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 No.3524[Last 50 Posts]

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Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky"

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<a onclick="highlightReply('15840', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15840">&gt;&gt;15840</a><br/><br/>No I will NOT lift weights<br/>No I will NOT do any sort of exercise<br/>No I will not eat healthy<br/>No I will not cut carbs and sugar<br/>No I will not eat more diary and meat<br/>No I will not stop watching porn<br/>No I will not have decent personal hygiene<br/>No I will not do anything productive<br/>No I will not use minoxidil to fix my beard<br/>No I will not ever go out unless I'm forced to<br/>No I will not improve my social skills<br/>Yes I will keep playing vydias<br/>Yes I will keep shitposting on imageboards<br/>Yes I will keep arguing with political schizos on Twitter


1) Should I exercise before or after breakfast?<br/>2) Can I sustain myself purely on low-fat curd and not face any adverse health effects? Normal healthy food is either tiresome to make (soup / porridge) and or tastes like dogshit after microwaving (home-cooked chicken / grounded beef). <br/>3) Eggs. Yay or nay?<br/>4) Should I bother with vegetables? I was advised IRL to eat them by a /fit/ friend, but his only points were A) They stuff you up so you wouldn't start eating random shit outside of meals, which is no problem to me since I have good self control, and B) It will make my shits better, which doesn't seem all that amazing. So again, yay or nay?


I'm too lazy to work out but I like stretching.


<span class="quote">&gt; <a href="http://liamrosen.com/fitness.html" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://liamrosen.com/fitness.html</a></span><br/>90% of it is lies and outdated science


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<a onclick="highlightReply('15854', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15854">&gt;&gt;15854</a><br/>1)Both<br/>2)It sounds like a quick way to become malnourished, get beans, rice, bananas and any other cheap food you can get to remain relatively well fed.<br/>3)Yay, all you can have<br/>4)Vegetables are good sources of nutrients on top of everything you mentioned, so yay.<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('15855', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15855">&gt;&gt;15855</a><br/>haha stretch ur anus xddddd


<a onclick="highlightReply('15854', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15854">&gt;&gt;15854</a><br/>1) You should have a pre-workout and post-workout meal. Before workout you need some protein and simple carbs to boost your performance, afterwards protein and complex carbs or fat for the slow muscle repair, which also consumes energy. If you're cutting you can replace pre-workout meal with coffee.<br/>2) All nutrients are important, but limit simple carbs to pre-workout and limit saturated fats in general.<br/>3) Yay, and eat the whole egg.<br/>4) Absolutely. Some can be a great source of fiber and complex carbs, even protein. Legumes (beans, lentils, etc.) give you all three.


<a onclick="highlightReply('15855', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15855">&gt;&gt;15855</a><br/>I'm too impatient to stretch but I like working out.


Im a fucking fatass. (170cm, 113kg)<br/>Please give me tips on losing weight


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;15863</span><br/>Based bloatlord


<a onclick="highlightReply('15861', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15861">&gt;&gt;15861</a><br/>Eat less you fat fuck <span class="spoiler">haha just kidding I've put on a few pounds myself and will be doing the same</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('15861', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15861">&gt;&gt;15861</a><br/>Go on a fast, get moving. Stop loading on bad carbs and bad sugar. You'll make it.


<a onclick="highlightReply('15861', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15861">&gt;&gt;15861</a><br/>Just do what lifters do while cutting, look it up. Since you're a fatass you can cut more extremely, your body wants to get rid of that fat as well.


<a onclick="highlightReply('15861', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15861">&gt;&gt;15861</a><br/>Eat below your daily calorie intake and supplement with low intensity, long duration exercise (Be on a bike for an hour at a level where you can still hold a conversation but are still working, for about 3 or more times a week)<br/><br/>calculate daily calorie intake here:<br/><a href="https://tdeecalculator.net/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://tdeecalculator.net/</a>


<span class="heading">CUTTING IS FOR TWINKS</span>


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<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;15872</span><br/>If right wingers are already jacked gym goers then we need to be so too in order to fight them


I do not cut carbs <br/>I only cut calories


<a onclick="highlightReply('15840', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15840">&gt;&gt;15840</a><br/>Is the second pdf only useful if I have kettlebell?



<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;15878</span><br/>You need to be in shape to fight a war. <br/>Running from the enemy, carrying heavy equipment around, living under extreme conditions are things that you can’t do if you are not healthy and fit.


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;15883</span><br/>Im not reading all of that but you should shut up and stop shitting up the thread


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;15885</span><br/>I don't care; stop shitting up the thread


<a onclick="highlightReply('15884', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15884">&gt;&gt;15884</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;t. thinks a 6 pack and arm mass will allow him to ruck 10 miles, get shot at, and ruck 10 more</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('15861', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15861">&gt;&gt;15861</a><br/>Literally just fix your diet. You don't even need to work out in order to be 80kg ish, unless there is something really fucked with your metabolism. I only recently got intondoing actual workouts, since I was tired of being skinny-fat, but even then I considered my shape to be average enough. <br/>Main points:<br/>1) Drop all fucking sugar you can find. Energy drinks? Out. Sweetened tea? Out. A snack in the evening? Out. Frosted flakes? You better believe it out. If you want to go a step further, drop ketchup and other similar things that are full of sneaky sugar. At the very least stop using Heinz. <br/>This alone should do wonders considering your current state. <br/>2) Cut all fast carbs. Pasta? Out. White bread and buns? Out. Any sort of cereal? Out. <br/>This is where I am at as I am a bit lazy to go through the next steps. <br/>3) Cut the fat intake. First and most obvious is non-home-made meats, eg sausages. Also in general try to cut all prefab foods. Then, if you do home-cook your meat, do it without oil or butter, aka no frying. <br/>4) Most advanced stage, eat good food. This means REAL greens. Peas, spinache, broccoli, try to find something that you find ok tobeat from those. If you are lazy you can opt for chilled vegetable mixes at the store. Try to eat them along your other meals. <br/><br/>All in all just the first two should do wonders for you as I said. Though I'd also advise some light exercise like going out for a walk for an hour.


<a onclick="highlightReply('15854', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15854">&gt;&gt;15854</a><br/>definitely make it so that you get to eat after you work out, also yes, go ahead and bother with vegetables, they're really good, but make sure to eat them alongside meat/dairy products if you can.


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;15883</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Petty boug food diet</span><br/>You don't know what you are talking about. Maybe its different in burgerstan (I assume you are a burger because you use the ancom flag), but here healthy food is cheaper than the alternative. Refusing to eat shit that is pumped full of sugar, reprocessed from cow bone or filled with cancerogenic transfats isn't le bougie lifestyleism. Buying eggs, oatmeal, uncoocked chicken meat and vegie mixes is cheap as fuck. As for le gym monkeys, sure, its a bit cringe to want to be le muscle mountain, but in the end the process to become one is just a further goal on the path to get into a descent body shape of not being overweight.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('15881', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15881">&gt;&gt;15881</a><br/>post moar fitprop inspo please<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('15880', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15880">&gt;&gt;15880</a><br/>No, you can load an adjustable dumbell so it kinda functions like a kettle bell.


<a onclick="highlightReply('15867', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15867">&gt;&gt;15867</a><br/>If that is true why is it so hard to lose weight?


<a onclick="highlightReply('15896', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15896">&gt;&gt;15896</a><br/>Because you have to struggle against your own habits. But once you change them the weight will be dropping by itself without you even thinking about it.<br/><br/>I find it much harder to change body composition (reduce fat and gain muscle) once your weight is already fine. Lifting is fun, but there's so much more factors involved, diet has to be more specific and strict, good sleep is much more crucial, etc. It takes longer as well.


<a onclick="highlightReply('15840', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15840">&gt;&gt;15840</a><br/>man the first pic is such goals hhhhhhhng


Bros<br/>how do i pick up a woman while fucking<br/><br/>what is the technique and exercises to do sex in wild positions<br/><br/>other than the glutes and legs<br/>what else needs to be trained<br/><br/>i have no equipment btw


<a onclick="highlightReply('15902', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15902">&gt;&gt;15902</a><br/>fuck off sexhaver


<a onclick="highlightReply('15902', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15902">&gt;&gt;15902</a><br/>First lift the woman from the ground then do twenty 4-inch up-down reps at the top, drop the woman for a very quick rest then repeat for a few more sets. You need to aim at high reps and little rest between sets to practice endurance. Once you can do this for 3 minutes you're basically ready.


<span class="quote">&gt;15903</span><br/>I'm a 23 year old volcel virgin&hellip;<br/><br/>I'm only preparing and practicing for sex, so you can't call me that slur yet<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('15905', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15905">&gt;&gt;15905</a><br/>Goddamn it I don't have a woman to lift.<br/><br/>Fuck, I'll try with this with the heaviest furniture I can find.


<a onclick="highlightReply('15906', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15906">&gt;&gt;15906</a><br/>This post made me realize that there is probably a sizeable contingent of variously aged men who watched too much porn and got a back injury from trying to practice lifting women up on large objects. Ngl, sounds hot, except I am the one who would want to be lifted up and fucked.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('15902', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15902">&gt;&gt;15902</a><br/>Go to the gym and do zerchers and lifting ya gurl will be ezpz <br/><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyKe2WF5EeU" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyKe2WF5EeU</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('15891', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15891">&gt;&gt;15891</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Cut all fast carbs</span><br/>I think cutting them completely will more than likely lead to regression. Skip breakfast, eat a protein/fat snack for lunch, allow a small portion of carbs at dinner.


<a onclick="highlightReply('15913', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15913">&gt;&gt;15913</a><br/>Oh you mean this?<br/><a href="https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=ugtzw5JmAiM" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=ugtzw5JmAiM</a><br/>Idk, seems kinda unsafe. I'm afraid of fucking up my posture because I just have a barbell and some dumbbells.<br/><a href="https://www.t-nation.com/training/the-zercher-squat-complete-guide/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.t-nation.com/training/the-zercher-squat-complete-guide/</a>


Is it possible to get Rhabdomyolysis without knowing?<br/>What's also boggling my mind is how someone could train that hard, how could they go past the failure to do a rep?


<a onclick="highlightReply('15914', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15914">&gt;&gt;15914</a><br/>Do you really think its that hard to unhook from fast carbs? Breakfast (the shittiest meal of the day any way you do it) is hard to fix if you are used to cereal, but the rest of it is fine, unless you are some sort of pasta / sandwich monger. Also your proposed diet sounds like a good way to get malnutrition, as well as getting to feel like shit all day due to an empty stomach. <br/><br/>Counter proposal:<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Low-fat curd for breakfast</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Steamed / oven baked chicken + veggie mix for lunch</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Microwaved omelette + veggie mix for dinner</span><br/>Can you even have a more perfect diet?


Started going to the gym for extreme rightoid reasons. Pay for one year membership(very cheap but good enough gym,plus its "walking distance" from my apartm). 2 weeks into lifting i research third position because of normiepol,a reading list for ThrdP contains DAS KAPITAL as neccessary reading. Three volumes? Fuck that. Condense it please. Communist manifesto? Boring. Principles of communism? Weightlifting victim of the mega based fascist-communist pipeline. Thank you gym


<span class="quote">&gt;archive.is</span><br/>use web.archive.org/save/ to preserve full res pictures


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What's you opinion on jumping rope? It's like the only exerceise (outside of walking) that I do more or less regularly.


<a onclick="highlightReply('15923', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15923">&gt;&gt;15923</a><br/>What the fuck does this post mean<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;Started going to the gym for extreme rightoid reasons.</span><br/>what reasons?<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('15930', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15930">&gt;&gt;15930</a><br/>I loved doing it but I think it destroyed my knees because I was a fattie while doing them<br/><br/>Would love to do them again if I can find a rope


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<a onclick="highlightReply('15895', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15895">&gt;&gt;15895</a><br/>room pic belongs to Chris Hadfield


<a onclick="highlightReply('15902', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15902">&gt;&gt;15902</a><br/>Grab their throat like Kane and tell them to BACK THE FUCK OFF


<a onclick="highlightReply('15906', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15906">&gt;&gt;15906</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Fuck, I'll try with this with the heaviest furniture I can find.</span><br/>breh<br/>more cushion for the pushin


<a onclick="highlightReply('15933', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15933">&gt;&gt;15933</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Chris Hadfield</span><br/>Iron comrade Chris.


<a onclick="highlightReply('15861', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15861">&gt;&gt;15861</a><br/>don't eat 1 or 2 days a week. Hunger pangs from fasting are much less severe than maintaining a 500 calorie deficit for 6+ months.<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('15891', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15891">&gt;&gt;15891</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt; radical /nofun/ diet changes like this make you want to kys</span>


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;15872</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Talk about revolution all the time</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;Oppose being physically fit</span><br/>Does not compute


<span class="quote">&gt;&gt;15883</span><br/>t. Fattie


I can hold a bridge for 2 minutes straight<br/>How long can you comrades?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16005', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16005">&gt;&gt;16005</a><br/>what the fuck is a bridge<br/>this shit?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16005', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16005">&gt;&gt;16005</a><br/>I don't generally focus on static holds but I'm currently on wall walking bridge sets in my progression. It's amazing how much harder walking back up from the bottom is from walking down.


Is it wrong to only want muscles to impress girls? Like I know the fitness bros are gonna be like ‘lift for yourself mayne,’ but I dont buy it. I’m sure everyone doing bodybuilding strictly enough is doing it to impress chicks. And I’m also sure the people claiming to do it for themselves is pure cope. Pretty sure bbers start like incels, gain more confidence because of their muscles, got more women and mistakingly thought it was cause of their muscles. <br/><br/>And if so, then why spend years toiling after muscle when plastic surgery or something would be more efficient to impressing chicks.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16016', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16016">&gt;&gt;16016</a><br/>It's not wrong, and that is undeniably a part of why anyone lifts. Not necessarily girls, it could be to "impress" anyone from family members to coworkers etc., but it doesn't have to be the only reason either. You can pathologize anything if you want, but some, at least partially, want to be healthier and stronger because it makes everything better. Bodybuilders is something else entirely, don't mix that up with regular working out and fitness.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16016', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16016">&gt;&gt;16016</a><br/>As allways, I take the third, enlightened position, and lift only to help with my weight. Don't give a shit about the muscles more than the fact that maintaining them eats up my excess energy and helps me keep shape, though I guess its cool if I get them as a biproduct, also it has the added charm of me feeling good about being able to raise heavy shit and thus please my ego. As for impressing girls, I find that fucking retarded, mainly because if I need muscles to actually get into a relationship with someone, chances are I wouldn't want to actually be in the said relationship.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16011', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16011">&gt;&gt;16011</a><br/>Yes, that is a type of bridge. There are a lot of variations both static and kinetic. What are you trying to do?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16016', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16016">&gt;&gt;16016</a><br/>I've seen skinny guys, fat guys, short guys, guys that look like the "soyboy" meme, "ugly" guys, balding guys (etc) &hellip; all get with fine looking girls. And I mean FIIINNEE looking girls too, whether it's petite girls, thicc girls, athletic gym/dancer/yoga girls, girls with big tiddies, girls with shapely ass, girls with both. I don't believe this theory that you need to be "big/jacked" to attract girls. If you unironically believe that then you are way too online and you need to talk to more people IRL (even if it's by text, DM's or whatever bc the pandemic).<br/><span class="quote">&gt;t. a guy who lifts</span><br/><br/>The time in my life when I got the most attention from girls was when I was still in school (HS/college). Attention from big tiddy girls too (except that one flat chest asian girl). Back then I was a skinny-to-average guy, the kind of guy you'd expect to see on a cross country team.<br/><br/>Now I'm much bigger, with wider and thicker back/shoulder/quad muscles than back then but I don't get nearly as much female attention nowadays if any at all. Seriously doubt it has anything to do with physique though tbh. More likely you simply have more opportunities to interact with girls on a daily basis when you're in school than when you're an adult at work or NEET or whatever.<br/><br/>Working out or lifting to get big/jacked is fine but it's not necessary to attract girls if that's the only thing you're looking to do.<br/><br/>Oh and "Just b urself" unironically. Having fun, relaxing, not taking life too seriously, making a girl laugh, going on adventures together and making her feel comfortable with you matters way more than whatever you think physique does.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16025', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16025">&gt;&gt;16025</a><br/>*Being yourself as a good looking guy


