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/tech/ - Technology

"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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This Thread Has Been Re-appropriated for leftypol.org Usage.

General thread meant for the discussion of the mobile app for browsing leftypol.org, known as clover.

Releases can be found here:

>>511would be easier and better to make the site mobile-responsive


>>512it is?

>>514Legit, most people use phones these days. It would be autistic not to create a mobile API.Stop living in the past and embrace the future.What do you think being a communist is about?

>>523t. zoomer

>>523this, especially most poor people/third worlders access internet via smartphones. plus how else am i supposed to easily browse on the toilet at work

>>523t. Lumpenphonetariat

>>511Dashchan may also be a viable option. I'm not sure whether or not lynx has been implemented in an addon on that platform or not but it's still my preferred imageboard app on android at the moment despite the fact that its been abandoned.

Just a thought, what if we blocked mobile user-agents instead?

>>624This sounds amazing.

I want phonefags off of my information superhighway.

>>511Thanks to https://www.16chan.xyz/ owner, you can with the Dashchan apphttps://github.com/maksrago/Dashchan-Extensions-ACF

>>698Thanks man, it works

>>554This.t. sitting on the toilet at work

We in there boys.Where can we select flags at?

>>626>>514Not supporting phone access is classist af and dooms us to failtake your master pc race fascism to reddit or 4chinsposting from a pc btw

It browses fine on my phone. I use firefox, though.

>>754I agree with smartphone support but pc master race being classist and fascist is a Twitter-tier take.

Could anyone help me? I'm using Dashchan with the extension, but I'm having some issue. It doesn't show /hobby/, and some links are showing up twice in posts.

Oh I guess the first problem is because the bunkerchan extension was made before /hobby/ existed

oh but you can get to /hobby/ anyway using the link in /e/ lol

5000 IQ powermove

just phoneposter things

How do I get Dashchan?

Phoneposting is annoying but why would you be against making the site more easily accessible? Socialism is for everyone.

Actually, we need to ban phoneposters on sight.



Coding is praxis, right? Having finals now, in 1-2 weeks I will put more time into it. PRs welcome!


Brainlet here, how do i download this


It doesn't work yet. You can only view the catalog, but the code for viewing threads doesn't need much more work.


Thread viewing has been implemented. There is still much to code, but it should be fine for lurking.

Release: https://github.com/PietroCarrara/Clover/releases/download/v0.0.0/Clover.apk

Inhave an iphone and it wont let me upload pics? Is this normal or is there a fix for it. Just gives me a something went wrong error or the file doesnt go through.


Posting is not implemented

kuroba was a fork of clover
kuroba-ex is a fork of kuroba


by lines of code kuroba-ex is the smalles and also is mostly rewritten in kotlin, so there is that

Kuroba-ex is the app that you want

File: 1608526321292.png (493.62 KB, 820x1766, 1.png)


Does this support bunkerchan? Cause i can't find it on the app.

no, thats the poin, lets add support to it in kuroba-ex

I'd contribute, but I need to learn Kotlin and the Android SDK first.

==this is more true than ever for leftpol.org== we aren't getting official phone support for a while, please help if you can

Death to phoneposters.

clover seems to support lainchan(any vichan based IB at that). Could it be as simple as changing boardname and url from this file https://github.com/chandevel/Clover/blob/0e32fb74d5ea4fbfe3248e559e64037bdf9acf17/Clover/app/src/main/java/org/floens/chan/core/site/sites/lainchan/Lainchan.java and register it here https://github.com/chandevel/Clover/blob/0e32fb74d5ea4fbfe3248e559e64037bdf9acf17/Clover/app/src/main/java/org/floens/chan/core/site/SiteRegistry.java ?

I will attempt to study clover's codebase bit more. Last time I touched android studio was like half decade ago but it might be trivial.

bunkerchan? i think you mean leftypol.org

I've develop initial support for leftypol.org:

Even though it is named clover, the leftypol branch actually uses kuroba.

