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&ltStar Trek Picard S01E01 is out
(check torrents)


Favourite episodes, best characters, memorable moments, etc.
558 posts and 140 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>I never felt TNG was overtly preachy
It had its moments early on.


I always took "we don't enslave animals for food purposes" to mean that factory farming had been abolished. I think there's a big difference between living in a symbiotic relationship with animals and using their produce and cramming as many animals into a space as possible in horrific conditions purely for the sake of profit.


Really kind of hating SNW and especially their interpretation of Spock.


Pro tip: no one in star trek should fucking say "pro tip"


While it's not technically ST, how did you guys like the new Orville season so far? It feels like they are dropping the humor almost completely. I generally like that, I watched it for the hommage and the Twilight Zone-type mystery boxes which was how TNG also worked and less for the Family Guy type jokes. But then it breaks immersion when they try to make a joke and have the captain a fucking Kermit doll on his desk.

I also can't take the Kaylons seriously as villians because they look like some pre-TOS era shit from Forbidden Planet or something.


I really dislike the design in NuTrek. While it's clearly a decent budget, space looks too colorful and cramed. The old Star Trek always had a certain emptiness of space, darkness. I don't know because of budget issues or design choices. Sure there was the occasional nebula and all that, but generally it was a handcrafted ship modell within the dark space which was a nice, comfy contrast because the ship felt like some kind of haven within an enviroment that is very hostile to humanoid life.

Best designed ship remains to be Voyager, IMO.


Yeah but the way he said it was pretty preachy. So was Measure of a Man tbh but that was warranted.


I am by no means a fan of veganism but if there is a way to synthesize meat with such ease, why would you eat animals, there would be no reason other than sadism or a decadent desire for "the real thing".

Measure of a Man was basically a court drama/thriller and court dramas in the 80s were really, really preachy (see A Few Good Man and similar stuff).


I still need to see it. I enjoyed the first couple of seasons. Not great sci fi or television, but much better than anything trek has accomplished lately.


What better way to honor another companion that has shared the journey of life with you than when it has reached the fullness of age, compassionately putting its misery aside, respectfully preparing it, and then making it a part of yourself?

As opposed to, what, just letting an animal go on into decrepitude, then letting it rot in the ground?

It's pretty clear that meals in Star Trek serve more than the simple mechanical purpose of restoring energy and nutrients. Meals are a spiritual activity of communion, and I don't see why that communion shouldn't extend to what's being eaten as well.


Holy shit, the last episode of SNW was a 100% rip-off of Alien and Aliens. Like, down to the minutiae. Were they trying to be ironic? Because honestly I've never seen a rip-off to the details ever before in a non-comedic way.


what happened


The actor they chose for Kirk in SNW must be some kind of joke, has the charisma of an IKEA chair.


>crashed ship on a inhospitable planet sends out SOS
>crew investigates with shuttle craft
>crew acts retarded, Xenomorph, excuse me, Gorn-infected guy chestbursts and alien jumps out
>grows insanely fast, reached adolescence within hours
The stuff from Aliens and Alien 3 was the little girl as the only surviver, using liquid nitrogen to freeze the creature, and so on. Also now that the Gorn are portrayed as absolutely horrifying monsters no compromise between them and the Federation can be reached which was implied in TOS.


Ew. I'm not against referencing/homage/whatever other movies in star trek but Alien of all franchises really doesn't seem appropriate, especially when it's used that way.


Me neither but it didn't feel like a homage (even if it was meant that way) because it was all serious and grimdark and not at all how The Orville treats Star Trek as an inspiration.

They've escalated things with the Romulans now in the last episode, maybe we got to see a Romulan-Federation war after they cancelled ENT and the looming Romulan-Earth war. But this Gorn stuff is utterly ridiculous, they should have just created a new species instead of clinging on so desperately to the memberberries especially if it's a species we have seen in one TOS episode through a guy in a fursuit that served as a plot device which we have never seen again.

Overall SNW has a lot of issues that need fixing, but it's not outright terrible like STD or Picard.


I'm enjoying this channel:

Just hate-comparing the new series with the older ones.


The comment section is the worst


I like it too, but the guy who runs it is a rightoid from Israel, that's why the comment section sucks.