<a onclick="highlightReply('16016', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16016">&gt;&gt;16016</a><br/>I'm not a bodybuilder btw. My routine is more like a powerlifter routine (only big compound lifts, low reps, high weight, once per week) except I'm not a powerlifter bc I don't compete and don't ever intend to compete. Natty too and always will be&hellip; not down to shrink my balls, bald prematurely and mess up my heart and liver. I lift because it feels good, it helps me sleep better, <span class="spoiler">it makes me horny af and I love to wack it and nut to hentai and xvideos</span> and I want to get a big, decades early head start on aging gracefully and living a long healthy life. Scientific studies have shown that muscle mass and strength is very important for helping you prevent slips and falls in older age, to keep you balanced and stable on the feet.<br/><br/>We're all gonna make it, brah


<a onclick="highlightReply('16025', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16025">&gt;&gt;16025</a><br/>how to acquire interest of tig biddy girls please?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16027', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16027">&gt;&gt;16027</a><br/>post routine also pls


<a onclick="highlightReply('16011', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16011">&gt;&gt;16011</a><br/>yeah lol<br/>how long can you hold it?<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16012', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16012">&gt;&gt;16012</a><br/>wall waking bridge sounds extravagant<br/>i want to try it<br/><br/>so far the only variation i have added is doing one legged bridges for hips


my brain can plank for 1 minute but my body can plank for 2 <br/>getting fit sux


<a onclick="highlightReply('16031', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16031">&gt;&gt;16031</a><br/>iktf bro<br/><br/>i could do cardio for 1 hr with my phone listening to music and browsing social media<br/>but without it i have been slowly racking upto 15 minutes cardio<br/><br/>we will conquer the mind! it will make us stronger in every way<br/><br/>keep at it!


<a onclick="highlightReply('16030', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16030">&gt;&gt;16030</a><br/>OK but what is the actual exercise? I tried it and <span class="spoiler">by cycling the muscles I got up to 4m30s but I guess that's not the point</span>?


Do I have to pay precise attention to what I eat (carbs, fat, protein) to have a defined physique? I'm truly too lazy to calculate and write that down every they and to have to think about what exactly I eat every day. I never eat fast food, instant meals or candy, the only thing I drink is water and my meals healthy overall. A bunch of people complimented me on looking athletic. Problem is I want defined muscles. Is that possible without this gregarious bookkeeping?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16042', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16042">&gt;&gt;16042</a><br/>Strengthening the lowerback and buttocks?<br/><br/>you add variations or try to do maxx reps by thrusting in the air which gives great cooms


<a onclick="highlightReply('16044', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16044">&gt;&gt;16044</a><br/>So you are supposed only to push down with the legs? Trying to straighten the legs will hold the same pose using different muscles and you can switch between the two to give a little rest for the other. Pushing down the hands will also recruit some extra muscles.


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Hello /fit/, I've been working out at home for little over 2 months now, the first 3 pictures are my progress, the fourth one my gear.<br/><br/>My routine consists of:<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;3 days per week</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote"><br/>&lt;8 sets of 25 dumbbell curls (with the big dumbbell) with 1 minute of rest</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;8 sets of 25 triceps dips with 1 minute of rest</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;5 sets of 15 upright rows with 1 minute of rest</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;5 sets of 20 single arm lateral raises (big dumbbell) with 1 minute of rest</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;5 sets of 10 Overhead presses with 1 minute of rest</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;200 pushups</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;5 sets of 5 zercher deadlifts (adding the cinder-blocks to the barbell) with 2 minutes of rest</span><br/><br/>Each day alternated with the other set of exercises. <br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;3 days per week</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote"><br/>&lt;4 sets of 50 standing barbell calf raises with 1 minute of rest</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;5 sets of 40 single leg calf raises with 1 minute of rest</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;8 sets of barbell squats with 1 and a half minutes of rest</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;Farmers walk with the cinder-blocks until exhaustion</span><br/><br/>Each day I try to include core exercises but I don't have proper cushion and end up hurting my back with the floor despite using what is available, so I end up doing planks, Russian twists and leg raises until it hurts too much.<br/><br/>My <span class="spoiler">poorfag</span> daily diet (roughly) consists of:<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Omelette (six eggs)</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Beans</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Rice</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Chicken</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Coffee with milk and cocoa</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;3 bananas</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Tomatoes</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Onions</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Carrots</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Lettuce</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Half an avocado (if available)</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Ham and cheese sandwiches </span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;Daily 20 minutes sun bath to pursue glorious yellow skin-tone</span><br/><span class="orangeQuote">&lt;Kremowka with every meal for peak bulking</span><br/><br/>How long until I can ascend and achieve the ultimate mode, <span class="heading">Papiez Mode</span>? Suggestions of all kind are welcome <span class="spoiler">no steroids or supplements please</span>.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16047', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16047">&gt;&gt;16047</a><br/>Good work, seems like you're making good progress despite the rudimentary equipment. Arms, upper back and legs have some respectable mass on them - looking like the strongest guy in the Khrushchyovka. Only criticism would be the lack of chest, wouldn't it be easy to incorporate some chest flies or a bench press? Would recommend putting in squats as well. <br/><br/>I'm guessing that you're undertaking a bulk, perhaps put some peanut butter or some seeds into your diet for some easy calories ( <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcNe1I8X2fg" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcNe1I8X2fg</a> ) [if you don't know you're daily cal intake, calculate here: <a href="https://tdeecalculator.net/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://tdeecalculator.net/</a> ]. <br/><br/>I don't know how to achieve papiez mode, but here is a guy following the path of papiez: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0FitzQO0MY" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0FitzQO0MY</a>. All he needs to do is to consume infants.


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Am I close to first pic yet?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16047', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16047">&gt;&gt;16047</a><br/>That home-made barbell and dumb-bell setup you made is awesome! Keep it up dude!


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16043', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16043">&gt;&gt;16043</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Do I have to pay precise attention to what I eat (carbs, fat, protein) to have a defined physique? </span><br/>I don't think so. It's simple: CICO (calories in, calories out). Healthiest is to balance all 3 (carbs, fats, proteins) with carbs making up most of your calories. You need the glycogen to maximize gains from lifting and/or cardio workouts because muscles are fueled by glycogen. <br/><br/>Follow the Okinawan way. Eat until you're 80% full ( "Hara hachi bun me" ):<br/><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hara_hachi_bun_me" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hara_hachi_bun_me</a><br/><br/><a href="https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190116-a-high-carb-diet-may-explain-why-okinawans-live-so-long" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190116-a-high-carb-diet-may-explain-why-okinawans-live-so-long</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16047', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16047">&gt;&gt;16047</a><br/>Looking thick, solid, tight.<br/>Keep us updated on your progress.<br/><br/>Try some pullovers (both with dumbell and barbell, on floor and on bench/laying on cinderblocks).<br/>And for chest, add some floor pressing.<br/><br/>I mean just with that set up you've got lots of option! <br/>Put that barbell in the corner to turn it into a landmine press.<br/>Use dumbbells as a kettlebell.<br/>Use cinderblocks to do dips and deep pushups.<br/><br/>Lots of good stuff, look at old school workouts for inspo so you can mix it up.<br/><br/>Now, your legs&hellip;<br/><br/>I'd recommend doing some hip thrusts for glutes, and heels raised (use that wood block to elevate your heels) front squats (start with the dumbbells in a goblet squat style).<br/><br/>Also try strapping the dumbbells to your foot so you can do raises, that'll hit your hip flexors and lower abs.<br/><br/>Otherwise, looking good and keep going. Consider even asking /fit/ CBT threads just for extra suggestions.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16062', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16062">&gt;&gt;16062</a><br/>Oh shit, and your forearms!<br/><br/>See if you can steel some rope or chain to make a wrist roller. That's make 'em blow up!<br/><br/>And for more ass and quad, split squats or lunges will do a lot too.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16047', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16047">&gt;&gt;16047</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;My poorfag daily diet </span><br/>uygha you eating better than me<br/>i got nothing but potatoes and onions to live on


<a onclick="highlightReply('16063', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16063">&gt;&gt;16063</a><br/>He could just use dumbbells to do various variations of wrist curls and other movements with wrists in all directions (sideways as well) since there are many different muscles in the forearm, plus hammer curls and similar. farmer walks, pinch grip walks&hellip; there's a lot you can do just with dumbbells and plates


<span class="quote">&gt;be me</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;workout 10 years natty </span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;still skinny af/ not impressive</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;gf sees guy shirtless outside</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;gf mirin him, says he looks good shirtless</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;dude clearly on roids</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;start railing against steroids to her as futile cope</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;she agrees, but it clearly doesnt matter</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;still feel like shit</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;fml why even bother</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16079', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16079">&gt;&gt;16079</a><br/>See, this is why I stay fat.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16079', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16079">&gt;&gt;16079</a><br/>trt


<a onclick="highlightReply('16079', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16079">&gt;&gt;16079</a><br/>Stay mad, liftcel<br/>t. Swimchad


<a onclick="highlightReply('16079', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16079">&gt;&gt;16079</a><br/>rip to you but my fictional girlfriend would NEVER!


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16052', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16052">&gt;&gt;16052</a><br/>&hellip;anyone?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16052', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16052">&gt;&gt;16052</a><br/>Kinda bad pic so can't do a full analysis but looking great dude. If your goal is the OP pic, you wanna be leaner, a little bigger biceps, and delts. Youre very close though in terms of work, great fullness, mirin forearms hard


<a onclick="highlightReply('16092', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16092">&gt;&gt;16092</a><br/>thanks, i am trying to lean out a bit more after years of permabulking


<a onclick="highlightReply('16052', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16052">&gt;&gt;16052</a><br/>Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation


<a onclick="highlightReply('16052', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16052">&gt;&gt;16052</a><br/>I wanna lick you bro


<a onclick="highlightReply('15861', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15861">&gt;&gt;15861</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;fat manlet </span><br/>The worst possible combination.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16098', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16098">&gt;&gt;16098</a><br/>thanks?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16102', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16102">&gt;&gt;16102</a><br/>170 isn't manlet.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16113', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16113">&gt;&gt;16113</a><br/>It is


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16113', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16113">&gt;&gt;16113</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16114', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16114">&gt;&gt;16114</a><br/>Nobody is 170 ft tall you fools


Should I do lever pushups or archer pushups on my journey to one-hand pushups? Which is better?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16115', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16115">&gt;&gt;16115</a><br/>Go away, imperialist!


<a onclick="highlightReply('16025', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16025">&gt;&gt;16025</a><br/>Beautiful post


<a onclick="highlightReply('15931', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15931">&gt;&gt;15931</a><br/>My post doesnt mean anything really. I am exfacist(brazilian integralism and national syndicalism") that used to read pol and fit in 4chan. I started to lift because of "muh testosterone" and "muh asceticism". I wanted to start reading on third position(fascist economics i guess?) and das kapital was required reading for some reason. I hated the idea of communism,even though it benefits me for being both a failson and a spic living in a colony. But the contradictions were unbearable,and i ended here after stupidly avoiding it for almost 30 years. So i posted useless random crap on a thread i fealt excited about.


I'm getting seriously burned out on my usual dumbbell push-pull-legs routine.<br/>Watched some Pavel's intro to kettlebells and started doing swings (with dumbbells) instead, shit's great, it's more like cardio and I can finally feel my ass getting pumped up.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16122', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16122">&gt;&gt;16122</a><br/>COME OUT AND ENJOY 1 LBS of CHEETO CAKES (LOOSE BOOTY SYNDROME)


<a onclick="highlightReply('15840', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15840">&gt;&gt;15840</a><br/>Thread reminder that the matrix /liftypol/ room exists in case you would like to to chat with other leftypol users working out ( #/liftypol/:matrix.org )<br/><a href="https://matrix.to/#/#/liftypol/:matrix.org?via=matrix.org" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://matrix.to/#/#/liftypol/:matrix.org?via=matrix.org</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('16126', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16126">&gt;&gt;16126</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;I can finally feel my ass getting pumped up.</span><br/>k-keep us posted haha


<a onclick="highlightReply('16190', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16190">&gt;&gt;16190</a>


bros i'm bulging my viens in the legs and hands are poppin<br/><br/>is this temporary or will they go if i stop doing pushups and walking?<br/><br/>were these always here because i was fat that and i couldn't see them?<br/><br/>are veins really as bad as people say they are?<br/>i'm nowhere near low bf but i can see many of them at young age


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16377', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16377">&gt;&gt;16377</a><br/>You might be shocked to learn that we all are actually full of veins and arteries.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16379', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16379">&gt;&gt;16379</a><br/>you know what i meant


What is the best tactic for a skinny-fat dude like myself. Focus on Lifting or Cardio?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16377', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16377">&gt;&gt;16377</a><br/>Your leg veins popped from&hellip;&hellip;.walking ?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16377', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16377">&gt;&gt;16377</a><br/>That's because your muscles need more blood flow than usual, so your veins are adapting to that. There's no way around that. And yes, they expand ("pop out") more during exertion, then get less pronounced after some rest.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16385', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16385">&gt;&gt;16385</a><br/>Both. Lifting is also great for burning fat. Also, if your posture is fucked (often the case with skinny-fat dudes) then focus more on pull and back exercises, and stretch a lot.<br/><br/>As for diet - slight caloric deficit and more than enough daily protein. Cut out all junk and sugar. Some inexpensive, low-calorie, high-protein and stomach-filling foods:<br/><span class="quote">&gt;eggs</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;sardines</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;beans</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;greek yoghurt</span><br/><br/>And have a rest day once in a while where you do nothing and eat more than usual. Otherwise you won't recover and your metabolism will slow down, so you'll get stuck at a plateau. Same goes for your mind, don't stress too much, take multiple days off if burned out, switch your routine, try new exercises, etc.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16384', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16384">&gt;&gt;16384</a><br/>I don't get it


<a onclick="highlightReply('16388', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16388">&gt;&gt;16388</a><br/>sardines, eggs, and beans make a great meal called Fisherman's Eggs.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16388', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16388">&gt;&gt;16388</a><br/>sardines, eggs, and beans make a great meal called Fisherman's Eggs.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16385', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16385">&gt;&gt;16385</a><br/>Ignore the liftcels and start swimming. Best exercise, uses every muscle group. Also swimmers unironically look the best out of all athletes. Liftcels just become swole ogrons and runners become stickmen. Swimchads on the other hand look like Superman. The only minus is that you kinda have to go to a club for it, unless there is a clean water source near you.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16388', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16388">&gt;&gt;16388</a><br/>Thanks man. Appreciate the response.<br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16407', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16407">&gt;&gt;16407</a><br/>I did go regularly before covid. If I could take a guess, swimming halls will be the last to open again.<br/><span class="quote">&gt;Also swimmers unironically look the best out of all athletes</span><br/>I agree


<a onclick="highlightReply('16407', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16407">&gt;&gt;16407</a><br/>what can you do as a substitute for a swimming bod if you don't have any place to swim


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16377', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16377">&gt;&gt;16377</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;are veins really as bad as people say they are?</span><br/>Yes. Having veins means you are gae.


