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One Piece is leftist
302 posts and 85 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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How big of a bump in attention will the live action cause compared to Gear 5? Netflix put a lot of money into it and it's presumably going to make the story a lot more accessible (some people just refuse to watch animation for some reason).



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>I M A G I N E.png

>How big of a bump in attention will the live action cause compared to Gear 5?

Not as much as it would have 10 years ago. It might get the attention of some older audiences or kids that have more limited youtube access, or bring back older fans that stopped watching a while ago.


>original VAs doing the Japanese dub of the live action
This is fucking surreal lol


Oda is a leftist


>Che pic = leftist
Also anon were you asleep for 10 years?


It's coming out tomorrow.


wtf, the Live Action showrunner went on Hasan's stream (scabbing btw, he's doing promotion as a writer)


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>Talking about One Piece (the manga/anime) is not the same as the show. Its not like they are going through promotional material of the actual show.


It can be read as such. It almost certainly was not intended to "be leftist" or anything else. Remember that Luffy helps to reinstate a Monarchy.


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>Sanji belongs with kiku
>more like Keku
Would you a-Kiku anons?


The netflix show is… okay. It's fine. It's not great. It's not terrible. It's got some cringe but it's watchable. Which honestly, given how terrible most anime adaptations are, I guess puts it near the top by default.


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Funny how one of the least adaptation-friendly animes can get a decent adaptation, yet much more workable source material doesn't. It's almost like giving a shit and trying affects the end results.


I couldn't get through the first episode. It was too cringe.


S-Snake a cute!

Also why is most of the fanart of S-Snake depicting her at normal child-height? She's taller than Luffy FFS.


WTF Luffy is an Authentic Hegelian Master?
Thank you based Goda.


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Luffy is a clown


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I always thought Luffy was kind of egoistic


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And over half a year later we learn the beginnings of why Kuma was so important other than being a former king turned pirate warlord and cyborg.

Also I wonder what devil-fruit Saint Jupiter consumed, some mythical spider zoan? How is Luffy gonna beat that bearded fuck?


Finally Luffy has unlocked Gear 6th, Boner Balloon.


The most recent chapter gave us glimpses as to what happened at God's Valley, but it only makes everything even more unclear.


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wtf he's a juggalo?


Damn, Insane Pirate Posse time?


Also, pirate ship is basically a coop, each member of a crew gets a share depending on work he performed and all get a vote in a decision making, though captain does have authority of making tactical decisions by himself.


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Insane Clown Pirates

The captain was basically just a specialist whose authority was acknowledged for being an expert, not the Head Mother Fucker In Charge as usually portrayed. The quartermaster was closer to that but still not really, more of a manager. Disobeying captain's orders during combat was often punishable by death, but everyone agrees to that in advance because it's critical to have everyone coordinated in high-stakes and fast-moving situations.



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They're actually doing One Piece: Brotherhood.


You can just watch a recut lmao.


When this drops they will have:
<1999 Toei anime
<Episode of East Blue
<Live Action
<The One Piece anime
<One Pace
all covering East Blue.
There definitely need to be six versions of that.


I mean, I can understand why FMAB exists (source material) but THIS? No idea, chief.


It's extra funny because both the manga and the original anime are still ongoing.


I really hope they stick to the “original” artstyle and designs, not the biggest fan of the more recent visuals.


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Reminds me of another African demi-god, Kokopelli


The reason they are redoing it is because the original version is a weekly format running in parallel with the source material. This version is seasonal and won't have the filler arcs or pacing issues that result from the weekly format running in parallel to the manga. Also because it's easier to get people to watch a new series than one that's been running for 25 years.


So in other words they're cutting out unnecessary filler and episode extension content?

This, the new style up til Wano was just too 'clean'


More likely they are doing a re-adaptation of the manga so none of that stuff will be there for that reason.

The teaser did have Mayumi Tanaka doing Luffy's voice though. A lot of the voice actors are pretty old to commit to restarting the series, even though they are basically synonymous with the characters for a huge audience. The original is already huge so it's kind of weird to try to replace it, despite the glaring flaws. You could say the manga deserves a "proper" treatment but the current One Piece anime has some of the biggest ever shoes to fill.


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The remake benefits from knowing the greater arc of the series, compared to the original debuting 2 years after the manga (out of a likely 30 year run). The shift from traditional to digital animation and the time constraints also made it hard to keep a consistent look throughout. So yes hopefully they will be more consistent and better in this regard and not do something like picrel. Kind of crazy just how quickly they went off the rails in the grand scheme of things.


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The Gorosei have finally moved out in full… one of them is a sandworm and it makes me think Oda wanted to reference Dune because it recently came out.


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Also considering these copies are not limited by size, mini-feish giantess fetish and foot-fetish are also covered >>23700

Also why was this spoilered!? The image isn't outright NSFW with no shown genitalia or even nips unlike pic rel!


Hot Take: One Piece already worked on cartoon physics so Gear 5th is stupid even if the animated fight does look cool


do cartoons exist in the one piece world for the concept of "cartoon physics" to make sense?


They're pre-industrial, using snails instead of phones, so I doubt it. That being said I'm speaking of cartoon physics from how stuff works in-universe. Sanji's leg can get red hot by spinning in the air for example, Oda pretty much admitted it.


Yeah but do the characters have a frame of reference for what "cartoon physics" means?


I answered the question already. If you mean in terms of "do they have cartoons with cartoon physics in their world" Not really, no TV = no cartoons.
If you mean the concept of cartoon physics (even if perhaps named differently) not really either, a lot of shit that ought to kill people IRL, or be seriously fucked up deformities of the limbs, body or face are fairly normal for characters in One Piece, ordinary looking people are harder to find than weird ones. Hell most of the Devil Fruit powers are bullshit too, going way off-base from their name.


It feels like the Vegapunk Island Arc is dragging on a bit too much, but maybe its just me.


I think it's been paced pretty well. It's not like Wano act 2 where it felt like nothing was happening for weeks at a time.


True, maybe its just because of the extended hiatus between the recent chapters 1111 and 1112. The anime is better than it was several arcs ago too.


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Reflecting on this post I realize that the Hana Hana no Mi is probably the ultimate sexual Devil Fruit.
Bondage? Check
Giantess? Check
Multi-genitalia? Check
Handjob? Check
Any body-part fetish (feet, armpit, belly, etc.)? Check
Tentacles (sorta)? Check

There's possibility for Mini-girl too (if she can make herself giant, why not the opposite?) and considering her devil transformation there is possibility to manipulate her physical 'assets' similar to Jewelry Bonney.
What NSFW uses for Akuma no Mi can y'all think of? Furries would love Zoan fruits
Or hell even out-of-the-box uses of Devil Fruits that Oda hasn't explored - such as the Hobi Hobi no Mi being capable of essentially erasing a monarchy and its followers by simply erasing their existence.
Can any of you think of a fanfic Devil Fruit to rival the Hana Hana no Mi (while sticking to canon rules for fruits power limitations?)


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Why are most of the best female designs either for Antagonists or Minor characters? Vice Admiral Doll is the most recent example.


That shark girl from way back was good too

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