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File: 1608528755012.jpg (885.75 KB, 2480x3507, otp.jpg)

 [Last 50 Posts]

What are some classic cute yuri animu to watch??


File: 1608528755088.jpg (2.55 MB, 1735x2084, 1586086313265.jpg)

Candy Boy is cute. Don't worry, there are no boys in it despite the title. As for recent anime i've been thinking about watching fragtime, kind of having trouble about deciding which shows to pick up this season.

Also, nice pairing.


There isn't much gachi yuri anime, and most of it sucks. I'd consider Maria-sama ga Miteru and Strawberry Panic the classics. Yuru Yuri would be the most well known proper yuri anime, though it's a comedy more than anything else. If you're fine with Kirara type stuff (cute girls doing cute things with varying degrees of subtext), there are a lot of good animes, such as Hidamari Sketch or Yuru Camp.


File: 1608528755212-0.jpg (221.94 KB, 934x700, 1448636497363.jpg)

File: 1608528755212-1.jpg (376.54 KB, 1300x776, 1565853064558.jpg)

There's also the "genre" of magical girl shows with yuri subtext to consider. Shows like Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha, Symphogear, Yuuki Yuuna and Madoka.


File: 1608528755284.jpg (147.75 KB, 1280x720, flipflappers.jpg)

That's true. I think Nanoha and Madoka are supposed to be canon, though none of the shows really have explicitly romantic relationships. There's also Precure, Aikatsu, and all the idol stuff that seem gogglable if that's what you're looking for. Might as well throw in Flip Flappers and Princess Principal as well since they're pretty fun.

For explicit romance, though, manga is by far the better choice.


There's also Sailor Moon in which the yuri is straight up text.


Speaking of symphogear, how the fuck did that get 5 seasons?


Through belief in justice and determination to fist.


File: 1608528755450.png (481.72 KB, 444x530, 1563730182147.png)

I guess it was really profitable also what >>108 said

Flip Flappers and Princess Principal were great and I'd recommend it too for people who haven't watched them, especially if you're a yuri fan.


I know it came out last year but it's already a classic


I regret not being there for the threads while shamiko's show was airing.


Is this actually yuri? I might watch it.


It's Yuri but not about yuri


File: 1608528755701.jpg (229.16 KB, 599x806, yuri bait.jpg)


File: 1608528755759.png (742.25 KB, 1280x720, 1540817996401.png)

surprise yuri is the best


File: 1608528755861.jpg (1.23 MB, 1700x1047, EXxKW_UXkAc8i6g-orig.jpg)





File: 1608528756072.mp4 (15.45 MB, 1280x720, yuri1.mp4)

Here is classic Yuri , the anime…


is lame




fuuuuuuck this is adorable. give me moar!!



It's a bit of a weird one but i enjoyed it


File: 1608528756590.jpg (238.17 KB, 1505x1062, 1572094377129.jpg)

I love me some 2hu yuri.




File: 1608528756887.jpg (2 MB, 1488x2219, 56640349_p0.jpg)


File: 1608528756962.jpg (124.16 KB, 1887x263, yuri cafe.jpg)



Whoever drew this should be executed.


Whoever drew this should draw more!!!


File: 1608528757345.gif (75.98 KB, 120x90, guillotine.gif)

>Supporting counter-revolutionary, defeatist art.
You should be executed too.


File: 1608528757396.jpg (214.24 KB, 850x832, 1579841403592.jpg)


This ain't yuri, this is Comrade Grace giving a shy Alunya a socialist fratenal kiss





Sorry ;~;


File: 1608528757793-0.jpg (3.13 MB, 2410x4096, 1590558460790.jpg)

File: 1608528757793-1.webm (2.79 MB, 1280x720, 1591719934653.webm)

Manaria Friends wad breddy gay.




File: 1608528758015.png (481.05 KB, 664x664, 20200617_092804-web.png)


File: 1608528758103.jpg (48.93 KB, 599x442, 1584390239116.jpg)

no that's gay


yes that's cute


File: 1608528758231.png (2.25 MB, 3192x3000, grace_blush.png)

mfw revolutionaries executes everyone over that picture
>Comrade Grace
Yuri brings comradeship unparalleled.


File: 1608528758481.jpg (96.37 KB, 640x1280, 1593025136436.jpg)


> Enterprise-sama
Is she Java or economic recession?


File: 1608528758573-0.jpg (130.78 KB, 1600x1022, EIkERIkUcAAfC3A.jpg)

File: 1608528758573-1.jpg (157.82 KB, 895x1199, EQwC0nSUUAA4Cmk.jpg)

she's a boat


And the girl under her is starship Enterprise?


File: 1608528758695.jpg (494.15 KB, 2886x4096, EHeOgHdUwAMYskP.jpg)

The girl getting smothered by breasts is Enterprise. The one with the maid headdress and really big boobs is Belfast. They're both based off WW2 ships of the same name.


File: 1608528758821.png (265 KB, 310x424, f47976d065075cc2.png)


File: 1608528758903.jpg (453.98 KB, 1581x2048, 1552131755623.jpg)

In a hetero relationship the girl is the one wearing a dress and the other girl is the one not wearing a dress.





Go watch Oniisama e but skip the last episode. Also, Utena and Kannazuki no Miko.




Utena is a masterpiece.


File: 1608528845202.webm (2.02 MB, 360x640, dragonyuri.webm)


Animators and manga artists love that kind of leather boots with cords, I swear I see them in every medieval fantasy setting.




File: 1608528874322.png (355.02 KB, 1056x476, spank.png)


File: 1608528878448-0.png (182.84 KB, 584x839, negevxkar98_1.png)

File: 1608528878448-1.png (411.09 KB, 829x830, negevxkar98_2.png)

Fucked up and disgusting but really good and saucy girls frontline nazi holocaust yuri. Last chapter has some futa. Soviets make a cameo appearance.


>girls frontline nazi holocaust yuri
The fact that this exists makes me lose yet more faith in humanity.


File: 1608528878855.jpg (415.43 KB, 607x850, Cover15.jpg)


File: 1608528881085.png (801.42 KB, 1532x1732, 1595013111225.png)


File: 1608528881268-0.png (1.02 MB, 827x1224, 1539099301687.png)

File: 1608528881268-1.png (161.85 KB, 600x500, BvJwUNwCcAA3U0j.png)

everybody loves sayaka!


File: 1608528885537-1.webm (2.21 MB, 1280x720, reimari.webm)




Except for Kyousuke


cute gay mouse




File: 1608528900942-0.jpg (821.18 KB, 1536x2048, grace x alunya sketch.jpg)

File: 1608528900942-2.png (2.66 MB, 3408x2800, Gr01m.png)

Why is there so much Grace x Alunya yuri?


This yuri war is out of control.


posted earlier in the thread >>129


Did you?


Did I?


File: 1608528901717.jpg (118.22 KB, 555x603, grace heh.jpg)



>Post it
>Draw it
>Like it
eh kinda


Because it is extremely cute.


Something to work on then lad, post and draw more yuri!


File: 1608528902689-0.png (566.93 KB, 479x680, taniarodina_sleep.png)

File: 1608528902689-1.png (557.69 KB, 2480x1754, kissy_touchy.png)


File: 1608528903812-0.jpg (108.18 KB, 1280x720, 1596898707555.jpg)

File: 1608528903812-1.jpg (131.64 KB, 1280x720, 1596896736150.jpg)

Anyone watching Lapis Re:LiGHTS? It was surprisingly fun and the yuri subtext is THICK and everywhere. There's even a canon lesbian prostitution club.



