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Why do people constantly call the saga of Tanya Mangaka a communist? just stumbled upon the guy's feed and it's full of boomer takes, SDF shilling(this is the complete antithesis of the JCP), and anti-communist retweets.

On top of that, Riyoko Ikeda(The Rose of Versailles) who was a member of the Japanese communist party in her youth is now doing interviews with LDP and butt buddies with a senior member. The Riyoko one is far more shocking than the nazi anime girl

There are some people who have what could be described as “fandom” brain, for these individuals ideology is a fandom and the idea of their favorite celebrity being part of this fandoms makes them happy.

People are also obsessed with moralising their consumerism thus seeking to use the author and their alleged ideologies as a way to justify their consumption of something. In this case people justifying their consumption of a shitty edgelord isekai trough the claim that the author is a communist satirising reactionaries. Which of course is very unlikely if you are familiar with the work.

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>Why do people constantly call the saga of Tanya Mangaka a communist?
Because he calls himself a "hobbyist communist" which some believe it's just a roundabout way to call yourself a communist. It's not like that.

you'll find a lot of artists and mangaka that love the aesthetics of communism, look up moe-miri its an overwhelmingly right wing circle but the amount of ppl in that circle that sport Stalin PFPs is surprising. Anyone supporting the military in Japan I can 100% guarantee you they arent communists.

>There are some people who have what could be described as “fandom” brain, for these individuals ideology is a fandom and the idea of their favorite celebrity being part of this fandoms makes them happy.
Precisely. Although leftists, like most other people who hold strong political opinions (including centrists), don't really come to their conclusion through cold reason either, it's usually some appeal to morality or something akin to this.

The manga artists are so brainwashed smh. It's like I'm reading the Lobster King's tweets.

So basically, Japan is Russia?

"Social democrat dressed in red aesthetics goes full fascist" is a tale as old as time, just look at ᴉuᴉlossnW who called Lenin an "authoritarian" when the Russian revolution happened, lmfao.

>just look at ᴉuᴉlossnW who called Lenin an "authoritarian"
Perhaps he didn't care that much about anti-authoritarianism in the first place, he always prioritized the welfare of his nation.

>>23165 (me)
It kinda reminds me of libsoc radlibs who claim to be anti-authoritarians but in reality are prioritizing the welfare of minorities and will be just as ruthless when they'll get in power as ᴉuᴉlossnW was.

in general most kyosan-shumi whether in japan or abroad are either socdems or the most insane rightoids you've ever met

>Wow you don't want to lynch minorities? Literally fascism
Fucking hate this gay ass world.

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i think he means a specific kind of natofag who will say that nuking yemeni kids is for trans rights or whatever as an evolution of the demogracy :DDD state department line

To be fair, tanya the evil can very easily be read as communist, or at the very least anti-capitalist. The whole premise is that a hyper capitalist japanese businessman who's a firm believer in social darwinism and meritocracy becomes a massively successful war criminal in proto-fascist Germany. Tanya, who is an anti-communist herself, is portrayed as an objectively bad person, being actively punished by literally God. Hell, the story even delves into the tragedy and horrors of war, and how it perpetuates cycles of endless mindless violence that corrupts even the kindest souls.

Of fucking course people would think the author is some kind of leftist. It's kind of insane that he isn't.

did you watch the movie where the studio in charge went "actually tanya is le based anticommie"

cool greentext strawman to show you couldnt understand a simple one sentence post. the use of "minorities" doesnt even pertain to marxism anyway

the light novels are way less sympathetic to tanya and her psychopathic ways iirc

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mangaka were hard leftists before the socialist party crumbled and now you see a lot of boomer takes from the old legends. Regarding the topic, you know how many mangakas collab with the ruling government? A shitload, the "Cool Japan campaign" was the smartest thing the incompetent right wing LDP did

>To be fair, tanya the evil can very easily be read as communist
I wouldn't say that, since Zen very clearly has a low opinion of the Soviet Union. Some form of anti-capitalism as well as criticism of hyper-individualism is definitely there though.
>Tanya, who is an anti-communist herself, is portrayed as an objectively bad person, being actively punished by literally God.
She's also portrayed as a hypocrite who doesn't even believe in her own ideological principles, and is guilty of the things she accuses her enemies of. She hates commies because they supposedly kill people who aren't opposing them, yet she goes out of her way to massacre civilians and slip by on technicalities. She openly says that she would be okay with taking away other people's freedom as long as nobody takes hers, etc. These behaviours are also self destructive, since all her efforts to secure a peaceful position in the rear by doling out more violence only push her further into harm's way, and cause her enemies to multiply and become more determined. Her obstinate refusal to acknowledge anything outside of her own ego literally dooms not just her but the Empire.
They also go into more detail about how miserable she is during the whole affair. Remember that this reincarnation was intended as a punishment, and it is effective as one. This is somewhat lost in the anime since they don't get into the internal monolgues as much.

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explains this scene ppl complained about

The communist aura was powerful enough for me to notice it when I was a libertarian/nazi teenager. I was like the one person who actually said that the USSR was based back when I was heavily into the black metal youtube scene. Just cuz I liked their aesthetics, to be fair I also liked nazism back in the days so eh.
The aesthetics of the ussr and a few communist/socialist countries have a certain homely sort of vibe which is missing in a lot of right-wing media. Even their depictions of joe schmoe tend to be rife with extravagance and pomp. Which is why Rosanne was such a popular tv show in the 80's.
what is this from/about?

just like euronymous lol

>Wow you don't want to lynch minorities? Literally fascism
Where the hell did you see this nonsense? Jeez, people on the Internet are so dumb.
I'm referring to those """"""anarchists"""""" whose political program isn't really that different from any authoritarian but they're gonna send you to labor camps for not being obedient progressive enough instead of holding different political opinions. Not talking about any anarchists or socberts, just the modern ones. Posties are cool too.

Does anti Korean = anti leftist? Cause I can point you to a lot of vile anti Korean mangaka.

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>what is this from/about?
Spy X Family. People were arguing whether or not the main country was a far-right or far-left authoritarian police state, but it's kind of made clear it's a far-left one from a reporter later on. Also, the transgender assistant mangaka to the spyxf mangaka makes the most rabid anti-trans mangaka so even worse than being an LDP policy shill

Anti-racism isn't synonymous with leftism but racism is reactionary and is used to justify capitalist exploitation so it can be tied to anti-communism very easily.

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Lain was one a lot pointed at with leftist themes. Who remembers that insane digimon fiasco with him? His alt-right reveal was the biggest blow to lain pfps everywhere.

I think it's ironic when Japanese rightoids are homophobic or transphobic, when homophobia was basically forced by the west on Japan.

just like nick land lmao
honestly this whole thread demonstrates that media having 'leftist themes' is fucking meaningless

I think the far-right promises you the ability to be boring while also getting edgelord cred

stop talking like a lib

The two things I know about Japan are war crimes and cartoons. They have to be connected!

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This might be relevant, caught from leftypol.

