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Let's get a footy thread going.

Tomorrow is the first match between TÜRKS (Kara Boğa) versus Italians.

Other spicy first round matches include England versus Scotland, Finland vs Denmark, Germany vs France.

Post your predictions and reactions in this thread
643 posts and 114 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17594', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17594">&gt;&gt;17594</a><br/>for me the breaking point was the last two world cups where neymar basically acts as if he is made of pudding and was NEVER punished for it. like, zero.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17584', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17584">&gt;&gt;17584</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17583', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17583">&gt;&gt;17583</a><br/>Of course you would come up with a stupid excuse after saying denmark would win all week. If you think that's not a penalty you don't watch football


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17599', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17599">&gt;&gt;17599</a><br/>Right its <span class="heading">BEACH SEASON</span>


.&gt;&gt;17599<br/><span class="quote">&gt;If you think that's not a penalty you don't watch football</span><br/>What alternative universe do you live in?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17599', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17599">&gt;&gt;17599</a><br/>it's not a penalty. sterling attempts to dive before he is even touched by a dane, after he already looked to dive in many situations before.<br/><br/>also, i don't believe england would have scored if it wasn't for the refball. and in penality shotout we know england would have lost lol


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17599', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17599">&gt;&gt;17599</a><br/>Neymar is definitely the worst offender, the fact that he's never punished shows that rules against diving might as well not exist.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17605', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17605">&gt;&gt;17605</a><br/>Oh I guess it is a blatant penalty


<a onclick="highlightReply('17602', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17602">&gt;&gt;17602</a><br/>Waiting to hear an argument, idiot


<a onclick="highlightReply('17607', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17607">&gt;&gt;17607</a><br/>You are probably an Angloid and therefore will rationalize anything to say it was a penalty. There is no use discussing with you. It was a very light contact and an exaggerated fall.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17608', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17608">&gt;&gt;17608</a><br/>He wasn't just tripped up once, but vestegaard came into him from the side without an attempt to get the ball. I'm honestly asking you, how often do you watch football? Penalties are given for far less all the time


<a onclick="highlightReply('17609', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17609">&gt;&gt;17609</a><br/>The Perfidious Albion Strikes Again<br/>Next you will lecture me about the Falklands and glorious Britannia


guys dont bully blind people


<a onclick="highlightReply('17610', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17610">&gt;&gt;17610</a><br/>Nice argument you fucking seething little faggot. If that was anywhere else on the pitch it would be a free kick. Denmark were playing dirty, wasting time, pretending to be injured and diving all match. But yeah you're genuinely upset that this penalty was given. Fuck off


<a onclick="highlightReply('17609', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17609">&gt;&gt;17609</a><br/>maybe during the group stage but giving someone a penalty for a dive during the extra time in a semi final is obviously a refball that decides the game. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;Denmark were playing dirty, wasting time, pretending to be injured and diving all match.</span><br/>they had cramps you fucking idiot, because they were obviously completely out of breath after minute 60 or something.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17612', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17612">&gt;&gt;17612</a><br/>THE ETERNAL


<a onclick="highlightReply('17613', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17613">&gt;&gt;17613</a><br/>It's not a dive though. There is contact and he goes down. If you watched football more often than once every 4 years for a tournament you would know this.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;they had cramps you fucking idiot, because they were obviously completely out of breath after minute 60 or something.</span><br/>Extreme naivety


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<span class="quote">&gt;three sudden new IPs appear right after the penalty </span>


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So football is like elections right? Things are so muddy you can't tell whether the system is crap or it's rigged or both.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17615', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17615">&gt;&gt;17615</a><br/>he goes into the box with the intent to fall, already leaning forward. he may or may not be touched slightly but that is still a dive.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;If you watched football more often than once every 4 years for a tournament you would know this.</span><br/>again, a refball in a semi final of a big tournament is very rare and talked about for a while. i wouldn't make a big deal out of this if it was in the group phase or some random league match.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Extreme naivety</span><br/>ever played sports you degenerate anglo? for a complete underdog the amount of time wasting of denmark was surprisingly tolerable, especially if you look how other teams do it. they played a very fair tournament. i am starting to get the feeling that it's you who never watched football except every 4 years.


