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It's going to switch staff and studio again.


File: 1654134807426.jpg (28.96 KB, 640x432, you are already dead.jpg)

>going to switch staff and studio


Wasn't the movie good


it has a brown dickgirl in it so afaic it's great


Movies and TV shows probably have different budgets.


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Movie of the Year


File: 1713473322242.jpg (117.03 KB, 1564x1564, best of both sylvi.jpg)

>uygha waited 2 years to post this
But yes I agree, Sylvia is best wife of the series.


Forgot we had a konosuba thread TBH >>23815 (CTRL+ F >>373 for Konosuba posts)
The Megumin spin-off series is coming soon too.


File: 1713836825398.png (1.13 MB, 1280x720, ClipboardImage.png)

Release date is April 24th, get ready ladz!


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The Kenosha kid is back?

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