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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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<Exposure to AI output immediately damages your brain's cognitive abilities
>9/10th's or more of 4chan, reddit and twitter activity is GPT-J bots
>Most video platforms curate suggestions using AI
>Search engines place AI output at top of results
>several platforms implement AI summaries
>Language translation programs being replaced with AI
>Browsers and closed source operating systems integrating AI features into UX
>Schools using AI to mark unusual vocabulary as suspect of being AI generated, advantaging students with average or below literacy.

I know the AI bubble is crashing so this won't continue to be a problem in 5 years, but it is worrying that we don't know how long this brain damage lasts.

The more I get yelled that X is bad, the more i get irked about being told about it

It's overhyped but its utility is in partial automation of one of the most common jobs and most time consuming tasks in the developed world: office work. The utopian in me says slack and latitude for some industries.

What's her @?

TL;DW: If you train on a task with AI assistance, you will do worse on the task when you do it for yourself relative to people who trained by doing it themselves.

This is what you expect, right? Especially in the context of particular tasks. It's a wild extrapolation to take this result and make claims about cognition more broadly. In any case, OP sounds like something beat AI to the punch. Maybe brain worms.

this, it doesn't literally damage your brain. I mean there are plenty of thing modern people cant do that hunter gatherers would have considered common sense.

I recall a study from twenty years ago saying having spellcheck on while typing sentences instead of doing a separate round of checking after makes you worse at spelling.

AI slop is much less of a drain on creativity than hegemonic liberals like OP or the woman in the video. Or the AI companies themselves, for that matter. If you ever use the slop generator, you see how it short-circuits whenever you try to make it say liberal-progressive stuff because of all the "RLHF" they did, it becomes a slop bagger 288, you want to stone the people who made it to death.

Yes, the machine itself narrows the distribution of content, but it wasn't nearly as bad before ChatGPT took off and they started killing the models with "RLHF". The tiny amount of "RLHF" data is made to have a much bigger influence, thus making the distribution even narrower than before.

These same liberals took over the media and effectively extinguished thousands of cultures, and also wounded the ones that still exist. It's a monoculture where people talk about the same stuff like donald "the orange" trump, it exists at all corners of the globe. No one is safe, Chinese people are affected as well.

Liberals narrowed the distribution a hundred times more than anything AI could do. "AI" a cool math and computer science trick that takes up and releases information in a space of one hundred to twelve thousand domensions, nothing more and nothing less. A tiktoker with a "CALIFORNIA" tank top is much more of a cancer on human culture and cognition than the innocent safetensors file or the innocent graphics card that runs it.

You dropped your ((())), king.

>being concerned about something so prevelant possibly being a brain damaging cognitohazard is liberalism
At least AI can't do worse damage to people's brains than debate addiction has already.

Idk if it hurt my spelling necessarily, but my vocabulary improved considerably when I started disabling spell check where possible. Spell checks feel like they expect you to have the vocabulary of a 3rd grader.

explain why

this is obviously a fucking stupid thing to state and people who believe that shit were already taking shortcuts to actually thinking and shouldnt be worried about AI doing the thinking for them, so it's good news in a way

Ever since search went AI it has been useless, I cannot find anything relevant in search results.
Ever since bots took over 4chan, i find it tiresome to use. any discussion there becomes endless because a bot doesn't get tired while running in circles.
i have never felt like i received any relevant "help" or information from any of the AI "help bots" that businesses have started using.

what the fuck is it even good for? it's not even working to set social narratives well anymore since societal polarization is higher than ever meaning whatever social zeitgeist those who control AI tools want to set is not happening. opposition to AI stuff seems higher then ever.

it actually does. poor spelling is a lot more common now than when people actually used to write by hand.
>.b-but proper spelling is bourgeoisie classist racist sexist evil oppression
don't care, will happily take all that to reduce the poor grammar and spelling people use.

>I know the AI bubble is crashing
Are you our prophet?

>>b-but proper spelling is bourgeoisie classist racist sexist evil oppression
debate addict meds now

Yeah, and if you take a photograph of something, your memory of it decreases, even if you inspect and try to remember the scene for the same amount of time as a person who didn't take a photograph, in controlled trials.

It's the same thing. If you use a lighter for too long your skill at making fires from sticks gets worse.

The weirdest part is that the guidance version apparently hurts worse than the LLM straight up answering for you. That implies that it actively makes you stupider the more you interact with it (since answering for you means you are passively observing it).

twitter was always bad since 2013

>nervestruck pleb oppressed by spelling

>9/10th's or more of 4chan, reddit and twitter activity is GPT-J bots

What if the people who got the AI were already dumber before? How big were the groups? Is she trans?

No 4chan, reddit and twitter. Is filled with disinformation, glowies and cuckolds. 4chan /pol/ is filled with JIDF glowies, Western glowies and whatnot.

The video says the experiment had 1100 people.

Unique IPs: 21

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