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New political compass just dropped.


fuck intellectual property lmao


>the culture that was literally designed as the logical endpoint of capitalism is portrayed as the evil communists

ugh every fucking time


Is anybody watching the Orville ?
Season 3 episode 9 confused the shit out of me.
They randomly reference the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, but nobody signed a non-aggression pact.
It's a historical reference to all the European power signing phony non-aggression pacts that nobody intends to honor, only to stall for time until WW2 breaks out.
But i can't make this fit with any of the context of the show or the episodes.

Can somebody explain this to me.


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Where should I start as someone looking to cross an item off the nerd bucket list by actually learning Klingon? So far the most organized resources I can find are Duolingo and KLI.


I just learned Nichelle Nichols died yesterday, rest in peace.


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1. Seth MacFarlane is an arch-liberal

2. it's anticommunist propaganda. any mention of M-R pact in Western media will ignore everything that led up to it and act like Stalin and Hitler were best buds. Nobody ever stops to consider the fact that, if Stalin had not invaded Poland at the same time as Hitler, the East half of Poland would have been occupied by nazis, all the way up to the Soviet border.


They also referencered Kissingers domino theory. Krill leader saying that the Union shouldn't impose every universal values on everyone and that they want peaceful development also gave me bad vibes, like that's supposed to be a bad statement, genuine or not.


Am I the only one who thinks that the Prime Directive and other things like is is nothing but moral cowardice?


Trek itself largely agrees with you as the PD is usually ever brought up as a plot device so the main characters can flout it to save the day.


Prime Directive pretty much exists as a rule to create conflict. The basis for it makes sense in theory (to prevent exploitation or accidental catastrophe like what happened with the Old World met the New World) but in practice it usually causes problems. You probably shouldn't think of it as a serious philosophical stance that you are meant to agree with, but as a plot device.


They really did this shit? Goddamn it why!? the first 2 seasons were so good and fun.


Read the thread, see >>5338


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Excuse the schizo post, I thought of this while on shrooms:
Q omniscience works via uncertainty principle. Q might know everything that will happen in a timeline, but only if he's not in that particular timeline. Being in a timeline and interacting with someone causes it to diverge into a different timeline, but in ways that Q can't predict while being inside that particular timeline. He can't know what timeline he's actually in until he rises "above" it to see where it goes (confer Flatland). If a Q never interferes with the universe, it's boring because they already know what's going to happen; so the only way they can achieve novelty is by fucking with timelines. I guess you could say their omniscience is far-sighted, and they take advantage of that limitation to entertain themselves for an infinite amount of "time". Like, I know if I play roulette that ball can only stop in the slots on the wheel, so theoretically I shouldn't want to play because I already know the outcomes and their probabilities; but when I land 19 red twice in a row, ,even knowing it's statistically possible, I still get excited because I had no idea when it would happen even if I know it WOULD eventually happen.


Makes sense.
You can't have omniscience and free will at the same time because you will always know what you are going to do. To be able to make choices how to interact with things, you have to at least not be able to know what you are going to do next, and if you don't know that how can you extrapolate what happens next as a consequence of your action? Q fucks with humans because his interference creates a disturbance in the timeline that opens up the possibility for things to happen that he can't know for sure. Watching Picard and the Enterprise from afar is uninteresting because the timeline plays out in a deterministic way from Q's perspective (even if it has infinite branches, he can still see them all play out so it's just more complicated than a linear timeline, still predetermined). If he inserts himself into the timeline things become unpredictable.


My internet friends are telling me that Lower Decks is, in fact, good.

Is it worth trying out or will it just make me feel bad like every other nutrek pos that's come out lately.


It's decent. It's a bit ripping off Rick and Morty but without the vulgarity. The stories are episodical and are written decently enough. It kept me hooked even though I dislike cartoons. I couldn't even make it through Invincible but everyone told me that this is the best non-Japanese TV show since recently.

However best NuTrek show is the Pike show, by far. Don't go near STD and especially Picard.


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How can paghlets even compete?


They can't!

May the Prophets and The Sisko guide you!!


Kinda miscast though, Jadzia was supposed to be the hot one and Kira the tough warrior one but the look the opposite. Ngl before the 2000s female warriors always looked ridiculous for the character they were playing, except Gracie Jones in Conan.


What are you talking about? Jadzia IS hot. And i don't think she would look more warriory.


>>5899 (me)
Well, they are both incredibly hot.