Back to this site again…

The ideas and ideologies that people have are heavily influenced by the environments that said people are in and have been in, and the contradictions of some authors' society also can manifest in their works. This is like the basic Marxist explanation, no? Subjugated to the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie and the Western empire that Japan is, there isn't much surprise to be expected that the tendency generally of popular culture industry is not revolutionary, nor is there much to be surprised about over the worthlessness of many ostensibly radical Japanese political organizations, as if even the bourgeois political parties in Japan, while their sovereignty is nonexistent and territory is by American bases occupied, could exercise much in the way of revolutionary policies; further, the presence of "anti-capitalist" hints or the allegation of aesthetic sympathies for revolution does not necessarily mean that there is substantial/substantive revolutionary socialist content in the works put into question. To not like capitalism is easy to claim, but to supply the constructive and revolutionary project that sublates the capitalist regime is far more difficult, on top of which importantly should, for the Communist, it be understood that the pace of socialist construction and the development of socialist consciousness don't necessarily have to match. Many fascists, anarchists, or Westernized Marxists sell themselves as anti-capitalist ideologues and trenchant social critics, but then ultimately degenerate into partisans of the bourgeoisie's liberal order, at the times when the red lines get to be really marked out. Also to slightly digress to another topic, to demand that the popular media that you consoom must be "leftist" sort of has the vibe of Hegel's "beautiful-soul", which does not come off like very the happy way to live.
At the flip side, that reflected over the origin, Russia is superstructurally supposed to be pro-capitalistic, yet its geopolitics, the organization of its economy, and the ways that its officials think indicate that the legacy of the Soviet Union continues not merely at superficial level there.

>suggestions for sociaIist culture works

If you want socialist media stuff, then succeed in the Communist revolution and also check out the works from the ecosystems of Soviet Union, China, and such (potentially Russia also?).

The antagonistic polarization of politics on questions of sexuality is quite imported from Western cultural discourse, but it is not as though the non-West and non-white cultures did not possess the notion that heterosexuality was the norm, and excessive controversy over LGBTQ on both sides of the cultural conflict are Westernistic phenomena, because most Asian cultures would be heteronormative but neither loudly anti-homosexuality nor pro-homosexuality, as the emphasis would be on the harmony of society. The president of Russia, also, had not very different the opinion on those issues, conservative and still respectful of difference, it is said. That the American culture wars and their considerable psychoticness, in any case, have poisoned worldwide discourse is another pernicious consequence of liberal hegemony.

And here is the obligatory, for anyone interested: https://open.substack.com//pub/karimibnrashid/p/only-the-proleteriat-can-commit-suicide ?

To be fair, somewhat fairly justifiable criticism of the experimental vaccines also came from the Left's people, or some progressive tendencies of the world at least, like the president of Venezuela, N. Maduro, & other, & even some people from the PSL had criticized, from the Web at least, the attempts of pharmaceutical companies to profiteer off the deliveries of boosters & such. And mask mandates are better to demand than vaccine mandates, because vaccines cannot be easily swapped on and off, like the former.

>Russia is leftist
You can claim that China is leftist but this is so incredibly stupid that it makes me want to die just to not see this shit take ever again.

I hate this site sometimes.

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Osamu Tezuka. The guy had to much of his works serialized in right wing papers

>a country can be 'leftist' at all
What a useless descriptor, holy shit.

tfw your favorite nsfw artist with 130k followers is an old TERF that retweets anti trans shit all day

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Speaking of moe miri this is the new ministry's of defenses mascot. It's a guy

brb joining the jsdf

This thread really is just a compilation of shitty people and I'm down with it. Stolen from thd LGBT thread, not a mangaka but a famous singer for sailor moon and Dragon Ball. Also Yoshiyuki sadamoto who is a racist anti Korean and war crime denier.

japanese boomer fascists must be having strokes from stuff like this.

sadamoto completely vanished following this post, he hasn't worked much since. The korean backlash was massive, Evangelion is just as big there as it is in japan

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The anime director removed all of the right wing imagery from the manga.

like what


Well, that explains why Sadamoto was AWOL for the latter half of the Rebuilds.

It's from a Korean wiki that records reactionary mangakas so translation abit off.

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the whole Bae Yong-joon(Korean actor) having his head blown off was a bit of a giveaway as to where the creator's mindset was. A far better reading is below. High School of the Dead is a guilty pleasure for me. The scene was somewhat changed in the anime, I think he compliments his good looks and in the manga he mocks him.


Personally, I think that HOTD is so over the top in its fascist wankery it feels like it was written as a parody of what a fascist manga would look like. There's no subtlety in anything.

Based anime director.

>I think that HOTD is so over the top in its fascist wankery it feels like it was written as a parody of what a fascist manga would look like.
People say that about a lot of stuff, but its pretty hard to distinguish between an "ironic" portrayal of fascism that's really over the top and the ravings of some retard who actually thinks like that. At least with Tanya the Evil there are the obvious self-destructive outcomes of her actions which indicate that the story isn't an endorsement of her views, even if Carlo Zen is a lib.

Unlikely, fashoids are just extremely retarded, like very retarded. They believe in atlantis and shit. Here is an american movie that was made by burger vets , please read the plot synopsis:

Righwingers constantly bemoan how degenerate modern entertainment is, but the moment they get to create anything all their psychosexual pathologies spill out and the product is the genuinely repulsive garbage. Like look at the Daily Wire, Ben Shapiro wanted to represent "conservative values" lacking in mainstream movies, and what filmography did they produce? Shitty exploitation movies and low-brow comedies.

"Conservative values" are about being vulgar and unfunny.

Exactly! This happens everywhere, and it seems like their “comedies” are especially cruel, like they will have scenes of character abusing each other and we are expected to laugh just because.

remember when the uzaki chan creator retweeted some far right garbage that antifa was dressed up as Trump supporters and invading the capital lmao

>a Jap caring about American politics
What the Internet does to an mf, smh.

Watch Japanese news channels on youtube. There's always at least one report about what's happening in America. It's not just a case of internet poisoning.

It occurred around when all the libs were screaming uzaki=pedo and I always wondered if they pushed the creator towards that shit.

News poisoning. Got it.

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Honestly most posted in this thread I wouldn't really have trouble distinguishing their political ideology. Didn't the later tanya movies and mangaka go really hard on the anti communist themes? I also recall the creator going hard on the communist party for wanting to ban loli porn.. .

>I also recall the creator going hard on the communist party for wanting to ban loli porn.
Huh, what's that gotta do with communism?
I wish political parties could just hone in on their main objective without slowing down a thousand different sidequests that add to the list of things for voters to factor in.

It's called "being a vassal state".

Not japan exclusive, pretty much all countries televise a lot of mews from america. America has succesfully put itself into the center of the world and people from other countries have no choice but to consume american media/news etc.

Unfortunately, many leftist political parties focus more on conservative/progressive policies than anything else, that's just the reality of things.