It is currently working, so if you people could use it and provide feedback, we could submit a PR if it feels stable

This is great BTW

One problem I've run into is not being able to link individual posts. When I use the option to copy or share the post URL it only gives the thread and not the post inside it

Like I clicked copy post link on that last post and only got a link to the thread

What? we are on this site for less then a week, and now we already got a decent mobile version?!?!?!
fucking based as hell

this is an android app and im on cuckphone :/

phonefags btfo

File: 1608971875453.mp4 (177.53 KB, 640x360, It_s Gonna Be Great.mp4)

Very nice. Videos don't seem to work however.

Ha it uploads them but can't view

Fixed: https://github.com/PietroCarrara/Clover/releases/latest

Will fix, but its better to use Copy > Cross-board link

Fixed in newest release

thanks. and i was trying to link it outside the board so thats why. can you add in /meta/ and remove /gulag/ as well?

Oh I see you did that already nvm

File: 1609164858057.png (4.04 KB, 437x62, based-build-time.png)

Preview of said release

Is it possible for PDFs and epubs to download?

many thanks to the mobile dev, who's been keeping pace with the tech team and making this place much better!burkina_fasoBurkina Faso

Available in newest release


I'll be working on flags next, and then maybe multiple file uploadsgentooGentoo

Y'all gonna make me cum. I wish you guys the best.

Flagposters rejoice

By expanding the post popup, you can type the flag you want to post with in the new release.

Kuroba doesn't support showing a list to select the flag, so that might be something to implement in the futuregentooGentoo

Nice job bro

Ban messages don't seem to show up >>>/b/8114

Don't know if its by design that there is no indication a poster saged

I hereby declare our anon mobile dev based for eternity and elect him for the hero of the USSC medalak-47AK-47

File: 1609521480315.mp4 (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 256x256, polpot62c4b1306d830358ab69….mp4)

spoilered videos show up as 404 for me
can anyone confirm?

Can confirm

As if there is an app already. I'm trying out posting from it

Is this a real NK poster or just a montage someone on the internet made?

It is. It reads 'Entire American soil is within our (missile) strike range'


I know I’m retarded, but will a leftypol accessible via iPhone ever be possible?


Working on it

This is the way Kuroba does it, don't know if it is by design or not

If there are IOS devs here, I'd be willing to help out, but I don't own any Apple hardwaregentooGentoo


We're working on improving normal phoneposting.

Is it possible to add overboard?

Its right there in the top bar. Enjoy.

-_- to the app

It should be easy. It acts like a normal board. I may be missing details though.

It requires changes both to the app and to the site, but it's coming soon (https://github.com/towards-a-new-leftypol/leftypol_lainchan/pull/135)gentooGentoo

pietro, if you use matrix, you can always hit me up.
I commented on the PR.

merged and live

/overboard/ added!

Also, txt thumbnails and the unique IP count

The unique IP count can be found at the bottom of a thread (xxP)gentooGentoo

Truly incredible work. This app alone makes this place much more comfy than bunker ever was

Minor release
Add more text formatting


we're getting raided. the phone app is apparently not working due to the anti-ddos captcha.

Same :(

We back nao

Embeded Content and Post Reporting

You can also watch the progress on fixing the app during raids: https://github.com/PietroCarrara/Clover/issues/1gentooGentoo

When will the fork be merged into the main Kuroba repo?

Spammers BEGONE
The app can now be used even during siege mode. Just click retry to load the spammer-check page.
There are still improvements to be made, but it is already usable.

I'm waiting for the site to become more "stable" (meaning big features stop being regularly added) to get a pull request going.gentooGentoo


You guys genuinely make me excited for trusting you for the future of leftypol.

Small enhancements to the ddos challenge screen, add zip thumbnails

Anyone else almost never able to get linking working? If someone links a thread on here, it'll open the app but say that it wasn't possible to navigate to the thread

"Kuroba-dev cannot open this link, it will open in your browser instead" just a regular link to /leftypol/

Well i narrowed it down, it doesn't work for links that link to a post like 123.html#09876
But if its a link only to the thread it works



Minor fixes in new release, including >>6781


I've been getting stuck loading certain threads like usapol with the new clover update.

Thought it was just me. Been getting this too. Restarting fixes it but it is an annoyance

Will investigate tomorrowgentooGentoo

It is caused by new changes in Kuroba itself
I've reverted them, for now

It may be related to the thread watcher, since when deactivated the app doesn't halt
If I have time by the weekend, I'll try to pinpoint the errorgentooGentoo

I believe its only happening when opening cyclical threads

The commits that introduce the issue are trying to enhance shift-formatting, where if a post is too long, the text is displayed below the thumblnail.