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jumping rope&hellip;&hellip;..but without the rope


<a onclick="highlightReply('16415', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16415">&gt;&gt;16415</a><br/>How??


<a onclick="highlightReply('16417', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16417">&gt;&gt;16417</a><br/>you just pretend you hold the rope ?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16419', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16419">&gt;&gt;16419</a><br/>I wonder if it would have the same effect than if you were actually forced to jump to not trip


<a onclick="highlightReply('16413', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16413">&gt;&gt;16413</a><br/>real poor anon hours


<a onclick="highlightReply('16420', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16420">&gt;&gt;16420</a><br/>Not at all, it's more of a full body workout with the rope, you need to coordinate your movements, keep up the tempo.


Alright comrades I'm finally back in the gym after losing all my 2019 progress to covid. What's the move for the summer workout plan?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16485', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16485">&gt;&gt;16485</a><br/>Continue my calisthenics progression that I began during social distancing.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16485', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16485">&gt;&gt;16485</a><br/>Buy a memebell and just drop it on my face


<a onclick="highlightReply('16485', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16485">&gt;&gt;16485</a><br/>it's rain<br/>the move is to keep running out and get every glimpse of the sun you can see


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How the fuck am I supposed to lift weights if I arrive tired form work and have little free time?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16509', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16509">&gt;&gt;16509</a><br/>Start with cardio so you can increase your energy levels.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16509', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16509">&gt;&gt;16509</a><br/>Workout in the morning before work, do supersets to cut time


<a onclick="highlightReply('16509', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16509">&gt;&gt;16509</a><br/>do meth


<a onclick="highlightReply('16510', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16510">&gt;&gt;16510</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16513', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16513">&gt;&gt;16513</a><br/>I already do cardio<br/>scratch off the first thing I said my issue is time more than energy.<br/>How can I exercise if I have little free time?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16521', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16521">&gt;&gt;16521</a><br/>I already told you: supersets. Instead of doing all sets (and rests) of exercise A and only then moving on to exercise B, you do 1 set of A then immediately 1 set of B, and so on, with no rest between sets. Obviously it makes sense only if A and B target different muscles, so that one group of muscles is resting while you're torturing another group.<br/>I bet you can cut more than half of workout time this way if you plan your workout carefully. For example, on a push day you might do something like flies (chest), lateral raises (shoulders), skull crushers (triceps). Since all of them isolate those muscles very well, you can do them one after another with no rest, ABCABCABC for three sets of each. Assuming one set takes you about half a minute (8-12 reps), that's 4-5 minutes total. With normal sets and rests (A-A-A-B-B-B-C-C-C) you would be adding 8 mins of just rest.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16488', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16488">&gt;&gt;16488</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('16492', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16492">&gt;&gt;16492</a><br/>I tried these methods and failed miserably because I lost motivation when I couldn't see number go up. Also no qts for test boost.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16534', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16534">&gt;&gt;16534</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Also no qts for test boost.</span><br/>just bring your own smh


Okay so question about deadlifts:<br/>I was making decent progress before the pandemic, was somewhere above a 3 plate dead, but every time I did them I woke up with a fucked up lower back the next day. I swapped to hex bar and it helped, but was still fucked. It was definitely injury and not just soreness. First attempt at one today back in the gym after like a year with 1 plate and I strained my back on the first pull. WTF.<br/><br/>The possible reasons I can think of are that 1. my hams are too tight and keep me from being able to use proper form (though I've videoed myself dozens of times and my back is totally straight). 2. My core is too weak to properly stabilize and provide IAP during the lift. 3. My arms are too short and prevent me from using proper form.<br/><br/>Anyone have any advice or better theories? I'm pretty well convinced that I am biologically incapable of doing DLs in a way that won't hurt me. Alternative lift recs are also welcomed.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16533', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16533">&gt;&gt;16533</a><br/>That's actually really smart, I'm going to try it out.<br/>Right now I have two routines, lets call them A and B if I mix them for a superset should I do AB 3 times a week or should I create another pair of routines and alternate between AB and CD? or can I do this less than 3 times a week?<br/>and should I continue doing 30 mins of cardio 3 times a week? I really like it could go for 40 but I feel like 30 minutes takes too much of my day.


Start fasting, get some rings


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<a onclick="highlightReply('16542', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16542">&gt;&gt;16542</a><br/>What kind of rings?


Moving on to archer pushups after doing uneven pushups for a while and I'm finding the increase in difficulty enormous. Is there something else intermediate between the two?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16558', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16558">&gt;&gt;16558</a><br/>Wooden rings


<a onclick="highlightReply('16540', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16540">&gt;&gt;16540</a><br/>Have you tried various DL variations to see if there's one that helps alleviate this?<br/><br/>As lame as it sounds, I found farmer carry style deads and block deads to be what saved my lower back,


<a onclick="highlightReply('16597', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16597">&gt;&gt;16597</a><br/>I've tried them sitting on safety bars in a rack maybe a foot from the ground, and I would think the hex bar is probably similar to the farmer's carry.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16540', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16540">&gt;&gt;16540</a><br/>post vid if you can crop your face out


<span class="heading"> update </span><br/>I been doing supersets for a while, they're really intense and still have to take rests in the middle but I know once I get used to them I can do them straight, I'm saving time right and know I can save more soon.<br/>I'm still unsure about cardio, if my work is physically intensive enough I can cut it down a little, right? What could be the ideal?


<a onclick="highlightReply('16995', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16995">&gt;&gt;16995</a><br/>Depends on what sort of carido you're doing - if its high intensity then you should probably cut down, but if it's low intensity stuff then it should be fine.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16995', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16995">&gt;&gt;16995</a> see <a onclick="highlightReply('16996', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16996">&gt;&gt;16996</a><br/><br/>Super setting for the first time is probably in and off itself enough IF you're also doing moderate cardio.<br/><br/>In fact I'd be inclined to say do no extra cardio until you can do your supersets properly.


<a onclick="highlightReply('16995', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16995">&gt;&gt;16995</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;I know once I get used to them I can do them straight</span><br/>And once you get used to that<br/>Try doing them gay


<a onclick="highlightReply('17002', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17002">&gt;&gt;17002</a><br/>I'd rather do them bi or pan, thank you very much


<a onclick="highlightReply('16996', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16996">&gt;&gt;16996</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('17001', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17001">&gt;&gt;17001</a><br/>Alright, I'll cut jogging for a couple of months and after that see how much jogging is enough for me.<br/>Thanks everyone!


<a onclick="highlightReply('16996', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#16996">&gt;&gt;16996</a><br/>why is low intensity better than high intensity?<br/><br/>i keep doing slow cardio for 50 minutes daily but my heart rate is stuck at 70-75 bros<br/><br/>i just want to achieve the best BPM without any equipment


<span class="quote">&gt;tfw definitely getting stronger and more fit (can do higher reps with more weight, more energy) but the fat is still taking its time to burn </span><br/><br/>It sucks but I'm gonna make it bros.


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Leg day is objectively the best day.<br/><br/>The feeling of a leg extension pulverising your quads is hell and heaven simultaneously. The devastation that is the leg curl machine. The adrenaline rush of squatting and leg press.<br/><br/>No other muscle group compares.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17119', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17119">&gt;&gt;17119</a><br/>Pull day is unironically the most important, it's the base strength for maintaining good form in most other exercises, it's also the best for good posture.<br/><br/>I actually split it further into 1hour back workout in the morning and 1hour biceps+forearm+grip workout in the evening or the next day, so even 2 consecutive days just for pull.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17122', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17122">&gt;&gt;17122</a><br/>wtf is pull day


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<a onclick="highlightReply('17128', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17128">&gt;&gt;17128</a><br/>a day on which you PULL


<a onclick="highlightReply('17132', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17132">&gt;&gt;17132</a><br/>I pull on my dick everyday<br/>Everyday is pull day then


Ok, I am fat lazy, broke, and I want to get off my ass and, hopefully, prevent an early death by the time I am 40 - 50. What can I do right now to shed pounds and get ripped?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17263', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17263">&gt;&gt;17263</a><br/>you can start by eating less and exercising more and following that regimen properly<br/><br/>you can also examine what you eat and if it really is nutritional to you <br/>going back from 3 hamburgers to 1 is good but switching to eating more vegetables and rice is better<br/><br/>so do that<br/>also common sense things like junk food, binge eating snacks, sugary drinks and food are bad<br/><br/>try to eat less processed food and cook more food on your own


<a onclick="highlightReply('15856', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#15856">&gt;&gt;15856</a><br/>What's wrong in it? Any section in particular? Anyone can suggest something better/more updated?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17261', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17261">&gt;&gt;17261</a><br/>you must have a death grip strength then


<a onclick="highlightReply('17263', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17263">&gt;&gt;17263</a><br/>Start with walking. Start lifting (small weights first then gradually progress) but don't ego lift just do it for health. Progress to cycling or swimming when you don't get too tired from walking anymore (jogging or running is an option too but it's hard on the knees so I wouldn't recommend it if you are fat right now and trying to burn off a lot of fat <span class="spoiler">running kind of sucks anyway, for me, don't get offended runners you're cool it's just not for me</span>).


<a onclick="highlightReply('17265', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17265">&gt;&gt;17265</a><br/>He's memeing/shitposting. The sticky is based. Read the sticky.


Just chiming in to say that I recommend getting a test-booster plus fat burner 2-in 1 supplement to go with the workouts. I started on it last week and already I can feel and see a difference. <br/><br/>Plus my orgasms are so good now they sort of "hurt" but the good kind of hurt.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17660', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17660">&gt;&gt;17660</a><br/>Lol. My natural "test-boosters" are eggs, good sleep, and daydreaming about a certain woman. I don't dare fuck with hormone pills, don't want to become dependent on these "boosters".<br/><br/>Looked up what is a "fat burner" and it's just caffeine. So just drink coffee instead. Should probably do it irregularly otherwise your body will just become immune to it.<br/><br/>In any case, you still need to maintain a slight deficit and eat lots of protein.


How the fuck do I eat less? I've heard heavy smoking does the trick but I don't want to start ruining my body in a different way.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17669', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17669">&gt;&gt;17669</a><br/>You need to seek out food that fills you up, takes a long time to metabolize, and doesn't have a lot of calories. So dietary fiber, complex carbs, protein, some healthy fats, and absolutely no sugar.<br/><br/>Eat a fixed amount of food and no more, even if you still feel hungry. It takes some time for the body to register.<br/><br/>And also drink water along with your meal, it helps fill you up faster.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17669', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17669">&gt;&gt;17669</a><br/>Whenever you think you're hungry drink water instead.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17669', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17669">&gt;&gt;17669</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;How the fuck do I eat less?</span><br/>Have you tried being less of such a foodslut?<br/><br/>Eating before marriage is a sin


<a onclick="highlightReply('17688', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17688">&gt;&gt;17688</a><br/>I know you're joking but my weight has been literally the same for a decade already. I just don't know how to eat less (or more, for that matter).


<a onclick="highlightReply('17674', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17674">&gt;&gt;17674</a><br/>Question is not how to eat less, but how to eat healthier. Unless you are literally chomping down like 4-5 full meals a day, that is not a problem. Instead of eating less, stop eating any sugar. Afterwards cut shitty carbs like pasta or white bread. Finally cut animal fat. In short, eat plain chicken, eggs and oatmeal.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17696', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17696">&gt;&gt;17696</a><br/>myfitnesspal has a search engine where you can roughly or exactly count your calories<br/><br/>i feel like most stuff you can just try smaller portions which would be easily to eat less calories<br/>obviously some stuff like dried mangos while may look smaller than regular magoes but have calories<br/><br/>so for some stuff you may have to check to make sure how much they have in<br/><br/>there's a website for calculating how much calories you need to keep your weight TDEE or something <br/>eat below that maintenance level<br/><br/>say you need 2000 calories to stay the current fatty self<br/>then<br/><br/>you should eat like 1600 calories daily to start losing weight without even having to exercise<br/>the main thing that matters to weight loss is the commitment to it


comrades, i need advice. currently, i am a skinnyfat manlet. gyms are still closed in my area and i do not have a car with which to travel to further gyms. what exercise can i do at home with no equipment?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17857', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17857">&gt;&gt;17857</a><br/>walking, planks, get a pull up bar etc.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17857', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17857">&gt;&gt;17857</a><br/>Calisthenics (copesthenics) is all we've got for those who live where gyms are closed and have no equipment.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17857', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17857">&gt;&gt;17857</a><br/>Other than calisthenics, you could probably improvise a kettlebell.


<a onclick="highlightReply('17865', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17865">&gt;&gt;17865</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;copesthenics</span><br/>?


<a onclick="highlightReply('17869', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17869">&gt;&gt;17869</a><br/>I can't go to a gym so I have to cope doing pushups and shit


<a onclick="highlightReply('17872', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17872">&gt;&gt;17872</a><br/>I can go to a gym but I do calisthenics anyway because they're great whole-body exercises compared to boring targeted weight lifting.


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Daily motivation /fit/bros


<a onclick="highlightReply('17881', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17881">&gt;&gt;17881</a><br/>Taken from here


well, shit bros, I've just weighed and measured myself for the first time in a long time, 90 kilos / 179 cms, over 10 kilos of pure fat more than last time, it's time to pick up iron once again and achieve the ultimate battering ram mode, wish me luck!


<a onclick="highlightReply('17119', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17119">&gt;&gt;17119</a><br/>I hate squatting i prefer deadlifts


<a onclick="highlightReply('17973', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17973">&gt;&gt;17973</a><br/>I don't know how much I should bend my knees during a deadlift. If bend them only slightly I feel my lower back muscles more. If I do bend them more then my legs work more, kind of like a squat I guess.<br/><br/>What muscles should I be feeling during a deadlift?


<a href="https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2016/10/5/13176068/longevity-study-ceiling-old-age-limit" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2016/10/5/13176068/longevity-study-ceiling-old-age-limit</a><br/><br/>bro i want to prove science and time wrong<br/>i want to surpass humanity<br/><br/><br/>how do i bypass the overtime DNA damage<br/>assume i have no money problems<br/><br/>what can i do to with the health side of living to a long age<br/>help me and give some tips<br/><br/>i'll come back and thank you in 100 years


<a onclick="highlightReply('18019', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18019">&gt;&gt;18019</a><br/>Cybernetics most likely.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18019', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18019">&gt;&gt;18019</a><br/>120 is the right number<br/>The issue is not living long but still being self sufficient at that age


<a onclick="highlightReply('17976', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17976">&gt;&gt;17976</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Stand straight</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Put bar over middle of foot exactly </span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Bend knees until your shins hit the bar</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;Drag the bar up your legs</span><br/>If you do this you shouldn't have to think about the bend, it'll be decided by your bone length


<a onclick="highlightReply('18020', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18020">&gt;&gt;18020</a><br/>bro&hellip;<br/>wouldn't i have to live long for that too?<br/><br/>how do i live to see cybernetics<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('18021', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18021">&gt;&gt;18021</a><br/>if you're living in a regular house without life support how bad can it really be, even at 120


<a onclick="highlightReply('17882', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#17882">&gt;&gt;17882</a><br/>interesting.<br/>Was probably doormode


Comrades, I finally figured out how to land into a bridge from a handstand today <strong>and</strong> I got my first stand-to-stand bridge. Soon not even bullets will be able to penetrate my back.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18100', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18100">&gt;&gt;18100</a><br/>Good job back-san


<a onclick="highlightReply('18100', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18100">&gt;&gt;18100</a><br/>How do I get bulletproof backs, please tell me your secrets


Have you guys done spellcasters? I feel amazing oh my god. Took a kava and I can feel every fiber of my core getting shredded


<a onclick="highlightReply('18104', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18104">&gt;&gt;18104</a><br/>Bridge progressions, anon. Start simple with something like short bridge sets and work your way up to full bridges, wall-walking bridges, and finally stand-to-stand bridges where you don't need wall assistance.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18118', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18118">&gt;&gt;18118</a><br/>Please explain I thought the "classic" bridge pose was done with leg muscles.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18119', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18119">&gt;&gt;18119</a><br/>Those are a part of it, but bridges work your entire posterior chain including especially various back muscles.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18107', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18107">&gt;&gt;18107</a><br/>Isn't she rotating and twisting too much? I think your core should be relatively stable and fixed while you move your center of gravity to the sides.<br/><br/>I actually just tried something like this today with a landmine, and I felt my core muscles working but not hard enough. Will try it with dumbbells instead, so thanks for mentioning it.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18100', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18100">&gt;&gt;18100</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;I got my first stand-to-stand bridge</span><br/>I think I may have actually pulled a quad muscle doing this the other day because my leg is incredibly sore today. Careful attempting to stand back up from a bridge anons, it's a huge increase in demand on your quads compared to other bridging motions. Maybe I should train standing up from bridges on inclines or stairs first and progress towards flat ground from that.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('18123', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18123">&gt;&gt;18123</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;today i did workout with a landmine</span><br/>say what ?


