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You see a lot of westerners saying shit like "Japan only acknowledges what happened to them, you'll never see any type of Japanese media talking about their crimes", but even Baki's Itagaki who's a big patriot acknowledges the rape of Nanking.
Garouden is mainstream, Kakugo no Susume is mainstream, Yokoyama's Mars is mainstream.
When's the last time a MCU movie talked about US war crimes?


Wtf based westerners


Checked LMAO


At the level of regular people, there might be acknowledgement, but at the level of government there isn't. The US has multiple media that show Black slavery and segregation, but the US government hasn't compensated Blacks for these genocides.

Japan hasn't offered an official apology to China or Korea, even though making amends with these countries would give Japan the option of independence and create a more unified East Asia.

Anime/movies aren't real life, anon. Go outside and stop masturbating to your figurines.


>you'll never see any type of Japanese media talking about their crimes
reading not your strong suit?


Acknowledging your autistically narrow strawman would make me as retarded as you are.


I wish I had been more polite, but I gotta say this thread didn't really start on any strong footing. The best I can say is that we westerners don't understand Japan. That's a fair point. More importantly, real life takes place at the level of political. Neither the US or Japan is coming to the table politically to make amends for their crimes. A couple manga/anime about Nanjing or some movies about slavery don't amount to a single political act, even though we might wish they would.


>I wish I had been more polite, but I gotta say this thread didn't really start on any strong footing.
Then why bother bumping it a month and a half later?


>why bother?
why indeed


>>22437 (me)
Here's my suggestion. Start a thread: "Understanding Japan" and just focus on answering other people's questions about the country and explaining what you see. Part of the description might be "you have to live in Japan to understand Japan."


>At the level of regular people, there might be acknowledgement, but at the level of government there isn't.



Anon, that thread (sort of) already exists. The Otaku /jp/ thread is literally about discussing Japan. >>4715
This thread is pointless.


Most Japanese people aren't into manga or anime like how most westerners aren't into comics or cartoons as a fandom


It doesn't matter if Murayama made a statement several decades ago if the more recent Prime Ministers like Shinzo Abe go out publicly and say that there was no such thing a forced prostitution, that its somehow not clear if Japan was an aggressor in WWII, etc.

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