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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature" - Karl Marx
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We're on a new board, so why not a new desktop thread? Let's keep this board active. Hopefully a fresh thread will draw some activity.

You know the drill: post your desktops, talk rice, etc etc.gentooGentoo
210 posts and 79 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Their software is light on storage, memory and processing power. It generally has a clean, portable and trivial to compile codebase, with dwm in particular spawning many patches.
Floating/stacking wms mirror a physical "desktop", where the user places windows on top of each other, leaving each at a fixed, memorable location. In contrast the regular and often dynamic window placement on tiling desktops makes them less memorable.
IMO tiling works best when you actually need to see things side by side and unrelated views are managed by another mechanism (think emacs buffers).
Icons could support a more efficient workflow, if they were able to cope with many windows of the same program. (I usually leave >10 terminals with a shell open).


No. They are not the same. Tiling WM are objectively less efficient, less ergonomic, and just plain ugly.
Previous posters have already commented about how keybindings in Tiling WMs are overly complex and unnatural. This is made worse by the fact that you have to constantly fiddle with the windows to make them usable. You can remap things, but in order to avoid clashes, you are forced to rely to awkward combos with the super key.
Windows are meant to take the shape of their contents, not that of the available space on the screen. Tiling WMs are downright Procrustean with respect to how they treat windows and even dialog boxes. The result is ugly.
Yes, you can float/resize windows in tiling WMs but it's rarely implemented well. Even simple things like move/resize in made worse. Dragging them by the title bar is better than using Super+drag, since you're using the mouse anyway.
Speaking of, mouse use isn't always slow. Modern innovations like context-sensitive drag and drop, gestures, etc can be really efficient when used well. Same with gamer mice with multiple buttons that you can repurpose for things like cut/copy/paste, switch app, etc.
I don't buy the space-saving argument when the typical tiling WM user wastes >20 pixels on window spacing just for the sake of earning upvotes at r/unixporn. And not everything has to be visible at the same time.
If you want a "cyberpunk" aesthetic, go with a TWM. But if you want to grow up and get work done, use a standard DE or (better yet) buy a Mac.


stopped reading there
go back to /g/ already


now that we got some dork riled up over wms we need to have a shitstorm over mechanical keyboards next


I don't use /g/. Everything /g/ encourages is stupid. Like it or not, certain things are objective.


Tiling WMs can always give you floating windows. That's how Tor Browser works in tiling WMs, since the browser needs to be the same size as all the other Tor browsers.


>Speaking of, mouse use isn't always slow.
The mouse is objectively faster for selection and resizing. This is what rio, the plan9 wm, is designed around >>10458. For some people, especially those with RSI, the mouse is a pain to use though.
Floating WMs (with the exception of calmwm and some guys sxhkd/xdotool setup) don't have efficient keybindings. This is where dynamic tiling with liberal use of virtual desktops has an edge.


> The mouse is objectively faster for selection
I'd like to propose emacs with avy as a serious contender: https://karthinks.com/software/avy-can-do-anything/


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Rob Pike refers to https://www.asktog.com/TOI/toi06KeyboardVMouse1.html
Typical acme navigation as shown in vidrel consists of following a link to a location in a file, searching within a file (both with right-click selection) and searching in a directory (with a mouse chord if the command is set up). It operates on a different level than text search in an emacs buffer, because grep lists all locations of a pattern and searches are rarely typed.
That said I abandoned acme for programming because of the pain.


>Mac mini
The absolute state of communists


Under communism, everyone will have a Mac so that the people don't have to suffer the Janky UIs of lesser systems.


First you will need to solve resource scarcity or dodge & work around cia sanctions and embargos.



>Under communism, everyone will have a Mac
what speaks against this is that macs are hard to upgrade and a pain to repair and not everybody likes macs.
>people don't have to suffer the Janky UIs of lesser systems
The macos ui isn't that great to begin with and it's better to go the Linux way and let people have what ever UI they want.


>The macos ui isn't that great to begin with
better than any Linux UI you can point to
>let people have what ever UI they want.
A thousand flavors of shit is… still shit


I'm having fun trying to figure out which photos are shia lebouf and which are alan resnick


Isn't GNOME basically MacOS-esque GUI for GNU/Linux
I'm probably getting a MacBook Pro when I can afford it though


>Isn't GNOME basically MacOS-esque GUI for GNU/Linux
The Linux Desktop environment that is the most comparable to MAC is Pantheon from elementaryOS


dead links





>Modern innovations
>But if you want to grow up and get work done
I don't even like tiling WMs that much but man this is some pure unadulterated ideology. Who are you even trying to appeal to, middle managers?