<a onclick="highlightReply('18158', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18158">&gt;&gt;18158</a><br/>get good


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Was he natty? What was his routine?


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<a onclick="highlightReply('18158', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18158">&gt;&gt;18158</a><br/>Fix one end of a barbell into the ground (e.g. into a corner of a room) then put plates on the other end. This setup is called a "landmine" for some reason.<br/><br/>The benefit of this is that the arc of movement is fixed to the spherical plane so you don't need so much control of the movement as with dumbbells and can thus lift more weight and be more consistent in your form. In some cases I can do more reps with twice as much weight than with a dumbbell variation of the same exercise.<br/><br/>Picrel is the exercise I was talking about in my previous post. I tried spellcasters with dumbbells like anon recommended, but I have to say that I could still feel my core struggle more with this landmine exercise than with dumbbell spellcasters simply because I could work with more weight.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18272', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18272">&gt;&gt;18272</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;so you don't need so much control of the movement</span><br/>That sounds undesirable, why would you want that?


<a onclick="highlightReply('18332', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18332">&gt;&gt;18332</a><br/>If your support muscles are well developed, there should not be much difference in strength for either motion, but it probably makes sense to do this limited range of motion exercise to prevent injury.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18255', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18255">&gt;&gt;18255</a><br/>Forehead raises 10x20


<a onclick="highlightReply('18332', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18332">&gt;&gt;18332</a><br/>Because dumbbell exercises that emulate something else in a different body orientation often have an unnatural direction of force for that arc of movement, which is bad for joints. Not all dumbbell substitutions for what is usually done with machines or in other sports or simply in everyday functional movements are that great.<br/><br/>With a landmine the arc is at least semi-fixed and direction of force is also slightly different, so some of that unnatural force on your joints is reduced and you can load on more weight. Since it's easier to maintain a proper form you can also do more reps. But at the same it also challenges your stability differently because the force comes from a different angle, so for example the core in general will usually have to stabilize more than with dumbbell variations. If you have a barbell and some plates at home then it's a pretty neat setup IMO.


What's an easy workout for forearms and wrists? I don't want big biceps/shoulders with rails for arms, bros.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18367', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18367">&gt;&gt;18367</a><br/>Forearms and hands:<br/><span class="quote">&gt;hammer curl variations</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;all possible variations of wrist curls you can think of, as long as they aren't hurting the tendons in your wrists, be careful</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;"grip curls" (don't know the name) - be standing up with your arms hanging at the sides, hang a dumbbell on your finger tips then slowly close and open your grip</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;farmer walks</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;pinch grip walks - do them with both heavy and light weights, they work the muscles a bit differently in my experience</span><br/><br/>Wrists:<br/><span class="spoiler">There are no muscles in your wrists lol, at best you can slightly inflate the tendons but the difference will be negligible. You're stuck with small wrists for life!</span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('18367', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18367">&gt;&gt;18367</a><br/>Fingertip pushups. Start with an incline and progress carefully.


Anyone do martial arts? Thinking of joining a local Muay Thai gym, but I don't know if I'm going to be into it. I just want to be healthy/fit without boring myself to death in a gym.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18382', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18382">&gt;&gt;18382</a><br/>Muay Thai is more of a sport system without a lot of structure to its conditioning program, meaning if fitness is your goal you'll have to continually meet in a social context to stay fit. Some other martial arts like karate (depending on the style of course) have developed a lot of rigid floor drills that you do on your own just as easily as you can in a group setting. I have done the basic routine for my karate club on my own three times a week for the past year due to social isolation and stayed in fantastic health. Martial arts in general are a great way to stave off boredom in exercise because you can always find something different about your form and movement to improve and focus on for a given training session.


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<a onclick="highlightReply('18383', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18383">&gt;&gt;18383</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('18382', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18382">&gt;&gt;18382</a><br/>A good quote from Gichin Funakoshi, the guy who brought karate to Japan and founded the Shotokan style:<br/><span class="quote">&gt;<em>Almost no other form of exercise, be it judo, kendo, archery, swimming, or horsemanship, can be performed at any time or place as easily as karate.</em></span>


<a onclick="highlightReply('18383', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18383">&gt;&gt;18383</a><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('18384', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18384">&gt;&gt;18384</a><br/><br/>OK, well I have no friends and maybe this will be a way to perhaps make friends. The main reason I want to do Muay Thai is because it's the closest gym to me&hellip;Karate and Boxing seem more interesting, but there are no dojos/gyms that are close to me. <br/><br/>I just need to do something to get off my ass while not breaking my bank. I'm taking guitar lessons right now&ndash;which I really enjoy&ndash;but that won't make me fit and it's already costing me around $110 a month.


I just had diarrhea for a week and couldn't exercise as a result. Did I shit out my gains?


<a onclick="highlightReply('18382', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18382">&gt;&gt;18382</a><br/>Muay thai is based, pls ignore the flippy bullshito artists itt


<a onclick="highlightReply('18473', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18473">&gt;&gt;18473</a><br/>Gotta be wary of their advice on kicking technique though.


Is having a low body fat percentage (let's say below 10%) a good idea in a hot climate? I'm worried about cutting starting next year.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18515', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18515">&gt;&gt;18515</a><br/>I wouldn't go lower than 12%. around 15% is probably ideal for peak strength<br/>t. natty powerlifter


<a onclick="highlightReply('18515', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18515">&gt;&gt;18515</a><br/>actually, I'd even say anywhere on the 15 to 20% range bf is the ideal range for peak strength, peak test and minimal cortisol


<a onclick="highlightReply('18515', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18515">&gt;&gt;18515</a><br/>Why would it be something to worry about? It's fatties that have a problem dissipating heat due to their surface area to volume ratio, not skinnies.


Went to the gym two days ago for the first time in god knows how long, my arms feel like they're on fire today and not at all in a good way.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18528', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18528">&gt;&gt;18528</a><br/>Because your muscles were in deep sleep for ages. They'll quickly get used to being used at all.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18528', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18528">&gt;&gt;18528</a><br/>Perfect time to go again <br/>(you didnt go put 100% intj


<a onclick="highlightReply('18530', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18530">&gt;&gt;18530</a><br/>into it, did you?)


<a onclick="highlightReply('18530', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18530">&gt;&gt;18530</a><br/>I wanted to take things slowly this time around so I don't end up getting burnt out easily, but it still hurts like fucking hell.


Does getting vaccinated affect gains?


Don't forget to work on your penis boys. There is evidence that stretching can add another inch to your penis. Also, do kegels.<br/><a href="https://bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2008.08083.x" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">https://bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2008.08083.x</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('18556', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18556">&gt;&gt;18556</a><br/>I just use a BathMate for fun tbh


Do I have to do cardio if my job is already physically demanding?<br/>I'm a carpenter and only sit down at lunch time.


<span class="quote">&gt;went to the gym today</span><br/><span class="quote">&gt;they were playing the sigma male song on the speakers</span><br/>epic


Guys just trying to brag here- i can do 2 finger one arm pushups. <br/><br/>Sike kidding, its not that special. I didnt really have to work hard for them for some reason the one arm pushups and finger strength came kind of naturally


<a onclick="highlightReply('18647', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18647">&gt;&gt;18647</a><br/>arguably you don't have to do as much as someone with a sedentary job however you need to have some level of intense cardio training to improve efficiency of heart + lungs


<a onclick="highlightReply('18654', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18654">&gt;&gt;18654</a><br/>Okay that's interesting.<br/>What will be a fitting routine for me?


<a onclick="highlightReply('18656', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18656">&gt;&gt;18656</a><br/>Low impact exercise such as swimming, biking or rowing would be good so as to minimise stress on joints (the last two can be done on machines) . Each of these three have their own programs and routines which I would imagine are plentiful online but a simple routine would be to hop on a bike machine for 30-60 mins 3 or more times a week - your intensity should be at a level where you can still talk but above a "casual" level.<br/><br/>Of course you don't have to bind yourself to this, you could do circuit work, crossfit or even a sport for cardio but each of these has their own demands that you would have to adjust to.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18657', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18657">&gt;&gt;18657</a><br/>I'll have to think about this.<br/>I feel the 20 - 30 minutes walk (each way is 10 - 15) I do from home to the train stations may be good but I sure I should do more.<br/>Maybe just walk for longer.


My gym closed during covid and went out of business and I haven't worked out for over a year now. I'm (slightly) fat and out of shape due to this, how does everyone here work out. After work it usually takes me like 20 minutes to go to a gym nearby, an hour to work out, and 20 minutes to drive back, so when you add in in between times and showering its like 2 hours of post work time thats taken up. I'd be willing to invest in a home gym but i live in a small apartment so its not really an option.<br/><br/>What about body weight exercises? i have nothing against them for basic fitness, sortof like a boot camp style workout but id rather do some resistance training on top of it as well if possible


<a onclick="highlightReply('18715', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18715">&gt;&gt;18715</a><br/>A karate routine with calisthenics progressions keeps me fitter than lots of gym rats. I haven't needed a gym to stay in shape for a long time.


Started working out at nights during summer (body weight at home, no gym within miles), but winter will come and it will be so cold that I will be seriously demotivated. How can you make it warmer?<br/>I mean, maybe switching to exercises on lunch break might work, but it's obviously not idea.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18719', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18719">&gt;&gt;18719</a><br/>rug up, get a treadmill (or go to a gym with one), stop being a bitch, many good options


If you lived in a cubicle and stayed trap forever there but still got all the nutrients<br/><br/>What exercises you would do to train your entire body and all the necessary things to live a long life


<a onclick="highlightReply('18722', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18722">&gt;&gt;18722</a><br/>Why would you want to live a long life trapped in a cubicle?


<a onclick="highlightReply('18722', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18722">&gt;&gt;18722</a><br/>if I'm not allowed any equipment then:<br/>- the usual: squats, pushups, sit ups<br/>- also: handstand push ups, pistol squats, bridges, lunges<br/>circuits for cardio + running on the spot


<a onclick="highlightReply('18724', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18724">&gt;&gt;18724</a><br/>Somethings are not upto us anon.<br/>I would like to be free to leave the cubicle too.<br/><br/><a onclick="highlightReply('18725', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18725">&gt;&gt;18725</a><br/>And this would exercise your entire body? <br/>Nice. I will do these



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<a onclick="highlightReply('18722', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18722">&gt;&gt;18722</a><br/>This man has some ideas.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18738', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18738">&gt;&gt;18738</a><br/>pdf?


<a onclick="highlightReply('18739', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18739">&gt;&gt;18739</a><br/>Too big for upload, but it's a pretty lousy book anyway. Convict Conditioning is much better (although it presumes access to an overhead bar for a third of its exercises).


Better cold than hot and humid like where I live. Some days I simply can't exercise. When I do I feel like passing out, getting dizzy. In the coldest days of the winter I just take more time to warm up and wear more layers.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18725', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18725">&gt;&gt;18725</a><br/>What about back muscles?


<a onclick="highlightReply('18741', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18741">&gt;&gt;18741</a><br/>meant for <a onclick="highlightReply('18719', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18719">&gt;&gt;18719</a>


<a onclick="highlightReply('18742', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18742">&gt;&gt;18742</a><br/>Bridges cover that.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18738', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18738">&gt;&gt;18738</a><br/>Holy shit they made the tom hardy movie into a real guy!!!


they say that the lighter you weight the longer and better you live because something about the human body<br/><br/>muscles weigh more than fat<br/><br/>so skinny sticc with low bf% would be better for living than otter mode with low bf% ????


<a onclick="highlightReply('18852', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18852">&gt;&gt;18852</a><br/><span class="quote">&gt;they say that the lighter you weight the longer and better you live because something about the human body</span><br/>That's probably related to the common confusion between losing weight and losing fat.<br/><span class="quote"><br/>&gt;muscles weigh more than fat</span><br/>Per same volume, meaning they don't simply weigh more (which by itself makes no sense), they are more dense. So your argument would only apply to volume i.e. same volume of fat would according to the above logic be healthier (weigh less) than same volume of muscle. But fat definitely poses a higher risk to health than muscle lol. Of course extremely low fat is also unhealthy.<br/><br/>There still might be some truth to lower muscle mass being healthier to some degree, if you compare a gorilla mode to an otter mode: less energy needs to be consumed, so less food needs to be processed, so less stress is put on body's various organs.<br/><br/>Skinny sticc on the other hand will be dangerous for your joints among other things, not to mention your body being barely functional in everyday life. Otter mode is definitely better.


Will soreness just go away or do I just have to get used to it?


<a onclick="highlightReply('18878', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18878">&gt;&gt;18878</a><br/>Intense soreness and/or soreness that lasts more than a day is a sign that your muscles aren't used to working hard.<br/>Once you start working out regularly it will disappear for most muscles and get reduced to slight one-day soreness for others. You'll only feel sore if you exert those same muscles but not while resting.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18853', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18853">&gt;&gt;18853</a><br/>Otter mode 4 Lyfe<br/><br/>Somebody should do a study on all the various body types and see which body type comes on top and gives the longest life


<a onclick="highlightReply('18879', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18879">&gt;&gt;18879</a> <br/><br/>This is also why you can't really judge the effectiveness of a workout by how sore you feel. Just because your muscles get used to it and the soreness goes away doesn't mean it's not working.


How exactly does laughing help with fitness<br/>Should I laugh at least once a day?<br/><br/>Which body parts will it work out


RIP John Meadows<br/><br/>Some of you probably better know him as mountaindog1 on YouTube.<br/><br/>One of the most kind and caring individuals to probably ever grace bodybuilding.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18930', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18930">&gt;&gt;18930</a><br/>RIP Big man


<a onclick="highlightReply('18930', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18930">&gt;&gt;18930</a><br/>Another steroid abuser bites the dust.


<a onclick="highlightReply('18930', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18930">&gt;&gt;18930</a><br/>what could have possibly killed an age 49 bodybuilder?


<a onclick="highlightReply('18933', event);" href="/hobby/res/15840.html#18933">&gt;&gt;18933</a><br/>Blood clot that traveled to his lungs. Classic consequence of steroid abuse.


Why the fuck am I getting headaches while doing pushups out of nowhere? Shit sucks.


don't forget to breathe


just came back from the gym. recovering from heart surgery from about a year ago so it's slow going. but hey - I can see progress and I didn't feint!


keep it up


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Musclegirl thread for motivation


that just makes me want to stay weak so she'll bully me.


anyone ever dealt with limited range of motion? I can't completely straighten my left arm do to an old injury and I'm wondering if I'm headed towards something bad lifting with it.