This is stupid, people care more about American nothingburgers than what's going on in their own country. I am aware of what's going on in America too but I don't have such a bizarre hyperfixation on it, news are supposed to be informative. Instead it's just some irrelevant events and culture war nonsense. Like, I wouldn't even expect the Japs to know about the Capitol Hill storming, let alone have an opinion on it.

Why can't people be like Hideo Kojima, Hiroyuki Imaishi and Hirohiko Araki and borrow influences from the American and European culture instead of Atlanticist politics?

Sure, but in most countries they do it when something really relevant happens.
>Like, I wouldn't even expect the Japs to know about the Capitol Hill storming, let alone have an opinion on it.
But that was a big thing, you can't compare it to culture war nonsense.

Yes, big… in America. And why are the Japs even discussing it? Why do they care so much? I have no clue.

you have no idea how huge january 6 was. Yes in reality it was just bunch of dumbasses messing around, but for a moment entire lib population of the world thought that the apocalypse had begun. Liberals in nato countries are terrified of to the slight possibility of trump winning the next us elections. America is the center of the world for free market supporters.

A bunch of retarded rednecks assaulted the Parliament of the (unfortunately) most powerful nation of earth, I think it makes sense for people outside the USA to care.

Fair but libs are shittin' and pissin' every single time Trump and his supporters do something outrageous so I wouldn't assume whatever they view as the "apocalypse" to be a serious issue, lol.

I work at a toyota plant in the us with a lot of Japanese workers. I was just in the lunch room and one of them was watching a youtube video about Trump on his laptop.

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The crazy thing this happened right before a massive election and they did terribly. They backtracked a little after and said they didn't want to ban it but would work to teach people that loli=CSEM and artists should be taught that it's not good to create it and they hope they would self-regulate it out of existence.

I don't support banning lolishit cause it's impossible to enforce, but I support the alternative solution they ended up falling back on.

>Liberals in nato countries are terrified
Hate to bust you bubble, but nobody outside of US cares.

>Didn't the later tanya movies and mangaka go really hard on the anti communist themes?
Yeah but not much more so than that volume of the LN. Tayna's seething hatred of communism is there in the books, but like everything else it comes back to bite her in the ass. It's just that the movie left off before that happened. Keep in mind that Zen has a fairly normie tier understanding of Soviet performance in WW2, which is that it was hopelessly inept at the start but became more effective over time. This is how the war on the Eastern Front plays out in the books as well.
The real test of whether the anime will remain true to the critical elements of the books will be how they handle season 2, which should sync up with volume 5 when shit really starts going downhill for the Empire.

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Major oof. Versailles was 100% written with a leftist mindset so her keeping shitty friends now days doesn't change much.

Idk what you are talking about, where I live people are pretty fucking obsessed with US, politicians were discussing the possibility of Trump winning as if it would mean the end of Nato.

In 2016, kind of, but nobody cares about January 6th, and right now, also nobody seems to care about Trump winning again.

Hm, I said that I don't understand why Japan is obsessed with US politics but then I remember that the only four topic the news in my country show are wars, the president, America being evil and how the Sleepy Joe is SO UNHEALTHY and how Trump is LE CHAD. But then again, is something like that on Japanese national television? If so then maybe the LDP wants to gain support from Republicans.

>Hm, I said that I don't understand why Japan is obsessed with US politics
They are US puppet state with no independent politics, why wouldn't they be?

Well, I didn't expect it to be that dependent on the US. It has its own culture and national interests I assumed.

It's the ultimate L for all netouyos, lmao. Imagine a country being such a doormat.

Lately they've been obsessed with kurdish refugees ruining Japan.

LDP has a dedicated PR guy who collabs with pretty cure for the MAFF ministry..

Wait, is LDP just the Republican Party but Japanese?
>LDP has a dedicated PR guy who collabs with pretty cure
Why Pretty Cure?

The LDP is the LDP. Stop trying to fit everything into America.

Well, it's just that non-American conservative parties copy Republican rhetoric often. It's not me trying to fit everything into America, it's just an observational fact. Modern conservatism, like capitalism and globalism, has its source in America. Though, like with capitalism, bombing America doesn't mean conservatism will disappear out of existence.

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>Wait, is LDP just the Republican Party but Japanese?
It's a big tent of right-wing factions and probably has some crazy republican rhetoric deep down but all that anti-vaccine/anti-ukraine rhetoric is ostracized. It's still a horridly scandal-ridden party
>Why Pretty Cure
It's to do with the LDP's Cool Japan softpower campaign where it pushes anime on everyone and everything. So every government ministry has some anime collab reppin it. Most ministries also have a vtuber doing promos for them.


>It's to do with the LDP's Cool Japan softpower campaign where it pushes anime on everyone and everything.
Yeah, I get it but why Pretty Cure?

What would be the politics of someone like this?

I can only imagine someone in that specific ministry really liked Pretty Cure or the mangaka approached them. A lot of these collabs feel out of place.

He is a new-left member in the series if I remember right. Communist militants formed off student movement groups in Japan, no real relation to the current Japanese Communist Party as they are all about no aggression.

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popped up on my feed just now. Some major lib activist crying his hero/teacher the legendary Akiman is a right wing boomer. Akiman responded by shilling some shitty culture warriors biography. both children

Where are you when we need you so much, Japanarchists? Plz come back. 😢


I heard Pretty Cure is huge in Japan across multiple demographics, although I cannot confirm this because I don't live in Japan. I guess it's like Demon Slayer in that regard, it's just something that has such an incredible hype in Japan but it's more of a nerd thing overseas.

Pretty Cure is the franchise for little girls, and it's popular among otaku and young adult women. It's a children show that can deal with important issue without the cynicism that taints media for teenagers and adults. Of course, this means that jaded adults probably won't like the optimistic outlook of PreCure.

I'm more jaded than most adults so 99.99% of shows feel to me like children's shows feel to other adults. But with that mindset I can only read Lovecraft and Kafka so beggars can't be choosers I guess. Therefore I chose to read whatever I find interesting, no matter how naive. I disagree with most of the stuff that's made anyway so why even care at this point? It's all just liberal propaganda, if I wanted to read something as jaded as me I'd read a philosophy book.

>>23429 (me)
Although watching something similar to Lovecraft and Kafka would be pretty based ngl.

>>23430 (me)
Also, the idea of magical girls seems pretty interesting to me, and rejecting anything cute and positive is kinda spooked. Why should I reject something just because of its lighthearted atmosphere? If the more lighthearted atmosphere is the main reason why it's targetted at little girls then I see no reason not to watch it, even if I feel a bit awkward about it.

Just keep in mind that the target audience is elementary school girls and you'll be fine.

Pretty sure he's supposed to be a Japanese Red Army member, so he'd be a Maoist.

>Just keep in mind that the target audience is elementary school girls and you'll be fine.
That sounds weird. You make it sound like it's some kind of psychological torture.

For some people it can be.

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This one is the funniest. A series revolving entirely around spies promoting ldp government face identifications.

