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 [Last 50 Posts]

Let's get a footy thread going.

Tomorrow is the first match between TÜRKS (Kara Boğa) versus Italians.

Other spicy first round matches include England versus Scotland, Finland vs Denmark, Germany vs France.

Post your predictions and reactions in this thread


Germany will underperform again


<a onclick="highlightReply('16350', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16350">&gt;&gt;16350</a><br/>Does anyone want me to host Euros on the sync tube?


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Remember the first Euro in 1960 when the Soviet Union beat the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in semis and won the final in 113' overtime against Tito's Yugoslavia? Ah the times


<a onclick="highlightReply('16394', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16394">&gt;&gt;16394</a><br/>Feels bad man<br/>Lets go back


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The turks will win it all


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16397', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16397">&gt;&gt;16397</a><br/>*cough*


Belgian here. Sorry norfbros, prepare to get crushed


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16399', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16399">&gt;&gt;16399</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16396', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16396">&gt;&gt;16396</a><br/>based anti-nationalist


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WHAT THE FUCK<br/><br/>Apparently Eriksen just had some sort of heart attack in the middle of the game, they're doing CPR on him. No more news as of yet, match postponed too<br/><br/>This is insane


<a onclick="highlightReply('16434', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16434">&gt;&gt;16434</a><br/>He's stable and appears to be alert now.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16435', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16435">&gt;&gt;16435</a><br/>Yeah he's alive, that was scary


<a onclick="highlightReply('16434', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16434">&gt;&gt;16434</a><br/>the fins did this, somehow


<a onclick="highlightReply('16434', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16434">&gt;&gt;16434</a><br/>lmao why do they flop so much?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16445', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16445">&gt;&gt;16445</a><br/>His heart stopped beating. Not a flop.


<span class="heading">inggerrrlluujnnnnnnddddd</span>


orange team bad


Almost cried for Eriksen, incredible player.




<a onclick="highlightReply('16481', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16481">&gt;&gt;16481</a><br/>What the fuck was the GK doing? Fucking dumbass.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16482', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16482">&gt;&gt;16482</a>


Spain needs to play way less tici-taca, especially with such a young, unexperienced team. Just kick the ball forward, don't jerk around like this.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16484', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16484">&gt;&gt;16484</a><br/>Watching Spain play is such a pain. I know that tiki-taka works, but it's simply unbearable to watch.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16511', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16511">&gt;&gt;16511</a><br/>It's what they do, they hold the ball. I don't think it works anymore, since their last Euro win in 2012 they have not moved past the round of 16 in any big event.<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16482', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16482">&gt;&gt;16482</a><br/>It might be caused by the keeper acting as a last defender or libero.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16514', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16514">&gt;&gt;16514</a><br/>It works if you have an absolutely exceptional team, with a composition that only occurs every 20 years or so. Spain had that in 2010, they were by far the most valuable team where even the entire B-team could probably have been a favourite in the tournament. Now they don't have that anymore, they're still good, but the problem with tici-taca is that you basically can't ever miss. <br/><br/>I think Germany and France set the standard since 2014, stay deep with a strong defense, press against the ball, and the do long sharp passes once there is an opening. Portugal plays similar too. Play deep, not broad.


do any of you guys post on /sp/? i loved the memes but got tired of constant political arguments and toxicity in every thread


<a onclick="highlightReply('16516', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16516">&gt;&gt;16516</a><br/>Not in a long time.


What do you guys think of yesterday's match? Germany played like shit and France was clearly superior, but it seems to me they're too much reliant on Mbappe' speed.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16519', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16519">&gt;&gt;16519</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Germany played like shit</span><br/>Not like shit. Just mediocre<br/><span class="quote">&gt;France was clearly superior</span><br/>I wouldn't even say that. Sure, they had those handfull of moments where their offensive quality show, but apart from that&hellip;they weren't really good


<span class="quote">&gt;le dark horses</span><br/>lmao rip turkey


<a onclick="highlightReply('16522', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16522">&gt;&gt;16522</a><br/>yeah they're fucking shite. Zero pressing, no coordination in defence and they look knackered. Soyuncu, the defender, had more touches on the ball and passes than any other turkish player, which says a lot.


Anyone watching the Italy - Switzerland game? <br/>That second goal was great, what a goal


<a onclick="highlightReply('16511', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16511">&gt;&gt;16511</a><br/>It doesn't work anymore, which is why they won't win this tournament, and why Barcelona are Everton tier now.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16516', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16516">&gt;&gt;16516</a><br/>It used to be one of the funnest boards. Look at it now though, almost every thread is something about the amount of black players on a team. Half of the users there do nothing but complain about /pol/ ruining it and that it's not fun anymore, kek


Immobile is the italian Timo Werner


Another Italian goal, Switzerland absolutely BTFO


<span class="quote">&gt;the absolute state of Switzerland</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16530', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16530">&gt;&gt;16530</a><br/>Not enough Albanians in their team


Imagine how good French and Dutch teams would be if Belgium didn't exist


<a onclick="highlightReply('16561', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16561">&gt;&gt;16561</a><br/>Imagine how good Yugo and Soviet teams would be if they still existed.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16564', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16564">&gt;&gt;16564</a><br/>Imagine how "good" an UK team would be if their players weren't splitted across 4 teams.


fuck the Netherlands, this is one of the nastiest teams


<a onclick="highlightReply('16568', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16568">&gt;&gt;16568</a><br/>They actually play as UK during the Olympics


<a onclick="highlightReply('16568', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16568">&gt;&gt;16568</a><br/>lel Scotland would be net negative since only Robertson would start and i don't trust him outside of Klopp's system. Bale would be only one starting from Wales (Ramsey would probably get benched) and there's no one in Northern Ireland so it would be almost same as English team today.<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16564', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16564">&gt;&gt;16564</a><br/>Wonder how their clubs could compete with modern European ones too


<a onclick="highlightReply('16572', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16572">&gt;&gt;16572</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Wonder how their clubs could compete with modern European ones too</span><br/>They'd probably not fare too well as they wouldn't get corporate and oligarch sponsors, and I don't know if the Soviet state would put there money on like buying some Brazilian football star.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16572', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16572">&gt;&gt;16572</a><br/>Do you seriously think Bale would be starting when England have Sterling, Foden, Rashford, Grealish and (when fit) Barnes to choose from? Someone is stuck in 2014.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16573', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16573">&gt;&gt;16573</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;I don't know if the Soviet state would put there money on like buying some Brazilian football star</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16575', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16575">&gt;&gt;16575</a><br/>Okay, they would actually buy that one.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16568', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16568">&gt;&gt;16568</a><br/>the shite english players wouldn't be able to remember they have a scottish or welsh grandparent to fill the squads of those teams


<a onclick="highlightReply('16574', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16574">&gt;&gt;16574</a><br/>Well i wouldn't think that before the tournament but look at how's he playing for Wales now. I don't think that any of those English players could do that.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16578', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16578">&gt;&gt;16578</a><br/>Against the titans of switzerland and turkey? Have you not watched him all season? He's a finished old man. Maybe he'd warm the bench of a team GB but that's it.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16579', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16579">&gt;&gt;16579</a><br/>You're probably right&hellip; i just don't trust these new English wingers


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Slovakia, Croatia and Scotland gonna win today. Trust me.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16592', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16592">&gt;&gt;16592</a><br/>Hilarious joke


<a onclick="highlightReply('16592', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16592">&gt;&gt;16592</a> (me)<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16593', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16593">&gt;&gt;16593</a><br/>Just for any magic spirits listening I would like to clarify that it wasn't said as a joke. Let my post be a good omen.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16594', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16594">&gt;&gt;16594</a><br/>You could be a fucking genie and you still wouldn't be able to give scotland a win tonight


Damn can't believe the referee gave Czechia that penalty


Love seeing keown wind up the jock scum


What the fuck happened to Croatia? They almost won the world cup in 2018


<a onclick="highlightReply('16605', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16605">&gt;&gt;16605</a><br/>Their core superstars are old now, and remember that Croatia is a very small country. This last World Cup was Croatia's "golden generation" but they ended up losing to the frogs who always play incredibly nasty.<br/><br/>But then still, I agree that they still play very underwhelming this tournament.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16605', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16605">&gt;&gt;16605</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16606', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16606">&gt;&gt;16606</a><br/>Should be noted that croatia only got to the final because the draw was incredibly uneven during that world cup. The croats also scraped through by winning two penalty shootouts and beating an inexperienced england side who should have been about 4-0 up by half time




<a onclick="highlightReply('16608', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16608">&gt;&gt;16608</a><br/>Get ready for an absolute bumming, willie jock mctavish




Mcginn dived




<a onclick="highlightReply('16612', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16612">&gt;&gt;16612</a><br/>Trollpost


when did they add the individual UK nation flags to /sp/? Could have sworn just a few days back it was just the UK flag


This referee is bizarre


Is the ITV hub stream being shit for anyone else?


such control from foden


Burger here. Who should I root for?<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16616', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16616">&gt;&gt;16616</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Is the ITV hub stream being shit for anyone else?</span><br/>I just clicked on this stream:<br/><a href="http://www.dubzstreams.com/livegames/2021/06/livesoccer/england-18jun/?sport=soccer" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.dubzstreams.com/livegames/2021/06/livesoccer/england-18jun/?sport=soccer</a><br/><br/>Seems to be good.


The ref won't allow a game of football to be played.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16618', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16618">&gt;&gt;16618</a><br/>INGERLAND


Good save by Pickford


Why was 7 taking a nap on the ground?


Scottish referee


scottish play like orcs and england again plays like it's the 19th century.


Game is gonna end 0-0 check it


imagine this england going up against france or italy. would be a massacre


<a onclick="highlightReply('16626', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16626">&gt;&gt;16626</a><br/>how tf aren't England demolishing Scotland right now??