Sorry lad, I'm not going to sit through an anime designed to sell a mobage just for yuribait subtext. Give me actual romance or give me death!


File: 1608528908377.jpg (117.84 KB, 1280x720, 1597500848804.jpg)

These girls are very gay, it would be a shame not to give it a try. I wasn't into it at first with it being an idol anime but then they had these fun nicely animated SOL episodes.


File: 1608528908537.png (518.98 KB, 1500x1091, Grace x Alunya yuri.png)






Any women who like women in this thread who have any recommendations?
I've tried watching yuri quite a few times, and I've typically just watched the first episodes of a few picks from whatever "top 10 yuri" lists I've found, but something about them always seemed off to me, despite really wanting to enjoy it.
I don't even really know what I'm looking for since "realistic" is obviously not the word.
For what it's worth, the closest thing to a yuri anime I've enjoyed is the game Black Closet. It struck exactly the right tone for me so any similar recommendations in anime form would be perfect!


How gay is very gay? Are we talking actually confirmed romantic relationships or just wink wink yuribait?


Not a woman, but since yuri tend to be kinda repetitive nothing can be done if you don't like it.


File: 1608528910435.webm (2.62 MB, 480x360, Yuri Rape.webm)

A shame yuri is the least arousing form of sex, like all they do is foreplay and grinding, or use a fake penis. Lesbian porn was hot back in the day because of the novelty and excitement of seeing 2 girls go at it when I was like…. 15. Now it's like watching two people pretend to be aroused by mutual masturbation.


Bummer. I really want to like it, especially after getting a taste of the kind I would like thru that game. Maybe I'll give it one more shot and take the L if I can't get into it.


File: 1608528910785-0.webm (2.44 MB, 1280x720, cabaret_on_the_go.webm)

File: 1608528910785-1.webm (1.98 MB, 960x540, gayghost.webm)

Well yeah there's nothing in the way of serious romantic relationships yet. The girls just act extremely gay like you have this siscon onee-san type character who steals her little sisters underwear and then later has a moment with a "professional little sister" who works at a cabaret that services women. Wink wink nudge nudge in the most shameless way possible. sorry no audio for the webms


Yuri is a niche genre mostly enjoyed by straight women that want to see fluffy romance, so the whole industry caters to them. There are plenty of good stories but if you don't enjoy romance, there's not much you can do.
Try to watch Symphogear, it's a fun show that barely avoids the label of "yuri" to appeal to a wider audience (young adult men).


That's the thing, I love fluffy romance, but literally only in manga/anime – it's not my thing in books/movies/TV at all. And I love cute weeb shit so yuri seems like exactly the thing I'd be into, I don't know why it never managed to grip me.

I'm gonna go off recommendations in this thread and search around a bit and give it another shot though, because it really sounds like I should like it.

I'll start with your rec and go from there, thanks!


File: 1608528911596.png (760.08 KB, 1336x1920, come_rain_or_shine_01_17.png)

>And I love cute weeb shit
Arata Iri has a really cute and fluffy artstyle so maybe you'll like the artist's work.


I just finished the first chapter of come rain or shine and it's a perfect rec, thank you so much!



File: 1608528914666-0.webm (2.9 MB, 1280x720, yuzuriha.webm)

File: 1608528914666-1.jpg (398.16 KB, 1280x720, 1598129250697.jpg)

Just watched episode 8 of Lapis. This show is fucking gay.




>Don't worry, there are no boys in it despite the title.
What if you are the candy boy?


File: 1608528925806.jpg (478.42 KB, 1083x1064, 1596907004335.jpg)

what a twist


Is BNA worth watching?


File: 1608528929834-0.jpg (189.4 KB, 1280x1556, Grace x Alunya new.jpg)

File: 1608528929834-1.mp4 (6.6 MB, 720x404, comie track9.mp4)


very nice indeed


I haven't watched it yet. Looks furry but also looks cute.


not if you want to watch it for yuri specifically, unless you are satisfied with little and can just do your own shipping in your head




dang, katyusha put her entire hand inside nonna



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File: 1608528980111.png (4.76 MB, 1353x1920, 3386u.png)


File: 1608528982038.png (289.28 KB, 831x1200, 27.png)

Kakera (Shattered Pieces) was lighter on the sex but more substantial on the emotional connection, plus the imouto was the pursuing one so it was better in almost every way.



File: 1608529018317-0.jpg (1.77 MB, 2560x1440, 1602763988941.jpg)

File: 1608529018317-1.jpg (101.35 KB, 1280x720, 1602763522216.jpg)


So many shows to watch this season with varying degrees of yuri. I haven't caught up with everything.


File: 1608529050316.png (1.8 MB, 1204x1700, 001.png)

>This entire series
Damn, this is things I never knew I wanted category


File: 1608529054475-0.png (459.81 KB, 1133x1600, 24.png)

File: 1608529054475-1.png (496.12 KB, 1133x1600, 27.png)

It's great. I'll need to catch up with the latest chapter.


File: 1608529054714.png (1.53 MB, 847x1200, gunbured_cover.png)

I would also recommend this for people looking for cuhrayzee action ecchi yuri.




File: 1608529057205-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 559.28 KB, 2480x3507, 1214591 - Gunbuster Jung_F….jpg)

File: 1608529057205-1.jpg (Spoiler Image, 217.41 KB, 700x996, 1248492 - BlooCarrot Gunbu….jpg)



File: 1608529059164.webm (1.41 MB, 1280x720, rub.webm)


You have all the confirmation you need from the post with the AGPs versus girls inquiry being deleted by janimods.


File: 1608529063394-0.jpg (260.18 KB, 1754x1240, Grace n Alunya 2.jpg)


>fascists are fags
as usual


I'm not a fan of Graceposter but deleting her response to me is just rude. It wasn't wrong or off topic FFS


Who cares?


So many yuri with a butch. Just like 3D lesbian roasties.


I almost always delete my own posts. No worries, anon.


I like Graceposter because they always post cute yuri.


File: 1608529071298.jpg (200.01 KB, 910x2048, 1605042964696.jpg)


Does she actually sm*ke in the animu? I wanted to watch it but that's just disgusting.


File: 1608529071465-0.webm (2.62 MB, 1920x1080, necklace.webm)

File: 1608529071465-1.webm (2.64 MB, 1920x1080, heterosexual.webm)

She doesn't actually smoke.


Should I watch it? I see people memeing it with Stirner


It's pretty good so yeah go watch it.


Alunya x Christchan


File: 1608529073506-0.png (1.03 MB, 1333x1223, alunya x vivian 01.png)

File: 1608529073506-1.png (51.09 KB, 549x448, alunya x vivian 02.png)

File: 1608529073506-2.jpg (49.56 KB, 526x613, alunya x vivian 05.jpg)

Alunya x Vivian James


All nice but Alunya x Rodina needs more love.


File: 1608529073728-1.jpg (32.89 KB, 569x383, Dg6KwAXWsAAAVZA.jpg)

File: 1608529073728-2.png (Spoiler Image, 395.72 KB, 750x486, 62969d0b7fc536f22d8cf5d262….png)

File: 1608529073728-3.png (Spoiler Image, 653.74 KB, 981x800, 7df669c2788dba716a68197e6c….png)



File: 1608529074081-1.png (Spoiler Image, 7.53 MB, 3500x3000, 4ebd4b77888c13dd23855fbc8b….png)

File: 1608529074081-2.jpg (Spoiler Image, 70.88 KB, 540x551, 8c26700b881fa1c6397177dfa9….jpg)

Rodina x Alunya


I wish that worker's solidarity (solidarity means attack) didn't have that disgusting frog in the background.


