>>4476>I doubt there is much wasted space on the inside of the armor. <tanks are the same as BMPs! If you're just going to argue bad-faith nonsense like this then you may as well just stop.
>To balance it on two legs and have armored limbs would by neccesity make the armor thinner. No, that's not how weight distribution works, look at any bipedal robot currently doing fucking backflips and running like a human, while being even more top-heavy. Hell look at HUMANS our upper halves are equivalent-heavier than our legs.
>the same HP it takes to move a wheel barrow is much less than the HP it takes to physically carry it.Shit analogy that doesn't actually make sense, but lets play ball for a moment. When that Wheelbarrow reaches a wall, are you rolling it over the wall? No. When that wheelbarrow needs to scale a mountain, can it? No. If you need to move on a narrow path with little room to move, are you going to roll the wheelbarrow through it comfortably? No. You're going to be carrying it over the wall, through the narrow area, or up the mountain.
>the material of the armor is irrelevantNo it is not. Armor is not all the same, neither over time nor over different vehicle types.
>Wheeled vehicles can climb steeper inclines than tracked vehicles HAHAHAHAHAHA No. Tracks possess far greater ground contact area and so traction, than wheels, which is why they can climb inclines better.
>you have yet to show legs would offer any advantageMore burden of proof fallacy, and this coming from a guy posting a light buggy climbing sideways up a slope while almost falling. I don't have to demonstrate what is obvious fact, but to prove it anyway I will proceed to use "basic" Kinesiology with the concept of Center of Gravity. Walking motion requires moving the center of gravity up and down, which means on a level, uninterrupted surface wheels would be more advantageous (i.e. a road or flat plain) but if terrain is rough, (large rocks, variable ground softness (sandy/swampy terrain etc.) and/or steep, the upward motion of center of gravity is advantageous.
Additionally on a steep incline people change how they walk. On level surface, most people have their heel or lateral foot border step down before their sole/toes, resulting in contact forces that oppose their motion and hence waste energy as heat. When running people step with their soles which reduces the inefficiency. However on a steep hill people step with the sole or even toes, resulting in contact force that directly propels you up, and mitigates any problems from Center of Gravity or air drag. Moreover when stepping up a hill you can stay on the slope and stand or cling there. A vehicle cannot do so unless it weighs huge amounts of weight, and even then not reliably so.
Have you never tried to ride a bike uphill as a child? Or driven a car up a steep hill? You need much more force to do force the wheels to keep moving up. Demonstrate to me wheeled vehicle digging in and staying on such a slope without using momentum to throw itself up there.
>now we are calling the Mars Rover mecha No, I was talking about leg mechanisms and how it does not exclude the ability to use wheels, put some rollerblade type landing-gear on mechanical feet and you can on-road high-speed motion and then disengage into bipedal running.
>>4479>elks and fucking elephants can't Elephants can't because they're heavy and do not have flexible feet, instead they have inflexible plantigrade soles, unlike humans. Mountain oats have special hooves that are flexible, + an insane sense of balance and positioning of their legs to maintain their balance. Wheels on an axle cannot reposition for stability. And gyrostabilizers exist and have existed as part of balancing systems for decades, how do you think tank guns can be stabilized in 2 planes while rolling over bumpy ground at high speed?
> You can't just size things up.You're using false equivalencies, comparing a pachyderm to a goat while trying to parallel to humans and human like mechanisms, when a humanoid robot would be balancing like a HUMAN would, not an elephant. Also HANDS are an important factor, humans don't climb mountains with their legs alone, their hands and arms are more important and something that no tank or BMP has.
Again, this is called biomechanical kinesthetics and not just "physics" you basic bitch.
>>4480 See
>>4478 and leave faggot.