<a onclick="highlightReply('16618', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16618">&gt;&gt;16618</a><br/>neither


<a onclick="highlightReply('16626', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16626">&gt;&gt;16626</a><br/>France yes, italy no.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16629', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16629">&gt;&gt;16629</a><br/>Ok, I'm rooting for 0-0 tie game.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16630', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16630">&gt;&gt;16630</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;3:0, 3:0 in the first two games</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;italy, no.</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16632', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16632">&gt;&gt;16632</a><br/>Do you actually watch football or just check the scorelines


<a onclick="highlightReply('16633', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16633">&gt;&gt;16633</a><br/>I watch football since fucking decades. I tell you that Italy and France don't play that differently, France also plays pretty defensively, that doesn't mean they wouldn't score well against England.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16634', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16634">&gt;&gt;16634</a><br/>There is the slight issue that Italy are shite and will get knocked out well before they would face england anyway



<a onclick="highlightReply('16635', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16635">&gt;&gt;16635</a><br/>I think this Italy might be the strongest Italy we had since 2006.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16637', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16637">&gt;&gt;16637</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16528', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16528">&gt;&gt;16528</a>


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16636', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16636">&gt;&gt;16636</a><br/>kek scots in London are wild


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16631', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16631">&gt;&gt;16631</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16625', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16625">&gt;&gt;16625</a><br/>LET'S GO <span class="heading">0</span> LETS GO


Man, this match is boring as shit.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16631', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16631">&gt;&gt;16631</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16625', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16625">&gt;&gt;16625</a><br/>if the game ends in 0-0 England doesn't deserve to go onto the next round


<a onclick="highlightReply('16641', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16641">&gt;&gt;16641</a><br/>What did you expect? Scotland was clearly going full catenaccio and England, have you ever seen England play before?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16643', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16643">&gt;&gt;16643</a><br/>I was expecting Scotland to go full catenaccio (and it works, Kane is barely touching the ball) but I was also expecting England to do a bit better.


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<span class="quote">&gt;fishing for penalties</span><br/>Pathetic


<a onclick="highlightReply('16640', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16640">&gt;&gt;16640</a><br/>0 here we come baby. I should've put money on it.


Lads&hellip;I don't think football is coming home


Well that was fucking terrible


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<span class="quote">&gt;0-0</span>


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<span class="heading">ZERO ZERO</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16647', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16647">&gt;&gt;16647</a><br/>VAR didn't even check it when they stepped on Sterling's foot? Fucking racist referee




lol soccer is lame


<span class="quote">&gt;englel</span><br/>i have big bet on france. i can't think of any big threats other than portugal and belgium<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16655', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16655">&gt;&gt;16655</a><br/>yeah but i'm stuck with it since i'm a fan since childhood


<a onclick="highlightReply('16655', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16655">&gt;&gt;16655</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;soccer</span><br/>burger spotted; opinion discarded.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16655', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16655">&gt;&gt;16655</a><br/>Sport is culture. You either get it or you don't. One of the best things about football is that Americans don't get it. <br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16656', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16656">&gt;&gt;16656</a><br/>France &gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; Belgium &gt; Portugal


<a onclick="highlightReply('16657', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16657">&gt;&gt;16657</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;tfw bongs still attribute the origins of the name soccer <span class="spoiler">aka sock-er</span> to Americans </span><br/>seriously, it's a stupid name that you left with us


<a onclick="highlightReply('16659', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16659">&gt;&gt;16659</a><br/>I don't know about the origins, but you guys (and Japanese too) are the only ones using soccer instead of football.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16659', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16659">&gt;&gt;16659</a><br/>It's a name that toffs called it in the early days, before it was a working man's sport. It's always been called football by normal people


<a onclick="highlightReply('16660', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16660">&gt;&gt;16660</a><br/>Association football<br/>-&gt; Association<br/>-&gt; Soccer


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posting for preservation


<a onclick="highlightReply('16671', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16671">&gt;&gt;16671</a><br/>Liverpool are scum


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16672', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16672">&gt;&gt;16672</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16674', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16674">&gt;&gt;16674</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Tell everyone that you're better than other clubs and that you're "left wing" because you had a liberal socdem manager 50 years ago</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;In reality they're one of the worst plastic clubs with millions of 'fans' in places like america</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;One of the teams that initiated project big picture and the super league</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Have an extremely annoying whining kraut as manager who is a pathological liar</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Have easily the most deranged fanbase that thinks everything is a conspiracy against them</span><br/>Liverpool are the worst team on the planet


<a onclick="highlightReply('16675', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16675">&gt;&gt;16675</a><br/>There's much worse out there


<a onclick="highlightReply('16675', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16675">&gt;&gt;16675</a><br/>Not to mention how they treated their workers during pandemic. """"Leftist"""" club did worse than Roman Abramovich lmao.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16675', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16675">&gt;&gt;16675</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;millions of 'fans' in places like america</span><br/>Lol no.


<span class="quote">&gt;Hungary scored after getting dominated by France for 45 minutes</span><br/>lol, I love football


<a onclick="highlightReply('16678', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16678">&gt;&gt;16678</a><br/>Great argument


<span class="quote">&gt;benzema</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16681', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16681">&gt;&gt;16681</a><br/>Although I rate giroud, benzema is clearly the better player


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16680', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16680">&gt;&gt;16680</a><br/>No argument needed. I could say there are millions of Americans Buzkashi fans, no argument would be needed to refute it.<br/><br/>You're the one making the claim. Post some statistics.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16690', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16690">&gt;&gt;16690</a><br/>You're not aware that big 6 premier league teams have droves of plastic glory hunting swine in america and asia? You must be new to football


POORTOGAL<br/>didn't expect performance like this from germany<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16691', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16691">&gt;&gt;16691</a><br/>yeah, here in eastern europe local football is shit so we have to bandwagon top european teams (at least there are no spurs fans here like in america)


<a onclick="highlightReply('16692', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16692">&gt;&gt;16692</a><br/>Kill yourself, prawn sandwich eating plastic


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16691', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16691">&gt;&gt;16691</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;You're not aware that big 6 premier league teams have droves of plastic glory hunting swine in america and asia? You must be new to football</span><br/>I live in America. There aren't millions of football fans unless you count Latin immigrants. Lol. Let's see. Total population of USA. 328 million. So you'd need at least 1 in 300 people to be Liverpool fans to be a million. Lol no.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16693', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16693">&gt;&gt;16693</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;plastic</span><br/>/lifelong/ fan since 2012 la


<a onclick="highlightReply('16694', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16694">&gt;&gt;16694</a><br/>Are you literally autistic? It's ok, you can tell me.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16695', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16695">&gt;&gt;16695</a><br/>You're not a real football fan


<a onclick="highlightReply('16697', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16697">&gt;&gt;16697</a><br/>don't care, real football is dying anyway


<a onclick="highlightReply('16700', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16700">&gt;&gt;16700</a><br/>They should just copy the German Bundesliga model where 51% of shares of a club must be held by the members. It doesn't seem to hurt their competitiveness.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16702', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16702">&gt;&gt;16702</a><br/>It also is not working to keep them actual clubs. See Rasenballsport.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16696', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16696">&gt;&gt;16696</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Are you literally autistic? It's ok, you can tell me.</span><br/>No one in America cares about your shit Liverpool team. Sorry chap.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16703', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16703">&gt;&gt;16703</a><br/>Yeah okay, but RB Leipzig was propped up from nothing. When the fans hold the majority shares, they can effecively block attempts by a corporation to turn a club into a brand and I would expect them to do so every single time.


real sigma energy coming from that Polish coach


the Polish goalkeeper truly is a living meme, wtf


based Poland


I wanted Spain and Poland to make it into the next round, now with this result this might come true. Fuck Sweden, fuck Slovakia


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16709', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16709">&gt;&gt;16709</a><br/>Very tight chances for Poland, they will have to defeat the Swedish bus, which no team has done so far. Personally I'm rooting for Slovakia and Poland, Spain's alright too. Fuck Sweden as well.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16711', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16711">&gt;&gt;16711</a><br/>I just like the Spanish coach, he seems like a nice guy and has probably all kinds of shit thrown at him, and his daughter died of leukemia. And Spain is just a cool team, they have been successful but for decades in the last 100 years the Seleccion always had great players but was haunted by bad luck. <br/><br/>I don't feel about Slovakia this way or the other, but yeah, fuck Sweden.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16704', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16704">&gt;&gt;16704</a><br/>Not only are you autistic, but you can't read?


The spanish national team's style of play is what people who hate football think every match is like. Thank fucking god tiki taka is dead


<span class="quote">&gt;germany gives portugal a proper reality check</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;nobody in this thread mentions it</span><br/>Bongs really think their garbage squad and their boring matches are the only ones worth talking about


<a onclick="highlightReply('16723', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16723">&gt;&gt;16723</a><br/>lmao based germs, fuck Penaldo and his team. They didn't even deserve to win the last euro cup.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16724', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16724">&gt;&gt;16724</a><br/>Explain to me in what universe the team that won every knockout match does not deserve to win the cup?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16723', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16723">&gt;&gt;16723</a><br/>leftist boards are the most anglo infested places who would have guessed


<a onclick="highlightReply('16695', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16695">&gt;&gt;16695</a><br/>If you said lifelong since 2015-16 it would be acceptable


<a onclick="highlightReply('16726', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16726">&gt;&gt;16726</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Come to english speaking website to converse with others in the english language</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Click on thread about national sport of England</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Noooo why are there Anglos in here I can't escape them ;<span class="underline">_</span>;</span><br/>How do you clothe and feed yourself if you're this stupid?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16723', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16723">&gt;&gt;16723</a><br/>I'm sure every defence is quaking in their boots at the thought of Werner getting to the 6 yars box and smashing it wide


<a onclick="highlightReply('16729', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16729">&gt;&gt;16729</a><br/>Werner didn't even play scouser


<a onclick="highlightReply('16728', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16728">&gt;&gt;16728</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Have a thread about the EUROS</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;bong has the urge to make it about his shit country again</span><br/>Why are you so smug all the time?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16725', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16725">&gt;&gt;16725</a><br/>Greece also won the cup in 2004 and they played like shit


<a onclick="highlightReply('16731', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16731">&gt;&gt;16731</a><br/>Oh, are you the dimwit who can't read?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16725', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16725">&gt;&gt;16725</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;3rd place in their group, three ties</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;won against croatia in overtime</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;won against poland in penalty shoot-out</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;won against galles (ok that's legit)</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;won against france in overtime</span><br/>Not even Greece in 2004 got this lucky.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16732', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16732">&gt;&gt;16732</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Score at least one more goal than the opposition</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Wahh they didn't play how we wanted to so they don't deserve to win</span><br/>Sounds like pep guardiola or klopp when they're beaten lmao. I doubt you were old enough to watch euro 2004 to even know what you're talking about though


<a onclick="highlightReply('16734', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16734">&gt;&gt;16734</a><br/>They defended well and took their chance to win the match. France missed about 5 sitters in the final. Therefore portugal deserved to win and france didn't. Thank you for attending rules of football lesson one.


