compiler for JavaScript and TypeScript: https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/en/readme/ARK-Runtime-Subsystem.md



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This is one of the reasons why burgers hate Huawei and Chinese alternatives. The won't have ready made 5eyes compatible back door.




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there's a cool project under development that's basically a combination of a CPU and GPU (which is useful because mobile GPUs are proprietary as hell)


>cool project under development that's basically a combination of a CPU and GPU
Why not just say SOC? It literally is that.


it's different than that, normal SOCs have multiple devices side by side in the same package, this is literally a CPU that you can run GPU calculations on. it's implemented through the instruction set instead of device drivers and MMIO


RISC laptop* incoming for $300. The end of history is over anons.
*with decent specs, screen and connectivity


Arm is RISC, it's even in the name.


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How? As far as I can tell it's pretty standard design besides the FOSS (literal) autism.


it's really scary that this arcane tech is held exclusively by three corporations and also that most of the global production of this technology is concentrated in taiwan. isn't the fact of cpu designs that they're bootstrapped a million times? and that because of it no engineer knows why or how any cpu design works?


They buried the lede on this device. It has a RVA22 CPU with RVV (Vector) 1.0.

Finally, we're seeing devices with the important batch of extensions ratified December 2021.


This is sick, how can I ship this to the states?


Will it run Qubes OS?


But does it respect your freedom? These are basically chromebook specs with slightly worse battery life.


Lainchan is better than most chans but the users seem a little sus to me


Is there any significant advances in Chinese tech working to make a desktop OS to compete with Windows or Mac? Can't wait to run a fully anti 5 eyes device.


Why do you think it was posted, anon? Why would somebody post a laptop with those specs?


Chinese SoCs are notorious for not running mainline Linux and having weird proprietary drivers.


ARM and Risc-V architectures are both Risc, but ARM is not Risc-V nor are they compatible.


Framework also has RISC-V (dev) mainboard coming to their laptops. It's all Chinese I believe.


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