Gimme your best post-workout meals my dudes. I know protein is the big one, but are carbs also a good idea? Sometimes I just feel like having a big fucking bowl of plain oatmeal after a session but don't know if that'll fuck my gains over, for example.


choccy milk



but it's hotter if you're both stronk and she has to use more force to bully you


Try gently stretching it and, if it no longer hurts and there are no structural limitations due to the injury, you will gradually regain your range of motion.


nearly fainted in the gym today lmao


dude i can say from experience, lessons are probably not worth it
i've gotten way more skilled by just learning some scales and slowly learning chords on my own and practicing and practicing by just playing little songs and having fun than going to lessons and learning songs. That shit sucks the vitality out of it and sucks your wallet

probably not
one time (when i was a teenager, so max T and n00b gains bonus, so take with a grain of salt) i didn't exercise for a week and when i got back to it, i could do more reps at same weight. I don't think it's the same for women. But basically you're just having an extended rest day :) you might be weaker for a bit if you lost weight but it won't be too bad probably. Well, only you can say, right. I should be asking, what's the outcome? Did you shit out your gains?

BTW does anyone have advice on gaining weight healthily? If I eat healthy food, i maintain a low weight or lose weight. If i binge junkfood, high cal foods, sugar, etc. I can maybe make some gains over like a couple weeks but my pee starts smelling weird/sweet after a couple days and I kinda worry about pre-diabetes. Is there a way to put on some mass without fucking my body up, when you're naturally skinny/lean?? I know this isnt really exercise related but if i can't put on good weight i never get good gainz. Or is it just body type and not fixable?

this is related to growth hormone mostly as far as i know… basically the bigger you get and the more you are in an anabolic state overall, the shorter your lifespan. The difference though, for otherwise healthy people, is maybe 20 years at best. There are different ways to be healthy, and you can be big and healthy but you might die sooner, or you can be lean and healthy and live longer. The same ways to maximize healthspan are the same though - exercise regularly, eat foods that have a lower insulin impact, let yourself be exposed to the elements some, be social, don't do drugs excessively, etc. The normal stuff.

what happened?


>not wanting to be at roughly the same level so you can wrestle fuck in an evenly matched contest for dominance


I've been taking swimming lessons for a month but I still get fatigued very easily. Is that bad?


if you're skinny, and you've probably heard this a million times, but eat in a high caloric surplus, and eat high protein meals. You can have chicken, rice, and veggies every meal if you want to, but that fucking boring, so make shakes with oats, blueberries, protein powder, etc etc. Eat foods high in natural (good) fats, like steak. If you want to you can supp other vitamins but it's not essential.

Here is a 'bulking calculator': https://fitnessvolt.com/weight-gain-calculator/

Also, fitness YouTube is a really great source of information if you know the right guys. I'd suggest watching people like Jeff Nippard and Geoffrey Verity Schofield for top tier info, but there are other great channels out there.


>what happened?
I tried increasing my benches from 12 to 18 but my body just couldn't handle it, I was sweating so much and then suddenly I lost my balance.
Learned a good lesson that day.


I meant reps, sorry.


Are you benching for 18 reps in a set? And is the bench press the exercise you are performing? Anything more than 12 for compound lifts is retarded tbqh.
As I remember, anon, getting good at cardio takes several months of hard conditioning, some of the hardest physical exertion you will undertake in your life. You're leveling up but there are no shortcuts.


I hate working out so much, lads. My entire life I have dreaded going to practice or to a gym or whatever involves physical activity. I'd rather do anything else than lift heavy weights or run on a treadmill until exhaustion. The only thing I marginally like is biking but it's way too fucking hot where I live + I live in a shit-tier American suburb where biking is suicidal. I also enjoy ping-pong, but the closest ping-pong club near me is half an hour away and that's if I'm not in rush hour.

What do I do bros? I need to get fit; I don't want to die a horrible death when this shithole country eventually collapses. But jesus christ, excerising is so miserable and soul-sucking that I just get depressed and anxious thinking about it.

>i've gotten way more skilled by just learning some scales and slowly learning chords
Not the anon you replied to, but I seriously doubt you've gotten better. 99% of "self-taught" guitar players have shit technical and theoretical fundamentals. Lessons with a good teacher beat self-teaching any day of the week.


There should be enough variation in a single session for it to combat the monotony and for it to be stimulating enough. For example, even on my slowest and energy-sapped of days I can go through the motions of each exercise and feel like there's enough difference between them to not be bored. But other than that it seems like you have a motivation issue. Not motivation in the sense of getting you into a gym but the reason(s) why you're lifting in the first place. For me, lifting puts me on the path towards becoming the person I want to become, each rep pushes me further and further along - but ultimately, even if I don't reach that goal, being on the path is enough. So it doesn't matter how depressing and soul-sucking a session might be, as long as I know that I'm on that path, I don't feel like I'm wasting my time. In the end, that motivation has to come from you. It's there already, you clearly have a desire to get fit, you just need a figure out a way to get out of your own way.

Self-help stuff can be good in this area, Dr. K is a very normie psychologist who's done a bunch of stuff on motivation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QWIxElEnc8). You could always try and associate lifting and enjoyment but going with a friend or changing up your routine. Or you can always try and brute force it and hope the motivation comes after.


You don't need motivation, but discipline. You need to form habits around this. Start by making yourself do a very little bit and work up from there. Make yourself go do a pushup or something and keep making yourself do it every day. Then make yourself do more things until you have a whole workout.


Not that anon but speaking from experience: Without a trainer, you need motivation first and build discipline around that. I can run for miles if I have someone I'm running with, but on my own that becomes much harder because I lack the same motivation, sure I can keep doing it, but the results are weaker because I'm just not into it. A trainer can really help in that regard but not everyone has the money (or friends) to acquire one.


If you build discipline on motivation then when you lack motivation the discipline won't work. If you build discipline in spite of lacking motivation, you can make yourself do things even when you lack motivation, and when you do have the motivation you will do them better.


If you build it with motivation, then after the motivation may lessen your discipline will already remain to keep you going IMO.


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First of all, to get fit you HAVE TO EXERT YOUR CORPUS. If you don't like the idea of weights try calisthenics, boxing, plyometrics, hell even yoga. Start small. If you're in a hot place you'll get a workout just by walking a couple miles outside. Get to the best nature park you can and enjoy it. I assume it won't be too large so maybe just take your time. You get toughened up by repeated exposure, and Rome wasn't built in a day. At the end of the day, you have to want it. And in this day and age, 'physical prowess' or whatever may not be the be-all end-all for shtf situations.


In my last sentence I mean to say, maybe there are other valuable skills and aptitudes you can develop that aren't physical fitness. It sounds like the thing is a demon in your head and won't allow you to approach fitness soberly or rationally and that can be a problem if you really do intend to improve with it. Good luck.


I think the idea of taking time out of your day to do training isn't going to be accepted by many people.
Because going to a room and moving heavy stuff up an down for no immediate apparent reason is very unnatural behavior.
If you could make a full body suit that puts additional resistance on your muscles, while you do normal stuff, that's something that people might actually accept.


Depressed young poorfag here who broke his body in the military and got out. Been living pretty unhealthily the past two years and my life has been shit, so I'm hoping to get into some regular calisthenics to at least get something going again. Not trying to get big, legit just not want to feel like shit 24/7 and exercise will probably help. My question is: does anyone have any recommendations for stuff I could do to practice basic self-defense (I remember a buddy of mine being super into shadow-boxing and boxing drills, I got super smoked the few times I did it with him when I was more active) while getting some basic calisthenics/cardio done at the same time? The area I live is in shitty so I want to pepper in stuff like that to make myself feel a bit better/more competent.


The recommended amount of protein per day is around 160 grams, right? And the amount of protein you should eat per day for beneficial muscle gain is 1 gram per pound. I'm 110 lbs though (I'm very short so I have a normal BMI anyways), so that recommends me to consume 110 grams~ for beneficial muscle mass. Should I stick around that 110 grams estimate or do I have to push it to 160 minimum?


For a broken body starting with Taichi would be good especially if you can find someone who can teach it properly and explain the combat application of the motions since it's decended from military calisthenic drills from back in the hand to hand combat days where there'd have been plenty of old NCO's with broken bodies refining it


Finally joined that Muay Thai gym. Had a fun time; glad I went. I just hope this Moderna shit actually works because this is probably a good place to get COVID


thanks fam :)
the calculator is good


>Not the anon you replied to, but I seriously doubt you've gotten better. 99% of "self-taught" guitar players have shit technical and theoretical fundamentals. Lessons with a good teacher beat self-teaching any day of the week.

you're not totally wrong, but no, most of what i practice is fundamentals. Anyways I'm not saying this is the fastest way, but for me it's the only way that keeps my interest at least, and also it's free. I'm very interested in the fundamentals and theory, music theory is really neat, and the most important and difficult parts are how to strum, pluck, and finger properly (and quickly and accurately).

I can say that I NEVER got this from a guitar instructor. But maybe the other anon's is different, which would be good. But the way guitar teaching went for me was
>this is a chord
>memorize them
>try this song
>ok that's ok, keep doing it until it doesn't sound so bad
>not doing shit i like
>"why am i doing this again?"
>cant memorize shit cause fundamentally confused/undereducated
>drop it

most important for me has been getting a connection to the music, which sounds hippy but i think its very important to focus on improvisation along the way, at the same time as you focus on fundamentals. I use songs sometimes to help train my intuition, give me harder things to do, and learn picking rhythms e.g., but i've 100% dropped trying to memorize songs and it's only helped.

>What do I do bros? I need to get fit; I don't want to die a horrible death when this shithole country eventually collapses. But jesus christ, excerising is so miserable and soul-sucking that I just get depressed and anxious thinking about it.

Don't listen to me cause I just do PRC 4 minute fitness routine every morning, but the only thing that motivates me to do anything is the need. Like you have some goal, which you need to do for a pressing reason, and then you just go and do it. One foot in front of the other. But for real, good on you anon for working out despite hating it. For a while I was running every day and that ended fast, because i had no immediate reason and no social support, so no reason to keep it up except general heath (which really, how many people are motivated by "this will make you function normaler and for longer!")

For me, I do this minimum of exercise because if i don't, my mind and body feel worse. I would say maybe you should take a couple days off and see if you feel like shit (or maybe see if you needed some rest days), but maybe don't because breaking discipline is the road towards total backslide and giving yourself too much slack. So I encourage you to keep up your rigid discipline so you don't let yourself down :) good luck anon


what the fuck? no it's more like 50-60g/day or if you're trying to gain lean muscle tissue 1g/kg body weight not lb.


Does it make sense to start going to the gym while on a low-carb diet?


What is the reason you are going to the gym?


Health and to gain some muscle


Anyone got any advice for building up my upper body strength for doing pull ups, or at the very least, doing pull ups in general as I recently bought a pull up bar


Start by just pulling yourself up as far as you can and then hanging in that position


I wish i could train heavily again, but i have horrible myopia and if I strain too much I risk blindness every time. Ive been warned off by doctors because i risk retinal detachment every time i train, but sometimes i do it anyways because its my passion. Now that ive gotten older, ive tried to develop other hobbies, but i still miss intense training. The condition has ruined so much progress in my life and ill never be happy with my progress because i feel like i didnt rise to the challenge or persevere anyways. I just am too afraid to risk blindness though, the concept terrifies me so Id rather be weak and lazy than continuing to train and risk going blind.

The only cope i have left is light training, coordination, maintenance etc but if I go too heavy on the weights my eyes start acting up from the pressure. Hate my life, i wish i had 20/20 so i didnt have to deal with the anguish every day. Now my own forced laziness takes all the fun out of my life and im just a depressed shithead most of the time


If I work out just for sake of not being sedentary, can expect any good changes in my body In the medium/long term? Haven't really modified my diet because food is getting expensive as shit.


>If I work out just for sake of not being sedentary, can expect any good changes in my body In the medium/long term?
Yes, just doing some light cardio like 30 minute walks every day is a massive improvement over nothing. It won't turn you into a star athlete but it will improve your cardiovascular health and your energy levels.

Don't do that. Do eccentrics. Jump up to the top of the movement and then flex your muscles so that your descent back down to neutral is slower. You can work up your strength by slowing the movement down more. Once you can do at least 1 pull up you're better off doing something like 1 of that movement daily until it becomes normal and gradually increasing reps.

Also you should just hold the bar and hang at the bottom for a while. It will help straighten out your back using gravity, activate some of your stabilizing muscles in your core (depending on where you hold your legs), and help build your grip strength if it's weak.


>Jump up to the top of the movement
By that, you mean jump as high as possible?


>just doing some light cardio like 30 minute walks every day
Welp, i'm embarrassingly out of pace.

>It won't turn you into a star athlete but it will improve your cardiovascular health and your energy levels.

That's great to hear! Thank you, anon.


posting some vintage Bugez vids


are you on keto? is it healthy? if so then yes.
>>4208 do push ups and abdominal stuff on the floor. then do your pull ups in an L sit, and work on doing leg lifts for reps. have a heavy object/s to lift or carry for traps.
I dearly sympathize. I don't know what I would do without the iron.
Happy trails
A demigod amongst mortals.



>have bad guitar teacher
>hurr durr all teachers are bad
>hurr durr teachers kill creativity and don't have you improv

retard-tier generalizations. Enjoy taking forever to learn properly when you could've just taken your learning seriously and put in the effort to find a good guitar teacher.



not the guide, its probably fine, but inhabit, lameeeee


shush, rude mouth
also self-crit
also also, bourgeois. a teacher costs hella money, learning on your own is free. A good teacher costs even more money


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Nice design, reasonable content, simple language with a sprinkling of crypto left language, perfect for edgy normies on the cusp of getting left-pilled (so good marketing, "insurgents", "inhabit", lol).

Not sure about the font, seems a bit R E T V R N T O T R A D T I T I O N-esk but I guess that's the edge factor.

Sadly I'm >picrel


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Why are Zyzz memes making a comeback lately? They're trending all over Youtube and shit. Did I miss something?


He wasnt even that aesthetic smh


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Zyzz has always been an integral part of online alternate fitness communities. He was one of them who "made it." I'm guessing why its resurging is because people either want to pay their respects to the legend or cash in on oldfag nostalgia.




>By that, you mean jump as high as possible?
No, just to the top of the movement, like where you would be at the top of a regular pull up. Look up some video of somebody doing it on youtube or whatever. Easy to find.


How to become more flexible? I've been stretching for months without any noticeable difference.


Use a bigger stretch obviously


Wtf do I eat 1 hour before going to swim in the morning?


A. stretch progressively farther
B. stretch for longer IIRC you want to go for about 60 seconds on the stretch if you want to increase flexibility


>baked potato
>a tropical fruit (mango, pineapple)
>avacado toast
basically anything high in carbs


Is cum high in carbs?


it has sugars and proteins in it to keep the sperm cells alive


Much appreciated comrade


>it has sugars and proteins in it to keep the sperm cells alive


>finally started lifting again after a year of inactivity
we're all going to make it





comrade Kim is looking real good lately


It's good my homie is losing weight but he looks like he's like 45 now. I'm pretty sure he is in his mid thirties.