<span class="quote">&gt;3rd place teams going through</span><br/>wtf is this shit? if they wanted more teams in knockout stages i'd actually prefer if they added more groups with eastern european shitters instead


<a onclick="highlightReply('16737', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16737">&gt;&gt;16737</a><br/>Yeah, it means the matches are basically meaningless until the r16. The old format was so much better and was basically a stronger world cup


<a onclick="highlightReply('16737', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16737">&gt;&gt;16737</a><br/>do you really want to see a Moldova-Montenegro followed by a Slovenia-Kosovo and a Georgia-Albania all in one afternoon


<a onclick="highlightReply('16739', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16739">&gt;&gt;16739</a><br/>Probably more interesting to watch than france - germany or any of spain's matches.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16739', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16739">&gt;&gt;16739</a><br/>Well better than group stages where getting 4 points guarantees qualifying and you probably go through with 3 points too. Also we could have had Serbia, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Norway, Iceland, Greece and etc.


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If Scots take world cup runner-up Croatia out by forcing a tie I'm going to be keking for days


<a onclick="highlightReply('16742', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16742">&gt;&gt;16742</a><br/>It's called a draw.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16745', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16745">&gt;&gt;16745</a><br/>both work


<a onclick="highlightReply('16746', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16746">&gt;&gt;16746</a><br/>Begone burger


Greek here<br/>Damm France has the highest quality players although as a football romantic I hope England or an underdog will win<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16573', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16573">&gt;&gt;16573</a><br/>Tbh by the 80s eastern block teams had players from other commie countries, I do think that since many countries did pay players a factory wage it whouldnt be hard to hire foreigners, even Greek low division have African and Latino players


<a onclick="highlightReply('16749', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16749">&gt;&gt;16749</a><br/>soy español retrasado


<a onclick="highlightReply('16732', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16732">&gt;&gt;16732</a><br/>Greece didn't play like shit, that's a meme. They had a very disciplined tactical style of play that basically neutralized every single superstar, and forced a revolution in response to the Greek catenaccio in the following years.


Get fucked sheep shaggers


Wanna hear your take on this Italy team anons.<br/>I'm Italian but i'm not rooting for it to win (mostly cause shirt color is dogshit, and always has been), but i also wanna hear from other europeans how strong do you feel that team is rn?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16756', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16756">&gt;&gt;16756</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;I'm Italian but i'm not rooting for it to win (mostly cause shirt color is dogshit, and always has been)</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16757', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16757">&gt;&gt;16757</a><br/>Sorry anon i root only for teams with red shirts


<a onclick="highlightReply('16758', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16758">&gt;&gt;16758</a><br/>t. John Barone from long island, new york


<a onclick="highlightReply('16756', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16756">&gt;&gt;16756</a><br/>basatissimo<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16757', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16757">&gt;&gt;16757</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16759', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16759">&gt;&gt;16759</a><br/>It's a monarchist color, that's what he meant.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16756', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16756">&gt;&gt;16756</a><br/>Easily strongest team so far in the tournament, incredibly strong defensive, very creative free kicks, good counter ability.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16760', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16760">&gt;&gt;16760</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;it's a monarchist color</span>


what went wrong?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16762', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16762">&gt;&gt;16762</a><br/>dummy, in Italy it was the color of the house of Savoy.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16723', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16723">&gt;&gt;16723</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16726', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16726">&gt;&gt;16726</a><br/>i guess nobody here cares about your boring "the favorites" unless they're humiliated by our shitholes


<a onclick="highlightReply('16739', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16739">&gt;&gt;16739</a><br/>unironically yes


<a onclick="highlightReply('16774', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16774">&gt;&gt;16774</a><br/>If you think a single anglo actually thinks england have a chance to win then you don't understand english irony


<span class="heading">EXPRESS YOURSELF</span><br/>it's one on one


I know this is a euros thread, but some of you might be happy to learn that Venezuela are likely to progress to the knockout rounds of the copa america


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16797', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16797">&gt;&gt;16797</a><br/>basado


<a onclick="highlightReply('16797', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16797">&gt;&gt;16797</a><br/><span class="heading">PLEASE DON'T GIVE ME HOPE</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16756', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16756">&gt;&gt;16756</a><br/>Your second team that played vs Wales fucking sucked, I hate on Greek football all the time but your captain will literally find a hard time getting a place in the reserves of our first division, like Jesus how many times did he forget the off side rule <br/>All around you seen good waiting to see you in a big match


<a onclick="highlightReply('16812', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16812">&gt;&gt;16812</a><br/>You mean Verratti? he plays with fucking PSG


So England avoids group F if they finish second? Would be based if they pulled that shit again


<a onclick="highlightReply('16830', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16830">&gt;&gt;16830</a><br/>Not really, we'd just end up playing one of those teams in the quarters. It's best to win the group and keep playing at wembley.


I hate hate hate that England uses god save the queen at matches when it isn't even England's anthem


<a onclick="highlightReply('16835', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16835">&gt;&gt;16835</a><br/>England doesn't seem to have its own anthem. <br/><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_anthem_of_England" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_anthem_of_England</a>




<a onclick="highlightReply('16835', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16835">&gt;&gt;16835</a><br/>Time to get rid of the monarchy


<a onclick="highlightReply('16839', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16839">&gt;&gt;16839</a><br/>Can some Britanon explain to me how the United Kingdom actually works in terms of the monarchy? I know that the queen is Queen of England, and her direct successor is Prince of Wales, but how is she the souvereign of Scotland and Northern Ireland? Is she "ruling" Scotland in personal union (e.g. also being Queen of Scotland)?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16840', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16840">&gt;&gt;16840</a><br/>The acts of union of 1707 unified the kingdoms of england and scotland.<br/>Before that the kingdom of ireland was a client state ruled by british monarchs. Eventually the catholic part of ireland became independent but the brits are still occupying the north which has a protestant majority.


<span class="heading">FUCK SCOTLAND</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16844', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16844">&gt;&gt;16844</a><br/>Why? They humiliated England and sent Hrvatska to the knockouts. Not bad at all.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16845', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16845">&gt;&gt;16845</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Humiliated england</span><br/>You're desperate for this to be true but it's not


<a onclick="highlightReply('16846', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16846">&gt;&gt;16846</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;we're the best!!! scotland lol, ez pz</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;draw</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;nothing happened, plz stop talking about it</span><br/>Can't wait to see what happens next. Tbh I wouldn't mind if you knock out someone from group f.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16847', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16847">&gt;&gt;16847</a><br/>Not exactly "humiliation" retard


<a onclick="highlightReply('16854', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16854">&gt;&gt;16854</a><br/>I know anglo autism, superiority complex, and denial of decline is an incredibly powerful combo, but let me put it this way: you're the most cocky team in the tournament yet you couldn't distinguish yourself from a shit team. Kinda cringe, ngl. If you didn't have such an inflated ego we wouldn't laugh at you.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16857', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16857">&gt;&gt;16857</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;France drawing to Hungary isn't embarassing but england not conceding a goal is the end of the world</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;So autistic he thinks "It's coming home" is 100% sincere</span><br/>I know anti-anglo seethe is a powerful force for retardation but we all immensely enjoy the lengths you go to stretch reality. Also learn english irony (see pic related)


Can't wait for England to go against Portugal or Germany and it's gonna be an easy, fluffy 3:1 or 4:1 win for them. England seems so weak


<a onclick="highlightReply('16860', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16860">&gt;&gt;16860</a><br/>And if england win you'll go to saying "portugal and germany are shit anyway", you heard it here first. God I love living rent free in your head


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16863', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16863">&gt;&gt;16863</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;if england win</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16864', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16864">&gt;&gt;16864</a><br/>By all means, carry on gloating. Nothing to lose and everything to gain for us gloating back if we do win. Who do you support by the way? A powerhouse of football no doubt.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16858', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16858">&gt;&gt;16858</a><br/>France-Hungary draw was just as delicious, you're not the only major team, you know. It's you anglos who keep thinking you're so special, not us. Anytime someone mentions you you start coping how we're obsessed with you, which just leads people to actually despise you more than the rest. I just hope you get knocked out quick so that we can shit on the remaining teams without your whining.<br/>And I don't care for your post-irony. "But it was only banter!" Typical anglo cope.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16819', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16819">&gt;&gt;16819</a><br/>Makes sense for a looser to play for the definition of a looser team


<a onclick="highlightReply('16867', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16867">&gt;&gt;16867</a><br/>You call us a major team but you think we are shit? Please carry on being autistic and not understanding banter, we absolutely love how you're unable to take a joke and it only makes us want to piss you off more :^)<br/><br/>What team do you support by the way?


Which match are you guys watching right now?<br/>Slovakia vs Spain<br/>or<br/>Poland vs Sweden<br/><br/>watching the Slovakia vs Spain match myself


<a onclick="highlightReply('16877', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16877">&gt;&gt;16877</a><br/>Slovakia vs Spain, Poland is done for anyway


<a onclick="highlightReply('16878', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16878">&gt;&gt;16878</a><br/>Yeah just saw that Sweden already scored in the 2nd minute, kinda embarrassing for Pooland


Holy fuck is that Slovakian keeper paid off?




<a onclick="highlightReply('16877', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16877">&gt;&gt;16877</a><br/>Avoiding spain like the plague, they already bored slovakia into submission and scoring an own goal


<a onclick="highlightReply('16881', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16881">&gt;&gt;16881</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Newfag thinks this is rare</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16884', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16884">&gt;&gt;16884</a><br/>Have you seen the way he did it? Pushing the ball over the crossbar when it falls down is an absolutel standard move every goalkeeper learns in fucking high school. And he wasn't even bother or tackled by a Spainiard.


That second goal by Spain was quite a good header


<a onclick="highlightReply('16881', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16881">&gt;&gt;16881</a><br/>Isn't this like the 4th time it happened in this tournament?


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I've seen this shit in Haikyuu


<a onclick="highlightReply('16889', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16889">&gt;&gt;16889</a><br/>Perhaps but its still funny for me when it happens


Nice third goal from Spain


<a onclick="highlightReply('16890', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16890">&gt;&gt;16890</a><br/>Can someone make a "sigma male" version of this clip? would be hilarious


Miss Czechoslovakia yet?