If we are to merge with Kuroba someday, this must be fixed, so I'll be working on it for the next week or twogentooGentoo

Don't know if its related, but another new bug that I only started seeing around the same time as the crashing is OP images being wrong. If you have two threads, thread B will have the same image as thread A in the catalog view. Fixes itself if you open the error thread. Quite frequent too

I think that it's fixed now
Still haven't worked on the halting

Please do report if you find any bugs


How do I add the new /music/ board?

File: 1617418289045.jpg (34.07 KB, 600x583, me-irl.jpg)

It has to be done via code for now, I'll update the app tomorrow morning

I haven't been able to code lately due to being absolutely steamrolled by university. As soon as the semester ends, I'll try and finish this project so we can merge into the official appgentooGentoo

Ty anon.

I know it's probably hard to do but is there a way to add the new embedding youtube link stuff on here or is it impossible due to the constraints of Kuroba?

Thank you very much my man

Thank you. I read through the thread and apparently you've fixed spoiler videos appearing as 404. I'm using the latest release and these images and videos marked as spoiler still appear 404 and fail to load. Only work around is to go to an image that is working and slide to the spoiler image to view it. Maybe it's just me though.

Thanks for the update. PDF is still really annoying. Is there any way it could fail better?

File: 1617739050280.jpg (220.95 KB, 1080x2340, version-check.jpg)

What we do currently is: we ignore the thumbnail image, but append the youtube link to the end of the post (Kuroba would only let us display the thumbnail if the link was to an actual video instead of a youtube page)

It works on my machine™. Are you sure you're running the latest release? Can you link a post containing a spoiler that causes the app to 404? Maybe it is specific to a video/image

The current method of just alerting the user that the pdf can't be displayed is the least ugly we can get without implementing an actual pdf reader inside KurobagentooGentoo

By the way, maybe I should've warned about this earlier, but you shouldn't click on the 'check for updates' thing. It will look for stable releases, not the ones being developed here.gentooGentoo

So this is an example of the 404 issue, happens with all spoiler files in any thread. >>>/b/26153/ or >>>/b/9492 have a lot of spoiler images to try it on. Don't know if that's how you link to other boards here. Anyways the problem only happens when I have "remove image spoilers" on. Works fine with it off or with "reveal image spoilers" on.

Hmm, I see. This is because leftypol does not generate thumbnails for spoiled files, but the app tries to display them anyways. We will have to either ignore this option in the app, or code the server to generate thumbs still.

The second option seems like the better solution, but is harder to do. For now, we'll have to live with spoilered files.gentooGentoo

/r/ing proxy support and <-text to Orange on tomorrow themes

How do I spoiler files?
And any updates on multiple file upload?

Don't we already have proxies under Settings > Behaviour > HTTP Proxy?
On alternate the quote style, I might modify the themes once we have merged the basic changes

Weird, I also don't know how to spoiler images
And multiple file upload has 0 progress so far

The semester will be ending in abt 1.5 months, so hang tight comrades


If there are new boards can you simply add them or is there something else you need to do?

After reporting posts. The application has to be restarted. It makes all of the leftypol.org boards and threads 404 error otherwise.


For now, I have to add them through code

Noted. Will fix when possiblegentooGentoo

We now have a simple custom captcha feature for spam attacks (it's based on the 'securimage' pull request in lainchan). Is there a way that it can be tested in the app before we need to turn it on?

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It fades when you tap the picture

It happened because of something else

It became a liberal

since when does leftypol have an app?

t, web-browser user

Before 2021

There's a bug, if you get a new message and then wipe down so you can see it, it still shows it as new message, but only in the thread, not in the bookmarks

Now it just happened itt with this post >>8474

Everytime mods recreate a thread, it's id changes, so the tracker gets lost

I don't know if this is a leftypol-specific bug or a kuroba buggentooGentoo

Yeah, I think its a kuroba bug.

File: 1622953218566.jpg (90.54 KB, 1080x1427, captcha.jpg)

That's it comrades; the semester is over! I now have some free time to develop the leftypol app.