File: 1608529087055.jpg (4.56 MB, 5788x8186, 85559797_p1.jpg)


For some reason the word yuri invokes disgust in me, as the word feels like runny, watery yogurt gone bad, with lumps and ichor. I have no idea why this is, but that's the image conjured.


File: 1608529088192.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.08 MB, 800x450, vicd-255.webm)

do audio tracks work here?


ok, cool


>just another day at work


I can't upload this on my connection but some might enjoy it.
aged-up hilda/rosa 1938x2808 42.1 MB mp4


can't say i understand


File: 1608529100262-0.jpg (122.5 KB, 1024x958, 1606046453329.jpg)

File: 1608529100262-1.jpg (128.64 KB, 1024x974, 1605967610672.jpg)

File: 1608529100262-2.jpg (3.08 MB, 4032x3779, 1605381611864.jpg)

witches can love witches


It's even better when the Mashiro Blan de Windbloom crowd of boys pretending to be girls is filtered out and the actual girls are hooked up with each other.


File: 1608529103754-0.jpg (3.62 MB, 2448x2750, 1604878490539.jpg)

File: 1608529103754-1.jpg (685.33 KB, 1200x1200, 1605379070808.jpg)

The new strike witches has been pretty good.


Haven't seen it but that's good to hear.


File: 1608529107171.jpg (156.78 KB, 1400x1200, elsanna.jpg)


I wake up in the morning
And I raise my sleepy head
I've got your soft breast for a pillow
In your arms was last night's bed
My queen knows where we're going
Only we know where we've been
I'm your partner on this road
Your faithful lover
An anchor in your wind

When we're brought into this world
They say we're born in sin
But our feelings for each other
Are far too strong to ever dim
Well they tell us that we're tainted
But if this is tainted then
I don't care for their morals
This is the purest love for us
Just try to stop us if they can

I'm going down in a blaze of glory
Feed me now but know the truth
I'm going down in a blaze of glory
Els' I'll never not want
Your taste on my tongue
You're my only one
Feed me your cunt

They ask about our conscience
And I offer you my soul
They ask if I'll grow to fear your magic
Well I've always loved your cold
You ask me if I can taste love
And if I like to lick you in the rain
Well, I've made my love come
And I've felt you sag down
I've held you when you came

Come now in a blaze of glory
Feed me now but know the truth
I'm going down in a blaze of glory
Els' I'll never not want
Your taste on my tongue
You're my precious one
Feed me your cunt

Each night we go to bed
I pray my queen my soul to keep
No I ain't looking just for pleasure
But before we go to sleep
Els', I got to ask a favor
And I hope You'll understand
'Cause I'll always crave your nectar
Let me taste you without end
Staring at your petals
Let me lick you where you stand

Come now in a blaze of glory
Feed me now but know the truth
I'm going down in a blaze of glory
Els' I'll never not want
Your taste on my tongue
You're my only one
Feed me your cunt


Nice double dubs, checed



File: 1608529109023-0.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 576.88 KB, 1365x2048, 6c920d75669d7b1c4b86049c6….jpeg)

File: 1608529109023-1.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 269.57 KB, 2048x1298, 66e6d5e91373d87cf6cf6d9b9….jpeg)

Caulifla and Kale are definite Yuri bait and their Kefla combination is probably part of Japan's love for a metaphor of "becoming one with X"


File: 1608529109681-0.jpg (393.73 KB, 1800x1900, 1606935334298.jpg)

File: 1608529109681-1.jpg (383 KB, 750x1032, 1606967286715.jpg)


Pic 2 is funny, pic 1 is weeb cringe


File: 1608529111682-0.png (524.26 KB, 1402x2000, 3000Days_pg02.png)

File: 1608529111682-1.png (534.81 KB, 1393x2000, 3000Days_pg07.png)

File: 1608529111682-2.png (24.23 KB, 1402x2000, After3000_pg08.png)


>They ask if I'll grow to fear your magic
>Well I've always loved your cold
elsa/anna 1280x720 mp4 170.9 MB


File: 1608529124137-0.jpg (110.58 KB, 668x800, 1607549626844.jpg)

File: 1608529124137-1.jpg (197.59 KB, 760x1100, 1606670701189.jpg)


>Alice Margatroid (looks 17)
>Reimu Hakurei (26)


Is Reimu a Christmas cake?


File: 1608529133574.jpg (443.64 KB, 542x767, 1567384323796.jpg)

Christmas cakes are 25+ right? I suppose then Reimu in the picture would qualify.


Japan's idea of a music video.
hatsune miku/megurine luka 1280x720 33.5 MB mp4


Not if Alice is her girlfriend.





File: 1608529146986.jpg (16.42 KB, 300x169, figure17.jpg)

don't know if Figure17 counts as yuri, but it's definitely cute and Tsubasa gets inside Hikaru on a regular basis.


File: 1608811959116.jpg (Spoiler Image, 643.75 KB, 3600x4316, 4c93746478d8cc81d11b787a57….jpg)



that was posted with 'Spoiler Image' checked



File: 1608983201412.mp4 (224.4 KB, 640x360, wedding.mp4)

mp4 test


ok, works


File: 1609026146567.jpg (155.5 KB, 1280x1207, Alunya x Grace 3.jpg)


File: 1609026157353.png (458.77 KB, 1022x814, Alunya x Grace kiss hand.png)


File: 1609070200807.png (Spoiler Image, 3.09 MB, 1230x1593, 3819085.png)

NSFW spoiler test


File: 1609121735294.jpg (Spoiler Image, 256.74 KB, 1000x758, 1734670.jpg)

NSFW spoiler test 2 after fix


File: 1609383092638.png (526.01 KB, 710x822, Grace & GET.png)


This isn't particularly yuri.
Just a wholesome diplomatic exchange.


File: 1609424978890.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 10.66 MB, 1280x720, yuri.mp4)

lei fang holiday cunnilingus




You need to check Spoiler Image for NSFW content. >>5682


I think a mod will have to spoiler it.


>frozen shit removed
and nothing of value was lost



why doesn't anon like frozen?



need i say more



What if it's Japanese porn




Soviet video of the space program are quite good.


File: 1610199567459.jpg (825.34 KB, 2896x4096, 1610013712810.jpg)


File: 1610199744225.jpg (283.92 KB, 850x1055, lap lay.jpg)


coverless epub test


File: 1610314360293.pdf (76.08 KB, 67x118, Stuck on You.pdf)

pdf thumbnail test of Chloenette >>5731



what does it say



File: 1610835362680-1.jpg (609.6 KB, 1459x1522, Ec5B3v2XsAARTXT.jpg)

File: 1610835362680-3.jpg (326.22 KB, 1200x1500, EhKJF4OU4AA_Vmq.jpg)


File: 1610871789663.jpg (132.46 KB, 850x935, pich.jpg)

Thank you for posting the fujo pic, I was looking for it
Never thought someone would find it hot though


Thanks for your company, anon.
I am bored


File: 1610948958942-0.jpg (299.27 KB, 1357x2048, 1594315586020.jpg)

File: 1610948958943-1.jpg (583.13 KB, 960x1012, 1605809047651.jpg)

File: 1610948958943-2.jpg (215.55 KB, 850x1258, 1597641335236.jpg)


File: 1611746616790.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.99 MB, 1920x1080, yuri.webm)

Mercy Pharah cunnilingus


pdf thumbnail test
Chloenette wedding


File: 1611966581848.webm (292.22 KB, 560x356, kiss.webm)

webm test >>5637


File: 1612129255777.jpg (124.47 KB, 1100x807, kiss.jpg)




