Got any hopes for CDPR and Trigger's joint project?
>>17149i was watching this video essay on the horror game industry and how horror games turn into entirely different genre games the more iterations you make of the series, see Dead Space and Resident Evil turning from Horror into a more action based third person shooter type of game. off topic, but the third person based shooter was first seen in horror games, and was the inspiration for future iconic third person perspective shooters like Gears of War or the warhammer 40k video games. part of the philosophy were the game devs themselves trying to instill new thrills to an assumed desensitized player audience, but the real deep dive away from horror was basically the financial hierarchs deciding that they want to lean into this action element and ordering the devs to re-scrap entire projects to fit
their vision.
i imagine it's similar if not the same for the anime industry. isekai/fantasy and shit pushed bc its popular. probably golden years for creators who have always wanted to do isekai/fantasy and nightmare for anyone who wants something different. we'll have the old golden year to bloated cycle(not necessarily occurring one after the other, possibly can occur at the same time)again if sci fi gets pushed
>>17146As a libertarian, I find it strange people call Cyberpunk a Dystopian genre. I see a completely destroyed world as a Dystopia not a thriving and technologically advanced world where people live longer and have access to far better tech.
Not just that, it also has far greater opportunities for people to actually achieve greatness and thrive. Equality does not equal greatness; the greater the inequality the greater opportunities you would have. I literally enjoy Cyberpunk 2077 world so much solely for how technologically advanced it was and how huge the wealth gap was. A successful corpo (not even a CEO type) wield far more power over the rest of the people than they would today, it makes me so jealous. I am a software engineer for a top 3 tech company and I would be the equivalent of a successful corpo in that world. In this world, after taxes, I barely make 2x what a regular household income would be (cause my gf doesn't work); in Cyberpunk 2077, I would be able to enjoy far greater things (from existence of wealth gap). Don't people see that? Wealth gap literally means you have a higher ceiling to reach and could achieve more. How boring would it be if a conqueror or genius type lived in the cavemen times where everyone is virtually equal no matter how hard you try (maybe you get a few more piece of meat and live slightly longer and enjoy slight better mates).
>>17156>wouldn't recommend it to anyone.seems harsh, I definitely recommended it to a bunch of ppl.
>>17154>as a delusional sociopathic retard […] can't wait to be a even more of a tool of capital run amok that get sent to the trash as soon as he fail / get backstabbed in a power struggle / die a stupid death to a rival corp or random cyberpunks because I'd get a nice suit and cool cars and could call gangs on people I dislike !I know it must be bait, but it's funny to me how these morons somehow think they wouldnt get shafted hard in the ass just cause they think they're "worthy" or some stupid shit like that, as if that would prevent them to get crushed by the capitalist machine
>>17155I guess it fits in with what this guy
>>17081 was saying, psychological factors play a big deal
>>17156Not gonna lie a lot of anime fans have low standards when it comes to good writing and story telling
Which is why everyone keeps repeating "anime of the year" all the fucking time
They get hooked on the sakuga or some good ideas and just assume the show is good just by that
>>17165I haven't broken down but it's not something to watch if you're in a bad mood.
Personally, it was just another show in a line of shows that are well-loved but I don't vibe with much. I thought the main relationship was well done, and they hit something with the cast, but the story got muddled by the end, imo.
If it makes you feel better, just look up all the coping on Twitter and stuff.
>>17277Kek no
Imagine crying over cybernetic cartoon characters ahahahahahahaha
>>17375i think another component as it pertains to David is the gradual loss of relationships and thus alienation as they go further with their implants. while he only lost
lucy(temporarily but nonetheless the height of his mania before going off into the deep end), the rest of his crew grew to gradually mistrust him more visibly, besides
rebecca. add that with even more dangerous missions, and thus technically needing more powerful implants a cycle is sort of started. doing more powerful missions, needing more powerful implants, losing comrades before or after said mission, repeat. while we never saw david reach that complete alienation, i imagine thats what would have happened to him
had he survived, especially as he lost everyone but Lucy and maybe Falco. that alienation could definitely allow any type of thinking to go unchecked, although his crew didnt necessarily affect that thinking despite trying to check him.
>>17407I tried it at a friends house who has a decent graphics card.
It’s actually really fun since they patched it.
>>17474I’m watching some asshole named Dave’s whose mom died right in front of him go around fucking around with some skimpy lady
This mf wasn’t even that upset by her death or even tried to process wtf happened to him he just took some implant and mutilated himself with it then got shot. I wanna care man but unrealistic shit like that gets so common it starts to hurt like I don’t think the writers realize this but poor people he’ll just people in general are no where near as openly mean or animalistic as they’re portrayed in the show at all.
>>17477But I don’t understand what’s there to get out of this show man
Like I understand that he show was meant to advertise the game but it feels to me like there’s no meaning to the show outside of criticisms of capitalism you’d already see in shows like megalobox but with less depth as to how those criticisms are explored
>>17484This has to be the most sheltered post ever made lmao. The closest real world example of NC is just Brazil and even the average Brazilian is no where near as cartoonishly retarded as the average edge runners side character ahahahahaha
You will never live to see anything interesting happen in your life
>>17154> where people live longer and have access to far better techThis is just false.
Even in game its brought up that it’s rare that people who aren’t corpos die of old age in Night City. The technology is just lipgloss.
>>17668One aspect that didn't make a whole lot of sense to me was that the reason that Arasaka wanted David in the first place was to get test data information on this cyber skeleton, and that it was intended for Adam, right? Yet when Smasher goes up against David with the skeleton, he treats the skeleton with disdain and it basically seems inferior to Smasher's current setup anyway.
Aside from that, I think David might have had a very slim chance if he wasn't in the grip of multiple cyber psychosis incidents at once. The deck was really stacked against him though, not just because of CP, but because he's also like a 17-18 year old kid, and Smasher has decades of experience and lots more top of the line corptech at his fingertips.
>>17683Yeah I'm not saying it didn't make sense Smasher would win. Just saying it was a strange ending I can't recall ever seeing before.
>Final showdown>Good guy gets killed immediately What really didn't make sense to me is like I said:
>He managed to get to the ship lucy was on before it got to Arisaka HQ, so he could've avoided even going there.They should've just had Lucy and fixer man get there first
>Why was Arisaka mad at fixer man and saying he fucked up?Didn't get it at all. Seems like he did everything right. The problem was their extraction crew never made it to the battlefield. Also I didn't understand why the Arisaka units didn't make it there.
Then on a lesser note, the 3D CGI car physics were all fucked up and their car seemed insanely OP for no explainable reason. Especially after they showed us the Miltech vehicles being so powerful. Also didn't understand what the point of clotheslining the truck headed for the canyon. It ended up crashing into the canyon anyways, what was the point of that? Also Lucy waking up in the car ride with fixer man and then she kills the two henchmen, and doesn't kill fixer man. Typical "gotta let the bad guy live, because we need him for later in the story" trope. Could've staged it better.
>>17684>Then on a lesser note, the 3D CGI car physics were all fucked up and their car seemed insanely OP for no explainable reasonFalco whole job is to be a getway driver for cyberpunks (and a highly sought one), Im not surprised his car is a tank and he is a god of driving, even if it was over the top, everything is anyway
>The problem was their extraction crew never made it to the battlefield>Seems like he did everything rightsending david to arasaka tower in rampage mode was what they had issues with, which is why arasaka had to chase him through the city rather than just pick him up after the battle
>>17685nice gonna add it to the pile
>>21059NTA but
>muh /v/erminHave you been unbanned again? Please go and stay go.
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