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Beginner's Health and Fitness Guide, aka "the /fit/ sticky"

Previous thread: >>15840
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i dunno if this is the right place but has anyone tried ozempic? i just want to lose like 3 or 4% of body fat for a trip to the beach for january 2024, and i'm tempted to try it but i dunno if it has long term side effects or if it compromises muscle perfcentage or something. more than tempted, i want to say curious about it and want to know if i should seriously consider it for a one time thing only. if it doesn't worko i'll gladly go to the beach with 23% bfp it's not that unseemly.


You really don't need a drug for your goals. 3-4% body fat is not much to lose within 2-3 months (and 23% bf is not that much either). That's like 3 kilos if you are 90. You can do that without any special drug. You just need to get yourself into a caloric deficit. There's calculators you can use to determine how many calories it takes to maintain your weight vs lose x weight per week. You can lose about 1/4-1/2 of a kilo per week safely based on how much of a deficit you use. with ~10 weeks you're well within the ability to do that. There's free calorie trackers you can use to stay within the guidelines, but you don't need to be that precise. As long as you pay attention to what you eat you can maintain roughly the right deficit on average.

It might be better to focus more on the composition of the diet, eating more filling things to curb your appetite (like fruit and veg) instead of the normal food items. Instead of just restricting yourself, if you try to replace with new things then you can improve the quality of the food and distract yourself with the novelty. Eat plenty of fiber and protein to help promote weight loss, as well.


Ozempic is safe and good for people with overweight and especially obesity. I don't know how much it helps with your case though. You could try it I guess, you're already at a good weight. You'll probably still need to complement with a tight diet regardless so might as well do the tight diet now as you debate doing it.


>You really don't need a drug for your goals.
You can't know that from his post.


Comrades, I've stagnated my weight loss or even gone backwards. I'm putting more muscle, sure, but not enough to compensate the weight gain.

What's a good way to lose weight? Should I just keep eating lean and keep building muscle? My hope is that eventually I'll be like those gymbros that have a maintenance calories of 3000 and it will be a bit easier to lose weight. But by the looks of it, that would take at least a year of consistently going at least 3 times a week to the gym.

Any other advice?

What do you mean?


Assuming there's no unusual medical situation what anon describes is perfectly doable with a caloric deficit.


100%. It's ridiculous to immediately reach for drugs.
>It might be better to focus more on the composition of the diet, eating more filling things to curb your appetite (like fruit and veg) instead of the normal food items. Instead of just restricting yourself, if you try to replace with new things then you can improve the quality of the food and distract yourself with the novelty. Eat plenty of fiber and protein to help promote weight loss, as well.
Pure wisdom anons. Was gonna say it's like taking ozempic while eating shittily. Of course there's an anon up the thread asking about exactly that. Truly the most medicated population in the world.


for real
>what pill do I need to fit society's standards?
and for a minor cosmetic diffrence too


Why not use pills? It's what the rich do


>all this stuff
just buy a dumbbell set and a mat and do exercises at home if you dont wanna get too crazy
beginner routine is 3 days a week for exercising distinct "muscle groups": one of them for chest/shoulders, another for legs/pelvic region, and the last for back/abdomen/arms
you can find exercises for each online through googling/duckduckgo-ing and youtube
figure out how many sets and repetitions in those sets and additional weight (with dumbbells) is reasonably enough to train the muscles and build up strength without dangerously overexerting
30-60 minute walks most (or all) days of the week are good too
try to get more meat and veggies and fruits into your diet if there's not enough
this is good enough if you're not a bodybuilder or something


Why are ab machines so easy to max out? I mean, I'm not that strong and I always skip abs when I go to the gym. Surely I'm doing something wrong…

I personally think it's fine, with the caveat I made that you should still do everything right, meaning going to the gym, cutting calories, getting enough protein etc. Celebrities sell their image. It's their livelihood. It's not the same for you. Take care, whatever you do.

That said, Ozemic is pretty safe from what I understand. As someone who's struggling to lose weight, I'd strongly consider it. You're already at a healthier weight, no idea how much it can help you.


been going to the gym for the past month or so and i still want to kms, now what


Keep going.





Keep going scrub we need you good and strong in case you need to punch fascists.


anyone with adhd pls tell me lifting gets easier with meds


I don't have ADHD but it should, yeah.