Great match between sweden and poland


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16885', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16885">&gt;&gt;16885</a><br/>Alright, I'll give you that


<a onclick="highlightReply('16896', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16896">&gt;&gt;16896</a><br/>Feels bad for Pooland, they managed to score two goals only to be fucked right in the end.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16898', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16898">&gt;&gt;16898</a><br/>Why is Poland always so shitty in tournaments? They used to be a force in the 70s. They always have decent players but everytime they participate in a tournament they're getting buried by everyone.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16899', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16899">&gt;&gt;16899</a><br/>One man team


who is THE leftypol's team?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16899', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16899">&gt;&gt;16899</a><br/>There are no socialist countries though.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16901', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16901">&gt;&gt;16901</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16902', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16902">&gt;&gt;16902</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16901', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16901">&gt;&gt;16901</a><br/>Belarus, but they're not qualified.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16903', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16903">&gt;&gt;16903</a><br/>Based Stalin


German normies are so annoying and embarrassing, I can't stand these guys. They're now all showing up with LGBT flags to "trigger" the Hungarians - remember that these are the same type of people who show up to an antifa protest with Israel flags. <br/><br/>And I'm German myself but this country truly was skullfucked by libs.


I think it's funny how Germany removed paragraph 175 only in 1994, while Hungary decriminalized homosexuality in 1961 (20 years and above)


<a onclick="highlightReply('16906', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16906">&gt;&gt;16906</a><br/>What do you think is going to happen in the election anon? Also I think your team is great but perhaps reaching the end of Löw being an effective manager. You'll probably be in with a chance of winning the world cup with Flick in charge. I'd still rather face Hungary in the next round because watching you btfo us at wembley again is going to be tough


<a onclick="highlightReply('16901', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16901">&gt;&gt;16901</a><br/>Democratic People's Republic of Korea obviously


<a onclick="highlightReply('16908', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16908">&gt;&gt;16908</a><br/>Flick always had the image of being a third wheel since Klinsmann, known as an insecure weakling. But then he kind of stepped out of the shadows at Bayern, so who knows, he certainly looks different now. I too think our team is great because I remember the times between 1994-2006 where we basically had a team on the level of Sweden at best (2002 only got us to the finale because we managed to play only against absolute trash opponents, and when we met Brazil they just wiped the floor with us), with pretty much no players in foreign leagues. When I now look at the cadre, it's Chelsea, Real Madrid, and so on everywhere - incredible improvement and you have to attribute this break and renewal to Klinsmann who shook a lot of things up in the German Football Association. Germany used to be a team that didn't have the best players and always just got lucky or played callous but it seems nowadays we can compete with other top teams without relying on luck or callousness. But sometimes we still fuck up royally (see World Cup 2018). <br/><span class="quote">&gt;What do you think is going to happen in the election anon?</span><br/>Greens are the talk of the town right now (woke neolibs) but considering how we are living in a gerontocracy with people over 70 representing the biggest voting bloc, people overestimate how much the young vote (which looks very Green right now) matters, so I'd say CDU might win. And honestly, that might even be the lesser evil - Annalena Baerbock is an incredible hawk against Russia and China, the think tank of the Greens has released papers that call for military containment strategies and punitive measure, meanwhile, Laschet from the CDU seems to at least wanting to go for a modest stance towards Moscow and Bejing (because he represents the old German industrialists who want to expand to Russia, Baerbrock represents more like the German finance capital and big tech). The SPD is a walking corpse and the Left Party is riddled with infighting between principled leftists/socialists and radlibs, has the entire media apparatus against them and seems to be in for a loss. AfD might increase their seats because people who just want to give the middle finger to the establishment think they can rather do it with the AfD instead of the Left Party. Lolberts seem to be in for a big win too.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16909', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16909">&gt;&gt;16909</a><br/>I remember when they participated in the World Cup 2010, and didn't even play that badly - but got beaten up because they were in a group with Brazil, Portugal and Ivory Coast (which was a force back then because of Didier Drogba).


Any score predictions for the France - Portugal match?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16912', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16912">&gt;&gt;16912</a><br/>1:3


Does anyone else think the Portuguese uniform kinda looks like the flag of Belarus kek


<a onclick="highlightReply('16910', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16910">&gt;&gt;16910</a><br/>Don't forget oliver kahn


lmao Germany about to get kicked out


<span class="quote">&gt;another fucking penalty</span>


Fucking hell germany




<a onclick="highlightReply('16922', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16922">&gt;&gt;16922</a><br/>Deschamps doesn't know how to use him anymore, just throws him in and expects him to do something


GEHEN DEUTSCHLAND!<br/>How's the score going to to turn out? Hungary scored that second goal faster than I can cum and that's saying something.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16924', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16924">&gt;&gt;16924</a><br/>Germany's out, Hungary 3rd and will play against Belgium


<a onclick="highlightReply('16924', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16924">&gt;&gt;16924</a><br/>halt deine dumme fresse


Germany equalised


<a onclick="highlightReply('16927', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16927">&gt;&gt;16927</a><br/>Man this is the most exciting day of the tournament


At least England is gone now now they have to face Germany. But I really hoped that the Hungarians would make it, what a fighting team


<a onclick="highlightReply('16929', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16929">&gt;&gt;16929</a><br/>Are you joking? I would much rather we play Germany than France or Portugal.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16350', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16350">&gt;&gt;16350</a><br/>Man eastern euro homophobes can't get a single W


<a onclick="highlightReply('16931', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16931">&gt;&gt;16931</a><br/>Lmao<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16926', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16926">&gt;&gt;16926</a><br/>Come shut it up bb


<a onclick="highlightReply('16931', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16931">&gt;&gt;16931</a><br/>Homosexuality is now mandatory in Hungary


<span class="quote">&gt;when they heard germany finished 2-2 france and portugal literally play it out to avoid england </span><br/>Actually surprised considering how shit we


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Round of 16, next matches this Saturday


<a onclick="highlightReply('16931', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16931">&gt;&gt;16931</a><br/>we still have croatia


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fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfucfuckfuckgoddamnitfuckfuckfuck<br/><br/>t. average possessor of 100% pure Scythian/Hunnic bloodline


This is what peak internationalism looks like ,take notes


<a onclick="highlightReply('16940', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16940">&gt;&gt;16940</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;archive.4plebs.org/sp/thread/109903273</span><br/>lol what a shitshow of a thread. you can detect summerfags and poltards just by their repetitive posts


Critical support for my Danish brothers. In the finals we will end what was started in 1468!


<a onclick="highlightReply('16935', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16935">&gt;&gt;16935</a><br/>Germany against England could be interesting


<a onclick="highlightReply('16944', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16944">&gt;&gt;16944</a><br/>The whole tournament is called the finals, the last match is called the final.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16910', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16910">&gt;&gt;16910</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt; incredible improvement and you have to attribute this break and renewal to Klinsmann who shook a lot of things up in the German Football Association.</span><br/>Klinsmann was a good player, but as manager he was just nuts plus a scheming faggot. He didn't do anything meaningful besides erecting Buddha statues and introducing american style clap clap clap marketing bullshit. In absolute numbers he never reached a final. In the 2002 semis under Völler however we defeated a very good South Korean side and lost 0:2 against the perhaps best brazilian team ever (Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Rivaldo, R. Carlos et al.) in the final with our best player on the bench.<br/>I remember Klinsmann mainly for sacking Kahn in an utterly disgraceful manner for no reason other than that he couldn't cope with strong personalities such as Kahn and Ballack (who was also sacked later by Löw in a similar disgraceful fashion in order to promote gay Lahm as captain). Kahn was still at least as good as Lehmann at the time. <br/>It was actually Sammer, who, as sports director (Klinsmann tried to block him from that position btw) really changed things with the youth development at the DFB and he did the talent scouting as well before he went to Buyern in 2012. Also, Hansi Flick was Löw's assistant manager in 2014.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16951', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16951">&gt;&gt;16951</a><br/>Yes, yes, thx for the lecture.<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16953', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16953">&gt;&gt;16953</a><br/>Sauce on the "Sacking of Kahn" pls. He was always my fave after Seaman.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16954', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16954">&gt;&gt;16954</a><br/>Seaman is a useless twat that bungled a half way line free kick


<a onclick="highlightReply('16940', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16940">&gt;&gt;16940</a><br/>The person who wrote that post is most likely a smug elitist liberal from the capital and I was saddened by the last match, but I kind of have to agree with him/her. Most football ultras here are fascist scumbags and the government has been ramping up hysteria about how Germans are oppressing us by putting rainbow flags everywhere


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<span class="quote">&gt;one of those teams will be in final</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16970', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16970">&gt;&gt;16970</a><br/>Netherlands probably


<a onclick="highlightReply('16974', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16974">&gt;&gt;16974</a><br/>why? i'd have both englel and germany over them. some upsets are also likely


<a onclick="highlightReply('16975', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16975">&gt;&gt;16975</a><br/>Germany look shit this year but England will find a way to lose to them again as we always do. I can't see Germany's piss poor defending keeping out Depay in the semi final though


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16976', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16976">&gt;&gt;16976</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16910', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16910">&gt;&gt;16910</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Lolberts seem to be in for a big win too</span><br/>Idk about and I certainly don't know if that is a good thing. That huso Lindner completely wrecking the economy should be a wakeup call


<a onclick="highlightReply('16933', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16933">&gt;&gt;16933</a><br/>The maghyar ultras already looked like a bunch of homos so adjusting shouldn't be too hard, no?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16955', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16955">&gt;&gt;16955</a><br/><br/>The one and only reason I liked Seaman was pic related. Dude looked like a pirate from a bad porno.