I was thinking that myself. Fat makes you look younger (even though it's babymode youth).


oh shit you're right

damn maybe that's why I have a chubby milf kink :\


Here's a cookie recipe that I got more than a year ago on Bunkerchan


God this one has to be like 10 years old at least. I have made it before and can confirm it's good. Ditch the splenda for some stevia though. I would not recommend using steel cut oats in this method, though, since they absorb liquid better slowly over time and under heat. The texture isn't great, and you can see in the picture they are still in hard little clumps lol.


what are the macros like?

unrelated, but just tried hip thrusts like a week ago and they are a god tier exercise, they are a must for leg days.


>what are the macros like?
Don't have them on hand, but a strong mix of all 3. It's been years so I don't recall the ratio.


>what are the macros like?
They look pretty normal sized to me.


2 important things from /fit/

/fit/ information repository (3 gb torrent with lots of books on strength training and diet): Tinyurl com/fit-information-repository

/fit/ 87 recipes: https://m.imgur.com/r/4chan/5nbmA


>3 gb torrent with lots of books on strength training and diet


What are some good arm exercises for beginners (besides things like push-ups)?


Do larger compound movements at first. Don't specifically target your arms. Do things that involve your arms but don't sit there just doing curls for the gurls. Stuff like:
>rows (reverses movement of push ups)
>pull ups and overhead press (or pike/handstand pushups if you can)
>dumbbell or kettlebell raises (if you can get some) to build functional strength in your core as well while you level up your shoulders and arms
Important note is that balance is key. You want to do exercises that work the opposite muscle groups so you don't end up with one group much stronger than the other, which can be bad for posture and increase the chance of injury.


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>>4293 (cheka'd)
Thanks, anon.


kettlebell literally gave me side abs it's insane


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I want to look like pre-roids Zyzz so bad but have 0 idea what routine to use, I can only really use dumbbells
145 lbs 5'11


That lean stomach indicates he probably did a lot of calisthenics like push ups, crunches, pull ups, yoga, etc.


That's a calisthenics body if ever I've seen one.


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>Starting to create a schedule
>Begun trying to fix my sleep hours, not going to sleep at 2 AM anymore
>Working out everyday, even if just a bit, for now
>Actually getting shit done, instead of procrastinating all day
Bros, i think i'm starting to feel fulfilled.


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Hello /fit/,

I've been going to the gym and lifting regularly for a couple of months now. So far I've been going 3 times a week and doing a full-body workout with squat/deadlift/bench/rows/etc.. BUT because I've always been a bit fat I'd been intentionally keeping my caloric intake pretty low with the idea that these exercises will simply help burn calories while maybe producing a little bit more muscle mass in the interim. Right now I've lost a decent amount of fat, but am still have maybe an inch or so fat layer on my abdomen. Since it's winter I'd decided to try and bulk for the first time and increase my caloric intake and start putting on weight again with the hope of gaining more muscle which would inturn increase the amount of calories I burn normally and then cutting down to a caloric deficit again in 10 weeks or so.

I started to research bulking and cutting and I first found a page that said to have a moderate surplus of 300-500 calories and increase protein. This seemed reasonable and I was ready to experiment with that. But then I found this guy AthleanX or whatever who says not to have a caloric surplus at all and to only increase protein intake (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz3AG-oCXTE). Now my post thanksgiving plans for lifting have been thrown into disarray!

What should I do /fit/izens?


That Athlean-X guy is pretty obviously juicing, take any of his advice with a grain of salt.


I'm thinking about entering the kettlebell.

Any caution and advice for people with hip replacements?


Hi /fit/ I'm quite skinny and short. What is the best way for me to gain muscles?


>Any caution and advice for people with hip replacements?


Kettlebells are a meme someone explain to me scientifically how they differ from dumbbells in any way. Even then you could put a dumbell in a bag and voila kettlememe


pick heavy things up and put them down


Got the caution, what's the advice?


It's the movements that you do with them. Yeah, you can do a lot of that shit with dumbbells, but kettlebells are shaped in a way that fits those exercises better. Which results in a program that is specific to them, just like with any other piece of equipment. The meme is not so much about kettlebells themselves but that the program is superior to the usual routines. You also have a similar meme going on with landmines.


ngl they're one of my fave accessories


Your favorite way to do ABS?


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Here's a routine to start with but it's missing some for balance. Supplement with back exercises like the arch/superman and fish/reverse plank (picrel). Those are isometric so maybe find variations you can do with those if you're counting by reps. E.g. for the superman, you can move your arms/legs something like jumping jacks (out and back in) while holding the core stable and for the reverse plank you can lift up one leg at a time, shifting the tension back and forth.




abs are made in the kitchen


visible "six-pack" abs are not practical, op pic is pretty much perfect


Are leftists genuinely skinnier and weaker than rightists, as 4chan /fit/ claims?


Wouldn't say exactly that but the internet leftist circles do attract people who are very opposite of traditionally masculine guys


No. They are however more intelligent and less prone to delusion.


L-sits hanging from a bar or doing pull-ups. "Captains chairs" which are basically the same thing with training wheels. And deadlifts. Having powerful abdominal muscles will not equal visible abs though. That's a body fat %.


why are they even possible

picked up chewing gum to offset when i'm feeling really hungry,
what do you think lads? dangerous habit?


> as 4chan /fit/ claims?
you mean as /pol/ tourists on /fit/ claim


How should I go on about trainin my neck? I have pretty square face, but a larger thin neck. Looks pretty stupid at times lol. Any help would be appreciated


Get a plate that you can rep out 20+ reps at home for your neck work. I would recommend getting a band as well (highly recommend having a band generally for its versatility). Heavy deadlifts/shrugs help as well.



Dude no offense but there is nothing tight about that body. That anon needs to cut hard


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>he doesn't know


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Friendly reminder that weights are for chumps.
>Need different types of weights if you want to cover all muscle groups
>Take up a shit ton of space
>Need to be assembled and reasembled during each exercise due to different weught demands for different body parts
>Need to buy more after current ones become too light
>10% chance each time you use them that you'll scrape the wall or fuck up your furniture
>Constant paranoia you'll crush your pet or your foot with them
Meanwhile fitness strings are based in every regard
>A single kit loads you out with a difficulty range going from total coach potato to near-proffesional weight lifter
>Comparatively cheap as fuck
>Weigh nothing and take up almost no space
>Zero risk to use (so long as you got gloves, fuckers cut your fingers bad otherwise)
>Can be used for every muscle group
>All you need to do to swap to a tougher string is, well, swap a string or stack two together
t. ex-weightchump


what is that


Bands of latex that vary in thickness. Instead of lifting a hunk of metal you work out by stretching them, most commonly by standing on them and pulling in different positions that replicate all the weight moves and more.


what if it snaps??


have fun maxing out at 50 kgs for the rest of your life


You mean in danger sense or "what do I do now" sense? If the first, worst case is you'll punch yourself during a bicep pump or fall on your back if you're doing a sitting pull from your feet. In the other case, I'm pretty sure the brand I got offers ordering replacements. Also the "heavier" bands start resembling bike tires more and more, so I highly doubt those ever snap. Also the guy who recommended them to me used his for around 2 years with no issues.

50kg is more than enough for most people ITT unless you seriously want to become a bodybuilder. Also at least the stringset I got maxes out around 80-100kg of you stack them all together, maybe 160-200kg for certain excercises as you can double-bind. However its really hard to check tbh.


>have fun maxing out at 50 kgs for the rest of your life
50kg toe curls


OP's pic is actually my goal body too. How long will this take natty and eating/sleeping correctly?


I can only say I tried high reps/low weight for a couple months when lockdown started. I had some strength gains and did see some results mostly on my arms. (I was limited and only had two light dumbbells). But yeah it did dispel for me the myth you can only gain strength while lifting heavy.


Is that Murderface?


saw some cunt in my gym last night doing 8kg lateral raises in the one of two squat racks in the gym. some blokes had to use the smith machine while this cockhead and his girlfriend used the squat rack for fucking lateral raises


what is this theory?

i have no weights to buy

can i buy a set of 1kg cheaps and build strength?

will high reps let me lift something like 20kg???


i don't go to gyms

is that bad? why?


How do you even do lateral raises with a sqat rack?


Can you get fit as a vegan as well as a omni? I recently have gone vegan (no meat, eggs, milk etc) and starter lifting after a break.


Yeh. You can supplement your protein with soy or vegetable based protein powders for one


How are you all going lifting wise lately?


he was doing lateral raises *inside* the squat rack – taking up valuable space

only been training for a bit less than a year now, lockdowns fucked me over but:
deadlift: 115kg (dont train it a lot but could probably pull 130 with more consistent training)
squat: 117.5kg, maybe couldve gone higher but still pleased
bench: 55kg, prefer dumbbells though, 25kg each

also 6 plates on sled leg press but who really cares about numbers on that?


Pretty weird how I did today 55kg for 9 reps but I can only squat 70kg and deadlift 110. I have been training for years, but without proper routine or nutrition. Past few weeks I have been determined to running GZCLP program.


how do you pirate those fitness programs and videos??
like atheleanX


R8 my full beginner basic workout plan

I have realized that I keep fucking up and doing random exercises and injuring myself
So I'm cutting all the shit, and making a routine to strengthen my basic 6 muscle groups first

>Incline Push up (Chest and Shoulders)

>Crunches (Abs/Core)
>Chair Squat (Legs)
>Superman (Back)
>Arm Circles (Arms)

Is there any flaw?
I'm only trying to do basic ones for every group until I'm fully confident and sure and move on to the traditional ones
Dunno if that will take 7 weeks or 2 weeks or 1 month

I don't know about sets, I'm thinking only doing 1 set with max reps

Now I've heard about leg day and giving rest to each group

But is there a problem if I just do all 5 exercise, once a day, 5 times a week?

Or should I really divide it up? How? Like by days or by time of the day

For e.g

<Arms and Back in morning

<Legs and Shoulders in the evening

I'm also going to be doing my 30 minute cardio 5 times a week on top of all this


Also is there only 3 core tenets or aspects of training the body?


i.e lifting


i.e yoga


i.e cardio


Balance, control, coordination? Stretching is not really an aspect, did you mean flexibility, mobility (is there a the difference)? Relaxation? Breaking up the character armour?


Explosive power


You might wanna check ru tracker


>no pull ups
>No dips

You are never going to make it


>Balance, control, coordination?
what can we learn that from? dancing? ballet?
also checked

<Breaking up the character armour

yo what the fuck does this mean

i don't know what this is but i'm going to look

will you buy me a pull up bar?


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It literally doesn't matter if it's heavy or light as long as you do same volume.


I think balance and coordination is more in regards to technique that could be applied to myriad of circumstances, whereas strength, cardio and flexibility are integral aspects.


you should use a proven routine not something you made up. also you don't need to do all that shit just to prepare for the real thing. just go to the gym and use an empty barbell first, make sure to learn the proper form and then start adding weight when you feel comfortable.


fugg, it's too close to closing time at the gym for me to make it there. guess it's night walk for me tonight


night walk get


What do you recommend for getting balance and co-ordination? Any routine?

I dance that's all I know when it comes to that but I see how important the things you mentioned are, I often almost fall

I don't have a gym or barbell so that's why I'm doing this
I really have 0 base strength so I'm sticking with this

My hands firggin trembled while doing a Superman and Holding an Incline Plank for 5 seconds


got covid

feel like shit, would not recommend; struggled to get out a few sets of arms and shoulders

now that it is dying out a bit, that zyzz revival shit was so fucking cringe, annoying, and forced. who in their right mind thought that shit was funny?


>all those gains
>like dust in the wind


>I don't have a gym or barbell so that's why I'm doing this
Can't you go to a gym?
>I really have 0 base strength so I'm sticking with this
That means you have great potential for strength gains (aka the noob gains effect), but you need to do compound exercises like bench press, squats, deadlifts. You should try a gym, maybe you'll double your strength in a month.


That picture cannot be described as builtfat. Maybe like me you have issues with this kind of thing.


This guide is silly because it is trying to get people to run before they start doing push ups. Also, if pushups are the only chest exercise you are willing or able to do, I think it would be much more effective to take measures to make push ups more difficult, like wearing a heavy backpack, raising your legs or doing a harder pushup like diamond pushups, instead of just adding more and more quantity.


Everyone is built to do different things. Some people are awful at leg stuff but great at push stuff, some are better at back stuff or cardio etc. There are other factors too, like maybe you just prefer doing one thing so you'll train that thing better, or some factor in your life makes you stronger with one exercise or makes recovering/building strength easier in another.
Don't bother with them. If you don't have much knowledge in this field you might think they have some kind of secret information that makes everything a million times easier. In reality most of the success they have is basically a placebo. Dieting and exercise is actually extremely simple. You don't need to follow these people who tell you to do a million different exercises. Just pick the stuff you enjoy, and get very very good at doing it.


>But is there a problem if I just do all 5 exercise, once a day, 5 times a week?
Yes. You need rest for your body to recover and build the muscle. Either do a full body workout, then rest, or split the different exercises into different days. The exercises you're doing seem like a good start, but you should probably start going to a gym and using weight machines if you can (then move to free weights).


Absolutely wrong. Your body responds to different forms of training. You need to lift heavier and heavier if you want to build strength. Lifting a 1kg dumbbell a million times will simply train your endurance


Anyone here taking testosterone? My doctor prescribed it for me because I was low and I don't want to let it go to waste so to speak. I'm on 200mg test cyp every 14 days. I've only taken 2 doses so far and don't notice much change yet, mentally for physically. Been working out hard and eating loads, wondering if its just going to be obvious or not. Apparently its a pretty large dosage, and my test wasn't SUPER low, so I should be up there near supraphsysiological levels i would think.


Are you underweight or something?


Just keep at it.


most of them are fat in my experience


This is absolute nonsense, there's not much benefit to eating some specialised pre workout meal and there is no evidence of an anabolic window that lets you absorb more protein or whatever after a workout. This shit is used by supplement companies and fitness guru hacks to sell you shit you don't need, you'd think people on a communist website would be a little more perceptive of that lol.


Fitizens whats a good flavoring I can mix with kreatine? Nothing with to much sugar or artificial sweeteners. And something cheap too.


just down it or drink it with coffee


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Sorry, I don't stans coffee

Maybe, just maybe.


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So I started lifting weights to gain strength and doing cardio years ago but now I found a job as a carpenter, it's fairly physical but a couple of days ago my dad saw me lifting weights and asked if what I do at work wasn't enough and today after exercising I felt so my body felt like it was hollow.
Right now I do think that I should change my routine but I'm not sure how


Physical labor can be good conditioning. If you change your routine the best bet would be to focus on exercises that compensate for whatever you're (not) doing at your job.


Just hit the gym on your off days. And maybe do crunches for like 30 mins on work days. I had a fairly strenuous warehouse job a while back and hit the gym on off days and was nearly a swole show.


>did pushups with slightly wrong form for months
>changed to correct form
>so much easier
>no more cracking noise in [joint]
I had found a guide that seems pretty thorough but it seems they left out a critical part that isn't visually apparent and I guess they just thought was obvious when it isn't to n00bs. Lesson learned.


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Thoughts on the 12 week Greg Nuckols Beginner Program? Found it on the app store a couple of days ago and started the program with a focus on hypertrophy, completed 7 exercises so far. Been trying to count calories and eat better but can't pick up groceries for a bit so until then it's been iffy

I started on a late day in the week so it thinks i'm on week 3 but really it's more like 2 1/2 i think.


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you are growing stronger




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just bought a 2kg and 10kg resisteance band
what am i in for?

any tips? should i use bands together or not



Good video
He's got such chaotic energy

>arguing with his mom while filming a video
he just like me fr


he's great, also its his wife lol


who let him marry his mom


why does her call her ma
but cute


You will most likely get used to your new routine. If you persist with the gym you won't feel as wrecked after each workout. You can also adapt your gym sessions to fit around work.