File: 1612555208547-0.jpg (631.19 KB, 2048x1631, 1600043856352.jpg)

File: 1612555208547-1.jpg (242.27 KB, 950x1122, 1608172298934.jpg)

File: 1612555208547-2.jpg (144.39 KB, 1110x1196, 1608172957654.jpg)

>3rd pic
oh yes i like this pairing


File: 1612691078737.png (Spoiler Image, 29.55 KB, 300x100, ClipboardImage.png)






File: 1612984516514-0.jpg (173.94 KB, 600x578, 55000032573247237.jpg)

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File: 1612984516514-2.jpg (286.3 KB, 534x600, 1346484398276.jpg)


File: 1612984720458-0.jpg (105.67 KB, 530x658, Perrine_x_sakamoto1.jpg)

File: 1612984720458-1.jpg (496.59 KB, 848x1200, perrine-reading.jpg)

File: 1612984720458-3.jpg (120.34 KB, 478x599, Perrine_ears.jpg)


File: 1612985222585-1.jpg (199.12 KB, 850x680, perrinexxxsakamoto03.jpg)

File: 1612985222585-2.jpg (103.31 KB, 766x1024, Perrine_x_Sakamoto_26.jpg)

File: 1612985222585-3.jpg (104.29 KB, 600x751, 021058004.jpg)


File: 1612985478491-0.jpg (370.25 KB, 800x640, 10154284.jpg)

File: 1612985478491-1.jpg (58.26 KB, 500x500, 133943943777.jpg)

File: 1612985478491-2.png (69.03 KB, 600x700, 1338932263264.png)

File: 1612985478491-3.jpg (301.49 KB, 800x600, mtiq4yL22e1.jpg)


File: 1612986141591-1.jpg (84.39 KB, 647x906, 363PY.jpg)

File: 1612986141591-2.jpg (40.83 KB, 297x800, 358PY4K5.jpg)

File: 1612986141591-3.jpg (369.86 KB, 851x1200, DwYdhHcVYAAsimL.jpg)


File: 1613005066420.jpg (4.5 MB, 4000x3000, tifaeris.jpg)


I can't quite put my finger on it, but for some reason I really dislike this kind of art.



the shadows on the characters is just awful


File: 1613041209399.png (13.75 MB, 3000x4000, 6384400-s.png)

Adult Tifa/Aeris is at least as legitimate for this thread as the endless childposting we get.



That's probably my main complaint (using black almost everywhere and some badly painted shadows), but also the terrible anatomy in certain places, the huge contrast between the better rendered/most complete details (faces, tits and ass) and the less important ones (hands, clothes, drapery in general), and most importantly the jarring mix of attempted photorealism, ugly brush strokes and bad anatomy.


>Relationship: Anna/Elsa (Frozen)
>Stuck on You





So what has been the best year for yuri anime in the past decade?


File: 1613282695991.gif (2.38 MB, 600x338, 1607021827403.gif)

Last season was pretty good. There was a lot of yuri stuff airing and I didn't get to watch all of them.


File: 1613338601635.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 1.2 MB, 5047x4593, thewitcher.jpeg)

from coinminechan




from coinminechan


Waifu threads are shit and they kill discussion on anime boards. Go to /b/ and find a porn thread if you're that horny.


>ruining a perfectly good /b/ with porn threads



This isn't a waifu thread though


File: 1613648174039.jpg (11.43 MB, 2781x3721, hug.jpg)


File: 1613735769325.jpg (746.8 KB, 1280x1920, 1600807958265.jpg)


File: 1613906945156.webm (Spoiler Image, 8.07 MB, 1280x720, yuri.webm)

fingering nsfw


File: 1614089889096.jpg (226.06 KB, 1400x1307, 1614009332710.jpg)


what is this?


Hibike Euphonium fanart. Looks like an alternate universe where Reina is a vampire.







who made these


>>6260 >>6261
Use Spoiler Image for NSFW content.


File: 1614641403150.png (571.33 KB, 1000x869, 1391954173805.png)

/anime/ should be a NSFW board.


NSFW must ALWAYS be spoilered because of the overboard. I'm browsing during the fucking workday


If the Coronachan-Earth BDSM drawing doesn't get posted again I'm going to be mad


I want the 8 bit porn back


>>6265 → >>>/overboard/



Porn is allowed to be posted in any of the boards. Just use the spoiler tags, this board isn't just for dumping porn.


File: 1614664190138-0.jpg (Spoiler Image, 353.7 KB, 850x1327, Eq2RpVCXIAARFoe.jpg)

File: 1614664190138-1.png (Spoiler Image, 1.43 MB, 1280x1600, 1610902426257.png)

File: 1614664190138-2.jpg (Spoiler Image, 136.97 KB, 1280x1591, 1610900222898.jpg)


File: 1614664392814-0.gif (Spoiler Image, 3.35 MB, 189x240, f3c5be500a1d248c12a3e32f40….gif)

File: 1614664392814-1.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.62 MB, 480x411, c11731ac00266930481047e08f….gif)

File: 1614664392814-2.gif (Spoiler Image, 2.83 MB, 414x408, 50c58b2a4d42c8b392b7eae0e1….gif)


1 & 2 are from a game called Lab: Still Alive

Third gif is by Kyrieru






My Oblivious Sister





File: 1615204676765.png (Spoiler Image, 12.01 MB, 3000x4000, 03b4bc418078d533309dce1fd4….png)

hana/angela nsfw

the nsfw tests' pairings
amelie/angela >>5632
mary jane/gwen >>5652
tifa/aeris >>5653


> A Fairytale Variation: Cinderelsa
> Anna/Elsa



ty lee/mai >>6074


File: 1615892502185.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.98 MB, 6000x8000, 06e090bd54633e7706f6c5e7e4….jpg)



File: 1616009389467.jpg (604.74 KB, 1000x1100, 72149551_p0.jpg)

Kannazuki no Miko


File: 1616129498952.jpg (Spoiler Image, 201.93 KB, 1333x948, EwxR_BvXIAARB89.jpg)




File: 1616343082088.jpg (Spoiler Image, 316.68 KB, 1050x1500, yande.re 465788 sample aka….jpg)

Is there a "bara" for "yuri" as there is for yaoi?


Lesbian musclegirls? There's plenty of that.


He probably meant if there is a specific word or tag for it.


Maybe you mean something like "by lesbians for lesbians" like bara is "by gays for gays"? I'm afraid that it seems yuri is both bara and yaoi's lesbian equivalent.


(at least in anime/manga anyway)


File: 1616409660454.webm (5.23 MB, 1280x720, wedding.webm)

higher res >>5637




The Queen's True Love, or Sweet Arendelle


That's Flickthethief
https://www.deviantart.com/flick-the-thief/art/Sea-Peoples-873689397 (don't have the Twitter source)


File: 1616757352100.jpg (Spoiler Image, 321.39 KB, 1280x1707, 3c02254ff001285227f38923fd….jpg)

aged-up sailor moon secondaries


Based anti loli action


File: 1616941275885.jpg (14.33 MB, 3750x5000, 6838686-s.jpg)

Inside Out
Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy


Hey, aren't you that guy from /tech/?


File: 1616970750370.jpg (Spoiler Image, 954.93 KB, 1500x1159, e2c93a55e415bd40d88fb0cedf….jpg)

Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy >>6644


Is this animu any good? I keep seeing yuri pictures from it.



People say that the manga/LN version is better. I watched some episodes but I haven't finished it.


