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File: 1654743241648.mp4 (41.64 MB, 640x360, Cyberpunk Edgerunners.mp4)

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Got any hopes for CDPR and Trigger's joint project?
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This has to be the most sheltered post ever made lmao. The closest real world example of NC is just Brazil and even the average Brazilian is no where near as cartoonishly retarded as the average edge runners side character ahahahahaha

You will never live to see anything interesting happen in your life


fuck off /pol/tard



people shit on this post but i agree


>Even the average Brazilian is no where near as cartoonishly retarded as the average edge runners side character
Objectively false


good post


Found the Argentinian


it's edging time


And then David edged all over Lucy


There's a lot of communal coping going on in regards to the ending.


Escapism was a mistake.


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I like how Twitter thinks Pilar deserved to die for sexually harassing Lucy. I'm pretty sure the crew has been involved in worse things than sexual harassment. Is it "problematic" that anime thinks sexual harassment is funny? I don't know, but one thing I've realized from this ordeal is how poisonous ideology is.


Twitter is full of extremely puritanical tumblr refugees.


it's neo-puritanism mate.


It's not a tumblr problem.


New wave puritanism going mad at anything not wholesome or out of standard.


> where people live longer and have access to far better tech
This is just false.
Even in game its brought up that it’s rare that people who aren’t corpos die of old age in Night City. The technology is just lipgloss.


Yeah, the anime was cool, but Rebecca is overrated


I honestly think Rebecca was the worst part about it. Her only purpose is to have a crush on the protagonist and die.


I didn't get the hype about her…She's too old to be a Loli, she's not precisely hot, and her character looks like a Cyborg version of Harley Quinn


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Nooo the ending was too sad. I guess it didn't bother me as much in Cowboy Bebop because they had more time to fill out the threads and give the characters their own stories. Wish they still did 26 episode OVAs.


Oh and him not even putting a scratch on Adam, don't think I've ever seen that trope lol. Usually the good guy manages to take out the bad guy through self sacrifice like Bebop or The Professional. He just died for absolutely nothing. They could've even stopped the shuttle with Lucy from getting to Arisaka. Weird staging in that regard.


One aspect that didn't make a whole lot of sense to me was that the reason that Arasaka wanted David in the first place was to get test data information on this cyber skeleton, and that it was intended for Adam, right? Yet when Smasher goes up against David with the skeleton, he treats the skeleton with disdain and it basically seems inferior to Smasher's current setup anyway.

Aside from that, I think David might have had a very slim chance if he wasn't in the grip of multiple cyber psychosis incidents at once. The deck was really stacked against him though, not just because of CP, but because he's also like a 17-18 year old kid, and Smasher has decades of experience and lots more top of the line corptech at his fingertips.


Yeah I'm not saying it didn't make sense Smasher would win. Just saying it was a strange ending I can't recall ever seeing before.

>Final showdown

>Good guy gets killed immediately

What really didn't make sense to me is like I said:
>He managed to get to the ship lucy was on before it got to Arisaka HQ, so he could've avoided even going there.
They should've just had Lucy and fixer man get there first
>Why was Arisaka mad at fixer man and saying he fucked up?
Didn't get it at all. Seems like he did everything right. The problem was their extraction crew never made it to the battlefield. Also I didn't understand why the Arisaka units didn't make it there.

Then on a lesser note, the 3D CGI car physics were all fucked up and their car seemed insanely OP for no explainable reason. Especially after they showed us the Miltech vehicles being so powerful. Also didn't understand what the point of clotheslining the truck headed for the canyon. It ended up crashing into the canyon anyways, what was the point of that? Also Lucy waking up in the car ride with fixer man and then she kills the two henchmen, and doesn't kill fixer man. Typical "gotta let the bad guy live, because we need him for later in the story" trope. Could've staged it better.


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I recommend anyone who liked the show check out this book.

I started reading it after reading the wikipedia article for Cyberpunk the boardgame and saw this:
>Cyberpunk was designed by Mike Pondsmith as an attempt to replicate the gritty realism of 1980s cyberpunk science fiction. In particular, Walter Jon Williams' novel Hardwired was an inspiration, and Williams helped playtest the game

Tho say inspired is a severe understatement. Even has Sandevistans but it's spelled Santistevan but it exactly the same thing. No cyber psychosis but overall a bit more mature and dark than Edgerunners. Probably the most mature Cyberpunk I've read/watched before.


>No cyber psychosis
Actually I take that back. There is but it's not as straight forward as in edgerunners. They say that you only really lose touch with reality if you're using your neural upgrades for purely mental tasks all the time. That you become trapped in your own head.


Thanks for the rec anon


>Then on a lesser note, the 3D CGI car physics were all fucked up and their car seemed insanely OP for no explainable reason
Falco whole job is to be a getway driver for cyberpunks (and a highly sought one), Im not surprised his car is a tank and he is a god of driving, even if it was over the top, everything is anyway

>The problem was their extraction crew never made it to the battlefield

>Seems like he did everything right
sending david to arasaka tower in rampage mode was what they had issues with, which is why arasaka had to chase him through the city rather than just pick him up after the battle

nice gonna add it to the pile


Here you go, enjoy.


It was pretty mediocre, I should have just watched Dead Leaves again.


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bros I think I may have found my type


great taste


> sm*king


You’re type is the kind that’s not real?


Now that the gamers are gone, can we admit that this anime sucked?




the anime is a lot better than the game tho


it was good


It wasn’t necessarily bad especially not in comparison to the average anime today but I wouldn’t cal it good. Just meh tier


it was good actually


nice /v/ template post faggot


Edgerunners had me hoping for a good cyberpunk anime but I was frankly disappointed in all aspects. It's not that it's bad, it's just mediocre in terms of characters, plot direction and themes. All in all boring/10 for me. If (you) liked it, I guess you found something to enjoy in it that I did not


It’s the most “just ok” anime I’ve seen in a while, but I haven’t liked Studio Trigger since Gurren Lagann


>Now that the gamers are gone
<posts like a /v/ermin


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NTA but
>muh /v/ermin
Have you been unbanned again? Please go and stay go.


what the fuck are you talking about schizo


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>sage posting
<muh /v/
<Ur a schizo!
1-800-C'mon Now


Anyone know what the videos were?


Glad I didn’t watch Edgepoop financed by fascist Poopland.


>can we admit that this anime sucked?
Yes. Boring story with an annoying protagonist; like the actual game, it failed to deliver its hype.

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