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 No.23154[View All]

Why do people constantly call the saga of Tanya Mangaka a communist? just stumbled upon the guy's feed and it's full of boomer takes, SDF shilling(this is the complete antithesis of the JCP), and anti-communist retweets.

On top of that, Riyoko Ikeda(The Rose of Versailles) who was a member of the Japanese communist party in her youth is now doing interviews with LDP and butt buddies with a senior member. The Riyoko one is far more shocking than the nazi anime girl
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Society is a collective made up of individuals and while what benefits the collective is certainly important and mostly benefits individuals on a wider scale, we shouldn't neglect individuals either. There needs to be a balance and I believe any human being has the right to be safe, that's quite literally how societies began to form, as collectives banding together to provide mutual safety and help with one another (I'm being simplistic but still). This obviously doesn't guarantee safety, but does improve it, only now instead of literal animal predators, the problems of society are human predators, sexual or not, who would harass, rape or kill people and find any way possible to do so and to avoid retribution for it. Honestly compared to, say, Mexico the USA is quite safe for trans people, I've seen more than enough gut-churning, horrifying murders, drive-bys and so on, targeting women and trans people over there for reasons ranging from violent urges to denial of sexual advances to simple crackhead-rage. Seeing that both IRL and on 4/gif/ has made me value the idea of peoples' right to safety a lot more. It's not just women and trans people either, men are in this too, if you've ever seen a cartel playing football with flayed heads in the street you'd share that horror.

Polite sage for offtopic; I only want to make people understand that while we shouldn't encourage snowflake behaviour, neither should we dismiss people's fears either, as that toxic attitude in the USA is at least part of what leads to incels and sh*oters and other horrific violence. People on both sides of (for example) the trans argument are so heated and volatile that it's only increasing hatred, segregation and hate-crimes from either side, and people that try to be objective, calm and non-partisan are attacked from both sides because of burger attitudes of "if you're not with us, you're against us" an attitude that has been on the rise ever since Bush Jr. said it during the 9/11 war propaganda days.


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Hahaha the japanese communist party is a joke. Better of supporting the lefty elements in CDP than these shitters


I think people actually being safe is one thing, and yeah people do have a right to a reasonable level of safety. My contention mainly is with the assertion that people have a right to "feel" a certain way and that society should be policed based on these feelings.

I think for some people the issue of perceived safety is just a back door for their bigotry. Like the example in this thread of some woman being assaulted by a trans person. I think the emphasis is wrongly placed on the identity of the assailant. Okay, a trans woman committed sexual assault, so why is the talk about trans people in bathrooms instead of banning violent offenders from these spaces? If I said that black men need to have their own bathroom because one assaulted a woman and they have a "right to feel safe," I'd be correctly called a bigot. I don't think the intention is actually to protect people so much as normalize the idea that certain cohorts are just "naturally dangerous."


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Junichi Inoue is a letfist mangaka but also does manga destroying the opposition party(DPJ) for being absolute trash. Truly partisan mangakas are pretty hard to find unless they are in weirdo parties like >>24038


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The safest countries in the world are also where people feel in danger the most.


>the law should be fair to all
this bill was to make lgbt people have all the same protections as the stacks of bills protecting religious and everyday people that exists already. so it's not fair in the least bit.


>feels > reels
K then.


>old politician proudly holding manga about a big breasted high school girl
most people would see this as weird behavior.


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What type of politics is this?
I know a few eroge devs from beat angel escalayer that support the socialist party, a lot do get caught up in anti-feminist stuff and eventually fall into neto-uyo activities
He had like 20 articles because of this tweet


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Nobuteru yuuki is a rw hack and came to his defense and avoided the korean wrath somehow.
Terumi Nishii(jojo animator) is based. Constantly fighting for unionizing, but not an easy feat in japan.


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Is he? He is Russian, but incredibly edgy racist


skibidi toilet is communist propaganda…


isn’t he georgian?


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Best government collabs right here


lol is that pissxsis?


