PV for the adaptation is finally out.
>>16889>>16892>>16895>>16896Good character writing exists in shit like Baki or Bezerk where the characters aren't these frail faggot retarded worms kys like in Chainsaw man, but that they actually have a fucking combat potential and immediately outclass the strongest person from X shonen anime/manga.
Although I don't know if CSM is a manga since nobody let alone school children actually read it.
And there's nothing wrong with calling other people (especially noodle armed retarded worms like Denji) degenerates, it's stating the obvious.
Look at the gif I posted right now, it may not be anime (idfk if spongebob is an anime or not) but usually, anime characters that are written with the related gif in mind tend to have writing that excels and rapes denji's character writing to death every day.
You can't see it because you probably never watched Baki or any other anime or manga like it.
And I never defended shit like highschool student nerds with lame attitude.
You suck at watching anime
>>16906you are […]based at the very least [2]
>>16905didn't say that they were niche, just said that they were good.
>>16898>good character writing>Bakilmao
power scalers are retarded and ruined all the discussions about One Punch Man.
>>16901it is, powerlevel, and powerscaling faggotry is the most retarded thing in every media ever and brings the tought of flashing lights and jerkoff discutions about how a character is oh so strong as a way to make dogshit tension, but because every show that has this shit in their narrative we know that the big strong guy is gonna lose, thus negating said tension.
in the end is just good for teenagers engage in autistic discussions of my favorite beats your favorite, and Any one that defend this trash writing as being good need to get their power leveled into the pavement.
>>16908literally explain how it isnt
>>16909>it isno it isn't
>powerlevel, and powerscaling faggotry is the most retarded thing in every media ever and brings the tought of flashing lights and jerkoff discutions about how a character is oh so strong as a way to make dogshit tensionthen go watch an anime where all of the characters are too weak to hold a can of beans but still have muh good writing according to you
but because every show that has this shit in their narrative we know that the big strong guy is gonna lose, thus negating said tension
>but because every show that has this shit in their narrative we know that the big strong guy is gonna lose, thus negating said tension.this rule is circumvented in Baki.
also, it isn't the fault of supposed powerscalers that this always happens
>in the end is just good for teenagers engage in autistic discussions of my favorite beats your favorite, and Any one that defend this trash writing as being good need to get their power leveled into the pavement.powerscaling literally inspires good writing, the only reason why powerscaling anime is bad because they literally have to call in shitty writers who ruin everything and make the anime about muh feels > realz and ignore actual fighting tactics and strength and whatnot.
Powerscalers are good yet they just get ignored by the anime developers due to the fact that it's easier to make shitty norp magnet faggotry than actual fight anime
>>17189Pretty much and edgy makes fantasy about domination fetishes and gore
That’s it and it’s beautiful
>>17242kawaii-ne desu, illiterate-chan
>>17186i-i don't know what this means
when is the anime coming out
>>17444oh yeah that
I think then it becomes the flipside of the equation
>>17797Girls the '''poop'
Shit >>17820that means she can do the same for her clit
futa power confirmed
>>18063they hate it
and they're rightall memes aside, the adaptation has:
>a kingpoid director changing the mood of the manga from a fun punchy story into a slow bore>omnipresent cgi despite the nigh-infinite budget mappa had, it could have been absolute sakugakino the series deserved>time-wasting angles and scenes that look weird compared to the mangathey converted a good manga into a mid anime and i hate it
>>18089damn,I honestly felt I was alone on those thoughts,I dropped the anime after two episodes of random music placements (there is either extreme silence,or small ambience that stays for 30 seconds),extremely slow pace,absolutely awful lighting and shaders (realist but making every scene look drab and uninteresting)
I didn't mind the CGI tho,it's very competently made,maybe it got worse later.