File: 1617446361855.png (Spoiler Image, 1.19 MB, 1000x913, 35db9d0d4e0963b17edf0ac4c9….png)

league of legends secondaries


dragon's crown



sona/ahri >>6333


File: 1618085567836.png (Spoiler Image, 1.56 MB, 963x1250, 90153364172485533af6cf71eb….png)



I don't remember this from the game.


File: 1618091220612-0.jpg (139.35 KB, 800x1122, 1618061058583.jpg)

File: 1618091220612-1.jpg (1022.61 KB, 2895x4094, 1618072698184.jpg)

File: 1618091220612-2.jpg (1.2 MB, 1920x1719, 1618067846366.jpg)

File: 1618091220612-3.jpg (661.82 KB, 1920x1080, 1618067607694.jpg)

Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi ni Level Max ni Nattemashita the isekai anime airing this season.


2b/a2 >>5949 >>5969 >>6048 >>6055

From one of the bonus yuri cutscenes only included in the French localization.


wtf is going on with anime titles


File: 1618156976672.jpg (1.33 MB, 1400x2023, 1618072602751.jpg)

>I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level
Just another typical LN title.


Extremely descriptive titles make it easier for consumers to make purchases as they pass through the station on the way home or to work or whatever.


Their train departs while they are saying the title.


Their Majesties' Not-so-Secret
Anna/Elsa (Frozen)


1001 Pickup Lines: Success Guaranteed
Anna/Elsa (Frozen)


File: 1618718110481.jpg (Spoiler Image, 42.83 KB, 499x615, 1618644228568.jpg)


File: 1618778640128.jpg (Spoiler Image, 314.96 KB, 996x900, 780cc6ab88117b4f805f8a3d24….jpg)

Mercy/Pharah >>5914


aged-up Akeno/Rias >>6071


Your art sucks, go stealth market somewhere else and stop spamming our discussion board.


>Checking boob.
>Yep it's boob.


You will never be a lesbian


File: 1619000664796.jpg (357.06 KB, 1080x1331, Chad.jpg)


sona/ahri >>6333 >>6830


File: 1619468847869.jpg (3.6 MB, 3600x2016, 740535.jpg)

aged-up Hinata/Sakura


File: 1619603900141.jpg (4.9 MB, 3264x3600, 740544.jpg)

aged-up Hinata/Sakura >>7068


aged-up Hinata/Sakura >>7068 >>7091


The New Water
Beverly Crusher/Deanna Troi


d.va/ahri >>5992


tifa/aeris >>5653 >>6042 >>6275


File: 1620300430341.jpg (128.73 KB, 1920x1080, DY5r5hdWkAI5QY2.jpg)

Stop shitting up yuri thread with pornography please


This one's incredible.
>shitting on this like some crongetard
This fits the vibe of the rest of the thread. Are you some 2D-only fetishist or something?


File: 1620334314733.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 3.36 MB, 2391x3600, 01048bd5e30b6eea5714fa902….jpeg)

>This one's incredible. >>7205
Glad you liked it. Here's the somewhat less clothed version for those who might prefer it.

And here's the animated version:
mp4 h264+aac 2292x2948 01:11 56.7MB


does girls last tour count?


>This fits the vibe of the rest of the thread.
No it doesn't
>Are you some 2D-only fetishist or something?
That's not the problem.


File: 1620566754583.jpg (Spoiler Image, 82.62 KB, 604x596, 143e9c6c6f6fea06d3dbc70ab7….jpg)

Actually, have some tragic yuri.


azur lane






snow white


File: 1621471342735.webm (Spoiler Image, 10.62 MB, 1920x1080, yuri.webm)

fingering 2b



finally something good


aged-up starfire/raven




File: 1622195742278.jpg (Spoiler Image, 5.75 MB, 5764x2500, starfire-raven-edit.jpg)

aged-up starfire/raven >>7795
edited text


I'll show you who's the boss of this gym


For that one, as well as the other one with the substitute male genitalia, the image itself is unrecoverable, while for those that were used only the original text is yaoi, so these were recoverable by switching the text to yuri.


wtf are you talking about?


File: 1622282731357.jpg (Spoiler Image, 7 MB, 3207x5491, 5c142067ea6e320c6f03e54f17….jpg)

aged-up starfire/raven >>7795 >>7811
full-size third frame >>7811

lurk more


File: 1622370427621.jpg (Spoiler Image, 3.55 MB, 3600x4390, b6b8984c5f92d45f0937ab402c….jpg)

aged-up starfire/raven >>7795 >>7811 >>7836
unclothed version of >>7795


The old school yuri is good, even if there are sometimes less than satisfactory conclusions to some of them.


princess peach/samus aran


What do you mean by old-school yuri? Like '70s manga that always ended in tragedy no matter what?


Take a coffee with me
Fleur Delacour/Hermione Granger

The worst enemy of the average college student can be summed up in two words: Group project. Well, at least Fleur's new partner seemed interested in working together.


hana/angela >>6343




This is pretty cute and well-done
Man I wish I had the time and software to learn how to make MADs like these


jeanne d'arc >>6070




aged-up hilda/rosa >>4993


this is atrocious


File: 1623618697682.png (585.74 KB, 696x663, ClipboardImage.png)

Someone explain what the fuck is going on here, how does this anatomy work? I can't think of any arrangement of the bodies that would make this work.


aged-up hilda/rosa >>4993 >>8256
alternate hand placement


What the fuck
it's even worse now kek


just enjoy the titties bro
stop thinking so much


I will enjoy it when you start posting real yuri and not just shitty patreon porn


This, let's talk about yuri.
What are your favorite authors?


i don't post porn lmfao
i just enjoy the content that others post


File: 1624268667040.jpg (Spoiler Image, 614.55 KB, 2400x3126, 0b666b6e2e809fbc48f4c2becf….jpg)


granblue fantasy


File: 1624629850226-0.jpg (336.71 KB, 1228x869, EsLgXeuVoAEQxcn-orig.jpg)

File: 1624629850226-1.jpg (351.42 KB, 1228x869, 90359211_p0.jpg)


File: 1624874038580.jpg (Spoiler Image, 7.51 MB, 7224x2500, starfire-raven-edit2.jpg)

aged-up starfire/raven >>7795 >>7811 >>7836 >>7862
continuation of >>7811


File: 1625220860296.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 7.6 MB, 3207x5491, bef71f424ebd92706048f7fb4….jpeg)

aged-up starfire/raven >>7795 >>7811 >>7836 >>7862 >>8489
full-size last frame >>8489



The Stalking Mistletoe
Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson

Hermione charms a piece of mistletoe to follow Pansy around Hogwarts.


File: 1626172051454.webm (Spoiler Image, 10.28 MB, 1920x1080, yuri.webm)

dead or alive




File: 1626602860411.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 1.19 MB, 4500x6000, 317d7fc5b942b1cf4cdbe4b21….jpeg)

mercy >>6070 >>8122 >>8649


These aren't the androids you're looking for.


File: 1626861672183.jpg (Spoiler Image, 11.68 MB, 7680x4320, dde1fa17e6a26410daa7564b3f….jpg)

lei fang



File: 1627281674094.png (145.88 KB, 600x643, ClipboardImage.png)


I like that forehead.


File: 1627294319300.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 489.92 KB, 968x1345, 311d1b0e86446e8fdaadca0a6….jpeg)

aged-up sakura (fate) >>6070 >>8122 >>8649 >>8823


At least it ended well and MC was hot.


Is the glasses girl the MC? If so, sauce?


Yes, also read the title of the image.