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Literally /pol/ manga in a nutshell. Its release had the media lambasting it all over and a lot of mangaka like M. Hokazono were downplaying its anti-Korean contents. It looks to mirror a lot of rhetoric spouted in the west by culture war-ridden rwers, anyone read this? Why I'm posting it here is cause the artist is primarily a yaoi artist…


no, thats the other incest manga


>Sailor Moon condoms
The fuck? Next you'll say there are Pretty Cure condoms too…
>anyone read this?
Reactionary propaganda is the opposite of what Interests me in anime and manga. I want to be reminded of the actual Japanese ultranationalism as little as possible in my manga unless the mangaka's trolling it. "Haha, the emperor? He's cringe, fuck this guy."


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This is probably an oversimplification; back in 1997 the then-head of the New Japan Women's Association was on the same page as Shotaro Ishinomori regarding censorship of "problematic"/"harmful-to-youth" manga https://twitter.com/bowwowolf/status/1544676458844635139 and for a long time attacking that stuff was the domain of conservative politicians, with the JCP going against it. I get the feeling their recent positions, especially regarding manga, are more just "confused boomers going with the flow" and "the flow" now, for a lot of self-described right AND left wing people, is tilted against "degenerate"/"harmful" media.

I very hugely doubt Ikeda agrees with those specific views of the modern NWA just as I very hugely doubt she fully sees eye-to-eye with her conservative friends. Is she *at all* involved with their recent actions regarding porn & "harmful" manga? I can't find any connection with Google. On the other side of the coin, has she actually supported explicitly right-wing *views* instead of merely being friends with some right-wingers, or doing interviews with them? The current efforts of the NWA would stigmatize a ton of the work of her peers, including women who drew manga with pretty progressive ideas yet "icky" sexual themes. She's from the same generation as Shotaro Ishinomori and Osamu Tezuka, who were undeniably left-wing (note there's a "Tezuka scholar" who goes around claiming Tezuka completely distanced himself from the JCP later in his life, which is not true; he still supported them, albeit, from what I gather, mainly from the anti-war perspective of "they're the only party that won't wimp out to America & will truly oppose war"). Nonetheless Ishinomori still published one of his manga in the right-wing Sankei Shimbun, and Tezuka published MANY of his manga there. Yet they didn't actually alter their views to pander. Some of the most explicitly left-wing content in Astro Boy people often point to was IN THE SANKEI SHIMBUN RUN. At one point he even contributed to a LDP newsletter while still being a JCP supporter.

What I'm saying is people from that generation seemed/seem pretty open to reaching out to political groups they disagreed with, even publishing their own work in such papers & magazines, without cucking out on their own beliefs as a result.


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Not to mention, we all know Tezuka was a big fan of Carls Barks' duck comics. Despite being self-aware & self-critical, Barks' Scrooge was absolutely a capitalist character written from the perspective of a guy with capitalist views. I highly doubt Tezuka agreed with this stuff, but he still liked Barks & his work.


>I highly doubt Tezuka agreed with this stuff, but he still liked Barks & his work.
Many people like Carl Barks's comics and DuckTales in general, anon. People don't read stuff that aligns with their political opinions all the time.


That's my point, though. And I think it helps that, again, Barks was pretty self-aware about his views & portrayed his characters in a generally humanistic way; Donald wasn't treated spitefully as a strawman for not liking Scrooge's behavior & attitudes and both characters were likely made out of different parts of the author's own identity and worldviews.


>I very hugely doubt Ikeda agrees with those specific views of the modern NWA
I agree with a fair bit here, but she is one of the new japan association members leading the remove porn from convenience stores


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I checked mercari and the condoms go anywhere from 100+ with poster
gits poster 120, spyxf social security cards poster 50
the stop terrorism poster gits 500, hatsune poster 300+. Can't find that dynasty warriors anywhere


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>but she is one of the new japan association members leading the remove porn from convenience stores
Do you have a source proving this statement?