this bullshit post is unadulterated ideology, as is your insistence that anyone who doesn't like the Unix way of doing things is "a middle manager"


You're delirious


you're charmingly bad at the insults game


No, I literally can't get how else you would misinterpret my post so badly


How is sharing some fairly well-known criticism of tiling WMs ideological? How is wanting a functional desktop only of interest to middle managers? You were just concern trolling



back to twitter


god the mlp on windows 7 took 10 years off my life. I can truly taste 2012 in that image


Did you try turning steam play on? It's what allows you to use valves compatibility layer.
There's also some tutorials you could look up with dealing with wine and programs to keep track of the specific wine setups.
Honestly, the best thing you should've done is look up an introduction on linux gaming since figuring out everything on your own is cryptic.

What a dumb comment. What would you consider a "normal" "vanilla" (wtf does that mean) distro?

Why? What problems does it uniquely bring compared to others?


>What a dumb comment. What would you consider a "normal" "vanilla" (wtf does that mean) distro?
its a shitpost


>What a dumb comment. What would you consider a "normal" "vanilla" (wtf does that mean) distro?
one that doesn’t drastically configure a DE for you


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not much to say. it just works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


ok dude go install linux without xorg


Is there a single DE that has the kde plasma activities features?
It's literally one of the best features ever created and makes me deeply love kde plasma.


Typing is hard :'(
Would it be easier for you if there was an OS installer that was just wojaks for you to click


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still waiting for the gnome-vrr 44 release before i can upgrade to fedora 38 :(


How's kde on fedora?
I don't like gnome, and I was think of hopping from mint to either fedora or opensuse.
People recommend opensuse if you want kde, but they also recommend fedora if you use a laptop so idk


What do you think about KDE Neon?


Never used it.
It seems okay, just uncertain with the bleeding edge approach (well, for the de that is)


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I thought active development was the main appeal of Plasma. Personally i would recommend something more stable like fvwm , cwm, windowmaker, or cde as a desktop.


If they have the activities system kde has I'd consider, otherwise I have no interest


fvwm has virtual desktops, but not the full sandboxing that KDE Activities seems to provide


The closest analogue to activities i know of are cwm groups. In cwm they replace virtual desktops though:
By default windows spawn in the group 1. Windows may be moved to other groups based on the numbers 0-9. Any group besides group 0 can be toggled and there are settings to automatically assign new windows to the last toggled group or a specific group based on their name. Most cwm keybindings are keyboard-focused, so you might need to adjust key/mouse-bindings. It accomodates other desktop ui programs well with group 0 and an option to restrict the area where windows spawn. It requires you to edit a text configuration file, that is fairly self-explanatory.

tl;dr If you have 9 or less KDE activities without virtual desktops or KDE widgets, cwm might be for you.

You might also want a standalone session manager. It sounds like it does exactly what activities do, but i'm unsure having never used one.
The KDE wiki has no indication that activities do sandboxing. An open forum thread from 2019 has a brief discussion on integrating applications sandboxing into Plasma and an r/kde comment section from 2021 recommends bubblewrap or firejail.
I made separate user accounts for my browsers and share files in /tmp.


Does OpenSUSE package codecs in their repositories? Fedora doesn't and you need to add RPM Fusion to get them.

I think Kubuntu would be more stable but still easy to use. If you don't mind reading the wiki, you could also try Void Linux.


no time for love


Hi, this is me: >>19614
I have been trying out opensuse for a week now.

It's alright.
The performance of it is weirdly janky sometimes, but I am using btrfs for the first time.
My favorite part is the dedication of doing everything with a gui.

I originally used linux mint, but I switched since of crashes and bluetooth issues – but now in setting up this install, I realized the issue for both could've been low swap space (which linux mint made 2gb when I use 16gb of ram), and tlp being responsible for the bluetoother fuckery respectifully.

I was originally going to install Fedora, but the installation deeply pissed me off since I was trying to set it up so /home/ was a seperate partition, and Fedora was either refusing to cooperate, or is insanely un-intuitive.
Maybe I'll try it again down the line, or maybe >>19615 .
My philosphy of what distro I want to use (at the moment) is I want something that I can recommend to anyone.

>Does OpenSUSE package codecs in their repositories
I had to install them here: https://opensuse-community.org/
I think it's a legality issue, similar to how the people who maintain the linux kernel don't like zfs since of the legality ambiguity.

Installing stuff outside the repository is very easy.
It's like windows, just download the fle, and click on it so the OS installs it.
Where you get it from comes from the website, so it's not dangerous as compared to windows.
(I'd still prefer if they just auto-put it in the repo).


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