The newest release has support for the new captcha system that will be available on the site when mods enable it.

Go get it so you can shitpost even under a /pol/ siege!


Good job

nice. have you added the ability to report ?
also mb add smth for the search page and post markdown formatting

Based Pietro

Posted from my ultra custom kuroba app

Lmao if you enable emoji posting
The first post you send shows a :tired_face: instead of a check mark after successful post

Nice Easter egg



:money_mouth: test

Id like to request an option to save good effortposts with a button.

Welcome back.

Is this a kuroba problem? 80% of the time I post it just says "error posting" and the post isn't marked as mine but it still appears and everyone can see it

Same here, but make that 100%.

Have the same issue. I reinstalled the APK with the new version posted above and it solved the problem for about a day. Strated happening again now and it really sucks not being able to delete posts.

Wtf, I do not have this problem. Maybe I fucked up the release apk file?

There is a new release up, fixing >>8323. Can you download it and check if posting works?gentooGentoo

Wtf, I do not have this problem. Maybe I fucked up the release apk file?

There is a new release up, fixing >>8323. Can you download it and check if posting works?gentooGentoo

Spoke too soon…gentooGentoo

Ignore the repeated posts, I was running a outdated app versiongentooGentoo


Just tested I'm still getting the same problem on the latest version.
Also I just noticed that it doesn't let you delete posts with giving a "wrong password" error.

Strange, I have no idea what could be causing thisgentooGentoo

File: 1623621972801.jpg (110.65 KB, 1080x2340, preview.jpg)

Preview of what's to come…gentooGentoo



File: 1623683631080.jpg (193.08 KB, 1080x2186, flag-picker.jpg)

We have now developed the first brand-new Kuroba feature, exclusive to leftypol at the moment:
The Flag Picker!

Happy shitposting: https://github.com/PietroCarrara/Clover/releases/latestgentooGentoo


File: 1623692161894.jpg (59.61 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg)

>>9187phrygian_capPhrygian Cap

how does saging work in the app?

sage in the "options" field I thinkcheChe

The flag feature is great. I'll reply to this post if the error message when submitting posts still occurs.

Yes it does unfortunately :(

I'm gonna Cooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Thank you for all your efforts.pan-africanismPan-Africanism

this is nice but i wish the app would remember flags between posts like ot does to names

When the post fails, what does the red text say exactly? Is it "error posting" or "error posting: timeout" (Or maybe something different)?

I've been able to have a "error posting: timeout" and get some logs. I'll try to fix it. Just wanna know if this error is the same as yours.gentooGentoo

Not the original poster but its error posting for me.

And again

After you have one of these, if you could go to Settings > Developer Settings (at the bottom) > View Logs and copy/paste here, it would help.gentooGentoo

D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=false foreground=false
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: Setting interval type from FOREGROUND to NONE
D/Kuroba-dev | WakeManager: Unregistered class com.github.adamantcheese.chan.core.manager.WatchManager
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=180 postnew=180 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=false foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: Setting interval type from NONE to FOREGROUND
D/Kuroba-dev | WakeManager: Background update broadcast ignored because it was requested too soon
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=180 postnew=180 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=false foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | ReplyLayout: Switching to page LOADING
D/Kuroba-dev | ReplyPresenter: Background!
D/Kuroba-dev | ReplyPresenter: Background: false
D/Kuroba-dev | ReplyPresenter: Main: false
E/Kuroba-dev | ReplyPresenter: onPostComplete error
D/Kuroba-dev | ReplyLayout: Switching to page INPUT
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: update() from foreground
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=0 postnew=0 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=44 postnew=44 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=25 postnew=25 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=9 postnew=9 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=27 postnew=27 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=54 postnew=54 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=35 postnew=35 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=503 postnew=503 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=76 postnew=76 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=42 postnew=42 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=523 postnew=523 werenewposts=false quotelast=3 quotenew=3 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=321 postnew=321 werenewposts=false quotelast=8 quotenew=8 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=610 postnew=610 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=507 postnew=507 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=299 postnew=299 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=383 postnew=383 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=241 postnew=241 werenewposts=false quotelast=5 quotenew=5 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=268 postnew=268 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=121 postnew=121 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=240 postnew=240 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=329 postnew=329 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=130 postnew=130 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=5 postnew=5 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=6 postnew=6 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=538 postnew=538 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=406 postnew=406 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=588 postnew=588 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=16 postnew=16 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=74 postnew=74 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=194 postnew=194 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=219 postnew=219 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=262 postnew=262 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=108 postnew=108 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=180 postnew=181 werenewposts=true quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=10s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=false foreground=false
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: Setting interval type from FOREGROUND to NONE
D/Kuroba-dev | WakeManager: Unregistered class com.github.adamantcheese.chan.core.manager.WatchManager
D/Kuroba-dev | WakeManager: Background update broadcast ignored because it was requested too soon
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=180 postnew=182 werenewposts=true quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=10s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=false foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: Setting interval type from NONE to FOREGROUND
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=182 postnew=182 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=false foreground=true