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So, news from Italy<br/><span class="quote">&gt;players decided to not take a knee against Austria</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;a bit of uproar and tons of cheers by right-wingers</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Austria decided they'll take a knee and this might embarrass us</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Captain Bonucci said "they'll discuss the matter"</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;After much deliberation they decided they'll take a knee with every team that will do the same thing to respect their sensibilities</span><br/>Radical centrism at its best, Italians will die christian-democrats and there's nothing we can do about it.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17035', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17035">&gt;&gt;17035</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Austrians will take the knee </span><br/>well i didn't expect that


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17036', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17036">&gt;&gt;17036</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;yfw arnautović doesn't</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('17038', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17038">&gt;&gt;17038</a><br/>David "Shut your maw or dislocated jaw" Alaba<br/>David "The human vise" Alaba


<span class="quote">&gt;joe allen is only 31</span>




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Well well well, Wales&hellip;


<span class="quote">&gt;kneeling</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;trans and lgbt ads everywhere</span><br/>What's the deal with PC branding? This isn't Burger 2020.


go back to /spol/ chud, this is pro-rashford thread


<span class="quote">&gt;Yes, I do think empty symbolism and porky coopting idpol is wonderful</span><br/>I thought this was leftypol, my bad.


Fucking Austrians, leave my man Barella alone


i guess what italy is lacking a world class winger. austria can't deal with their pressing but italy isn't creating much either


<a onclick="highlightReply('17051', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17051">&gt;&gt;17051</a><br/>I agree, but I wish we had better strikers too.


V A R<br/>A<br/>R


<a onclick="highlightReply('17053', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17053">&gt;&gt;17053</a><br/>Italy's best player right now


<span class="quote">&gt;everyone creams themselves over Italy again because they stomped some absolute shit tier teams</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;turns out they're fucking dog bob as soon as the real matches begin</span><br/>Every time


<a onclick="highlightReply('16528', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16528">&gt;&gt;16528</a><br/>This


Just fucking kill me, I can't stand to watch them anymore. I


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<br/>christiania flag spotted




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<br/>Get fucked


<a onclick="highlightReply('17060', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17060">&gt;&gt;17060</a><br/>Clearly controlled it with his hand


wew, that was a close one.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17062', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17062">&gt;&gt;17062</a><br/>You won't be able to cheat your way past portugal or belgium


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17064', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17064">&gt;&gt;17064</a>


god, de boer is retarded. what was the dutch fa thinking?


nice. fuck the netherlands


Man-marking is such an overpowered tool in the World Cup/UEFA Euro. Those national teams have far less options to harmonize their play than clubs, and therefore rely more on individual actions of their superstars, once you take them out of the game all the glory of highly appreciated teams like the Netherlands are basically trashed.


Netherlands keeps up the tradition of never winning anything.


<span class="quote">&gt;jota starting again</span><br/>yeah, belgium got this


how old is this pepe motherfucker now? lukako must be able to run circles around him.


Portugal has the hottest women in the audience so I hope they win


<span class="quote">&gt;ronaldo put a freekick on target</span><br/>shocked tbf


<a onclick="highlightReply('17092', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17092">&gt;&gt;17092</a><br/>I hope you are not writing this after they showed those three Portugese whales


thorgan hazard best hazard


Lovely goal


<a onclick="highlightReply('17092', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17092">&gt;&gt;17092</a><br/>cringe


will asspain get exposed today?


I fucking hate this referee, it's the guy who is always in the way


<a onclick="highlightReply('17126', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17126">&gt;&gt;17126</a><br/>Hopefully croatia nick it so we don't have to watch any more of Spain


as long as this ugly mongoloid Olmo isn't playing, Spain should win this


you gotta be fucking kidding me




lol and spain started so well too


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Rooting for Balkans today: Croatia and the other Albania.<br/><br/>picrel: Spain


absolutely embarrassing


anyone told the croatians yet that this is football not handball


P A I N<br/>A<br/>I<br/>N




<a onclick="highlightReply('17135', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17135">&gt;&gt;17135</a> (me)<br/>I officially retract everything I said about Olmo. What great assists


Who are you rooting for lads? For me it's western Albania.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17146', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17146">&gt;&gt;17146</a><br/>would support le hipster underdog but i have huge bet on france winning euros


If Western Jugoslavia doesn't score now, they're gonna lose at penalty shootout


<a onclick="highlightReply('17095', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17095">&gt;&gt;17095</a><br/>What if instead of Thorgan Hazard, he was Albanian, and his name is Thorgan Harvest.


Imagine thinking football is boring.


Go Spain :D


<a onclick="highlightReply('17147', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17147">&gt;&gt;17147</a><br/>if they don't win this i'm committing hate crimes against french people


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17149', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17149">&gt;&gt;17149</a><br/>I'm glad I was wrong


<span class="quote">&gt;MBAPPÉ</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('17157', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17157">&gt;&gt;17157</a><br/>Mbrappé


Fuck france




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<span class="quote">&gt;MBAPPÉ</span>


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<span class="quote">&gt;M</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;ba</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;ppe</span>


Don't forget Mbappé shitty assist on the first goal that required Benzema to pull off some kind of divine ball control to score.


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<span class="quote">&gt;</span>


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17146', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17146">&gt;&gt;17146</a><br/>BALKBROS IN, GET FUCKED FROGS


How the fuck did France lose


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Now that's a team I could get behind!


<a onclick="highlightReply('17170', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17170">&gt;&gt;17170</a><br/>Least homosexual team in Europe


<a onclick="highlightReply('17170', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17170">&gt;&gt;17170</a><br/>*fires up pro evolution soccer*


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17166', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17166">&gt;&gt;17166</a><br/>Mmmmmmmm&hellip;


<a onclick="highlightReply('17166', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17166">&gt;&gt;17166</a><br/>we all knew he whould be this seasons giroud



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<span class="heading">INGERLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND</span>


<span class="quote">&gt;werningz starting</span>






It's gonna be an easy 3:0 for us, Anglos play like shit. Gott strafe England!


<a onclick="highlightReply('17186', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17186">&gt;&gt;17186</a><br/><span class="heading">SCORE SOME FACKIN GOALS</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('17184', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17184">&gt;&gt;17184</a><br/>heheh<br/>ingerlund is better team so far



<span class="quote">&gt;hairy kane</span>


Kane is fucking useless


<span class="quote">&gt;third most expensive football player in the world</span>


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sixty-fourth minute and still no goals


is sweden vs ukraine a soviet union vs nazis of 21st century?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17197', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17197">&gt;&gt;17197</a><br/>yes.








Krauts peaked in 2014 and are now shit lmao


Get in sterling


<span class="quote">&gt;MÜLLER </span>


scheiß inselaffen&hellip;


low was right about muller


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wtf?!<br/><span class="spoiler">is this the reason?</span>


<span class="heading">FOOTBALL</span><br/><span class="heading">IS</span><br/><span class="heading">COMING</span><br/><span class="heading">HOME</span>




<span class="quote">&gt;cricket is coming back home</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;football is coming back home</span><br/>A N D W A S J E R U S A L E M B U I L D E D H E R E


<span class="quote">&gt;The city of Germany</span>




Germany is coping home


Post clips


<span class="heading">ITS COMING HOME</span><br/><span class="heading">FOOTBALLS COMING HOME</span>


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17214', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17214">&gt;&gt;17214</a>




its 1945 all over again


Krautbros&hellip;<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17216', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17216">&gt;&gt;17216</a><br/>would learn german for/10


<a onclick="highlightReply('17216', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17216">&gt;&gt;17216</a><br/>would illegally immigrate to germany/10


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17221', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17221">&gt;&gt;17221</a><br/>that's some good head<br/>thank fuck kane woke up


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17221', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17221">&gt;&gt;17221</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('17223', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17223">&gt;&gt;17223</a><br/>babby's first dissapointment


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17225', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17225">&gt;&gt;17225</a><br/>NORF FC FINALLY SAW INGERLAND SCORE SOME FACKIN GOALS


<a onclick="highlightReply('17225', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17225">&gt;&gt;17225</a><br/>Really nice composition.


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<span class="quote">&gt;leftypol celebrating angloids</span><br/>just how low you can reach


<a onclick="highlightReply('17229', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17229">&gt;&gt;17229</a><br/>dies


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17229', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17229">&gt;&gt;17229</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;we even trigger the tumblirina sakaiist teenagers</span><br/>HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA EAT SHIT AND DIE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA


<a onclick="highlightReply('17223', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17223">&gt;&gt;17223</a><br/>It's literally another dresden


<a onclick="highlightReply('17197', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17197">&gt;&gt;17197</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;sweden, a military industrial complex of yurope, selling weapons to burger-aligned actors</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;is soviet union</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('17229', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17229">&gt;&gt;17229</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;leftypol celebrating angloids</span><br/>more like leftypol is infested with angloids (and burgers). shouldn't surprise anyone


<a onclick="highlightReply('17233', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17233">&gt;&gt;17233</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;a military-state-industrial complex</span><br/>check<br/><span class="quote">&gt;selling weapons to burger-aligned actors</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;nigeria, ceylon, peru, mexico</span><br/>check<br/>the comparison isn't far off<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17229', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17229">&gt;&gt;17229</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17234', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17234">&gt;&gt;17234</a><br/>seethe


<a onclick="highlightReply('17234', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17234">&gt;&gt;17234</a><br/>Go on then, have a cry about it


<a onclick="highlightReply('17234', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17234">&gt;&gt;17234</a><br/>The only leftists leeching enough to have time to shitpost on the internet instead of doing organizing work or anything useful for that matter.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17237', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17237">&gt;&gt;17237</a><br/>What are you doing then, faggot?


Cuckrainians getting cucked tonight


<a onclick="highlightReply('17239', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17239">&gt;&gt;17239</a><br/>I want Ukraine to win so England can beat two nazi countries in a row


<a onclick="highlightReply('17240', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17240">&gt;&gt;17240</a><br/>This tbh. If only the Croats went through.


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<span class="quote">&gt;</span>


Well watching this I think England are already in the semis


England are going to batter Ukraine


<span class="quote">&gt;a sports bra</span><br/>w0t


<a onclick="highlightReply('17197', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17197">&gt;&gt;17197</a><br/>Sweden lost&hellip; Denmark is our last hope


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Burn, Ikea, burn


<a onclick="highlightReply('17245', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17245">&gt;&gt;17245</a><br/>Libtard sweden cucked by a slav tr*nny lol


<a onclick="highlightReply('17246', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17246">&gt;&gt;17246</a><br/>You're gonna get Czechmated, and I'll be drinking Staropramen when it happens.