You'll start to enjoy it and it's very healthy for your mind and body. As a side effect, you'll feel way better, have more energy, your mood will improve, you'll get better sleep. And another side effect that's not as important as the others is that your body will start to look nicer and you'll feel more confident, plus people will trust you more and other things like that.

Just go. It's basically a necessary activity to be healthy.


I've stopped losing weight. I've counted my calories and sure, there's still space to reduce even more but then I'll be fucking hungry all the time and that's not really sustainable. Most of the weight I've lost has been relatively easy, but now I'm stuck. Diet fatigue is a bitch.

Any advice?


Do more exercise? And drink more water


Not the answer I wanted but probably the correct one.
I'll do that. It's really hard to do exercise more than 3 times a week :/


Try to get into the habit of moving more. There's a known correlation between people being "fidgety" and keeping a lower weight. So the more opportunities you can find to move around or just move part of your body (like tapping your foot), the more calories you'll burn in a day.


This seems cool
Aside from https://www.strongerbyscience.com/complete-strength-training-guide/ and Starting Strength >>3725 (3rd edition on libgen), these are the other reading recommendations


Both of these for sure. Lifting also demands some level of structure and discipline, both of which will help you in life.


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becoming william blazkowicz in real life :0


You're not going enough and you're not pushing yourself hard enough.
t. was depressed and going to the gym until I figured out I really needed to push myself and not just do treadmill for 2 hours.


I started working out this year, my current bench is 20kg. Is this a slow progress?


Idk, how fast is the number going up?
If it's going up, that's good. If you just started, be more concerned about consistency and improvement than trying to win a race.


That's the weight of the bar. Unless you have a disability you can probably be pushing yourself harder than that. Don't be afraid of weights, just increase how much you're using until you're pushing against your limits. It's more important to be consistent than to go big and burn out though. You have to figure out your own goldilocks zone.


>its almost new years
>time for fatties to set new weight goals
>consooom weightlifting equipment
>realize they'll never reach them midway through
>drown in selfpity until next new years


Just get a gym membership
Also losing weight is more diet than anything else


The incessant posting about how bad new years is has become almost as bad as the actual people in the gym doing goofy shit. And the whole meme about gym idiots and new years resolutions has prompted a lot of people to film themselves "ironically" being stupid in the gym for tiktok.


>Also losing weight is more diet than anything else
indeed, just do stims


>using social media


>my current bench is 20kg
Is that a 1RM? Just the bar?


why is going to the gym so FUCKING boring


You bench enough weight to allow you to do 8-12 repetitions. If you can do more, increase the weight.


listen to audiobook


oops I said it wrong, I'm actually benching 40kg in total
I've been stuck doing 30kg for a while, just this month I've been able to break into 40kg but with help
5 to 8 reps.


i've been meaning to take ADHD meds because it has really been getting in the way, having to resort to dumbbells because i kept procastinating till 12am is no fun plus progress has virtually stalled, if you struggle with that i'll let you know how it goes.


I want to lose around 20 kg, is it doable? How should I go about it?


>is it doable?
Probably. I have no idea what your situation is.
>How should I go about it?
Read the sticky link in OP, come back with any further questions.


>Read the sticky link in OP
nta but it 509s


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>is it doable?
I don't know specifics about weight loss, but I've seen /r/swoletariat success stories suggesting 'yes'.
Picrel says:
>5'10", 256 lb. starting weight. Currently 217. [that's ~17 kg]
>Kept the cut low and slow […] I kept at about a 400-500 calorie deficit
So your goal sounds very reasonable.

Happened after I posted. Protip: use web.archive.org Wayback Machine to view dead sites, provided the site was crawled!


>Protip: use web.archive.org Wayback Machine to view dead
oh duh of course, thanks


Time for new thread!


True, consistency is key


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Just fucking hang yourselves you bunch of hunchbacked nerds. I was skeptical at first but jfc does it unlock joints like nothing else. Absolutely do not hang upside down on cargo straps attached to a doorway pull up bar, tree branch or something secure only. I was doing assisted dips with bands. It looked something like picrel, probably entertaining to watch but felt great.


is this a sex thing


Not outright, but it can be.

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