I don't see any errors here. Did you copy it all (using the button at the top right)? Try posting on a test thread to get a error and try againgentooGentoo

Oh shit, I do see an error, it just has very little infogentooGentoo

Yeah, that's what I did.

File: 1623847643730.mp4 (9.12 MB, 1080x2340, screen-20210616-134525.mp4)

OP here. I recorded the error if that helps. Let me know if you need anything else.

Can you test posting with this version? If this works, I'll polish it and make a new release


Sorry I'm retarded, how do I get the APK file from the .zip do I just extract it?

There shouldn't be any zip files to download

Once you click "Download" over at the link, you'll download a .apk file; next, you should open the .apk file and it'll ask you to install a new version of Kuroba. It's the same process when I make a new github release.gentooGentoo

My phone's downloading it as a zip file for some reason

If you rename it to .apk it'll work

alright I'm on the new version and it seems to work. Although when I reinstalled it last time it worked at first, but then the error began happening again after a day or so.

I'll put a post here if it starts happening again. Thanks for your efforts btw :)

Is there a way to upload multiple images on the app?

For now, no. I plan on implementing it, but it is a major changegentooGentoo

Started getting the error again, here's the log:
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: update() from background
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: 7 pin watchers beginning updates, started at 18 Jun 2021 12:46:51
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=69 postnew=70 werenewposts=true quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=66 postnew=66 werenewposts=false quotelast=3 quotenew=3 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=193 postnew=193 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=183 postnew=183 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=595 postnew=595 werenewposts=false quotelast=2 quotenew=2 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=513 postnew=513 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=619 postnew=619 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: All watchers updated, finished at 18 Jun 2021 12:46:55
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | WakeManager: Unregistered class com.github.adamantcheese.chan.core.manager.WatchManager
I/Kuroba-dev | WakeManager: Stopped background alarm
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: Setting interval type from BACKGROUND to FOREGROUND
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=70 postnew=70 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: update() from foreground
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=66 postnew=66 werenewposts=false quotelast=3 quotenew=3 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=193 postnew=193 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=183 postnew=183 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=513 postnew=513 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=619 postnew=619 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=595 postnew=595 werenewposts=false quotelast=2 quotenew=2 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: update() from foreground
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=70 postnew=70 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: update() from foreground
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=183 postnew=183 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=66 postnew=66 werenewposts=false quotelast=3 quotenew=3 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=193 postnew=193 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=513 postnew=513 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=595 postnew=595 werenewposts=false quotelast=2 quotenew=2 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=619 postnew=619 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=false
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: Setting interval type from FOREGROUND to BACKGROUND
D/Kuroba-dev | WakeManager: Registered class com.github.adamantcheese.chan.core.manager.WatchManager
I/Kuroba-dev | WakeManager: Started background alarm with an interval of 2 minutes
D/Kuroba-dev | WakeUpdateReceiver: Alarm trigger at 18 Jun 2021 12:47:51
D/Kuroba-dev | WakeManager: Background update broadcast ignored because it was requested too soon
D/Kuroba-dev | WakeUpdateReceiver: Alarm trigger at 18 Jun 2021 12:47:53
D/Kuroba-dev | WakeManager: Background update broadcast ignored because it was requested too soon
D/Kuroba-dev | WakeManager: Background update broadcast ignored because it was requested too soon
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | WakeManager: Unregistered class com.github.adamantcheese.chan.core.manager.WatchManager
I/Kuroba-dev | WakeManager: Stopped background alarm
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: Setting interval type from BACKGROUND to FOREGROUND
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: update() from foreground
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=193 postnew=193 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=70 postnew=70 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=66 postnew=66 werenewposts=false quotelast=3 quotenew=3 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=183 postnew=183 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=619 postnew=619 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=595 postnew=595 werenewposts=false quotelast=2 quotenew=2 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=513 postnew=513 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: update() from foreground