So, it's either going to be:<br/>England<br/>Denmark<br/>Italy<br/>Sound about right?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17249', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17249">&gt;&gt;17249</a><br/>Czechs make best lager


<a onclick="highlightReply('17250', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17250">&gt;&gt;17250</a><br/>No Spain?<br/><br/>Also, Czechs have crushed some hopes and dreams already, Denmark might be too optimistic here.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17250', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17250">&gt;&gt;17250</a><br/>it's going to be Médecins Des Balkans


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anglo bants lol


<a onclick="highlightReply('17280', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17280">&gt;&gt;17280</a><br/>Classic Lowe


<a onclick="highlightReply('17280', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17280">&gt;&gt;17280</a><br/>Bruh


<a onclick="highlightReply('17281', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17281">&gt;&gt;17281</a><br/>Let's hope they lose and we can double down on shitting on them


<a onclick="highlightReply('17292', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17292">&gt;&gt;17292</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;hoping a team that always loses loses again because you're so upset by the happiness of others</span><br/>rent free


<a onclick="highlightReply('17293', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17293">&gt;&gt;17293</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;happiness of others involves harassing a little girl crying</span><br/>Ehm yeah&hellip;I hope you guys get kicked out by fucking ukraine


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17242', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17242">&gt;&gt;17242</a><br/>kawaii


<a onclick="highlightReply('17281', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17281">&gt;&gt;17281</a><br/>Can you imagine if one of us had made such comments if England had lost and they showed an English girl crying? <br/><span class="quote">&gt;haha, bomber harris was taken down by a V2, get blitzed cunt</span><br/>We would be cancelled to hell and back. <br/><br/>Anglos have no shame.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17296', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17296">&gt;&gt;17296</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;we would be cancelled no matter what</span><br/>Tweets like that happen after literally every match. No one would give a shit. But you're not actually offended, you're feigning disgust to score a cheap point.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17300', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17300">&gt;&gt;17300</a><br/>Don't try to normalize this shit. You fuckers have lost for so long that you don't know how to behave in victory.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17301', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17301">&gt;&gt;17301</a><br/>hahahahahaha cry more you little bitch, nothing will cause you to get bantered even more than this pathetic and display


<span class="quote">&gt;4chan /sp/ is full of nazis</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;this place is a ghost town full of complete faggots who most likely don't even watch football</span><br/>Sad!


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<span class="quote">&gt;NOOOO YOU CAN'T JUST BOO OUR ANTHEMERINO! YOU CAN'T JUST MAKE FUN OF A CHILD! YOU CAN'T SING 10 GERMAN BOMBERS IN THE AIR!</span><br/>pleeeeease keep seething forever ABE's


It's just football banter guys


<a onclick="highlightReply('17311', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17311">&gt;&gt;17311</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17311', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17311">&gt;&gt;17311</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17311', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17311">&gt;&gt;17311</a><br/>GOLEM


<a onclick="highlightReply('17307', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17307">&gt;&gt;17307</a><br/>Watch this uygha be chimping out at all manner of folks when morata will seal the deal with a tap in later in the tournament


<a onclick="highlightReply('17315', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17315">&gt;&gt;17315</a><br/>I think most people in England are expecting something like that to happen. All bants aside, "it's coming home" is from a song about how england are a shit team but we still have hope every time a tournament comes around. It was written for when we hosted Euro 96, hence "football's coming home". Essentially it's a 25 year long shitpost. We are going to bottle it at some point, the only question is when.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17311', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17311">&gt;&gt;17311</a><br/>i'm from post soviet country and even we didn't boo german anthem<br/>it's just an anglo thing


<span class="quote">&gt;morata</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;</span><br/>IT is coming home sooner than that.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17281', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17281">&gt;&gt;17281</a><br/>Anglobros&hellip; we got too cocky


<a onclick="highlightReply('17317', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17317">&gt;&gt;17317</a><br/>Embarrassed for you


<a onclick="highlightReply('17296', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17296">&gt;&gt;17296</a><br/>Need I remind you of all the heinous shit German fans have said over the years? Go kill yourself.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17330', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17330">&gt;&gt;17330</a><br/>Like what?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17319', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17319">&gt;&gt;17319</a><br/>I can see the referee be blamed for their potential loss


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<span class="heading">CALLARSE GUIRIS Y PIRATAS QUE HOY JUEGA ESPAÑITA</span><br/><br/><span class="heading">COOOÑÑÑÑÑÑÑOOOOOOOOO</span>


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17333', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17333">&gt;&gt;17333</a><br/>The remoaners among them will demand a replay lol


<a onclick="highlightReply('17338', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17338">&gt;&gt;17338</a><br/>First the Eurofestival, now Euro 2020. Maybe they should learn some sportsmanship.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17335', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17335">&gt;&gt;17335</a><br/>i never understood this picture of flygon


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and, is this thread seething about spain again


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0-1 for Spain.


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already miss him


Why spain is so shit?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17344', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17344">&gt;&gt;17344</a><br/>1-1


So, this is the power of the balkans&hellip;


Guesses for who fails the last penalti?


repeating integers and spain scores a cheeky goal at then end of 2OT


<span class="quote">&gt;Belgium Italy in 30 minutes</span><br/>Who do you guys think will win?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17355', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17355">&gt;&gt;17355</a><br/>well not only did that mp4 make me unironically mad, Belgium isn't even a real country. So, Vamos Italia <br/><br/>also mf pENULTIES wtf spain, pks dont choke


<span class="quote">&gt;swiss penulty taking</span><br/><br/><span class="heading">no pasarán</span>


<span class="quote">&gt;can't score for full on 45 minutes against a 10 players small country team</span>


Sommer did his best but his team crumbled under pressure. Horrible penalties.


sad for the swiss they tried so hard


<a onclick="highlightReply('17358', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17358">&gt;&gt;17358</a><br/>cope and seethe, switzerland kicked out france. they are playing very well, against italy or belgium it will be a different game. it's a young team, these experience are very valuable


<a onclick="highlightReply('17358', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17358">&gt;&gt;17358</a><br/>estés enojado, coño?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17361', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17361">&gt;&gt;17361</a><br/>Im spanish myself but this is just laughable. They were doing the tiki taka shit still at like 5 metres away from the goalkeeper lmao<br/>Switzerland deserved better<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17362', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17362">&gt;&gt;17362</a><br/>El nacionalismo es un fantasma


<a onclick="highlightReply('17363', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17363">&gt;&gt;17363</a><br/>yeah I agree. there were also no long passes even though the side runners were sometimes completely free, yet they are trying through the middle over and over, giving the swiss defenders time to shine. against italy they must drop this shit (if italy wins today), or itally will cut them. <br/><br/>I also feel sorry for switzerland, but, life is life


<a onclick="highlightReply('17363', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17363">&gt;&gt;17363</a><br/>si los suizos lo merecían, pues no debían atregar en las penales<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;el nacionalismo es una fantasma</span><br/>estoy en acuerdo, pero cuando es tiempo para el fútbol, es divertido para el shitposting


what a fucking choke and joke, they fought so hard against all odds


I can't see Spain winning against Italy/Belgium by playing an asthmatic version of tiki taka.


why is belgium starting a random zoomer over mertens or carrasco? is he good?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17367', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17367">&gt;&gt;17367</a><br/>honestly this team is a mystery box, and it would be the first time they would play against an opponent that won't just defend while doing nothing else


Seems like this game is going to be a boring semen slurper


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Italy got cucked by the VAR.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17371', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17371">&gt;&gt;17371</a><br/>thank god VAR was there to save the sport! we can't celebrate goals anymore but it's fair price to pay for preventing those 5cm offsides


<a onclick="highlightReply('17372', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17372">&gt;&gt;17372</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;being this mad that the rules are enforced</span><br/>fuck off


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Nice save.


Absolutely Based Barella, what a guy. You can tell Lukaku is his mentor.


<span class="quote">&gt;Belgium's golden generation </span>


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17375', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17375">&gt;&gt;17375</a><br/>The VAR couldn't cuck Italy out of this one.<br/>0-1 for Italy.


OOF dat Insigne goal!


<span class="quote">&gt;Immobile fucks up again in front of the gk</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Insigne scores his trademark goal</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Defensive fuck up and penalty</span><br/>Wew


the med BVLL strikes again


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17378', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17378">&gt;&gt;17378</a>


How the fuck could VAR convalidate this penalty?What the fuck.


This is why I hate soccer: all the bullshit diving that can change the game on a whim<br/><br/>Baseball is a better sport tbqh


<a onclick="highlightReply('17383', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17383">&gt;&gt;17383</a><br/>Diving isn't punished enough, but don't even try to compare football to that snoozefest that's baseball


<a onclick="highlightReply('17384', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17384">&gt;&gt;17384</a><br/>baseball's slow pace is therapeutic; it's good if you aren't an adhd zoomer


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Belgium 1-2 Italy<br/>The second most dangerous lead. <br/>¿Era o no era penal, /leftypol/?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17387', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17387">&gt;&gt;17387</a><br/>No era, doku dived


<a onclick="highlightReply('17388', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17388">&gt;&gt;17388</a><br/>count dooku


anyone got some links to view online?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17390', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17390">&gt;&gt;17390</a><br/><a href="http://ronaldo7.io/soccer-streams/italy-live-stream" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://ronaldo7.io/soccer-streams/italy-live-stream</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('17390', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17390">&gt;&gt;17390</a><br/>we don't support piracy here, pal<br/><br/>but try sportsbay.org just this once


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Immobile is fucking useless holy shit


<a onclick="highlightReply('17395', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17395">&gt;&gt;17395</a><br/>I've never seen a good match by this guy, total fraud


<a onclick="highlightReply('17396', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17396">&gt;&gt;17396</a><br/>Top scorer in serie A and this says a lot


Get fisted Belgium




How did the belgea start as the most ferocious and war hungry tribe, and end up as this <br/>how sad


<a onclick="highlightReply('17385', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17385">&gt;&gt;17385</a><br/>Imagine being the first person to steal a base <br/><span class="quote">&gt;"i wasn't looking! that's cheating!"</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;"gotta pay attention, adhd zoomer sooner redpilled based boomer"</span>


I swear the celebration by normies out here are EXTRAcringe rn.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17403', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17403">&gt;&gt;17403</a><br/>I was getting hyped for the semifinal but these people make me wanna commit sudoku.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17383', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17383">&gt;&gt;17383</a><br/>Lmao fuck off retard


Italy are cheating, crying, time wasting bastards as usual.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17402', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17402">&gt;&gt;17402</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;drops an example of why baseball isn't for terminally online brainlets who have destroyed their attention span</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;doesn't see the irony</span><br/><br/>lol


<a onclick="highlightReply('17407', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17407">&gt;&gt;17407</a><br/>You speak like a liberal. Football isn't "for" people with a low attention span, it's just that it's so popular there are bound to be millions of people who engage in it in that way. People who look at their phones for most of every match, just watch highlights videos or get all their info from FIFA are very easy to spot.