Okay, got it. SpyXF is an LDP propaganda piece. I'm not watching it then. Not like I was interested in Yotsuba&! clones anyway.

That's not what I meant at all.

Okay, I don't get it then. Why should I keep that in mind? Is my experience gonna get worse otherwise?

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Ostania also has Marx bux! We also haven't seen Westalis yet and I don't imagine it's as freedom-loving as we are told

>Is my experience gonna get worse otherwise?
If you approach a show made for children and expect it to be like a show made for adults, yes.

I mean, a show is a show. What is made for adults is not necessarily made for me. There are so many ads and so many people screaming to me: "TRY IT, YOU WILL LIKE THIS!!" and I'm like: "Leave me alone."

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LDP knows how to use anime to placate the public and manga creators seem all the willing to do so sadly. Some of these police collab do go kinda hard tho. One using dynasty warriors to protest yakuza. Cao Cao representing the anti gang force and Lieu Bei as the yakuza.

>Ghost in the Shell
Of course.
Wtf? That's a cute classcuck tho.
>anti-yakuza Dynasty Warriors
Wtf? Using feudal lords to fight the yakuza? Yeah, fight fire with fire, why not?

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hiroya oku is a known netuyoku and constantly crying about PC culture and not getting a netflix show on twitter lol. Also heavily supports AI art


She is still related to the communist party. She is apart of NWA which is a Japanese communist radfem group busy trying to ban porn.

Maybe he should spend more time working on his writing because gantz was terrible.

Gantz was great. He also wrote a manga about killing 2chaners. How is he right wing?

For realzies I'd like to hear what you gantz haters consider great manga. I'm open to finding something superior. It better not be some gay shit like One Piece.

Cause he constantly spews right-wing rhetoric? the guy spews some incredibly dumb things that get him trending often in Japan and even western news sites and puts even the most vile anti-feminists to shame. Gantz also starts strong and degrades super fast and I rather enjoyed the vampire arc which most hate

>Gantz was great.
I mean if you just like meaningless combat with no story no characters and crappy cg art I guess it's fine

That tall bitch with the big tits was cool though

>the vampire arc
The vampires had an arc? I thought he just forgot about them.

Where did he lean?

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>I think the far-right promises you the ability to be boring while also getting edgelord cred
I think it's more of a promise of renewed relavence. This isn't just an anime thing either. Most of the people that go rightoid are people that haven't been relevant for years. Lain and Digimon Tamers were over 20 years ago by that time Konaka went full retard and who even heard of the Shamwow guy after 2008?

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Toriyama was an incredibly secluded man. The one political thing he was involved in was the attached image, it got him a lot of hate. He did a bunch of pro-nuclear PR when the entire leftist shtick during the 1970s-1990s was being anti-nuclear and to this day it remains that way.
Konaka always probably leaned into rw shit from the beginning, but the reason he became non-relevant is due to his close friend Ryutaro Nakamura dying around 2013. The man stopped working around here for a good decade. Also shamwow is now a shitty right-wing political podcast guy? embarrassing!

>The one political thing he was involved in was the attached image, it got him a lot of hate. He did a bunch of pro-nuclear PR
Based. All the green anime guys are lame.

Apparently Frieza was based on 1990s Japanese real estate speculators, whom he hated and described as "the worst sort of people."

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i remember my Touhou binge and was reading all of Minato Hitori stuff and then eventually found myself on the ministry of defenses main site reading his works there. Found out hes a big military promoter

This one stung the most. Chiaki responded to every single email in depth about anything, especially digimon and now he never responds. Supposedly he's writing for a game called Kowloon curse which looks interesting.

It's this simple thing. The manga artist he seems to interacts most with draws SDF propaganda and considers himself moe miri

MTF trans mangaka writing anti trans manga is weird and probably abit deeper than just being right wing. Especially with her earlier trans works

might be one of those people who succeed at something and then proceed to integrate into the majority that used to discriminate against them, like how some immigrants will turn into chinlets the moment they see less white immigrants moving in.

The climate in Japan is just wild. The dragon quest composer who died was celebrated by everyone in Japan even though he was far-right and super anti-lgbt. In the west he was oveewhemingly mocked and that's why cartoons are superior to anime

> gay fascism
I mean it could be worse

who the fuck cares about the views of a fucking video game composer lol



gay fascism might actually be worse, it’s superior to normal fascism in all possible ways. The age nazism has passed, we will have starshiptroopers style woke fascism with pronouns and race science replaced by culture and ethnicity based discrimination.

probably cause he did tons of work for anime as well

>In the west he was oveewhemingly mocked
I understand that his views are stupid but Xitter's """satire""" is as bland and boring as Stephen Colbert. It won't come even close to South Park or the Brits when Thatcher died, lmao.
>that's why cartoons are superior to anime
But they borrow from each other constantly…

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if you know, you know. It caused quite a reaction

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They added precure into compulsory education recently over there recently lmao

People care because Dragon Quest is a bona fide cultural phenomenon over there
he had anime credits, Cyborg 009 is probably his biggest, but none were for series at anywhere close to the same level of influence or fame.
but yeah, boomer has bad politics, not like he bombed countries himself or anything

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learning butcha-u is ur culture war obsessed anti-sjw scared of gays in media is a little shocking

Wasn't this the guy who made porn about Hooters? Not surprised he has burger brainrot

liking american comics is not "burger brainrot"

>the guy who makes monster rape cuck/NTR porn scared by pretty boys is an anti sjw
and you're surprised by this?

I don't know how else you could possibly like them

Dude also lesbos up western characters a lot though. No doubt has some supergirl+power girl pairing out there

The Taimanin creator spouts similar stuff just not that heavy-handed, so not all that shocking tbh. I recall another thread mentioning how the Japanese hentai game scene is it's own bubble of shit.

Why care about the private lives of the authors of stuff you like/dislike? I know context is important but I don't look up whether the people behind whatever media are 'leftists' or not before engaging with it…

If it's only about curiosity then that's fine I guess.

The best eroge writers I know (usually from stuff before 2010) are some sort of leftist.

>Why do people constantly call the saga of Tanya Mangaka a communist
To make /pol/ seethe, see >>801

those are clearly joke tweets lost in translation tbh. been kinda explained in thread already

I understand that, some of the explanations about that in the thread were mine, but what I meant the narrative of him being communist was mostly propagated for the sake of trolling 4chan rightoids.

Can't believe no one mentioned Oda. Not sure if he's actually leftist but One Piece is fun to read from a lefty perspective.

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Makoto Kobayashi, the man is deep into right-wing politics and not the boomer stuff. Like pro-Putin, elon dick riding and pro impeaching Biden lmao
I need to delve into one piece someday, Im interested to know if there are any interviews/discussions regarding him and any leftist issues?

Heh never knew that. Been a fan of his designs for decades.