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: update() from foreground
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=66 postnew=66 werenewposts=false quotelast=3 quotenew=3 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=183 postnew=183 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=193 postnew=193 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=70 postnew=70 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=595 postnew=595 werenewposts=false quotelast=2 quotenew=2 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=513 postnew=513 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=619 postnew=619 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: update() from foreground
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: update() from foreground
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=70 postnew=71 werenewposts=true quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=9s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=193 postnew=193 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=66 postnew=66 werenewposts=false quotelast=3 quotenew=3 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=183 postnew=183 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=513 postnew=513 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=595 postnew=595 werenewposts=false quotelast=2 quotenew=2 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=619 postnew=619 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: update() from foreground
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=70 postnew=71 werenewposts=true quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | ReplyLayout: Switching to page LOADING
D/Kuroba-dev | ReplyPresenter: Background!
D/Kuroba-dev | ReplyPresenter: Background: false
D/Kuroba-dev | ReplyPresenter: Main: false
E/Kuroba-dev | ReplyPresenter: onPostComplete error
D/Kuroba-dev | ReplyLayout: Switching to page INPUT
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: update() from foreground
E/Kuroba-dev | ChanThreadLoader: Loading error
E/Kuroba-dev | ChanThreadLoader: com.github.adamantcheese.chan.core.site.loader.ChanThreadLoader$ChanLoaderException
E/Kuroba-dev | ChanThreadLoader: at com.github.adamantcheese.chan.core.site.loader.ChanThreadLoader$1.onFailure(ChanThreadLoader.java:253)
E/Kuroba-dev | ChanThreadLoader: at com.github.adamantcheese.chan.core.net.NetUtils$2.onResponse(NetUtils.java:332)
E/Kuroba-dev | ChanThreadLoader: at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealCall$AsyncCall.run(RealCall.kt:519)
E/Kuroba-dev | ChanThreadLoader: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
E/Kuroba-dev | ChanThreadLoader: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
E/Kuroba-dev | ChanThreadLoader: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:923)
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: onChanLoaderError()
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=66 postnew=66 werenewposts=false quotelast=3 quotenew=3 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=193 postnew=193 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=183 postnew=183 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=513 postnew=513 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=619 postnew=619 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: update() from foreground
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=70 postnew=71 werenewposts=true quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=15s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=595 postnew=595 werenewposts=false quotelast=2 quotenew=2 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=193 postnew=193 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=-3s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=193 postnew=193 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: update() from foreground
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=66 postnew=66 werenewposts=false quotelast=3 quotenew=3 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=183 postnew=183 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=513 postnew=513 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=619 postnew=619 werenewposts=false quotelast=0 quotenew=0 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=true
D/Kuroba-dev | PinWatcher: postlast=193 postnew=193 werenewposts=false quotelast=1 quotenew=1 werenewquotes=false nextload=14s
D/Kuroba-dev | WatchManager: updateState watchEnabled=true backgroundEnabled=true foreground=true

Update on this issue. It seems to only occur on leftypol. I can post on 4chan no problem.

I'll try looking into it tomorrow, but I'm all out of ideas

Will you add them?

Working on dynamic boards so we don't have to re-release everytime a change is made.

Coming soon™gentooGentoo


Don't know why but very recently many images have started to appear as 404 only on the app. OPs and replies. Is this only me?

We've made a few changes to the site, including serving thumbnails as WebP images, without realizing it broke the app. >>>/leftypol/354722

the most cursed of file types

btw if you use it for data compression
why don't you guys also allow to post using webP images for poster

wouldn't that just save you space and bandwidth?

I can literally see 0 pics

What's the ETA on a fix for this issue?

webp sucks as format to save pictures in for various reasons, but good for web pictures that "shouldn't" or will probably won't be saved, like thumbnails.
The absolute based beast is aware and is working on it.