If you can play a commercial while the game is playing, it's not a sport


<a onclick="highlightReply('17406', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17406">&gt;&gt;17406</a><br/>lol cry more


<a onclick="highlightReply('17419', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17419">&gt;&gt;17419</a><br/>Are you talking to me or italy


<a onclick="highlightReply('17420', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17420">&gt;&gt;17420</a><br/>No reason to cry here, frenchie.


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Why does football make people reactionaries?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17421', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17421">&gt;&gt;17421</a><br/>No really, is "cry more" a football chant of Italian fans? Almost everyone fucking hates teams that do it. You are the villains now.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17425', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17425">&gt;&gt;17425</a><br/>It's all shitposting, at least here.<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17426', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17426">&gt;&gt;17426</a><br/>The only football villains left are spaniards and their awful tiki taka. Hopefully we'll take care of that.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17387', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17387">&gt;&gt;17387</a><br/>Sí fue penal. The force that the guy put is clearly seen. And the guy has so much momentum he keep sliding for a good while. Pretty intense.


<span class="heading">DON'T LET THE ANGLOS WIN</span><br/>you better fucking not


<a onclick="highlightReply('17425', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17425">&gt;&gt;17425</a><br/>don't care, being xenophobic makes me happy


<a onclick="highlightReply('17429', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17429">&gt;&gt;17429</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Cheering literal holocaust appraisers over a team full of working class black english kids because of "muh anglos"</span><br/>Leftypol has lost the plot


<a onclick="highlightReply('17427', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17427">&gt;&gt;17427</a><br/>Italy are going to cruise this tournament, no question. Spain don't stand a chance.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17433', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17433">&gt;&gt;17433</a><br/>Shut up, don't jinx it.


haha it would take VAR 5 seconds to check if it was a corner or not


<a onclick="highlightReply('17432', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17432">&gt;&gt;17432</a><br/><span class="spoiler">I don't really know who Engalnd is even playing, my rade.</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('17432', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17432">&gt;&gt;17432</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;cheering for anglo imperialists over misguided soviets</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('17438', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17438">&gt;&gt;17438</a><br/>Banderaites


<a onclick="highlightReply('17439', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17439">&gt;&gt;17439</a><br/>You think people who glorify nazis are "misguided soviets"? Fucking nutjob.


this referee is so obviously for denmark, ridiculous


<a onclick="highlightReply('17442', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17442">&gt;&gt;17442</a><br/>Which incident are you referring to?


the anglo fears the slav BVLL


<a onclick="highlightReply('17444', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17444">&gt;&gt;17444</a><br/>lol


<span class="heading">FOOTBALL STATUS:</span><br/><span class="heading">ON ITS WAY TO HOME</span>


what happened to sterling? did Sir Gareth unlock him?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17448', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17448">&gt;&gt;17448</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;try offside trap</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;fail horribly at it</span>


<span class="quote">&gt;Sancho moves to United</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Immediately gets a start</span>


<span class="heading">SLAVA</span>


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17432', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17432">&gt;&gt;17432</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;working class </span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('17452', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17452">&gt;&gt;17452</a><br/>Where do you think they're from


Ukraine is such a shit team


<a onclick="highlightReply('17453', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17453">&gt;&gt;17453</a><br/>most of the players invest their money somewhere else and become the bourgeoise


<span class="heading">IMAGINE BEING CUCKRAINIAN RIGHT NOW LMAO</span><br/><span class="heading">4-0</span>


Nazis absolutely manslaughtered


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<span class="heading">Cuckrainians right now</span>


Didn't even need grealisu.


It's another holodomor.


Never forget when England scored 40 million goals against Ukraine


Why would Bolsheviks do this????



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<a onclick="highlightReply('17294', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17294">&gt;&gt;17294</a><br/>Hi :)


<a onclick="highlightReply('17470', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17470">&gt;&gt;17470</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;looks at next opponent </span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;its fucking Denmark</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;coupled with their group and the fact that the final and most of their games are in wembley</span><br/>Looks like somebody sucked the state budget for healthcare dry in order to bribe uefa


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If it's any consolation, the longer anglos stay in the tournament the more anglos get beaten by their wives for being such obnoxious twats.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17477', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17477">&gt;&gt;17477</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Accusations of racism and classism as 24-year-old makes comments about ‘ugly faces’ and ‘backward language’</span><br/>But he's french


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17471', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17471">&gt;&gt;17471</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Now the narrative has changed from UKRAINE WILL BTFO YOU to THERE'S NO WAY YOU COULD HAVE LOST THIS IS RIGGGGED</span><br/>hilarious


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Medbros&hellip; honestly i don't give a fuck about whoever wins as long as it is the best one, so you can <span class="heading">DESTROY</span> and <span class="heading">PULVERIZE</span> the angl*ids for good. Rooting for you <br/><br/>ROMA INVICTA


<a onclick="highlightReply('17481', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17481">&gt;&gt;17481</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;unconquered Rome </span><br/>lol sure


<a onclick="highlightReply('17479', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17479">&gt;&gt;17479</a><br/>As long as you lose in the end. That's all I need to feel happy


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Friendship ended with Staropramen, now Tuborg is my best friend.


Im happy if England loses.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17483', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17483">&gt;&gt;17483</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17485', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17485">&gt;&gt;17485</a><br/>Sad!


less than an hour left for what's potentially the best match of the tournament and there's absolutely no posts for more than a day<br/>yet when angloids are in a draw with some balkan team unimportant match there are 30+ live posts<br/>how is this site this assfucked jesus christ


<a onclick="highlightReply('17513', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17513">&gt;&gt;17513</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;how is this site this assfucked jesus christ</span><br/>there's like 10 posters max in this thread


that 5 second euro theme is pure earrape material



<a onclick="highlightReply('17513', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17513">&gt;&gt;17513</a><br/>If Immobile chockes again, I swear I'm gonna kill every Lazio supporter I know


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<span class="quote">&gt;asspain</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('17518', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17518">&gt;&gt;17518</a><br/>spain had like 5-6 beautiful combinations into the box, cope and seethe


<a onclick="highlightReply('17513', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17513">&gt;&gt;17513</a><br/>Most anons post here only post-match, /leftypol/'s not active enough for live shitposting like /sp/


muh tiki taka


nice, fuck spain<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17517', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17517">&gt;&gt;17517</a><br/>you're going to eliminate all italian fascists by yourself?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17522', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17522">&gt;&gt;17522</a><br/>Now I gotta do it, that fucker choked again


<span class="quote">&gt;30 more minutes of this</span><br/>Embarrassing Italy tonight, I'm fucking sick of catenaccio


italybros&hellip; i don't think we can shithouse this


who will step up and continue zaza's legacy?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17526', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17526">&gt;&gt;17526</a><br/>Don't remind me


<span class="orangeQuote">&lt;<a href="https://boards.4channel.org/sp/thread/110585528" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://boards.4channel.org/sp/thread/110585528</a></span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;morata</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('17524', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17524">&gt;&gt;17524</a><br/>Catenaccio or tiki taka, both boring.




Italy vs Denmark it is then


<a onclick="highlightReply('17531', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17531">&gt;&gt;17531</a><br/>England was useful for kicking out the pitiful Germanoids but now I root for Denmark.


Ah yes a typical Italian match, playing like shit and winning undeservingly.<br/>Now I'm all in to crush the anglo box though.


virgin enrique couldn't man up and tell choker morata that he shouldn't take the pen


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17533', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17533">&gt;&gt;17533</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;played like shit</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;let Spain lead the match for 120 minutes</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;win anyway</span><br/>All good


Based spaghettibros. A shit match today but otherwise best team so far.


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The eternal italian


<a onclick="highlightReply('17536', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17536">&gt;&gt;17536</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;best team</span><br/>let's not exaggerate, our attack is laughable at best.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17538', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17538">&gt;&gt;17538</a><br/>At least you have Chiese and good headers of the ball


I expect apologies when England win tonight and on sunday


<a onclick="highlightReply('17543', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17543">&gt;&gt;17543</a><br/>What are you gonna do with insincere apologies


<a onclick="highlightReply('17544', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17544">&gt;&gt;17544</a><br/>As long as you admit you were wrong


<a onclick="highlightReply('17537', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17537">&gt;&gt;17537</a><br/>Based Chiellini


<a onclick="highlightReply('17543', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17543">&gt;&gt;17543</a><br/>of course they're gonna win tonight<br/>if they win final too, i won't apologize and start posting asterisks instead


Someone make a new thread


<a onclick="highlightReply('17543', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17543">&gt;&gt;17543</a><br/>You will be disappointed in more ways than one.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17555', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17555">&gt;&gt;17555</a><br/>meh there's only 2 games left anyway<br/>maybe a /football/ general thread after euros, but it'll be even less active than this one


<a onclick="highlightReply('17558', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17558">&gt;&gt;17558</a><br/>Yeah everyone in this community is an annoying ugly nerd


<a onclick="highlightReply('17557', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17557">&gt;&gt;17557</a><br/>Oh will I now?


<span class="quote">&gt;manlet goalkeepers</span><br/>when will this meme end


Oh nooo


I see England continues his tradition of not reaching any finale.


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Half of England tomorrow


btfo Danes<br/>own goal


<a onclick="highlightReply('17569', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17569">&gt;&gt;17569</a><br/>how do you possible avoid that? all you can do is somehow throw ourself towards the ball or sterling nicks it in.


very fun match


<span class="quote">&gt;own goal</span><br/><br/>ffs danes


<a onclick="highlightReply('17565', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17565">&gt;&gt;17565</a><br/>they have something called low centre of gravity that usually lets them fall quicker to the ground and recompose, and turn around better among other things. They may not reach really adjusted shots but how many times have you seen tall keepers act floppy around at short distances or with a cleared out ball, it is a trade-off to take into account. <br/>In other sports like futsal this plays an even major role and most goalkeepers are of short-height<br/><br/>t. manlet ex-wannabe keeper


<a onclick="highlightReply('17573', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17573">&gt;&gt;17573</a><br/>hey, fellow manlet ex-keeper here<br/><br/>too bad I was legitimately too short; 5'5" is just too much to overcome. I should've chosen any other position lmao.


please, not another extra time&hellip;


ingurland would've shithoused this if that dane didn't OG


Denmark is reddit personified


<a onclick="highlightReply('17577', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17577">&gt;&gt;17577</a><br/>elaborate




<a onclick="highlightReply('17579', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17579">&gt;&gt;17579</a><br/>I think it was legit, but England was clearly fishing for a penaly


Honestly such horseshit that England is going to win over an OG and a bullshit pen that came from diving. Fuck this sport; I'm sticking with baseball.