No one's going to mention the "foul" on denmark for their free kick then


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<span class="quote">&gt;i don't understand, why does the world hate us? we were clearly the better team</span>


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THERE WERE TWO BALLS ON THE FIELD LMAO <br/>all good still anglobro? <a onclick="highlightReply('17615', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17615">&gt;&gt;17615</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('17621', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17621">&gt;&gt;17621</a><br/>It's called a pitch, and that's very obviously a balloon or something you fucking cretin, you're really grasping at straws now



<a onclick="highlightReply('17622', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17622">&gt;&gt;17622</a><br/>put some effort at least


<a onclick="highlightReply('17624', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17624">&gt;&gt;17624</a><br/>Ok, first of all, use your fucking eyes. It's clearly not a football. Second of all. Do you think the danish players would just continue playing? You really haven't ever watched a match before have you


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17621', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17621">&gt;&gt;17621</a><br/>Idiot


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Was this not a penalty either ABE seethers?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17627', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17627">&gt;&gt;17627</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17628', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17628">&gt;&gt;17628</a><br/>Italy will crush your Angloid dreams. Kill yourself


<a onclick="highlightReply('17630', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17630">&gt;&gt;17630</a><br/>it was all ball lmao you're blind or trolling


<a onclick="highlightReply('17633', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17633">&gt;&gt;17633</a><br/>No seriously, are you fucking blind? Do you not understand that VAR would have outruled the goal if that was a ball, and for some reason every danish player didn't see it?<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17631', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17631">&gt;&gt;17631</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;seething this hard and deflecting when his headcanon runs ouf steam</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16516', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16516">&gt;&gt;16516</a><br/>/sp/ is just glorified /int/


<a onclick="highlightReply('17631', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17631">&gt;&gt;17631</a><br/>SHUT THE FUCK UP DON'T JINX IT


Turns out Schmeichel was blinded by a laser pointer during the penalty. Angloids have to resort to assault to win games


<a onclick="highlightReply('17635', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17635">&gt;&gt;17635</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Do you not understand that VAR would have outruled the goal if that was a ball</span><br/>No, not neccessarily.<br/>VAR would have outruled that penalty though, because it wasn't one. Makkelie perhaps knew that very well. Also Schmeichel getting laserpointed, the Danish anthem getting booed, no Danish fans in the stadium at all and England pretty much always playing at home stinks. <br/>I hope Italy uses their most fierce catenaccio against the English, they deserve a really bad game.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17653', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17653">&gt;&gt;17653</a><br/>it was a penalty first he stepped on the tip of the shoe and the other guy hit him with his knee


<a onclick="highlightReply('17656', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17656">&gt;&gt;17656</a><br/>He was already "falling" when the shoe touched him lightly, he was not intentionally touched or hit by either of the Danish players. That was never a penalty and Makkelie decided on similar situations accordingly. What Sterling did is commonly called diving and should actually have resulted in a penalty for Denmark.


Come on italy<br/><br/>Score sum goals


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<span class="heading">ITALIA! ITALIA! ITALIA!</span><br/><br/><span class="heading">LET'S GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!</span>


<span class="quote">&gt;Shaw-Maguire-Stones-Walker-Trippier</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Rice-Phillips-Mount</span><br/>is southgate pulling a reverse guardiola?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17770', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17770">&gt;&gt;17770</a><br/>I'm too mad to say anything, we're playing like shit while England is basically perfect.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17770', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17770">&gt;&gt;17770</a><br/>I think that noone is here because the thread is bumplocked and as a result doesn't show up on the overboard


<a onclick="highlightReply('17772', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17772">&gt;&gt;17772</a><br/>well i'll make a new one then, worth it for post match shitshow


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17775', event);" href="/hobby/res/17775.html#17775">&gt;&gt;17775</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17775', event);" href="/hobby/res/17775.html#17775">&gt;&gt;17775</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17775', event);" href="/hobby/res/17775.html#17775">&gt;&gt;17775</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17775', event);" href="/hobby/res/17775.html#17775">&gt;&gt;17775</a><br/>NEW


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