this is something we've always known was going to happen at some point. Now of course the Internet and big sites will still exist(YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter) but it will become like television was, a lot more sanitized. There won't really be any real speakers on those sites, just spectators, most rebel sites will be removed other than the enforced squeaky clean ones and I've made peace with that.
59 posts and 3 image replies omitted.>>23915These people will never ever die or go away, they dominate every era, it's halfway normalfaggotry mixed with not wanting to feel like the normalfag you truly are.
These people have claimed throughout history that vehicular transport is a fad, films are a fad, television is a fad, fucking electricity is a fad, computers are a fad, the internet is a fad, cellphones are a fad, smartphones are a fad, social media is a fad
These people are genuinely retarded enough that they think that when new technologies are invented they just sort of go away if other normalfags don't glomp to them immediately, and when normies do embrace the tech it's now a fad because normies embraced it.
The latest version of this is to say that AI and robotics are just a fad, the whole "le LLMs are just language crunchers that's all they can do BUCKO" is hard cope considering they've already been retooled to automate tasks and have already been integrated with robotics to create humanoid robots capable of following general commands and responding to inquiries including about their actions from natural speech questions and commands from a human in natural speech responses from the machine.
But yea, that's also just a fad because the robots aren't autonomous or self-conscious. And if they were it still wouldn't matter until the robots are shitting out other robots from robo-vaginas instead of being constructed. And if they were it still wouldn't matter until the robots have god-like capabilities. That's how these people are.
>>23914>>23917 (me)
>>23915Vidrel for the midwit pretending he isn't a normalfag
>>23920Sure, but we'll be a leap ahead. First they will censor the easy stuff, like on the big tech platforms. "Independent" clearnet domains next. At least I2P is an anonymized overlay network with strong encyption and commie file sharing built in.
From there it would be easier to then have a vantage point onto where the next logical step is (hypothetically obviously some sort of end-to-end / underground meshnet solution, or something of the sort).
>>23922Lmfao with the image.
Communication finds a way. You can't block people communicating certain things without also blocking out everything. Companies that are more flexible in their censorship will then flourish and kill the censored ones. Unless the west does a little fascism and just makes us all consumer-slaves of mega monopolies. Which I guess is already kind of the case.
>>24003Dongping Han & Mobo Gao
But now it works. I think DDG just momentarily range-banned tor, or a range of exit nodes. Now when I search it returns requests. Previously it "returned 0 results".
>>23856>There's already a couple different "internets" available for you to login to right now. Everyone just needs motivation to start using them moreYou motivate them by offering what the legacy Internet wants to sanitize. At the bare minimum that means flouting the law. I'm talking about small things like in the early days of youtube: I remember some jailbait teenager mooned the camera as a "fuck you" to some other youtuber, and the video actually stayed up. The point was no one gave a fuck. Or do what the pirate bay used to do and openly mock the cease & desist emails they got. We need to go back to that mentality.
But we really need to build organized criminal networks of individuals who talk directly to each other and can't get taken out by the seizure of a particular platform. They have to be "honest" criminals like a drug dealer is "honest": you pay him money, he gives you drugs. No scammers like hitmen-for-hire, they just drive people away.
>>24479Invidious isn't particularly threatened by this round but you should still donate.
>Is it over?It's Youtube. It never began.
>>23848it won't happen, at least not by force. that's an outmoded means of social control
you're already living after the internet in the era of the big, centralised tech company. 4chan is a rounding error (not to mention probably a honeypot) and /leftypol/ is even less important than that.
the only major things that're going to change over the coming years is that search will get worse and AI generated gibberish pages will push down the signal-noise ratio when you're looking for actual information.
the fear of the jackbooted facist coming to take your 4chan away is a fundamentally
outdated understanding of social control. no "rebel" sites pose an actual threat to the state and most "rebel" content is stuff the state is perfectly content with like people saying the n-word and pornography. even for stuff that the state doesn't like: piracy, cp, leaks, etc, the optimum level of those undesirable sites is not zero: if online piracy were impossible then offline piracy, which is harder to track, would explode. you want it to be inconvenient so people give up and buy the thing, but not so difficult they buy it out of the back of a truck on a microSD card. you want just enough CP that you can keep up a steady process of arresting those involved in creating, distributing, and posessing it. again: much easier when they're using an FBI server than when they're buying polaroids from a truck. even leaks: you want there to be a central place for leaks, even if every so often someone leaks your government's documents, because
people will also leak other government's documents. furthermore they can be used for disinfo - "this site is trustworthy, it leaked US-document-X, therefore it must not have an agenda when leaking Iranian-document-Y."
"free to consume in your personal life but impotent when it comes to changing social conditions" is the condition of the average person today. we no longer live in an age where a capitalist regime needs to ban Marx for fear people will believe in him - forget that: now you can securely
sell Marx to what is, more often than not, the mere Communist
fandom. >>23849>Nothing of value will be lost.wrong, everything of value will be lost and only the shit i.e.
>YouTube, Facebook, and Twitterwill remain
>>26633Yeah, I'm guilty of this. I keep waiting for some external factor to force my hand into abandoning what little normie websites I still use, instead of just…fucking doing it.
I could be worse, but I could also be better
>>26660Kinda comes down to what "normie spaces" means here.
Stuff like twitter, reddit or the zuckerverse it's safe to bail since there's already alternatives those that everyone's got a foot in but is being held back by network effect.
More complicated situations like Bluesky or Tumblr, where everyone there is obviously only there because they bailed from other sites but aren't ready for healthier stuff, I'd say it's good to keep a tab on those like once a week or so.
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