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Fascism is arguably pornographic in its nature, and many fascists were extremely degenerate bourgeois radicals or lumpenproletarian terrorizers of the populace. The Soviets and basically every other Communist country heavily restricted the production of pornographic media, as anti-woman as it is. Also, nowadays Putin is generally good.

gyattdamn, that cat can rape my nanking any day

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I remember a Twitter thread from one of the jojo animators where they discussed how a mangaka union would never exist cause they all hate each other in the background. Also a lot of mangaka in this thread are from the cartoonist association, it's a big group of manga cozy with LDP that lobby for benefits for themselves. Fuck em

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Found his social media and he is a supporter of Sanseito and has even drawn art for one of them, so expected. The thing with these types is they aren't afraid to support lefties on certain issues if it's to bash the LDP. He will retweet some communist/reiwa bashing LDP and the next tweet is repeal all lgbt rights! deny all foreigners! It's crazy how many of these weird niche right wing parties exist in Japan now.

>Those god damn anarchists told me to not use a slur once and now I am angry!
Lol. LMAO even.

>Also, the transgender assistant mangaka to the spyxf mangaka makes the most rabid anti-trans mangaka so even worse than being an LDP policy shill
Wut? Did you have a stroke or ESL since I did not catch what you mean and now I am curious to that and pic related on your post.

the Spyxf creator has a trans assistant who is anti-trans, think Blaire White. That image attached is from a manga she made about trans ppl entering toilets to molest people and has a blog where she complains about trans in sports and stuff.

Yeah I see now. Sadly I do see a lot of these types and to answer someone else's point it is a lot like the Blaire white thing >>24041 brought up. There'a a scummy trend of passing (and usually straight) transwomen shitting on other transwomen since they can either blend into cisociety better or they are feminine enough that even chinlets will ignore their trans status.

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>trans mangaka doesn't agree with some Western trans rhetoric
That's not exactly fair to say this without context. You're talking about Mafuyu Konishi, right?
From the translation I found of the images you posted she doesn't sound unreasonable, just politely cautious about an LGBT bill's legal terms treading on the rights of other people. As far as I know she only made this small statement. The only other thing relative to trans people is her semi-autobiographical manga-works. From everything I've seen she's barely ever talked about trans rights relative to the law, and certainly wasn't saying anything anti-trans, only pointing out how sexual predators could abuse the law, which is a legitimate concern that affects trans people too BTW.

Seeing the manga first hand is even worse lol. She also talked about trans not being allowed in sports. If you're actually aware of the bill, it was the most useless piece of legislation and nothing in that manga came close to happening with its enactment.

>Seeing the manga first hand
So you didn't even see it and passed a judgement on her based on hearsay? Wow. And how is it worse?
>She also talked about trans not being allowed in sports
What specifically did she say? Just saying "She talked about sports" tells me nothing.
I found her blog-post on sports, nothing about it is inherently wrong or bad. She's addressing a real issue and isn't attacking anyone or hurting anyone, just stating facts and wondering what could be done, admitting that she doesn't know everything and is just thinking 'out loud'
Translating a section of her post she says;
>"Sports are exciting to watch because they are fair competitions, and fairness should be maintained…right? …It's no good, I don't have an answer. I have to keep thinking about it so that one day I can say my answer with confidence…"
Which is a civil, fair opinion to express. Stop being transphobic just because she doesn't conform to your opinions.
>If you're actually aware of the bill, it was the most useless piece of legislation and nothing in that manga came close to happening with its enactment.
The bill was enacted in July of 2023, months after the manga was published in early March of 2023, before revisions to the original Bill. Furthermore if you read the manga-piece she's not responding purely to the bill but the questions that prompted this bill and what concerns there would be in the possible future. None of this was stated out of derogatory self-hatred or hatred or others, and is instead a concern for other people as well, politely addressing how other people may feel. As a person in her position she has a right to express an opinion, especially when it's not just emotionally lashing out at others but an actual consideration of the gap between legal intent and execution and how it impacts people.

Creating manga based on right-wing lies and complete fear-mongering isn't reasonable. Everything in that manga was spouted by the extreme right in the leadup to the bills introduction to block it and in the end, it worked, the bill got gutted by the restoration and DPP. Hell, the initial tweet of hers is full of lgbt folk and lawyers calling her manga complete fear-mongering trash

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>rightwing lies
Disingenuous; the only remotely close thing to that was the section man entering a bathroom with women. Considering there are actual real-life precedents where a Male-to-Female trans who was not fully transitioned raped/harassed cis women. An example would be a woman imprisoned at Riker's who was harassed and raped by a MtF trans-woman who had not transitioned fully and there are other such cases.

As a disclaimer, to any /pol/shitters seeking to misrepresent my words: this is not in any way or form implying that trans people are 'more likely' to sexually harass women or any other such bad-faith rhetoric, and trans people certainly face sexual harassment as well; In fact an under-discussed aspect of the bathroom debate is that FtM trans would also be at higher risk of increased sexual assault as well, especially considering aggressive dynamics in male bathrooms. While I most feminist rhetoric is bourg and non-socialist (See Zetkin and Marx) one aspect I have read and agree with is that male-women rape dynamics are differentiated, resulting in different sorts of abuse and harassment, which becomes unfortunately muddled with this question, especially as it is extremely emotional to many people.
To get back on point; The ONLY thing I'm saying is that bad-faith actors exist in any group of people and cis women have a right to feel comfortable and safe just as much as trans people do, that is a consideration people must keep in mind and that is what Mafuyu is saying. She quite literally states repeatedly that "Discrimination at any level is wrong" and "we've (LGBT) been discriminated a lot by some people." So she is in no way transphobic or denying transphobia, and to accuse or dismiss her opinion and experiences as invalid is toxic behavior.

>Everything in that manga was spouted by the extreme right in the leadup to the bills introduction to block it

The right wing says a lot of things and often latch on to otherwise neutral statements. , just because the rightwing may say something does not make a talking point in and of itself right-wing. Regardless, it has nothing to do with her, she's not a policy maker, right-wingers didn't find her manga and suddenly have a Eureka moment and use it as a reason to block the bill, so it's irrellevant.

>the initial tweet of hers is full of lgbt folk and lawyers calling her manga complete fear-mongering

And just as many lgbt people saying the opposite; people, trans or otherwise have different opinions on an individual level, who knew!?

Regardless I do not with to continue this discussion because the sensitivity of the topic is starting to derail into an identity politics debate and that belongs in the existing >>>/siberia/ thread for it. Good bye.

PS. I don't even like Spy X Family so I have no personal investment in it or the mangaka, I'm just mature enough to not impulsively demonize a person for expressing a personal opinion on a topic that is quite literally relevant to their identity and experiences.

saw a few trending callout tweets from libs trying to cancel him recently and he thought they were supporting him.

>cis women have a right to feel comfortable and safe just as much as trans people do

Respectfully disagree. I don't think anyone should have the "right" to order society based on their own perceived "feelings" of "comfort."

