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Is there any Isekai about a weeb who takes the noose portal to anime world?


Not exactly an isekai but isn't that just the plot of Haibane Renmei


I watched it back in the 00s. I can't remember the plot for the life of me. I just remember the art being good and the story being boring. Was that the big reveal?


isn't that what Muslim Salafists do essentially? They get 72 Loli waifus when they die.


Yeah it's that they all ended up there by committing suicide in their previous life
I think I'd like the art of the show more if it wasn't in fucking 240p that can't be upscaled without algorithms because that's the resolution it was released in


Can someone please just make an isekai general for small posts like this?



Okay what are your thoughts? We have been getting a lot of requests to merge these dorts of posts lately ut obviously everyone has different ideas tbf. I will make a meta thread about it instead of derailing here sorry.


There already exists an Isekai thread, why are people inable to use catalog? >>373


Generals kill discussions


>noose portal

but wouldn't only your head end up in le anime world


Ok, that's a thread about a specific question, this is a thread about a specific question. This is a dead board with close to 0 activity. Who cares how many threads are created.


Isekais usually start with the main character dyeing. I think it would be funny if there was one about a weeb who suicided so he could meet his animu waifus.


>proofs - 0

Eh, its more just pointless splitting TBH, that Isekai thread hasn't been about the OP topic for some time turning into general Isekai discussion, so its fair to call it a general Isekai.

Write up a draft and post it on the anime writing idea thread.


random shit threads with less than 10 replies kill old but good/useful threads.
generals should be enforced.


Basically yeah, with such little activity and 35 pages of threads it shouldn't really matter


So have low reply threads get autopruned after being pushed past page X.

Generaltards have no imagination


You're right and you should say it.


this thread was on page 5, you've necrobumped it and have contributed nothing to the actual OP, the reason being is that the OP is too specific and so people ran out of anything meaningful to say and so you have to keep circlejerking over your butthurt about generals. Stay mad faggot.


you generalfags are cancer


I know some people who should take the noose portal to the anime world and they're right here in this thread


necrobumping is literally a non-issue. if threads were supposed to die it wouldn't get replies and slide off the catalog.


Both the top and the bottom of the catalog are plagued with shit threads. Some of those are dupes because retards can't use the catalog to find the better, bigger already-existing thread (for example, every time someone wants to complain about Eva outside the Eva thread, an old thread that everybody forgot about but would be good if anyone used the catalog and discovered it is at risk of dying).
Enforced generals is for people who actually give a shit. So I guess it's ok to leave it like this because nobody here can use the catalog.


>Some of those are dupes because retards can't use the catalog to find the better, bigger already-existing thread
Oh yeah and also because of this, sometimes you get two big threads that both have good discussion but for some reason one of them is lost because retards keep making and bumping pointless threads.


No u, seethe more necrobumper.

>necrobumping is literally a non-issue
It is if its being bumped using completely off topic nonsense and bitching.

Based take



No, but the movie Birdman has some of those themes. Same with Inception though Inception only heavily implies it. Though anime protags are isekai'd via death, the death tends to be accidental or mildly heroic, also truck based

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