However you shouldn't be too obsessive about going to the gym all the time especially if you are burning a bunch of calories at work. Gym should always come after your social life and work in your priorities.


How are we supposed to know what you're in for, we know absolutely nothing about what your experience is, what your goals are, your body type, your life circumstances etc. It's like asking us "how do I fix my computer" and providing no other contextual information.


Tell me if this isn't peak Home Gym
How could someone upgrade it?


Ever since I started doing weighted lunges, RDLs, and hip thrusts, men have been staring at my ass.


i want to kill god


ray peat is a marxist?
wtf i didn't know there was any ideology in fitness


yo, rate my program, its mostly 5x5 stronglifts adapted

All listed exercise are 5x5, add 2.5 KG every time.

I don't really war up apart from for squats, where I do a pigeon sit and knee over toe stretch with a bench, and hold squat positions and left and right leaning squat positions with a weight held in front of me.

On all the others I just do the exercise on a very low weight and build up to working weight to warm up.

I generally take a 2 minute rest between sets

Monday- Squat
Tuesday= Superset, Pendlay Rows, Weighted Dips
Wed = Squat again
Thurs- Superset, Bench, weighted pull ups.
Friday- Deadlift, OHP.
Saturday- Run and Swim, to failure/. for fun.

Doing this program I spend half an hour max in the gym 6 days a week, I do legs 3.5 times a week, chest/tris/shoulders 3 times a week, back 3 times a week.

It has been very efficent for me on a low time contraint and I am still seeing gains, also because I am only there half an hour or less, I don't bored, and can put my all into the work I doing.

For assistance I also do face pulls for posture and overhand grip ez bar curls because I have a fucked up wrist so need to strengthen my upper forearm or I get pain. These are not 5x5 i kinda just do whatever with these.


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Why does frog pose hurt my knees so much? It's the one stretch I've been avoiding for a long time in my journey towards the middle splits. What am I doing wrong…


Keep up updated on your prograss.


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>warming up for exercises with stretching
now this is proper preparation


You don't do nearly enough upper body stuff imo. Unless you just don't give a shit about that, in which case your routine is fine. People put way too much pressure on themselves to be perfect instead of doing what they like, if you'd rather just be a master of deadlifts and squats that's fine. Doing more upper body stuff might help condition your body better to do lower body stuff however.


Just looked up his diet… apparently having a varied diet is some kind of bio hack now? Also it lists coconut oil as healthy, that's quite outdated. It's a saturated fat, you'd be much better off with olive oil.


Just got my adjustable kettlebell today.

The grip is fucking thick, like 36mm.

How do I sand it down to make it comfier?

>t.smallhands gang


Saturated fats supposedly boost test or something according to bro science.



That's the carnivore broscience. Think we can agree to forget that.

Q2 2022 broscience says the only time you should consider saturated fats is when frying. The smoke point of oils like olive is too low for frying, and commonly available vegetable frying oils are made using a solvent extraction process. saturated fats for the occasional frying, cold pressed oils all day long yo.

obligatory: the only proven things to improve test levels are daily activity (compund exercises like squats), sunlight (30 mins at noon shirtless), diet (remove sugar) and sleep (just go to bed an hour earlier). Most of our non-critical dysfunctions are probably related to these 4 things.


Mega based post


I've fucked up all four of those things :(


what is kramer's routine?

>hey jerry x5 bulk dailys



ngl It took a minute, so thanks comrade.

Making those 4 things the focus of my day made a lot of other things come together, without too much perceived effort.


The one thing I would say is, you don't need to remove sugar or other junk foods. I say this as someone who is shredded, I don't cut out all sugar or fast food, I just eat it less often


Tips to eat less as someone with untreated anxiety/ADHD? I'm skinnyfat atm (which is worse than just being fat if you ask me)


Take your little meth pills again - they're great at suppressing hunger.


find a method of physical exertion that you enjoy whatever that may be


Find a coping mechanism other than food.
Try adjusting your diet to have more filling foods (more fat less carbs) so you are less hungry in general.


I hate that this is probably the only real solution for my case.

I already go to the gym and it hasn't helped in this regard.

I don't eat because I'm hungry, I could go days without eating… But if I'm bored and near food I'm going to eat just because.


You still won't feel like eating as often if you fill up on healthy volumous stuff. Why don't you snack on fruit anyway?


post bodies



Well done, Master Shredder.

Your post is gonna be confusing for readers not at your level though. The message needs to be simplified.

Remove sugar from your diet. There are so many sugars in modern food that you will still be eating some, like it or not. Removing sugar from your diet leaves room for a pizza with friends at the weekend, or a few beers, or some wine, whatever occasional thing you need to stay sane.

There is more detail, that master shredders are aware of, but for reasonable people just remove sugar and only eat foods you prepare yourself.

Go food shopping once a week or whatever, buy everything you need for every meal and a couple of lunchboxes. Eat only that food, bring packed lunches and eat mixed unsalted nuts when snacking away from your kitchen.


Anyone else here have an eating disorder? I've been obsessed with calorie and macro counting for about 2 years. I constantly think about food, feel super anxious if I have a cheat etc. Cheat days often lead to binging and purging for me. Had an incident of that last night, now I'm laying on the couch for hours wondering if I will try and let myself have a cheat or restrict myself to the usual perfect diet today


Master Shredder,

What is the idea behind drinking lots of water then not drinking anything to "dry out" one's physique?
It seems like a good way to fuck up one's organs…


That sort of thing is done for photoshoots and bodybuilding shows. It's another reason why you shouldn't the take pop culture body image seriously


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thank you :)


stop being bored
stop suppressing yourself
go outside more
find active things to do
decide to either bulk or cut, then stick to it and just be patient


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What are some of your "hype" work out songs you play to pump yourself up. Trying to create a good workout playlist


I like death grips, particularly "The Interview"


touhou black metal


Ask in /music/ ya goof.



feels like bait, but if you're looking for solutions:

Buy all your food for a week in the supermarket, ingredients and wholefoods, not products, no refined sugars.

Eat only that food, bring packed preprepared lunches and bags of unsalted mixed nuts to snack. Preparing food will soon become quick with practice. It all depends on how presentable you want your slop to be :)

Never be hungry. Never count calories. Don't worry about weight or bodyfat. Occupy yourself with activities away from food and thoughts of food. Exercise outdoors in bright sunlight daily for 30 mins (fast walking counts). Go to bed an hour earlier, it will improve your willpower to avoid shit food if you're not sleep-deprived. Supplement VitD depending on your specific situation.

Once you reach an equilibrium and are in control of your blood sugar you may find that thoughts of food no longer occupy so much mental bandwidth. Hopefully you now have the energy to put towards political activities. You'll probably also find it much easier to make small, stress-free changes to your routine if you want to lose or gain weight.

There's a lot more details ofc, and specific reasons for the above, but these are the basics imo.


>warming up for exercises with stretching
I warm up with exercises for stretching.


Do isometrics work? Can I get a quick workout on the bus to work just by resisting my own muscles?


the most eating disorder thing i did was skip meals in breakfast if i overate

but then i watched athlenx and he said it's better to cut less and just workout more, it's healthier

and i heard doing intermittent fast does something with blood sugar, so i don't want to fucks with it

don't worry about the calories too much bro
just workout harder and do more cardio,


Something that stuck with me was some kind of nutrition scientist saying on a pod that it's a miracle we're all not obese, considering that the entire capitalist system is set up to push us towards cheap sugars and hydrogenated fats. We are fucking surrounded by this shit.

She advised that to stay healthy we should visualize ourselves as fighting a constant war against food corps. Great.

The average healthy daily sugar and carb requirement for your sedentary leftist is tiny compared to what you think it should be. Getting close to that requirement will give you more control of your appetite and willpower when it comes to food, even more so when combined with a little outdoor exercise and better sleep.

This is not lib organic obsession or whatever. Working class food is quality food. It doesn't have to be expensive or organic. It's absolutely possible to eat healthy and extremely well for very little.


>Working class food
What you mean, like kebab and gyros?


>Do isometrics work?
Yes, if intense enough.
While you'll look odd doing it, you can do it on a bus.


I unironically support variations of fasting because of this.
Good for remembering how too many people are still going hungry, just not by choice.


Be me
>Gym 5 days a week
>Sometimes jog on day 6
>Eat okay. Balanced foods and avoid soda and sweets
>Skip lunch and usually just snack
>Can't loose more than 10lbs and get to where i want for like months
Are gyms just a fucking meme? I get the feeling if i just jogged most days and did some crunches and push ups I'd see more progress.



I'll give you an example. was in a working class place, extremely poor, where families would never have considered eating buckets of cheap burgers and fries and soda or whatever. Effort was made to get fresh fish at the market, pasta or rice and some vegetables. Effort was made to cook the food. Cheaper, healthier and without the surrender. That's working class quality food.



i tend to just listen to my indie playlist while lifting but this sped up version of keltek - awaken is hard as


Your fight is not aggressive anon..
It is one of patience, of time passing by
There is no hype.
Only you, and the blade.
Slowly, sensually, you will grow.
And for that, you need this



At 8m20s he says that if you only hold one pose the muscle only gets stronger in that pose, how does that work? I though muscles just contracted and relaxed, why would the pose matter?


I think that statement is quite an oversimplification but I’d imagine it’s not too far from reality—most importantly in understanding how this is likely true is understanding muscle contractions and fibres. It’s not particularly complicated; your muscles are made up of thousands upon thousands of separate fibres, and these fibres either contract or don’t contract (all or nothing principle). However, not all muscle fibres have to contract in order for the muscle itself to produce force; for example, walking requires significantly less muscle fibre activation in the quadriceps than hitting a heavy squat. Therefore, we can assume that during isometrics the range in which your performing an exercise will prioritise different muscle fibres and lead to increased hypertrophy in these specific reasons. For a real world example, many weightlifters and powerlifters pause for a few seconds at the bottom of their squats in order to ‘get out of the hole faster’.

However, I’d imagine that if you’re reaching near failure with isometrics the more muscle fibres will be recruited.


I love heel raised squats

feels comfy af


If you watch the video, your example with squatting would be a "yielding" isometric exercise. But the video is mainly about "overcoming" isometrics, where you struggle against an immovable object. Which means that there is virtually unlimited "load", therefore potentially you could contract every fibre in the working muscle. It is pointed out in the video that these help with "recruiting" muscle, which is a big advantage of "overcoming" style exercises. But then why does the angle matter?

It makes no sense to me. If greater angle (longer muscle) would be better that I could rationalize. But why would it be angle specific? Do I really need to try to find and decipher some physiology textbook to figure this out?


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how to fix a hunch back




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lifting wont fix my face :[


It's funny because swolface could just lose the IT guy glasses and get a better haircut and he'd be fine, at this point he's basically choosing to have a polface




it literally will
also, smile sometime, you'll look 10x better


honestly right pic with a wig is way more fuckable than the twink. he probably has a big dick too


Twink would be way hotter than him if he actually worked out though


twink has narrow shoulders, you are assuming that anyone can be senator armstrong


He doesn't have to work out as much because he already knows how to look good, Armstrong looks like he's about to shoot up the Burger King with a Tec 9


you realized one is a staged pic and the other is a bathroom selfie with bad lighting right. It feels like you are just trying to be relentlessly negative.


I'm not being relentlessly negative you bratty bottom, I was just clarifying my point not adding more things to complain about.
And Armstrong had more control over the picture than the guy standing around in some new apartment with a cigarette. The side-by-side picture itself was probably made because the guy on the left is conventionally attractive but doesn't lift, whereas Armstrong is a meme used in the context of le polface, and this image is meant to demoralize people from lifting if they're not seen as attractive already. But Armstrong's issues are entirely aesthetic choices of his own choice:
1) Haircut
2) Glasses
3) Poor lighting and picture location
Armstrong probably didn't give a shit though because I imagine it's an image from a bodybuilding forum rather than a dating site.


i dont even know what were arguing about but youre clearly a piece of shit.


We aren't arguing over anything, you're being touchy


I don't want to take a pic since I may unintentionally doxx myself but why are my calves and to less degree my thighs pretty thick despite I'm practically just a couch potato and only exercise I get regularly due to being depressed is pacing around and going up and down the stairs in my house and my BMI is in normal range. Yet my calves appear larger than someone of my same weight kinda flabby looking but feel firm it doesnt seem to be all fat and my thighs are also quite firm feeling but not particularly muscular looking or even toned. It's seemingly not water retention because I have worn compression socks to check. Last time I was a doctor no problems were found with me so it doesn't seem any obvious medical reason. I know BMI is imperfect but what's going on? Oh and my glutes are pretty weak dont got much an ass. Is it just a lot of guys are pretty lean and slim these days or is my entire muscular structure different?


go fuck yourself


yo saaaaaame
tho i have walked a lot recently so that could be it. But same, its pretty sad tbh, i have golden calves (ok theyre a little fatty but they look good) but no ass muscle.

maybe you just accumulate calf meat as you get older, like it just kind of hangs out there idk. Ive seen older dudes who have 0 fitness but with not thin calves. Probably mostly fat, maybe the muscle just tends to be fatty too since it's not necessarily just fat on top.


What is the question, you are doing regular calf exercises, what's causing the confusion?


I dont know about it accumulating with age. I vaguely recall it not being any different in my teens..

It's been like that before I had a pacing habit. Even those few years I was completely sedentary NEET it wasnt different. It's not build like developed muscle more flabby and only has a built form when flexed. Also athletic runners dont all have thick legs so i dont see why I should just from minor activity. My dad doesnt have thick legs and he used to be a body builder. Am I just eating too much protein or something? I dont get it. I have thicker leg muscles than guys that regularly heavily work out or guys that weigh about 50 pounds more than me.


How big are we speaking, can you measure them?



water retention…circulation degradation…maybe pre-diabetes or whatever.

You've got the calves of a diabetic seat dwelling elderly lady because that's your behavior.

Do you get light-headed often when standing up quickly?

Prescription: 2 x 30 min fast walks daily, one in the morning.
Never sit for longer than 30 mins unless watching a movie or something. Get up and airsquat/walkupastairs/make coffee, you get it.


>>3528 30 minutes after eating is best to fully make use of energy in your meals


Not THAT huge. If I measured in right spots:
>38.5cm on calves
>55cm on thighs

>water retention
While possible from salt consumption. It's relatively same whether i drink lots of water or am dehydrated and if ive worn compression socks that go up my calves for days.

>circulation degradation

Possible. I have cold hands and feet sometimes.


If they look for that on a standard blood test during an annual exam I doubt it. I dont eat perfect but I also intermittent fast fairly frequently these days.

>Do you get light-headed often when standing up quickly?

Sometimes if from more leaned back position but im over 6 feet tall so that's not that unusual. It's not so much an issue I have to actually tell myself to get up slowly.

>Prescription: 2 x 30 min fast walks daily, one in the morning.

Does it have to be right after getting up or few hours later fine? Because my nervous pacing I actually basically do this some days as is.
>Never sit for longer than 30 mins unless watching a movie or something.
I've never paid too much attention to how long I sit but I do sit most the day but also get up periodically to walk around.
>Get up and airsquat/walkupastairs/make coffee, you get it.
I always hated squats. Only squats I do is getting up and down into a chair. I mean I dont plop down but get down controlled. Is there an easier way to do squats than the normal kind? I have a three story house so im always going up and down stairs daily often skipping steps so Im taking larger movements.


So you are completely average just insecure.



no offence intended, but I don't have time to enagage with the detail of your post.

in general, sedentary behaviours wil have negative health effects that become less reversible over time. These negative effects will effect different people in different situations differently.

In short, pacing is better than nothing, but is nowhere near as beneficial as 30 mins power walking in daylight, opening your lungs with deep breaths, swinging your arms etc

To improve your circulation requires regular physical activation throughout the day.