Society is a collective made up of individuals and while what benefits the collective is certainly important and mostly benefits individuals on a wider scale, we shouldn't neglect individuals either. There needs to be a balance and I believe any human being has the right to be safe, that's quite literally how societies began to form, as collectives banding together to provide mutual safety and help with one another (I'm being simplistic but still). This obviously doesn't guarantee safety, but does improve it, only now instead of literal animal predators, the problems of society are human predators, sexual or not, who would harass, rape or kill people and find any way possible to do so and to avoid retribution for it. Honestly compared to, say, Mexico the USA is quite safe for trans people, I've seen more than enough gut-churning, horrifying murders, drive-bys and so on, targeting women and trans people over there for reasons ranging from violent urges to denial of sexual advances to simple crackhead-rage. Seeing that both IRL and on 4/gif/ has made me value the idea of peoples' right to safety a lot more. It's not just women and trans people either, men are in this too, if you've ever seen a cartel playing football with flayed heads in the street you'd share that horror.

Polite sage for offtopic; I only want to make people understand that while we shouldn't encourage snowflake behaviour, neither should we dismiss people's fears either, as that toxic attitude in the USA is at least part of what leads to incels and sh*oters and other horrific violence. People on both sides of (for example) the trans argument are so heated and volatile that it's only increasing hatred, segregation and hate-crimes from either side, and people that try to be objective, calm and non-partisan are attacked from both sides because of burger attitudes of "if you're not with us, you're against us" an attitude that has been on the rise ever since Bush Jr. said it during the 9/11 war propaganda days.

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Hahaha the japanese communist party is a joke. Better of supporting the lefty elements in CDP than these shitters

I think people actually being safe is one thing, and yeah people do have a right to a reasonable level of safety. My contention mainly is with the assertion that people have a right to "feel" a certain way and that society should be policed based on these feelings.

I think for some people the issue of perceived safety is just a back door for their bigotry. Like the example in this thread of some woman being assaulted by a trans person. I think the emphasis is wrongly placed on the identity of the assailant. Okay, a trans woman committed sexual assault, so why is the talk about trans people in bathrooms instead of banning violent offenders from these spaces? If I said that black men need to have their own bathroom because one assaulted a woman and they have a "right to feel safe," I'd be correctly called a bigot. I don't think the intention is actually to protect people so much as normalize the idea that certain cohorts are just "naturally dangerous."

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Junichi Inoue is a letfist mangaka but also does manga destroying the opposition party(DPJ) for being absolute trash. Truly partisan mangakas are pretty hard to find unless they are in weirdo parties like >>24038

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The safest countries in the world are also where people feel in danger the most.

>the law should be fair to all
this bill was to make lgbt people have all the same protections as the stacks of bills protecting religious and everyday people that exists already. so it's not fair in the least bit.

>feels > reels
K then.

>old politician proudly holding manga about a big breasted high school girl
most people would see this as weird behavior.

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What type of politics is this?
I know a few eroge devs from beat angel escalayer that support the socialist party, a lot do get caught up in anti-feminist stuff and eventually fall into neto-uyo activities
He had like 20 articles because of this tweet

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Nobuteru yuuki is a rw hack and came to his defense and avoided the korean wrath somehow.
Terumi Nishii(jojo animator) is based. Constantly fighting for unionizing, but not an easy feat in japan.

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Is he? He is Russian, but incredibly edgy racist

skibidi toilet is communist propaganda…

isn’t he georgian?

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Best government collabs right here

lol is that pissxsis?

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Literally /pol/ manga in a nutshell. Its release had the media lambasting it all over and a lot of mangaka like M. Hokazono were downplaying its anti-Korean contents. It looks to mirror a lot of rhetoric spouted in the west by culture war-ridden rwers, anyone read this? Why I'm posting it here is cause the artist is primarily a yaoi artist…

no, thats the other incest manga

>Sailor Moon condoms
The fuck? Next you'll say there are Pretty Cure condoms too…
>anyone read this?
Reactionary propaganda is the opposite of what Interests me in anime and manga. I want to be reminded of the actual Japanese ultranationalism as little as possible in my manga unless the mangaka's trolling it. "Haha, the emperor? He's cringe, fuck this guy."

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This is probably an oversimplification; back in 1997 the then-head of the New Japan Women's Association was on the same page as Shotaro Ishinomori regarding censorship of "problematic"/"harmful-to-youth" manga https://twitter.com/bowwowolf/status/1544676458844635139 and for a long time attacking that stuff was the domain of conservative politicians, with the JCP going against it. I get the feeling their recent positions, especially regarding manga, are more just "confused boomers going with the flow" and "the flow" now, for a lot of self-described right AND left wing people, is tilted against "degenerate"/"harmful" media.

I very hugely doubt Ikeda agrees with those specific views of the modern NWA just as I very hugely doubt she fully sees eye-to-eye with her conservative friends. Is she *at all* involved with their recent actions regarding porn & "harmful" manga? I can't find any connection with Google. On the other side of the coin, has she actually supported explicitly right-wing *views* instead of merely being friends with some right-wingers, or doing interviews with them? The current efforts of the NWA would stigmatize a ton of the work of her peers, including women who drew manga with pretty progressive ideas yet "icky" sexual themes. She's from the same generation as Shotaro Ishinomori and Osamu Tezuka, who were undeniably left-wing (note there's a "Tezuka scholar" who goes around claiming Tezuka completely distanced himself from the JCP later in his life, which is not true; he still supported them, albeit, from what I gather, mainly from the anti-war perspective of "they're the only party that won't wimp out to America & will truly oppose war"). Nonetheless Ishinomori still published one of his manga in the right-wing Sankei Shimbun, and Tezuka published MANY of his manga there. Yet they didn't actually alter their views to pander. Some of the most explicitly left-wing content in Astro Boy people often point to was IN THE SANKEI SHIMBUN RUN. At one point he even contributed to a LDP newsletter while still being a JCP supporter.

What I'm saying is people from that generation seemed/seem pretty open to reaching out to political groups they disagreed with, even publishing their own work in such papers & magazines, without cucking out on their own beliefs as a result.

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Not to mention, we all know Tezuka was a big fan of Carls Barks' duck comics. Despite being self-aware & self-critical, Barks' Scrooge was absolutely a capitalist character written from the perspective of a guy with capitalist views. I highly doubt Tezuka agreed with this stuff, but he still liked Barks & his work.

>I highly doubt Tezuka agreed with this stuff, but he still liked Barks & his work.
Many people like Carl Barks's comics and DuckTales in general, anon. People don't read stuff that aligns with their political opinions all the time.

That's my point, though. And I think it helps that, again, Barks was pretty self-aware about his views & portrayed his characters in a generally humanistic way; Donald wasn't treated spitefully as a strawman for not liking Scrooge's behavior & attitudes and both characters were likely made out of different parts of the author's own identity and worldviews.

>I very hugely doubt Ikeda agrees with those specific views of the modern NWA
I agree with a fair bit here, but she is one of the new japan association members leading the remove porn from convenience stores

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I checked mercari and the condoms go anywhere from 100+ with poster
gits poster 120, spyxf social security cards poster 50
the stop terrorism poster gits 500, hatsune poster 300+. Can't find that dynasty warriors anywhere

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>but she is one of the new japan association members leading the remove porn from convenience stores
Do you have a source proving this statement?