The crisis is over.

I thank all of the respected techie comrades that were quick to report, assist and deploy the changes needed to fix this issue.

Now, rejoice: https://github.com/PietroCarrara/Clover/releases/latestgentooGentoo

File: 1625445460147.jpg (32.56 KB, 600x449, 1625445450930.jpg)

muchas gracias comrade

>why don't you guys also allow to post using webP images for poster
Mainly because they aren't supported by most file managers and lots of editing programs. It would save us data (if people actually used them) but it would be a long-term inconvenience to lots of users.

Thank you based mobile dev.

Based update.

how do I know this apk is safe?

non meme answers please

It's open source, you can read the code yourself.

Unless you read the entirety of the code and compile it, you can't

But since Android requires the code to ask permission to do anything (e.g. "Do you allow Kuroba to save files, mr. user?"), the app won't do anything if you don't let it.gentooGentoo

You have to go to Settings > Thread Watcher > EnablegentooGentoo

Are you going to be able to implement the new 4chan captcha? Can't post on there with the old one.

No images work

download the latest version

If it is implemented in upstream Kuroba, I may try to pull it

Any chance we could get Orbot working with Kuroba?
F-Droid has an Orbot switch

Mobile app has stopped working when cloudfare is on

how are you here anon
why did the cloud not flare you up too

For me it's working. You get the challenge then go back to the app and reload.

Not on this fork. You can try opening up a feature request at https://github.com/Adamantcheese/KurobagentooGentoo

Will you add /assembly/?

Welp, time to replace all instances of "leftypol.org" with "leftychan.net".


what's leftypol.org? never heard of it

We have dynamic boards, you can already access it.

Luckly, it's just one constant. But while .org works, I don't want to change it. If there's another split, I'm deleting the repo.

Maybe I'll implement themgentooGentoo

>If there's another split, I'm deleting the repo.
Can't someone else just do the small edit themselves and reup? Highly doubt the hostage taking of the .org domain is going to end anytime soon.

Since the domain changed to leftychan.net I can't post at all on the app :(. I just get "Error posting: you didn't make a post" mind you I was one of the guys getting this bug >>9304

I'll pass the repo to the tech team, but if we split I'll stop coding.

Okay, I'm changing it then. Do you still get many errors (excluding the ones from the domain name change)?gentooGentoo

>Okay, I'm changing it then. Do you still get many errors (excluding the ones from the domain name change)?
Ty based app dev anon. The errors when posting never stopped with me, but I didn't really care since it posted the message anyway the only inconvenience was that you couldn't delete.

Split release, if you go to Settings > Sites > Add you can add leftychan and use both sites to just grill.

I haven't released much stuff recently, and I don't plan on doing so until the split is healed. Good grilling.


Based and anti-splitpilled


app is kill but .net still works


leftypol on the app is no longer kill, it seems to have fixed itself. I think it was some shit with cloudflare. However now 4chan isn't working. I'll try reinstalling the app later.

4chinz won't work because of the new captcha and flags. No need to try

I like to lurk 4chan also. Can you guys fix it do the fork world with the new captcha system?


The creator of this app died

Wish I could use kurobaEX with leftypol also…

Is anyone still using this app?
Some time soon I want to upgrade the site and I strongly suspect it will break some significant compatibility unless I go to extra effort, and I don't think I have the time and skills to maintain a separate mobile Clover/Kuroba app.
It would probably be better to just ensure the mobile web experience is alright, but it will never be the same experience as a made-for-mobile app.

I do not but since you mentioned updating the site, I don't suppose we could get a thread watcher feature?
Although I admit with the amount of people using privacy enhancers it may be pointless.

What do you want that these two buttons don't achieve?
There's also another watcher JS add-on we can add, I just need to fix the theming do it doesn't look weird on the default.

clover wouldnt let me put leftypol on it

sorry, i meant kuroba. though clover wouldn't work either.

Checking in, I use the app daily.

Alright I might have to try and get in touch with Pietro and see if they are willing to do a quick patch to make sure the new version is supported.
The basic stuff should be the same or easy to adapt to since it's a vichan base. Too bad the apps hardcode boards instead of letting you pick the hundreds of vichan-based boards.