>>18089my only problem with those criticisms is that they boil down to "why isn't it like every other anime"
>>a kingpoid director changing the mood of the manga from a fun punchy story into a slow bore>Why isn't it a shallow mess with ultra fast pace like every third anime out there
>>omnipresent cgi despite the nigh-infinite budget mappa had, it could have been absolute sakugakino the series deserved>why doesn't it contain the same amount of CGI as every other anime
>>time-wasting angles and scenes that look weird compared to the manga>Why do the shots look different than every other animeIf you keep complaining every time they make something different, you will get the same slop, harem, loli, isekai, echi shit every single time.
Also, like weird angles? are you upset that they did, you know … directing? how are the angles in any way inapropiate. Also it adapts like 30 fucking chapters, if anything that is ultra fast paced compared to most manga adaptations
>>18094There's nothing wrong with disrespecting the source material.
If you want a unchanged version of the Manga read the Manga fucking cultist
>>19133>He's not an incel, he's a simp lolTechnically he is involuntarily celibate, he's simply not "redpilled" as the zoomer reactionaries say.
Many of us are actually incels here. I'm a NEETcel, for example, I desperately need to touch grass and get a fucking job. *bashes head against the wall*
Watch it on Crunchy at least, uyghas, please.
>>20384>but the popularity will probably die out because unlike JoJo it’s not as mainstream and influencerI dunno, I keep hearing echos of NGE till this day. JoJo is more influential in Japan it seems, it wasn't that well-known in the West until the anime series dropped. And even when it comes to Japan I'm not particularly sure how deep its influence goes. Apparently it exists but I haven't seen it referenced anywhere other than… No Game No Life, oddly enough.
Do tell me about some other anime series that was influenced by JoJo.
>>20408>>20409Today I will remind them that Fujimoto approved the end product and was satisfied with the director's work and fans are just doing the normal fan narcissism thing where the end product isn't a reflection of what they wanted from it
Stop being consumer-brained and stop acting like you're the main character of art
>>20422It's got a very different atmosphere than the listed examples, although it certainly has points in common with some of them (It would be interesting to do a deeper comparison with evangelion, if only just for fun). if I were to think of one word to describe the manga's tone, I might call it "punk-ish." (and the anime's more subdued tone if you wanna stretch the metaphor you could half-jokingly compare to post-punk). The tone alternates between absurdist irreverence and world-weary cynicism towards institutions and Japanese culture (especially in part 2), the main character is something of an askew look at the stereotypical shonen protagonist - the story is very clear that his personality traits that square with the average dumb-guy shonen protag is a product of economic exploitation and class disparity resulting in him being semi-feral and undersocialized, making him naive and easy to manipulate by people who know how to press his buttons, but impossible to control by anyone else. Much of his character arc has consisted of him growing up and getting wise while at the same time grappling with his own desire for validation from a world that basically threw him in the trash, and for some kind of life that he can strive towards.
The artwork in the manga alternates between deliberately scratchy character artwork that's somewhat more naturalistic than what you'd expect from shonen jump title (imagine a slightly more subdued take on JJK's character art and you're kind of there), and action panels and background art that are basically Otomo-levels of detailed and hyperkinetic. The anime's aesthetic preserves the dour grunginess of the manga, but gives the absurdity a more deadpan, subdued edge, at times almost feeling like a zanier kon or earlier oshii on mood stabilizers. Both approaches work well for the story and characters.
The way it depicts the supernatural is openly surreal and absurd in ways that are alternately played for horror and comedy, with a lot of bizarre and memorable imagery including bisected astronauts laid out in a ritual column, an eternal inception hotel that functions as a death trap, somebody getting manslaughtered by lupin the third's car in the funniest way possible by a demon without a driver's license, the worst date to ever happen to anybody, a literal assault weapon kaiju blowing up half the world, etc
TL;DR its been described by one relatively well-known shitpost as "attack on titan for people who read lenin," and while I don't think that's entirely right, it's not wholly wrong, either.
>>20423 (me)
TL;DR it’s like if Sam Raimi read theory and reimagined Devilman
>>20434There is fanservice in CSM?