Amor Vincit Omnia

COMPLETE. Lesbian. A secret love affair between a Roman soldier and a Celtic healer blossoms as they flee a Roman army. Can their love survive war, barbarian raids, exposure and prejudice? Strong Sexual Content. Alternate timeline.


>COMPLETE. Lesbian. A secret love affair between a Roman soldier and a Celtic healer blossoms as they flee a Roman army. Can their love survive war, barbarian raids, exposure and prejudice? Strong Sexual Content. Alternate timeline.






If you finish that one and like it, you might also like Hikane of the Wind >>3086.




File: 1627811043103.jpg (Spoiler Image, 6.73 MB, 3320x4500, d47e9fed7ccf1adea313b18fa0….jpg)


android >>8887


File: 1628020921370.jpg (Spoiler Image, 3.93 MB, 1926x3500, 3d5a6f954ec28a7b07085cf781….jpg)

2b nsfw




File: 1628243718733.jpg (Spoiler Image, 349.51 KB, 2048x1940, d1bfe4873d1c55869f458f7881….jpg)


damn what a chad




File: 1628798645287.png (Spoiler Image, 14.56 MB, 3931x4500, f63461e20c85597c7fee6ae185….png)

shiranui mai



File: 1629499855187.png (Spoiler Image, 12.28 MB, 5000x3332, c823410fc5270eef4315691297….png)

ichigo/zero two


dead or alive


File: 1630352864695.jpg (Spoiler Image, 8.48 MB, 4000x5000, 0192023f299b95d4b735dc4e26….jpg)

claire redfield/jill valentine


File: 1630353581804.webm (3.86 MB, 600x450, 1614547455401.webm)


>>9637 Source?



>>9650 Thanks.


File: 1630439570048.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 1.01 MB, 4500x3281, e0d85646b4a6cdc300b482f83….jpeg)

black cat/catwoman


nami/nico >>8777


aged-up hino rei/bloom


league of legends secondaries >>6739


The woman with the red star looks nice.


File: 1630865634238.jpg (1.21 MB, 2150x1512, 1630824176430.jpg)


File: 1631045727699.png (Spoiler Image, 1.55 MB, 870x1280, 1928c23b05dd4bb7e491a6a3e8….png)


File: 1631612837364.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 1.17 MB, 3500x4880, 25db4e062c33374067ee27eb4….jpeg)

wonder woman/supergirl


File: 1631824883628.jpg (Spoiler Image, 3.46 MB, 2000x2800, 4829cba65725d6944efb7c0646….jpg)

league of legends >>6739 >>9863


File: 1631825446789.jpg (Spoiler Image, 161.29 KB, 851x1277, 1631424346092.jpg)

>league of legends





You can post 3-5 images at a time stop posting single images lol


league of legends >>6739 >>9863 >>10008

I post at the speed of the board.


That's not an answer


File: 1632342526632.png (427.62 KB, 834x1112, ClipboardImage.png)

Instead of linking to your previous posts with variations of the same shitty image you should include as many variations as possible in a single post, since all you're doing is dumping pics.


File: 1632565830305.jpg (Spoiler Image, 5.98 MB, 4800x7200, 00d9c0bb60a64e48b08f391556….jpg)

tifa >>10072


File: 1632685132232.jpg (Spoiler Image, 4.21 MB, 5000x2813, 2c16b6022bfc1b9d5d176dfbe0….jpg)

mercy/pharah >>6915


See >>10187 and stop being a faggot, it costs you 0$ to not pointlessly spam single image posts


File: 1632736927316.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 594.86 KB, 2000x1000, 348b70a870cc50feaba376ab1….jpeg)



At least they're contributing to the fucking thread


File: 1632754203968.png (Spoiler Image, 1.11 MB, 850x1202, ClipboardImage.png)

uygha any faggot can post an image of 2 girls in erotic poses, there are literally thousands of pics, stop deflecting faggot


Who is she?



>uygha any faggot can post an image of 2 girls in erotic poses
so do it faggot


File: 1632771693078.png (Spoiler Image, 665.19 KB, 1600x1236, daria yuri.png)

I did initially I posted a rack of pics some time ago, then got bored. 500 posts is (if I recall) the bump limit, so it wastes posting space. Feel free to contribute to that then. I jut lapped an image onto a reply, I'm not doing the image dumping that other anon is doing



>straight porn dump
>contributing to a yuri thread
Why not go to >>>/siberia/ for that instead?


File: 1632817608127.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 406.13 KB, 1883x2048, Nami Nico smush.jpeg)


>spoilering a SFW pic
really mods?




yes it lewd

>no u
the anime girl were not aged up so there big gay


mercy/pharah >>6915 >>10289


defense of the ancients


File: 1633332501548.png (1.26 MB, 737x1038, ClipboardImage.png)

Ulti x Eida when?



love this one


azur lane >>7473


File: 1633695621458.jpg (Spoiler Image, 878.82 KB, 1280x934, 59377865b9530c46a8b50d7512….jpg)

defense of the ancients >>10466

>>10577 🎁


File: 1633907888520.png (Spoiler Image, 12.77 MB, 4000x3200, 44e82d811bda3629155e5d694d….png)

dead or alive >>9606


File: 1634122054901.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.03 MB, 924x1100, 5ee14a6b93e9f058585e2fe8e8….jpg)

mass effect


d.va/ahri >>5992 >>7281


true love only exists as girls loving girls


They're not even in the same universe, why are you posting only porn


warcraft >>6851


dead or alive >>9606 >>10732


File: 1634730009983.webm (Spoiler Image, 6.31 MB, 1280x720, yuri.webm)



All of this is just the same creator and 90% of it isn't anime. This is supposed to be a thread for Yuri anime and manga, not single image spam.
>inb4 1 image
I'm not spamming, I'm just posting to make a point.


He doesn't care. He's just a coomer and doesn't actually give a fuck about yuri.


File: 1634990637646.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 4.27 MB, 2500x3500, 67625f31afbcd90887a0d34cc….jpeg)


File: 1635241445152.png (Spoiler Image, 3.01 MB, 2012x2400, 3949721ea04887366b6f03d086….png)

2b >>9294


File: 1635538669635.jpg (Spoiler Image, 1.13 MB, 1600x1451, 545ce563ffea8069e71a880ab5….jpg)


sona/ahri >>6333 >>6830 >>7004


dead or alive >>9606 >>10732 >>10913



File: 1636234598871.jpg (Spoiler Image, 494.25 KB, 826x999, 815c61fb847b0f560f43093c84….jpg)

sona/ahri >>6333 >>6830 >>7004 >>11173


File: 1636241699707.png (347.9 KB, 640x336, ClipboardImage.png)

Anybody here watched Strawberry Panic?
I thought it was really cute until I got to the first sex scene and I got scared because I didn't expect it to get explicit at all (even though I watched yaoi lol).
I'll probably finish it one day. I like this kind of story with tons of different characters and different connections between them. It's like Gakuen Heaven but lesbian and more elegant.