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Alright, after trying to search everything in Japanese that I possibly could and finding absolutely nothing at all (I know Ikeda was involved with women's lib but I couldn't even find evidence of her being involved with this specific group, let alone its modern incarnation), not even one single Japanese person talking about it, I figured "you probably got the info from an English source and either misread it or the source was wrong to begin with"; lo and behold the former seems to be exactly the case https://hexbear.net/post/2170624

Their names are written differently. The person who posted the translation isn't even sure if the NWA person's name is "Ryoko" to begin with, which is also different from not Riyoko. They are not the same person.


Honestly worse if I'm wrong as that means NO communist link and her only political connections she has is with two LDP hags Seiko Noda and >>23389. I'm still sure I saw @njwa_nakama on twitter address her as an njwa supporter/member on the lead up to those LDP interviews. Ill pick thru my bookmarks later


LOL we have the same name-attachment


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Saw this one on 4ch /lgbt/ Lesbo yuri mangaka that has spoken infront of the diet to demand transphobic toilet bills and anti lgbt bills. It feels common place to find these types now, supported by some prominent mangaka as well.
Him being one


>yuri mangaka
How in the flying fuck does that make sense?


Mf being surprised when a fetishist does not actually respect the object of his fetish.


it kinda makes sense if you learn the origins of yuri.


>has spoken infront of the diet to demand transphobic toilet bills and anti lgbt bills
That's not what happened.


>le fetishism
A lesbian disliking trans people is pretty common actually.


idk if it’s a lesbian, usually yuri mangakas are men. General audience for yuri is usually dominated by men, not gay men, not trans men, but hetero cis men. I know that there is a vocal part if the lgbt community that seeks to throw everyone else in the community under the bus, but I have hunch that the author discussed in the original comment is a hetero man. If they are not a he then I was wrong and apologise for my comment that incorrectly assumed the writer was a fetishist.


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>Ill pick thru my bookmarks later
That would help since, again: was that actually Ikeda, the manga author, or their activist with a similar name that English speakers mistook as being "THE Riyoko Ikeda"? I can find absolutely nothing relating to her on that account, or even in replies to it: https://twitter.com/search?q=%E6%B1%A0%E7%94%B0%E7%90%86%E4%BB%A3%E5%AD%90%20njwa_nakama&src=typed_query&f=live

Just a bunch of unrelated "Ikedas": https://twitter.com/search?q=%E6%B1%A0%E7%94%B0%20from%3Anjwa_nakama&src=typed_query&f=live

So does this link actually exist at all? I did more research beyond this & found absolutely nothing. Even if there might have been something I was missing due to knowing little Japanese, wouldn't there be *something* that came up? People would've been talking about it beyond an English discussion that ended with "no, this Ikeda is not the same person". Still doubting this hugely.


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The need to "reclaim yuri from the straight cishet men" thing is silly. When you take yuri manga as a whole, there's really blatantly a colossal female presence even when you only include the stuff we, in the west, readily hear about. Some might argue "well this is about fetishization, and it's overwhelmingly men drawing porn, so they rule that sector" - I'd argue against that too as there's boatloads of female yuri authors drawing heavily sexualized stuff or outright porn, often for at least in large part a female audience and sometimes overwhelmingly for them. Sometimes this'll be well known in western yuri fandom as in the case of authors like Takano Saku, or obvious from browsing sites like Dynasty Scans and finding out about stuff like Mist Magazine. In other cases you'll find it in unexpected places. Rokuroichi published yuri stories in a primarily-hetero josei smut mag…

…and you wouldn't know where they come from if you just found them on English hentai websites. Then you have stuff like Motoyan-chan to Yurufuwa Kanojo that falls completely outside of western anglophone yuri fandom discourse; a yuri josei smut series also published in a mostly-hetero josei smut mag https://www.dlsite.com/girls-pro/fsr/=/title_id/TITLE00057602/from/work.titles