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>sisko builds and flies a spaceship entirely for fun
>jake gives his dad dating advice
>hammock time
>o'brien and bashir get drunk and sing songs
"Explorers" has more dudes rocking per minute than almost any other Trek episode.


As someone who despises Nu-Trek, S1 is bad, S2 is decent, S3 is good.
>However best NuTrek show is the Pike show
Best NuTrek is unironically the Orville S3, that is just straight up a new season of TNG and it fucking rocks.
Closest thing to the feel of Deep Space Nine is For All Mankind the Apple show, which is done by the DS9 Showrunner and written by the DS9 writing staff (Just watch everything on 1movieshd anyway)


I'm here to report that Picard S03E01 still sucks, it's getting glowing reviews though. Money well spent for sure. It was very amusing watching Dr Crusher kill 2 aliens in a gunfight, double tapping a wounded one.


Considering how much of a celebrity and important cultural figure the Sisko was to the Bajorans, I'd really have loved to see baseball take off on Bajor. It would have been great to see Bajorans walking around in the background wearing baseball caps, newly en vogue (and supplied for a tidy profit courtesy of Quark's Quality Athletic Equipment Outlet). I want an episode where Sisko has to go down to Bajor and he's surprised to find that all kinds of teams are getting set up. And being Bajorans, I bet they mix in all kinds of religious aspects to it too, like having a Vedec ritually bless the ball, or having the Kai throw the first pitch at the Bajoran World Series. Serious religious disputes arise because of arguments over rules, like whether or not it's acceptable to use lightweight composite alloy bats, or if traditional wooden bats are required. The Kai has to write to Sisko begging him to settle aspects of the game because the Vedec assembly is in an uproar over the issue of pitch timers and Bajoran society starts to fly apart because of the introduction and mass adoption of chewing gum among the youth.


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Has anybody watched Star Trek Lower Decks ?
Can anybody explain who the Pakled are supposed to be, they seem to become the main foe of the show ?

They used to be a weak species that only had tiny ships without warp and relied on trickery to get new tech from more advanced races, but now they have scavenged or looted warp-drive, good weapons and a bunch of other stuff. Their ships are large and powerful now. They also are extremely dumb while somehow being very cunning, and able to jerryrig starships from cross species hardware. ( I guess that's all plug & play ) And their social hierarchies are based on who wears the largest hat or helmet. They have casual revolutions but that only changes who wears the biggest hat. They have melted faces but can apparently survive hard vacuum… while being air breathing beings.


Here's a few videos about them.

Is this species intended for symbolism or not? Their story sounds like a budget Klingon without the warrior tendencies; the Klingons received their ships and weaponry through war with an imperialist "outsider". It was through this brief conflict that the Klingons were able to reverse engineer their warpdrive, making them an intergalactic powerhouse by the 14th century Earth time, essentially bypassing the social stages usually associated with getting to warp travel capability that the Prime Directive is meant to prevent.
But for the Pakleds, apparently they don't build anything of their own and they don't really reverse engineer stuff either, they just stick parts of other ships onto theirs, maybe they found super intelligent nanobots glue that makes technology go if you just stick it together without them understanding anything, or they are idiot savants that are really good at creating technology inter-compatibility matrices and nothing else. TNG mentions a capability of programming but it was for a trap. How Pakleds were able to become spacefarers with such limited capacity towards science, is beyond me.


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>Star Wars cgi circus battles
LMAO what? Do you mean Disney Star Wars? Because old star wars up until the prequels did exactly that; slow and methodical space sea-battles, although both series had their different approaches

Actually a good analysis is here http://www.stardestroyer.net/Empire/Tactics/Naval-Tactics.html


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Considering how godawful Terminator Dark Fart was and how bland Abatap 2* was, I have little faith in Cameron anymore. Spielberg's Ready Player One** was just "reference; the movie" with a badly made plot that rips off every "VR" movie before it, like Tron, while pretending to be about "freedom" or some shit. Other films under his production like the Jurassic World series have been pretty lame too, so I have doubts that there would be much difference if either of those 2 made/owned Star Trek properties, rather than Kurtzman. As a side note Kurtzman is also one of the creators of Transformers 2, and CBS in general produces very shoddy series, so is it really a surprise CBS Star Trek sucks? Hollywood is all but dead at this point.

* >>31830 Avatar thread
** >>7701 from the Cyberpunk thread


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Based Fellow Space Ket enjoyer

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