It was an important work for the development of yuri. It was a bit too much melodramatic and the villains were laughably evil, but I still liked it and I think it's a must watch for yuri fans. I honestly believe it's better than Marimite because at least it's not right-wing propaganda


>better than Marimite because at least it's not right-wing propaganda
wut, explain


I'm joking, but Marimite has clear conservative undertones, let me explain. Yuri originated from novels for teenage girls published on prewar magazines, the most important author was Nobuko Yoshiya who wrote many short novels about love between girls. Government propaganda allowed these type of story to be published to shield girls, or rather, middle/upper class girls from any contact with boys and to give them the "right" education. There were some limitations of course: no romance with boys and no good ending for lesbian love because once girls graduated they were supposed to get married to a man choosen by their parents. The novels written by Yoshiya were generally set in christian girls' schools (there were no mixed schools btw), featuring two girls, usually a senpai and a kohai, in love with each other, but the ending was always tragic or sad: for example in one story two girls kill themselves in a fire rather than being divided. These novels of course were conservative in tone or else they wouldn't have been published and Yoshiya despite being an outspoken lesbian feminist was pretty indifferent to politics and even wrote war propaganda pieces.
And now let's talk about Marimite: marimite looks like a Yoshiya novel set in contemporary times, basically all the elements are there but the author said that she never heard of Yoshiya before someone pointed out the similarities. I guess this shows the strong influence Yoshiya had on Japanese girl's culture, but it's kinda funny. Anyway, Marimite is set in catholic girl's school where everything is supposed to reminisce of ye olde times: the building, the uniforms and the general atmosphere of the school. It's a place out of time and space where girls can start relationship among themselves, protected from boys and the outside society. These relationship between girls are acceptable only if they fall under the highly ritualized soeur system, which by the way is inspired by the ome or S relationships that existed in Japanese girl's schools in the prewar period. Sei tried to have a "real" relationship and got her heart broken.
Marimite is centered around what happens in the seat of power of the school, the yamayurikai, where three girls named after roses appoint their own successors who in turn appoint their own successors and so on, despite the fact they're supposed to be elected. Yes, the only way to become part of the school council is to have a relationship with an older girl, just like when in the Edo period a samurai inherited his father's post, but without farcical elections. For some reason, every girl in the school reveres the yamayurikai and the roses because they're so incredibly good and beautiful and elegant… I think in one episode they even say that some girls are even too scared to enter the council's office and face the god-queens of the school. Lmao what the fuck is this?

Marimite has the merit of creating yuri as an official genre (despite the fact the author said it's not yuri) and I'm incredibly thankful for it, but I'm glad yuri went into another direction.


File: 1636542498083.jpg (Spoiler Image, 359.14 KB, 1000x1200, b0b61d05684b10e598d2ccfc86….jpg)

warcraft >>6851 >>10877


File: 1636728067394.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 102.2 KB, 1024x1151, 5759b353d8eb84148961e2ede….jpeg)

dead or alive >>9606 >>10732 >>10913 >>11200


azur lane >>7473 >>10632



mercy/pharah >>6915 >>10289 >>10433


File: 1637324106621.png (Spoiler Image, 17.27 MB, 3931x4500, d04b72b0df3c80092bc0f000fb….png)


File: 1637628854961.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 655.26 KB, 1197x1100, 88c5c57e4d92b1d552dd99f6d….jpeg)

league of legends >>6739 >>9863 >>10008 >>10183


File: 1637753950173.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 138.44 KB, 1500x958, 094e936c477ef0167eede988c….jpeg)

warcraft >>6851 >>10877 >>11333


league of legends >>6739 >>9863 >>10008 >>10183 >>11557


on this day I'm thankful for the titties and ass posted here by this thread's dedicated pervert


I wish we could discuss yuri, the art is subpar.


What's stopping you


image dump spam


I tried, got no reply.


>These relationship between girls are acceptable only if they fall under the highly ritualized soeur system, which by the way is inspired by the ome or S relationships that existed in Japanese girl's schools in the prewar period.
The fuck


Ok I'll try to explain.
In girls' schools, students often developed "romantic relationships" that were tolerated by the school authorities (but not always) and celebrated by the girls' culture of that time. These relationships were between an older and a younger girl, and often entailed certain rituals: for example the younger girl would wear a ribbon given to her by the older girl to let everyone know about them. In Marimite something similar happens when the older girl gives her rosary to the younger girl. These relationships were called "ome", a term of obscure origin and obscure meaning, there are various theories on the possible meaning but I can't be bothered to write them. I wouldn't consider them lesbian relationships because they were supposed to be chaste and usually ended after graduation. It wasn't always like this of course and in 1911 two girls killed themselves because their parents didn't approve of their relationship. Media started piling up shit on ome relationships calling them degenerates and so on, which led girls to stop using ome and adopting an other term, esu (S). In this case too the meaning is unknown, but it probably stands for "Sister". It was also called Class S (class escape?) and the preware literature that narrated relationships between girls is generally called class S literature.
These relationships were tolerated as long as they were chaste and temporary, the soer system in marimite reflect this. Sei was "punished" for trying to have a real relationship that involved both the body and heart.


a single image every other day is hardly spam

stop being a weakling and just keep talking




Post about yuri or don't post at all faggot. Posting porn just to fill the thread doesn't count as yuri posting.



Ok, I need an advice.
I'm a scanlator, I only do yuri manga and nothing else. I'm not famous, I'm not one of the big names or anything, I mostly scanlate oneshots from artists I like and that's it. Last year I scanlated 90% of the oneshots of a mysterious mangaka I really, really liked. I say mysterious because I couldn't find any information on them until another scanlator found out that this mangaka had various social media accounts which they closed way before I started scanlating their manga. This made me a bit sad because I thought they abandoned the industry, but a few months ago I found they're working on something new and made new social media accounts. So far so good right? Well, except I learned they're full-blown zionist, the kind that shares IDF propaganda and collects uniforms, badges and so on.
As you can see I'm conflicted: I like their work and I want to scanlate them as soon as I can, but on the other side I think zionists are the scum of the earth. Should I just drop them?


Isn't scanlation basically piracy?


>I'm a scanlator
> I learned they're full-blown zionist, the kind that shares IDF propaganda and collects uniforms, badges and so on.
kek, what in the fuck, why would a Japanese artist be into that? Maybe they're a "hobby-zionist" like those "hobby communist" authors in Japan who are in it just for the aesthetics
Anyway, what this anon said: >>11862
You're pirating their work, which would most likely make the artist seethe if they found out (I doubt it'd impact their sales tho). It's like you're appreciating the art but at the same time giving the artist the middle finger. Let's hope they find out >:^)


Yes, but I also got standards.


I just wanna add that I've seen an English translator who does webtoons/manhwa translate a series despite loathing the author and the story itself due to the horrible treatment a character was given, so you can definitely continue pirating this artist's work and it wouldn't necessarily be same as supporting them.


Yes and it's based


>kek, what in the fuck, why would a Japanese artist be into that? Maybe they're a "hobby-zionist" like those "hobby communist" authors in Japan who are in it just for the aesthetics
There's a certain detail I don't want to add that would explain a few things, but I'm trying to stay vague. I'll only say one thing that I forgot to add in my previous post:
They made a yuri manga about the IDF
>You're pirating their work, which would most likely make the artist seethe if they found out (I doubt it'd impact their sales tho). It's like you're appreciating the art but at the same time giving the artist the middle finger. Let's hope they find out >:^)
They published most of their work on a certain magazine, the rest is self-published. I wouldn't really hurt their sales, but I bet more people in the west read their manga than people in Japan did.
This is a bit different, plenty of scanlators don't like how a certain mangaka treats their characters. I don't like how this mangaka openly supports Israel.


If it bothers you that much, why don't you just stop scanlating their stuff? Or only do the non-zionist works. Do you not want to give this artist's works more exposure? Then drop them.


I know, I know. I guess I'll just do their non-IDF stuff.
Now I know how Koichi Sugiyama fans feel.


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street fighter


This was depressing to read. I know Marimite is credited for bringing Class S back to the spotlight when it fading away, but I can't think of many Class S works that came after Marimite besides Strawberry Panic. Do people not make Class S stories anymore?