>become less reversible over time
do they really? i thought you could always lift out of somethings

are you talkin about stuff like getting diabetes from sitting around


also not that anon but do lifters who exercise well and then just not do anything afterwards

purtail to the same risks and problems?

is 1 hr of exercise and no movement later = no movement?
or marginally better?



Yes, basically. There are syndromes related to inactivity where patients will not recover full heart function. These patients would have behaviors not unlike my best shut-in stoners.

The more often, the deeper you go in the hole, the lower the chance of getting fully out again.

You mentioned diabetes. There's plenty of evidence to show that lifestyle related type 2 diabetes can basically be reversed, but, depending on individual specifics, all systems may not get back to 100%.


Lfiting will give you some face gains by decreasing your body fat % and increasing test levels a bit. And if you have a lower amount of body fat you face will become more defined.
All of this depends a lot on genetic factors, however.


>So you are completely average just insecure.
Maybe insecure but I'm not imagining these differences with people that aren't visually overweight or quite buff. Neither is to my ideal.

Not offense taken. I didnt expect a point by point anyway. My pacing is neurotic so it borders on powerwalking half the time. I know I should exercise more just is hard to do anything when you feel down and low energy going on decades. I did do a regular routine for half a year but just couldn't keep it up.


Then post a picture or something. Otherwise it seems pretty clear that you are just insecure about your perfectly normal body.


how do you deal with having to wear a mask
i unironically enjoy wearing masks but i started going to the gym and i was suffocating at times lmao, do you think n95 masks are going to give me more room to breathe than the cheap surgical masks everyone uses



No, it's worse. You should only wear a N95 if you want to protect yourself from other people viruses.


>obligatory daily gymnastics in prison
<read Overcoming Gravity and learn the true power of body weight exercises


>I know I should exercise more just is hard to do anything when you feel down and low energy going on decades. I did do a regular routine for half a year but just couldn't keep it up.

I'm going to write as if I was speaking to my brother. This is fucking bullshit comrade. If you can post and pace you can find a way to do this:
1. Go to bed an hour earlier
2. cut refined sugars from your diet
3. walk fast for 30 mins in bright daylight daily
4. supplement vit D3

These are the fundamentals of life. Prisoners know they need an hour in the sun. Dogs know the need to exercise in the daylight. You know it too. Whatever important reasons you tell yourself about why you can't do these basic things? They're bullshit.

Make these things the entire focus of your day, nothing else matters. They are not a "program" or a routine, they are the absolute minimum that you need daily. Otherwise you will start to exhibit the behaviors of a caged animal, like pacing. Get the fuck out for 30 mins a day, everything else will slowly fall into place.


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gimme your opinion on yoga for middle aged women


better than nothing


no, give me YOUR opinion on yoga for middle aged women


Pranayama is pretty cool but it is mostly religious nonsense


It's worth sticking with for two months. Just basic stuff to start with, then choose your flavour after that.


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do any of you do gear or steroids?


id do steroids if they didnt increase my chances of cardiac arrest even more


What's your favourite dumbbell/barbell exercise for chest?
I want a execise that makes me sore there,


they need to come up with one like that
unlock full human potential


I wish spot reduction wasn't a myth, I keep losing weight but my double chin will not go away.


Can you suck it in?



Maybe you're obsessing about it and nobody else notices, or maybe it's just your natural form.

But did you ever observe groups highly trained people who are extremely aware of performance nutrition? Like a group of triathletes, for example.

You don't see many examples of the spot fat you're talking about among those people.

I'm not saying spend as much time training as these people, but in my experience, when you become active (throughout the day) and remove unnecessary refined sugars from your diet, when you become fat adapted, your body will eventually get around to burning more of what you call spot fat.

Basically, when you realize how little carbs you actually need and eat only enough for athletic needs your body becomes fat adapted and can burn fat as fuel more easily. Cyclists talk a lot about being fat adapted and bonking (feeling weak due to eating too little carbs while cycling).

Basically, what this bro scientist is saying is lose the weight, find an equilibrium and maintain. Once you find that equilibrium, as the months pass, you should be in a place where it's much easier to make small tweaks to your routine and diet that will likely reduce what you call spot fat, without much stress.




lot of basically lol





face fat is the last to go


is there a way to train for strength without getting bigger, im about to get too big for my clothes


Can I create optimal sleeping condtions by putting a hat over my head?

It's night but the light is still on for work for other members of the family

Answer fast please, i want to keep my gainZZZZZzzz shoo shooo mimi mii mii


of course, just cut? (the clothes or your weight)


i thought it was stomach fat?
face fat for women and gut fat for men

something about the first place where it gets accumulated to the last place


I do it with a pillow.


Bros I got covid
How do I avoid losing gains
No home gym only 25lb dumbbells.


Try to stay active as possible, don’t just lie in bed for 2 weeks, get up and walk around.

Also vitamin d


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It's the 144th Birthday of The Great Gama, one of Bruce Lee's inspirations. Are you celebrating this man of men?


imma do some hindu squats maybe this time I won't fall over


holy crap i just saw this dude today as google's doodle

what's his deal

are those hindu variant exercises actually good?


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he was a famous Indian punjabi wrestler, he was from a Punjabi Muslim family and he belonged to the Butt tribe, he was the best wrestler in preety much all of south asia and went on to beat Persians, Europeans and north Armoricans, there are certain exaggerations that really can't be proven(like how all the strongman, boxers, wrestling and judo champions of the world refused to fight him cause they were too scared off him or how he would life a stone weighing 1200kgs, which are likely made up of claims to make him seem even greater) but he was a strong bloke who fought on par with the best of his era and was the pride to India, his legacy wasn't just his strength however, he helped a lot of Hindu and sikh families get too safe passage to india with his connections, back then and now phelwani(wrestling) in north west India and Pakistan are based on patronage and old feudal values
most aren't at all, but hindu push ups are good for your back


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I should expand on what I mean patronage and how that effected gama's values, being a phelwan(wrestler in north west India) is not something one can do on their own, the diet alone for protein would and still is not something your average Punjabi farmer could afford, plus who would be the one to provide for his entire family, so there was a system of patronage where wealthy feudal land owners would sponsor wrestlers and pay for their food and their families well being, gama's patron happened to a Sikh, the Maharaj of Patiala, this was an ethnic and feudal factor that went beyond religion for him


how do you do a proper hindu push up? I keep finding instructions that contradict each other


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there are varations, tons of them, like the push ups I saw in my home village were just regular push ups with the feet wide apart, a lot of variations but the typical hindu push ups that the great gama and bruce lee are often dubbed cat style push ups


Seems like more of a stretch to be honest. In really solid advanced pushups (diamond, archer, lever, one-armed, etc), the entire body must stay taught and contracted the entire time, which works much more than just the arms and pushing muscles.


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Speaking of one-armed pushups, saw this the other day and had a chuckle. Did the animators even have any how difficult doing a one-armed pushup with form like this is? I have searched far and wide over the web and have been unable to find video of any men with their bodies straight, narrow, and feet tight together. I'm not even sure if it's biomechanically possible for a man to do it like this, let alone a women with less upper body strength.


Pretty sure she's genetically engineered or some shit like that


These are simply called dive bomber pushups in the non-Indiaboo world.


I can technically do that once but it's not smooth like that gif, it's slow and burns hard. Also not really a useful pushup position since you're not putting strain on the portions of the body that should be strained in a pushup.


So you're saying you can keep your body straight, with no bend, legs right next to one another, and torso horizontal the whole way through? Anon you're already doing better than every single one-armed pushup demonstration on Youtube. We have to see you in action.


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his secret? communism


May have found the answer. Apparently calves look different from genetics. Some people have calves that are high and thus short and these people are the ones with ridiculously skinny looking legs even if they work out. Others can have low calves which are longer and can go up to roughly halfway down the lower leg and in rare occasions all the way to the ankle.


woah fr?


good genetics, good diet, good training
an environment that isn't full of pollutants


Yeah that's just genetics affecting muscle insertions. You get the same thing with other muscles. Some people have biceps that bunch up in a bll shape, and some have biceps that are more oblong.

Anon it's a cartoon. They like to draw characters doing impossibly difficult movements to show they are impossibly strong.


Which one are you talking about, left or right?


Steroids along with >>4739


the building

oh okay, i'm killing myself then



Are you the pacing brother from up the thread that hated squatting? Love you man. Let me guess, you found a reason not to go outside and get some daylight and exercise?


>oh okay, i'm killing myself then

No, just stop looking at pictures of men autistically obsessed with their musculature if they make you feel like that.


i can do one arms with a straight posture. I might try the pic and take a shot from the head to see if its perfectly straight.

But in general yes one arms with straight body posture are a lot harder than ones with shitty form. The more you splay your legs wide, the more it takes out of the core. The more you keep your upper body straight instead of at an angle the more it works the chest


<Ctrl+F "massage" NOT FOUND

anons you're doing it wrong, your tendons are crying for relief from their damage, let those soft tissues get the fresh blood flow they need to heal


They are not worse than most body-weight exercises. I'm interested in the hindu squat because my balance is poor and am hoping it will improve it.


some fitspo


>Are you the pacing brother from up the thread that hated squatting?
Yes. I have been doing Asian squats as soon as I found out it's considered exercise which I don't hate.
>Love you man.
>Let me guess, you found a reason not to go outside and get some daylight and exercise?
I sleep during the day. I do exercise though, never said I don't; just I am bad at keeping routine.


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what's the name of the exercise tool this guys using
could you post more if you have any


That's a brick-holder used by brick-layers


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oh, it reminded me of ishi-sashi, strength training tools used for old Okinawan karate


Joszif Visszarionovics hatalmas termetű volt, már-már szégyellette is nagy, lapáttenyerét. Belép egyszer a terembe, ott ül Trockij, Zinovjev és Buharin – ezek is jól megtermett fajták –, és patkót hajlítgatnak. Kettétöri Sztálin a patkót, és kihajítja. Rájuk néz Sztálin nagy komolyan, és így szól: „Munkával mérd az erőt!”


are squat plugs real?


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only if you swing that way



Curious if you have any non-Chinese or Soviet ones ?


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That's just some curls with a kind of unusual grip followed by a shrug.


Forearm curls



You are? Well hello again. I'm the prescriptive brother from back up the thread.
You're gonna think this is weird but I honestly winced when you posted about squatting movements and have honestly got flashbacks about it many times since you posted it. It's like someone saying "I've always hated breathing deeply. Just me things. Shallow rapid breathing has always been more comfy to me".

Really good to hear that your doing some kind of squatting movement. One of the most reliable indicators of systemic health and longevity is squatting strength. I don't mean gym strength. I mean something more functional, like the ability to stand from a crosslegged position without using your hands at all. Air-squatting through the day, like when cooking or something, is one of the most important things sedentary people can do.

Reality time. You're on a leftist website because your mind and outlook are somewhere near the right place. That's quite rare in the current moment. You're no good to us with those patterns of behavior. If you think you have any commitment to a left ideology, or to justice for people outside the imperial core, you're gonna have to return to regular hours.

A large component of why people get depressed is their behaviors. Lack of sunlight, Irregular routines and bad diet are causes of depression, not a badge of honor.

If you know that your behaviors lead to depression, you are choosing to be depressed.
Seeing daylight for a hour a day is not optional.

Your current routine is killing you slowly and making you stupid. Here's a new one:

1. Go to bed at 8pm. Bring a laptop or weed or a pill, or whatever you need to get to sleep.
2. Choose a podcast and go for a 40 minute walk at noon the next day. You had a good night's sleep so there is no excuse not to go out.
3. Whatever you do all night, now do it during the day.

That's the routine. It's nothing. Any reason not to do this is cope. Maybe you can't accept this. Follow this routine for six weeks and your mind will clear, your energy will improve, you'll become more sociable, and hopefully you'll see a path to effective IRL political participation.

More importantly, 40 mins cardio daily will also improve your circulation, reduce water retention and bring you closer to slender calves + thighs too.


first pic is from luna park btw. It comes up when people search for lyubers and it's one of the few movie depictions of them (well sorta, luna park casts them as anti-semite skinheads, but still loyal to soviet values, not sure how it makes sense tbh). The reason I'm posting this is to help anons not look silly to Russian-anons for thinking a screenshot from one of their movies is a real historical capture. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyDuwfA3EYg&list=LL&index=3 opening scene from the movie I'm talking about.


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I can't afford broccoli or chicken
I just eat 10 kg of rice daily

Where are my gains? You lied to me /fit/


>It became active during the period of Glasnost in the late 1980s in the Soviet Union. It was a youth group whose aim was to "cleanse" Soviet society of the influences of various Western subcultures which they view as decadent, and often attacked other youth, mainly in major cities such as Moscow. However, they always held to certain principles such as fair fight and to never attack women and couples. The "Lyubers" were against outwardly informal dress groups such as hippies, punks and metalheads but also held strong anti-fascist views and had conflicts with the emerging Neo-nazi groups. The name "Lyubers" ("Люберы") comes the Moscow industrial suburb of Lyubertsy. As the Perestroika program opened up the market economy, some of the Lyubers turned to racketeering and organized crime syndicates, this however was swallowed up by a larger group in the 1990s.
wow the OG violent bro-socialists


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how to get jacked but not look like it?


that dude isn't jacked he's a typical curlbro


Diet is the foundation of gains. Lifting is like the support beams or something. If you can't eat properly you may be better off spending more of your time on better food or doing what it takes to get better food, perhaps.


After I finish laughing let me rephrase then.. Isolated exercise in general is not a natural thing that the human body was evolved for. It's more difficult for anyone's body and mind to go through repetition to such degrees. Getting involved in a physical activity such as rock climbing or physical labour is easier to manage when it's an option for someone. Not that exercise can't be done, I am just saying this is why many people are naturally averted to it. I know some others find the repetition soothing though.

Most cases of depression are from a natual reaction to circumstances or lack of sense of purpose not simply bad diet and lack of exercise or sleep but yes they can contribute some role for some people. I over years have improve my diet quite a bit and I for most my life had quality sleep and good amount of time outdoors in the woods at that.

Different people are naturally morning birds or night owls (I dont mean all night) and everything else should be built around that fact since those people really cant adapt even when forced to do same hours. That said I still am working on moving back my sleep hours to something more reasonable than the terrible 8AM falling asleep. I just slip up now and then where I get distracted in what Im doing and stay up and it accumulates over time till I have to work it back again. I've taken all sorts of non habit forming sleep aids nothing really helps yet in my current bout which is a first so progress is slow. For the record ive also tried skipping sleep in order to try to reset when to sleep and that oddly fails even worse than trying to roll back slowly.

Yeah 40 minute walks is doable.



It's great that we can laugh about this bro.

A non-negotiable 40mins fast walking in bright daylight, daily.
A slight recalibration of your circadian rhythms so that you are awake and active when most people are awake and active.
A slight recalibration of diet away from carbs and towards healthy fats and proteins, as part of an overall reduction in refined sugars, to improve mental clarity and focus. You sound educated enough to work out these details for yourself.

These things are easy and should be the focus of your day initially. Non-negotiable.

When they become second nature you'll be in a position where increased engagement with IRL political activity becomes an easy option. There will be no reason not to!


so is that a no? i just chose a random pic


Tweaked my shoulder doing 20kg weighted dips. Got excited to hit the 20kg and went too hard.

Just a minor tweak, was only like half an hour ago so haven’t seen if it’s still there after a sleep. I know shoulders can be fragile so why do? Got bench programmed for Thursday and OhP for Friday, should I not do these?



New thread: >>26632


no. caloric deficit for 10 weeks and more protein, water and sleep.

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