The only reason I found it was because I was browsing DLsite specifically looking for stuff that might fall outside of western coverage; god knows how much of it you can find in the wider manga industry given we're exposed to a very small selection of it, even taking obscure scanlations into account. Women tend to exceptionally like gay stuff in general, whether male or lesbian. It's extremely easy to find people who like or draw both and it's kind of a standard thing, NSFW artists included. I could name a ton more examples to make my point. But for some other very recent examples now that I have DLSite open in another tab we got https://www.dlsite.com/girls-pro/work/=/product_id/BJ01293535.html and https://www.dlsite.com/girls-pro/fsr/=/title_id/TITLE00268702/from/work.titles

Doing some research, I don't know the name of the artist she worked with to make Sempai to Watashi BUT Mori Natsuko is not a man; she's a bisexual woman very into yuri. However, while I don't know if
>has spoken infront of the diet to demand transphobic toilet bills and anti lgbt bills
on its own is true, and I'd like a direct source to confirm she went that far, she's definitely in that ideological ballpark with a very partisan "anti-woke" twitter https://twitter.com/MORI_Natsuko where she posts the usual stuff including "kink at pride" arguments and defending Abigail Shrier's Irreversible Damage as "not a discriminatory book". Even as someone with centrist cuck views on the trans kids debate (tl;dr: 'there is no such thing as a trans kid' is wrong, and adults don't 'need dysphoria to be trans'… BUT I think it's best to go full 'truscum'/'transmedicalist' when it comes to kids) I still think that's wrong; it's a clear trans panic book and, as someone who likes making and plugging anime lesbian porn, it's not a good look for her to carelessly defend a book that essentially says anime grooms kids into being trans. Would terfs & conservatives approve of the stuff she makes & likes? C'mon. Not even defending it as "yeah there's obviously bad shit in there but free speech includes dumbass speech" as you'd expect from other authors, but pretty explicitly defending the content and ideas of the book.

Shows the clear problem of hypocrisy that comes with being into "icky" anime stuff all your life then finding something that triggers you & going "I need to take a stand, pick a culture war side and FIGHT". Trans people can have a variety of views but allying with TERFs means you're inherently going against your own self interests because that's an ideology with clear dogmatic beliefs.

So basically >>24541 is right but replace lesbian with bisexual


Japanese politicians probably pushing 80 approved an incest manga collab to encourage youth to vote, neat.


Scoured through my twit bookmarks and could only find the initial announcement for the interview with Ikeda from @danjokyoku and no mention of njwa. It may have just been njwa nakama retweeting it. Appears I was wrong. So good/bad, she's not a prude and bad she has ties with ldp hags


"Megumin Linus doesn't exist, she can't hurt you."
Megumin Linus:


I just don't understand how someone can hate something they desire. I mean, I'd understand if it was some kind of "addiction" but hating something you go out of your way to look for? Must be some serious psychological repression.

But then again, I never had any negative perceptions of women in the first place so I can't really know.


She's a bisexual woman with what appear to be anti-trans views. She doesn't hate yuri or cis lesbian relationships.


>She's a bisexual woman with what appear to be anti-trans views.
Well, that makes way more sense. That's just your average TERF.


She supports Mio Sugita on Twitter! One of the most anti-LGBT politicians around where she is kept at a distance even in her party. The same politician that was friends with composer >>23711
>Would terfs & conservatives approve of the stuff she makes & likes?
Kind of shocking to find even Mio Sugita engages with her and buys her works



Okay yeah she does sound legit self-hating & not just a garden variety radfem; nevermind. I try to at least give people the benefit of the doubt that they're not self-destructive!


This is more surprising than >>24530
Angry gays being transphobic about trans folk encroaching on their space isnt shocking especially if you hang around BL circles. Always a new daily callout post for some transphobe artist there


>I don't imagine it's as freedom-loving as we are told
Idk how you read it and don't realize it's both-sideing the fictional conflict. One of the reporters who gets jailed for talking shit about the country is seen fabricating evidence like making kids dive into a dumpster to show that everyone is poor and starving.


It's funny when intersectionalist liberals are shocked time and time again whenever petit-bourgeois "minorities" are reactionary, which is like all the time. Almost like class matters more.


That reporter is described as believing everything that he reports though

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