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Alright, after trying to search everything in Japanese that I possibly could and finding absolutely nothing at all (I know Ikeda was involved with women's lib but I couldn't even find evidence of her being involved with this specific group, let alone its modern incarnation), not even one single Japanese person talking about it, I figured "you probably got the info from an English source and either misread it or the source was wrong to begin with"; lo and behold the former seems to be exactly the case https://hexbear.net/post/2170624

Their names are written differently. The person who posted the translation isn't even sure if the NWA person's name is "Ryoko" to begin with, which is also different from not Riyoko. They are not the same person.

Honestly worse if I'm wrong as that means NO communist link and her only political connections she has is with two LDP hags Seiko Noda and >>23389. I'm still sure I saw @njwa_nakama on twitter address her as an njwa supporter/member on the lead up to those LDP interviews. Ill pick thru my bookmarks later

LOL we have the same name-attachment

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Saw this one on 4ch /lgbt/ Lesbo yuri mangaka that has spoken infront of the diet to demand transphobic toilet bills and anti lgbt bills. It feels common place to find these types now, supported by some prominent mangaka as well.
Him being one

>yuri mangaka
How in the flying fuck does that make sense?

Mf being surprised when a fetishist does not actually respect the object of his fetish.

it kinda makes sense if you learn the origins of yuri.

>has spoken infront of the diet to demand transphobic toilet bills and anti lgbt bills
That's not what happened.

>le fetishism
A lesbian disliking trans people is pretty common actually.

idk if it’s a lesbian, usually yuri mangakas are men. General audience for yuri is usually dominated by men, not gay men, not trans men, but hetero cis men. I know that there is a vocal part if the lgbt community that seeks to throw everyone else in the community under the bus, but I have hunch that the author discussed in the original comment is a hetero man. If they are not a he then I was wrong and apologise for my comment that incorrectly assumed the writer was a fetishist.

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>Ill pick thru my bookmarks later
That would help since, again: was that actually Ikeda, the manga author, or their activist with a similar name that English speakers mistook as being "THE Riyoko Ikeda"? I can find absolutely nothing relating to her on that account, or even in replies to it: https://twitter.com/search?q=%E6%B1%A0%E7%94%B0%E7%90%86%E4%BB%A3%E5%AD%90%20njwa_nakama&src=typed_query&f=live

Just a bunch of unrelated "Ikedas": https://twitter.com/search?q=%E6%B1%A0%E7%94%B0%20from%3Anjwa_nakama&src=typed_query&f=live

So does this link actually exist at all? I did more research beyond this & found absolutely nothing. Even if there might have been something I was missing due to knowing little Japanese, wouldn't there be *something* that came up? People would've been talking about it beyond an English discussion that ended with "no, this Ikeda is not the same person". Still doubting this hugely.

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The need to "reclaim yuri from the straight cishet men" thing is silly. When you take yuri manga as a whole, there's really blatantly a colossal female presence even when you only include the stuff we, in the west, readily hear about. Some might argue "well this is about fetishization, and it's overwhelmingly men drawing porn, so they rule that sector" - I'd argue against that too as there's boatloads of female yuri authors drawing heavily sexualized stuff or outright porn, often for at least in large part a female audience and sometimes overwhelmingly for them. Sometimes this'll be well known in western yuri fandom as in the case of authors like Takano Saku, or obvious from browsing sites like Dynasty Scans and finding out about stuff like Mist Magazine. In other cases you'll find it in unexpected places. Rokuroichi published yuri stories in a primarily-hetero josei smut mag…

…and you wouldn't know where they come from if you just found them on English hentai websites. Then you have stuff like Motoyan-chan to Yurufuwa Kanojo that falls completely outside of western anglophone yuri fandom discourse; a yuri josei smut series also published in a mostly-hetero josei smut mag https://www.dlsite.com/girls-pro/fsr/=/title_id/TITLE00057602/from/work.titles

The only reason I found it was because I was browsing DLsite specifically looking for stuff that might fall outside of western coverage; god knows how much of it you can find in the wider manga industry given we're exposed to a very small selection of it, even taking obscure scanlations into account. Women tend to exceptionally like gay stuff in general, whether male or lesbian. It's extremely easy to find people who like or draw both and it's kind of a standard thing, NSFW artists included. I could name a ton more examples to make my point. But for some other very recent examples now that I have DLSite open in another tab we got https://www.dlsite.com/girls-pro/work/=/product_id/BJ01293535.html and https://www.dlsite.com/girls-pro/fsr/=/title_id/TITLE00268702/from/work.titles

Doing some research, I don't know the name of the artist she worked with to make Sempai to Watashi BUT Mori Natsuko is not a man; she's a bisexual woman very into yuri. However, while I don't know if
>has spoken infront of the diet to demand transphobic toilet bills and anti lgbt bills
on its own is true, and I'd like a direct source to confirm she went that far, she's definitely in that ideological ballpark with a very partisan "anti-woke" twitter https://twitter.com/MORI_Natsuko where she posts the usual stuff including "kink at pride" arguments and defending Abigail Shrier's Irreversible Damage as "not a discriminatory book". Even as someone with centrist cuck views on the trans kids debate (tl;dr: 'there is no such thing as a trans kid' is wrong, and adults don't 'need dysphoria to be trans'… BUT I think it's best to go full 'truscum'/'transmedicalist' when it comes to kids) I still think that's wrong; it's a clear trans panic book and, as someone who likes making and plugging anime lesbian porn, it's not a good look for her to carelessly defend a book that essentially says anime grooms kids into being trans. Would terfs & conservatives approve of the stuff she makes & likes? C'mon. Not even defending it as "yeah there's obviously bad shit in there but free speech includes dumbass speech" as you'd expect from other authors, but pretty explicitly defending the content and ideas of the book.

Shows the clear problem of hypocrisy that comes with being into "icky" anime stuff all your life then finding something that triggers you & going "I need to take a stand, pick a culture war side and FIGHT". Trans people can have a variety of views but allying with TERFs means you're inherently going against your own self interests because that's an ideology with clear dogmatic beliefs.

So basically >>24541 is right but replace lesbian with bisexual

Japanese politicians probably pushing 80 approved an incest manga collab to encourage youth to vote, neat.

Scoured through my twit bookmarks and could only find the initial announcement for the interview with Ikeda from @danjokyoku and no mention of njwa. It may have just been njwa nakama retweeting it. Appears I was wrong. So good/bad, she's not a prude and bad she has ties with ldp hags

"Megumin Linus doesn't exist, she can't hurt you."
Megumin Linus:

I just don't understand how someone can hate something they desire. I mean, I'd understand if it was some kind of "addiction" but hating something you go out of your way to look for? Must be some serious psychological repression.

But then again, I never had any negative perceptions of women in the first place so I can't really know.

She's a bisexual woman with what appear to be anti-trans views. She doesn't hate yuri or cis lesbian relationships.