>>20437>why is fanservice badIt isn't. I think that if the anime as a whole is trash then why even bother? It's just like playing a broken game solely for the cutscenes. And what if you're gay or ace or a straight female or have a different taste in women? Now you have just a trashy anime, great. HotD has cool action and memorable characters at least, something that other fanservic-ey anime series often lack. Same with, say, I dunno, Konosuba. You can stare at Aqua's ass all day, be my guest. But her and Kazuma are simply fun characters who are entertaining to watch at least, regardless of your sexual preferences. Otherwise might as well watch porn, it doesn't freaking matter.
And that's why hentai is peak anime. Fight me.
I dislike Chainsaw Man on a number of levels, in some regards it's like a rip-off JJK. However it does have some aesthetically pleasing aspects and I liked vid rel which is based on the main concept of the manga.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qba4gjZWBT0 ChainChomp Man
>>22460I need to catch up on it, stopped around
the falling devil. I like it a bit more than the first part mainly for the slower pacing and Asa.
>>22594Fire Punch is the best thing Fujimoto ever wrote.
Chainsaw man covers similar themes but has more mass market appeal, and is worse for it.
Reading CSM 2 feels like an editor has a gun to his head.
All of his assistants' manga capture only the wackiness and none of the substance.
>>22625By his own words he tried to make Chainsaw Man look cinematic while having an incredibly narrow sense of what "cinematic" means so he failed to capture the appeal of the manga, despite some scenes here and there being very good. The manga has a lot of expressiveness in characters and the volume covers as well as any colored art Fujimoto put out had very striking and stylized colors, the anime had limited expressions to be more "realistic" and had very mono colors because only action movies are cinema, duh.
>>22617It's funny to see all the "Of course Chainsaw Man flopped in Japan, the japanese only like pedo pandering shit!" posts about the anime sales since the Manga was (and still is) very popular in Japan. Its almost as if the way they adapted the series just didn't resonate over there!
>>22765Socially awkward guy meets emotionally cold girl and tries to win her heart throughout the entire run.
>>22770A "pedophile" as in "dating one girl who's a year a year before the age of majority for a short time without even as much as kissing her while otherwise having relationships with adult women."
>>22771 (me)
Also a reminder that Scott was basically friendzoning Knives the entire time while she tried to force herself upon him without his consent
TWICE out of jealousy for Ramona. But if that counts…
>>24564I really want to write a Chainsaw Man fanficiton in which the rules are changed a little bit regarding the function of devils to not just be representations of fears but also more like physical manifestations of various parts of the social superstructure. A such, the increase of devil violence is literally a mirror for capitalist crisis and the sharpening of class struggle in this alternate history where the USSR continued to exist.
The Commodity Devil profanes all things holy, melting everything that appears solid into air.
The Collectivisation Devil is a capitalist's worst fear, making people around it unable to identify the abstract exchange value in commodities.
The Ghost of Lenin is a literal spectre haunting the world, a shadow of generations of martyrs past.
Silly little things like that.
>>25153The best part is they're both traumatized, denji freezes up when he's being abused, and Yoru has stated that she can't control Asa when Asa is terrified, which is why the scene ends with Asa back in control.
Nobody's having fun, sasuga Fujimoto sensei
>>25222>force him to have more interesting motivationsThe way I read it, Denji doesn't
actually think with only his dick but rather it's a very base constant motivation he can fall back on as an excuse instead of doing the hard work of introspection and understanding himself. It's a cop out basically. None of the women have filled the gap in his soul with sex and I think that the lesson is that sex simply
>>25238He's an impoverished teenage boy with no good role models, no real support network, and that has been basically lurching from one deeply traumatic disaster to the next, while also now having to deal with high school and being a single father. At this point I don't think he's capable of introspection even if he tried since he was willing to give up his free will to Makima.
I think you could say that it's a manifestation of how badly he's been hurt that he's regressed to the point of wanting to do anything but think, and so he's taken refuge in thoughtless activities and his creature impulses.
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