Fuck england


Was it refball?


Refball just like in 1966<br/>Fuck England


so the referee decides who is gonna be in the finale? cool.<br/><br/>honestly he should have already noticed that sterling constantly collapsed at the slightest touch trying to get a free kick or a penalty. worse than neymar


<a onclick="highlightReply('17585', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17585">&gt;&gt;17585</a><br/>I think referees don't give a shit about diving anymore. I don't remember the last time someone was punished for it.


pirates gonna pirate


<a onclick="highlightReply('17587', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17587">&gt;&gt;17587</a><br/>the VAR has made the diving even worse. now that "the rules are enforced" the slightest touch, no matter how melodramatically you collapse afterwards, will be a penalty will be the "rules".


Honestly this was such a bad decision I would not doubt corruption


honestly it fucking sucks that you would enforce "the rules" in such a positivist way. like, it doesn't matter that the guy attempts to dive from the very beginning and then falls no matter how slightly he was touched - with very clear intent to fall.<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17587', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17587">&gt;&gt;17587</a><br/>so true. the last i remember someone being punished for diving must have been 2015 or something.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17590', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17590">&gt;&gt;17590</a><br/>It's not necessarily corruption, it's how this shit works unfortunately.




lol only england could make italy the protagonists<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17591', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17591">&gt;&gt;17591</a><br/>shaparenko got it in this euros for diving in the box. it was a dive without contact too, it's their instinct at this point.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17592', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17592">&gt;&gt;17592</a><br/>Why even have VAR? I get that the VAR cannot overrule the referee, but the ref could have at least went to the screen to watch it.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17595', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17595">&gt;&gt;17595</a><br/>VAR is good for offsides but it's not that easy to discern dives from fouls sometimes.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17594', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17594">&gt;&gt;17594</a><br/>for me the breaking point was the last two world cups where neymar basically acts as if he is made of pudding and was NEVER punished for it. like, zero.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17584', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17584">&gt;&gt;17584</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17583', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17583">&gt;&gt;17583</a><br/>Of course you would come up with a stupid excuse after saying denmark would win all week. If you think that's not a penalty you don't watch football


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17599', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17599">&gt;&gt;17599</a><br/>Right its <span class="heading">BEACH SEASON</span>


.&gt;&gt;17599<br/><span class="quote">&gt;If you think that's not a penalty you don't watch football</span><br/>What alternative universe do you live in?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17599', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17599">&gt;&gt;17599</a><br/>it's not a penalty. sterling attempts to dive before he is even touched by a dane, after he already looked to dive in many situations before.<br/><br/>also, i don't believe england would have scored if it wasn't for the refball. and in penality shotout we know england would have lost lol


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17599', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17599">&gt;&gt;17599</a><br/>Neymar is definitely the worst offender, the fact that he's never punished shows that rules against diving might as well not exist.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17605', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17605">&gt;&gt;17605</a><br/>Oh I guess it is a blatant penalty


<a onclick="highlightReply('17602', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17602">&gt;&gt;17602</a><br/>Waiting to hear an argument, idiot


<a onclick="highlightReply('17607', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17607">&gt;&gt;17607</a><br/>You are probably an Angloid and therefore will rationalize anything to say it was a penalty. There is no use discussing with you. It was a very light contact and an exaggerated fall.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17608', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17608">&gt;&gt;17608</a><br/>He wasn't just tripped up once, but vestegaard came into him from the side without an attempt to get the ball. I'm honestly asking you, how often do you watch football? Penalties are given for far less all the time


<a onclick="highlightReply('17609', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17609">&gt;&gt;17609</a><br/>The Perfidious Albion Strikes Again<br/>Next you will lecture me about the Falklands and glorious Britannia


guys dont bully blind people


<a onclick="highlightReply('17610', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17610">&gt;&gt;17610</a><br/>Nice argument you fucking seething little faggot. If that was anywhere else on the pitch it would be a free kick. Denmark were playing dirty, wasting time, pretending to be injured and diving all match. But yeah you're genuinely upset that this penalty was given. Fuck off


<a onclick="highlightReply('17609', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17609">&gt;&gt;17609</a><br/>maybe during the group stage but giving someone a penalty for a dive during the extra time in a semi final is obviously a refball that decides the game. <br/><span class="quote">&gt;Denmark were playing dirty, wasting time, pretending to be injured and diving all match.</span><br/>they had cramps you fucking idiot, because they were obviously completely out of breath after minute 60 or something.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17612', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17612">&gt;&gt;17612</a><br/>THE ETERNAL


<a onclick="highlightReply('17613', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17613">&gt;&gt;17613</a><br/>It's not a dive though. There is contact and he goes down. If you watched football more often than once every 4 years for a tournament you would know this.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;they had cramps you fucking idiot, because they were obviously completely out of breath after minute 60 or something.</span><br/>Extreme naivety


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<span class="quote">&gt;three sudden new IPs appear right after the penalty </span>


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So football is like elections right? Things are so muddy you can't tell whether the system is crap or it's rigged or both.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17615', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17615">&gt;&gt;17615</a><br/>he goes into the box with the intent to fall, already leaning forward. he may or may not be touched slightly but that is still a dive.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;If you watched football more often than once every 4 years for a tournament you would know this.</span><br/>again, a refball in a semi final of a big tournament is very rare and talked about for a while. i wouldn't make a big deal out of this if it was in the group phase or some random league match.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Extreme naivety</span><br/>ever played sports you degenerate anglo? for a complete underdog the amount of time wasting of denmark was surprisingly tolerable, especially if you look how other teams do it. they played a very fair tournament. i am starting to get the feeling that it's you who never watched football except every 4 years.


No one's going to mention the "foul" on denmark for their free kick then


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<span class="quote">&gt;i don't understand, why does the world hate us? we were clearly the better team</span>


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THERE WERE TWO BALLS ON THE FIELD LMAO <br/>all good still anglobro? <a onclick="highlightReply('17615', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17615">&gt;&gt;17615</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('17621', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17621">&gt;&gt;17621</a><br/>It's called a pitch, and that's very obviously a balloon or something you fucking cretin, you're really grasping at straws now



<a onclick="highlightReply('17622', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17622">&gt;&gt;17622</a><br/>put some effort at least


<a onclick="highlightReply('17624', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17624">&gt;&gt;17624</a><br/>Ok, first of all, use your fucking eyes. It's clearly not a football. Second of all. Do you think the danish players would just continue playing? You really haven't ever watched a match before have you


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17621', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17621">&gt;&gt;17621</a><br/>Idiot


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Was this not a penalty either ABE seethers?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17627', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17627">&gt;&gt;17627</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17628', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17628">&gt;&gt;17628</a><br/>Italy will crush your Angloid dreams. Kill yourself


<a onclick="highlightReply('17630', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17630">&gt;&gt;17630</a><br/>it was all ball lmao you're blind or trolling


<a onclick="highlightReply('17633', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17633">&gt;&gt;17633</a><br/>No seriously, are you fucking blind? Do you not understand that VAR would have outruled the goal if that was a ball, and for some reason every danish player didn't see it?<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17631', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17631">&gt;&gt;17631</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;seething this hard and deflecting when his headcanon runs ouf steam</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16516', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#16516">&gt;&gt;16516</a><br/>/sp/ is just glorified /int/


<a onclick="highlightReply('17631', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17631">&gt;&gt;17631</a><br/>SHUT THE FUCK UP DON'T JINX IT


Turns out Schmeichel was blinded by a laser pointer during the penalty. Angloids have to resort to assault to win games


<a onclick="highlightReply('17635', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17635">&gt;&gt;17635</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Do you not understand that VAR would have outruled the goal if that was a ball</span><br/>No, not neccessarily.<br/>VAR would have outruled that penalty though, because it wasn't one. Makkelie perhaps knew that very well. Also Schmeichel getting laserpointed, the Danish anthem getting booed, no Danish fans in the stadium at all and England pretty much always playing at home stinks. <br/>I hope Italy uses their most fierce catenaccio against the English, they deserve a really bad game.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17653', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17653">&gt;&gt;17653</a><br/>it was a penalty first he stepped on the tip of the shoe and the other guy hit him with his knee


<a onclick="highlightReply('17656', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17656">&gt;&gt;17656</a><br/>He was already "falling" when the shoe touched him lightly, he was not intentionally touched or hit by either of the Danish players. That was never a penalty and Makkelie decided on similar situations accordingly. What Sterling did is commonly called diving and should actually have resulted in a penalty for Denmark.


Come on italy<br/><br/>Score sum goals


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<span class="heading">ITALIA! ITALIA! ITALIA!</span><br/><br/><span class="heading">LET'S GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!</span>


<span class="quote">&gt;Shaw-Maguire-Stones-Walker-Trippier</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Rice-Phillips-Mount</span><br/>is southgate pulling a reverse guardiola?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17770', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17770">&gt;&gt;17770</a><br/>I'm too mad to say anything, we're playing like shit while England is basically perfect.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17770', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17770">&gt;&gt;17770</a><br/>I think that noone is here because the thread is bumplocked and as a result doesn't show up on the overboard


<a onclick="highlightReply('17772', event);" href="/hobby/res/16350.html#17772">&gt;&gt;17772</a><br/>well i'll make a new one then, worth it for post match shitshow


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17775', event);" href="/hobby/res/17775.html#17775">&gt;&gt;17775</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17775', event);" href="/hobby/res/17775.html#17775">&gt;&gt;17775</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17775', event);" href="/hobby/res/17775.html#17775">&gt;&gt;17775</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17775', event);" href="/hobby/res/17775.html#17775">&gt;&gt;17775</a><br/>NEW


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