Have there been any issues that just happened in the past month?
Turns out the bit I was concerned would take effort to handle (status.php) is just plain broken on the current site anyway.

Things that might be affected are
- the board list
- overboards
- /dead/
- user flags
- captcha (when occasionally enabled)

I use it, although good monile browser usage is fine for me

Whatever changes were made to the site have broken at least some functionality of the app. I can't select boards from /leftypol/, so my catalog is empty. /leftychan/ still works, though.
The site is mostly fine on mobile, it's just replies that are a little annoying.

I've made a change, is this now fixed?

It is fixed, thank you very much!

I use it daily.

You're welcome. Thank you for raising the issue, I kind of brushed it off subconsciously as I didn't realize the effect it had.

I still use it.

Hi comrades, someone who knows Kotlin or Java can contribute to add support also on Kuroba-ex Github?

Is this updated for the last version of kuroba?

Nothing burger comrade

On a side note, I honestly hate using the clover fork because sometimes it crashes when opening other threads and it's really annoying. I wish I could just use Kuroba-Ex instead of using more space (On my phone) than needed.

All media seems to be broken now with vids unable to play and deep zooming on images failing on my end. You can still download some images but video is a complete bust. Haven't tried opening a pdf yet. Maybe it's something to do with there now being two periods before file extensions now?

Yeah we need a full update.

completely broken on kuroba now with it verifying the browser then just opening it outside the app instead of how it's behaved in the past: where it would verify then open the app back up

guess the app is fucked, oh well

We on a sinking ship now boy, stand proud

videos work on the roulette board for some reason

Can confirm works for me as well, too bad nothing else does

I saw a dream last night where the app worked, just letting ya'll know this prophecy

I've been looking into what's needed for both leftychan and leftypol sites to be converted into the latest kurobas. It looks like it just needs to be imported more than anything with the correct type of chan engine.

I'm not a coder but I'm not too dumb in understanding what might be required for conversion. I've found the original source code and two potential forks we can use.

I'll make an update on this next weekend.

If you know how to do java, please let me know. We might can get this fixed way easier and probably even leave directions when shit hits the fan again.

Life is whipping my ass. Gotta put this on hold now too.

God speed code anon

any updates?

dev said he's not adding it because he doesn't use it

necrobump btw

Looks like the app is now entirely broken. All threads and boards 403, and the board selection now looks like pic rel. Tried reinstalling but now I can't even re-add the boards.
Guessing this is related to Cloudflare? Dunno if our devs changed something or if this will go away on its own. I'm probably one of the only people still using the app, but it's a shame given that it still mostly worked.

Uhhh nevermind, seems to have been an issue with Cloudflare not liking my mobile data. The app is still mostly functional, only really videos that don't work.

Dead app. No work.

I'd suggest KurobaEX to see if it works/can be added - its the most feature heavy and still updated fork of Clover/Kuroba and it has a maintainer that hasn't vanished off the face of the earth. Its one of the few open source imageboard clients for mobile that continues to work well in many cases.

There's two major apps that we could use moving forward.
Blue Clover: https://nnuudev.github.io/BlueClover/
Kuroba-Ex: https://github.com/K1rakishou/Kuroba-Experimental

We were very close with Kuroba-Ex but the developer is a bit of a dick and asshole. Thus why I moved to Blue Clover.

Sauce: https://github.com/K1rakishou/Kuroba-Experimental/issues/780

Let me know if anyone wants to see what they can do.

I'm considering putting up a money bounty next year.

Are the apps distributed via binaries? Maybe I could take a shot at it if there's any real interest….

>Opened up a case asking for leftypol to be added to Clover on Github
>Think nothing of it
>It was added
D-did I do this?


Which fork

b8? i see nothing


File: 1707522957655.png (130.01 KB, 374x731, 1707522930134.png)

It's out

Do video embeds not work?



We're so back

That ancient kuroba-dev fork gave me cancer
How do I use flags though?

You can't, it's not implemented

I am thrilled to report I can now phonepost to my heart's content.

Videos aren't working. 403 errors. Bumner

Anyone else having issues with Cloudflare on KurobaEx still? Raised an issue with the dev and I can at least browse on the beta branch, can't post though.

Never had a cloudflare challenge on leftypol

Unique IPs: 53

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