Strawberry panic isn't class S, but it was inspired by Marimite. There's nothing platonic in Strawberry panic: there are kisses, rape scenes (what the fuck were they thinking lmao), sex scenes and it ends with a ceremony that resembles a wedding.
Purely platonic yuri now are a bit different: we have now shows like Revue Starlight, Symphogear and so on, that stop short of being yuri. In Symphogear you have Hibiki and Miku that are basically a married couple and the last season ends with both of them having to tell something to the other after the lesson of the last episode was basically "you don't need words to say I love you". We don't know what they said to each other but we may guess. There's also Kirika and Shirabe, another gay couple in everything but name.
Why do they do this? Why shows us couples of girls that basically act like lovers but without being lovers? It's mostly because of marketing: having an actual yuri couple among the main characters would brand the show as yuri which would put off a lot of fans who don't like the genre. An ambigous relationship doesn't alienate potential fans and it still attracts yuri fans, a win-win situation. Plus, everyone likes a bit of fanservice.
Some yuri magazines still publish platonic yuri, but they're rare nowadays compared to "overt" yuri manga.


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As much as I enjoy platonic or subtext yuri, I do miss watching older yuri anime where it was more romantic and explicit. The upside is that there are a lot of yuri fanart and doujinshi to satisfy the hungry yuri fans. I just want something that pulls my heartstrings like Kannazuki no Miko again (without the rape of course), but I know that it wouldn't be a profitable or popular move compared to just being borderline yuri.


Nowadays there are all kind of yuri manga, despite the difficulty of properly defining what "yuri" is. Perhaps what we lack are more manga in which yuri is not the main element but it's still present, Like Murcielago and Gunbured x Sister.


> Murcielago
Oh I started reading that once but things got in the way and forgot where I was, I need to start again



Stop posting this shit. You don't need to bump the thread with shitty porn all the time. You don't need to keep the thread on page 1.



tsunade >>9150


File: 1641036146716.webm (Spoiler Image, 22.9 MB, 960x540, yuri.webm)

claire redfield motorcycle


is this official art or what the hell how is this high quality??


>is this official art or what the hell how is this high quality??
They rip the models from the games.


NTA, makes sense but there's more to it than that. There is a lot of attention to detail in the animation and the sound effect quality is also high effort. It is possible for one person to animate and compile, but it's very skilled.


>NTA, makes sense but there's more to it than that. There is a lot of attention to detail in the animation and the sound effect quality is also high effort. It is possible for one person to animate and compile, but it's very skilled.
Definitely. The animation is all their own work, but they can start with a full rigged and textured model with facial rigging and blendshapes just like one of the animators on the game itself would start with. That's why it looks like "official art" because it's the same models from the game itself.


To add: of course some artist edited in vagina and nipples and vagina blendshapes and etc.



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wonder woman/scarlet witch >>9736


fire emblem


Women should live under islamic guidelines. Hoxha was a hack desu


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lara croft/samus aran


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jean grey/emma frost >>9736 >>12458


Your art sucks, literally every single image looks the same.


>what is style?


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aged-up kakegurui


wonder woman/supergirl >>9974


Where is the yuri in these, it's just women??



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aged-up pokemon >>8256 >>8317




yabba dabba doo


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pov(for the right): they shit themselves


I love the fact that the yuri thread on /anime/ has Yuu x Sayaka as the OP image.


I love the fact that Sayaka fell in love with a Yuu clone despite saying that Nanami was her type.


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This seems physically impossible.


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nami/nico >>9806




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girls are better than boys in literally every way


President Xi supports League of Legends.


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aged-up pokemon >>8256 >>8317 >>13164


Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy >>6644 >>6652


t. AGP


invidia actually


ada wong/jill valentine


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ahri harem



catwoman/poison ivy


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watch Happy Sugar Life


why do girls kiss in it




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hana/angela >>6343 >>7975


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palutena >>14423


name 59 animes with medusa and crystal


dead or alive >>9606 >>10732 >>10913 >>11200 >>11368 >>11504 >>11912 >>13711 >>14137 >>14460

1. Revolutionary Hair Girl Medusa
2. Sailor Moon in Crystal's Tokyo
3. How to Bleach Difficult Hair
4. Sora no Crystal no Woto
5. Fist Tangled in the Hair of the North Star
6. How to Get Honey and Clover Out of Your Hair
7. El Cazador de la Medusa
8. Medlax
9. Legend of the Crystallic Heroes
10. Neon Genesis Crystallion
11. Koihime Medusou
12. Meduyasha
13. The Coiffure of the Rose of Versailles
14. Medusa x Hunter
15. Those Who Hunt Medusas
16. Crystalline the 3rd
17. Ghost in the Hair
18. Great Teacher Crystazuka
19. Lagoon of Black Crystal
20. Cowgirl Crystop
21. Hairren Lagann
22. Fullcrystal Alchemist
23. Full Crystal Panic
24. Crystazuki no Miko
25. Serial Hair Experiments Slain
26. Medureka Seven
27. Medusa: Requiem for the Medusa
28. Detective Crystal
29. Medusan Lied
30. Please Save My Hair
31. Medusa's Book of Friends
32. The Vision of Medusaflowne
33. When They Crystal
34. Mobile Hair Gundam
35. FLCrystaL
36. Gankutsujoou: The Countess of Monte Crystal
37. Welcome to the N.Hair.Krystal.
38. Ouran High School Hair Club
39. Les Miserables: Shoujo Crystalette
40. Medusakemonogatari
41. Hairkyuu!!
42. Anne of Green Crystals
43. Crystalbits
44. Medusei Yatsura
45. Gorgon's Rain
46. Spice and Gorgon
47. Samurai Crystalloo
48. Crystalleido Star
49. The Melancholy of Hair Meduziya
51. Nodame Crystabile
52. Crystannad
53. Crystagure Orange Road
54. Trihaircurlgun
55. Usagi Crop
56. Boku No Hero Crystademia
57. One Crystal Piece
58. Puella Magi Medusa Magica
59. Crystal Ball Z


snow white/cinderella


jean grey/emma frost >>12640


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aged-up ino/sakura


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Anyone here watching Shokei Shoujo?


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palutena >>14423 >>14735



Seen the first two episodes, and I'm liking it.


alice (in wonderland)


What's it about? Is it actually yuri or just yuri bait?


It's about a pure priestess whose job it is to wipe out isekai brats that get brought to her world before they can do any more damage. Everyone that gets isekaied there ends up with some kind of superpower that inevitably goes out of control. The MC was apparently orphaned after one such incident in which an entire continent and everyone on it was turned to salt.

So she's living a happy life as a Catholic church assassin until a cute girl with huge honkadonkabahoogs shows up with the ability to control time. Before meeting they both have had mysterious dreams of knowing each other. Then they set off on a journey to send dekai oppai chan back to Japan, winkface.

No, I don't think it's just yuri bait.


elsanna >>14297


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lust (FMA)


Update: Just finished episode 9. The plot's kicked in hard and has introduced timey wimey stuff. I'd say more but I don't remember how spoilers work. Just wanted to say, BIG recommend. The story's a lot of fun and the characters are really growing on me.

Could use more tits to be honest, but I guess every show needs a flaw or two.


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resident evil >>9390 >>9636 >>13938


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I recently started getting back into Otherside Picnic and it's making me want to read/watch more yuri that also breaks from the mold of typical yuri (like school drama bullshit with teenagers)

anyone got any recommendations? horror/sci-fi would be particularly appreciated


Sorry for being gay mb :(

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