>She's a bisexual woman with what appear to be anti-trans views.
Well, that makes way more sense. That's just your average TERF.

She supports Mio Sugita on Twitter! One of the most anti-LGBT politicians around where she is kept at a distance even in her party. The same politician that was friends with composer >>23711
>Would terfs & conservatives approve of the stuff she makes & likes?
Kind of shocking to find even Mio Sugita engages with her and buys her works


Okay yeah she does sound legit self-hating & not just a garden variety radfem; nevermind. I try to at least give people the benefit of the doubt that they're not self-destructive!

This is more surprising than >>24530
Angry gays being transphobic about trans folk encroaching on their space isnt shocking especially if you hang around BL circles. Always a new daily callout post for some transphobe artist there

>I don't imagine it's as freedom-loving as we are told
Idk how you read it and don't realize it's both-sideing the fictional conflict. One of the reporters who gets jailed for talking shit about the country is seen fabricating evidence like making kids dive into a dumpster to show that everyone is poor and starving.

It's funny when intersectionalist liberals are shocked time and time again whenever petit-bourgeois "minorities" are reactionary, which is like all the time. Almost like class matters more.

That reporter is described as believing everything that he reports though

As I pointed out here >>24514 a lot of "degenerate" mangaka used to be on the side of the JCP and I think their recent obsession is a "confused boomers going with the flow" thing, since fighting "problematicness" or "degeneracy" is trendy now for both political wings. The only difference is they're going for a full blown radfem anti-porn perspective (or US conservative perspective since they literally cite "misogyny" as a reason to ban "degeneracy" now) vs having weird double standards to justify the "problematicness"/"degeneracy" they like the way some people in America do
Well different parts of the JCP are still doing the "report harmful books" stuff. Why not teach people to realize they have a weirdo fetish & build a clear wall between reality & fiction? People like to pretend that's not the case but having fun doing mass shootings is absolutely a significant aspect of GTA and other games like it (hell GTA even rewards you rampaging). Just as loli & shota can push some towards hurting irl kids, I can see exposure to violent video games further fucking up potential mass shooters; in the end though it wasn't the games or cartoons that did the heavy lifting. Plus a lot of loli/shota artists & publications already take the "if you start fantasizing about real kids get help immediately" stance (see the famous Comic LO PSA).

Tezuka said "vote for the JCP" all his life but I guess since he did some weird loli & shota panels to go with his morphing/transformation & animal girl fetishes that makes him at odds with the left's ideals now? It's a dumb decision to go this route & alienate a group that's historically supported you.

normal people don’t want to be associated with people who draw anime child porn. normal people don’t care about the nonsense you are spewing like “dividing” the reality from fiction, people see weird shit and are grossed out. Also jcp probably doesn’t care if bunch of neet porn artists don’t support them anymore.

everyone knows communism is about electoral reforms that help "normal people"

>abandon all the degenerate and decadent porn artists to chase tail for appeal of the "Normal People"
>ends up less popular because no one likes jannies controlling other peoples lives over fiction.
dayum, they should have thought more when kneeling for the silent majority Normal Peoples(TM) thought that is totally just not twitter brained victimism.

lmao, let’s create “socialism” without “notmal” peoples support just so that we could appeal to weirdos and weird neets that are looked down on even in neet and weirdo circles. You guys sure seem to care alot about porn drawings lmao. Majority of people not just “normies” do not want to be associated with coomers, if you don’t believe me then just ask people. 🤷🤣

You're ignoring they're against normie porn too + most people find the weird anime stuff gross but they're not dedicated to banning it + communism isn't exactly a normie ideology, especially now that the anti-Vietnam war and "Japan needs to stop cucking out to American imperialism" sentiments aren't a driving force anymore; these days it seems more common for people to be have positive views of mainstream American liberals or republicans depending on their views.

It's also not just a matter of "alienating a small minority of weirdos" because Japanese comics & animation don't have this culture where you need to constantly virtue signal against "harmful degeneracy" or else your career's in jeopardy (and neither did America - back in the day you had Neil Gaiman very vocally defend lolicon). Even if someone doesn't actually MAKE stuff with lolicon or shotacon content they're still way more likely than not to be against attempts to politically regulate free expression, including popular creators with generally progressive views who'd otherwise be exactly the kinda people the JCP could easily reach out to. A lot of them absolutely have reach; someone like Osamu Tezuka may have had tastes normies would've found weird if they noticed them, but one of the biggest most mainstream manga authors of all time (and many in his creative circles to boot) supporting the JCP all their lives was absolutely a positive for the party. Yeah "Japanese life doesn't revolve around anime & manga", sure, but they're still pretty fucking big.

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>3k QRTs
why are they upset over this exactly? i feel like some context is missing here
all mech artists must be drinking from the same well cause Masami Obari dabbles in anti fem culture war stuff as well
JCP and it's anti loli shit campaign is backed by a fairly UN lengthy study, they didn't just decide to ban it out of nowhere. Reminder the only reason Australia moved against it was cause the JCP member Kazuko Ito lobbied Australian lawmakers for it, well specifically one, Connie Bonaros(pro sex worker lawmaker). Thats some awesome lobbying power tbh.

also, the JCP has had a policy pledge to enact IRL porn bans forever, I'm talking decades+ it's why you see a lot of AV groups constantly butt heads with them

>also, the JCP has had a policy pledge to enact IRL porn bans forever, I'm talking decades+
When did it start? There's a better case against IRL porn but my stance is still "don't ban it, fight against the abusive elements"

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>When did it start?
i can see articles going back to 2003 in the red flag calling for some form of AV regulation. It did pick up massively when Saori Ikeuchi won her election in 2014. this thread from the former SWASH president(the biggest Japanese sex worker org) calling out the JCP gives an idea of how they operate https://twitter.com/kanameyukiko/status/1600868285469589511
here's the largest anti-porn org PAPs plastered all over the red flag, this group is led by a trans woman Kazuna Kanajiri(besties with the above Saori Ikeuchi) and she constantly gets into Twitter beefs with the above group

regarding the loli stuff, the JCP was in favor of regulating loli porn in 2008, they were the first party ECPAT/UNICEF went to and they even published this in the red flag. It wasn't until the mangaka lobby kicked in and put fear into the opposition they did a 180. i got too many links to share about JCP antics, full committee hearings where they just want to prohibit porn, and early JCP resolutions being pretty prudish(violent/sexual games bad for kids stuff)
>my stance is still "don't ban it, fight against the abusive elements"
agree, nightmare enforcing it. fine nuking it from twitter though and anyone that cries about it is always a whackjob

>anyone that cries about it is always a whackjob
Says the puritanical busybody censor.

>i can see articles going back to 2003 in the red flag calling for some form of AV regulation.
"Some form of regulation" sounds vague and could very well mean addressing the fucked up abusive aspects? Or regulating where/how it's sold?
>It did pick up massively when Saori Ikeuchi won her election in 2014
Which implies it wasn't a huge focus of the JCP before that.
>regarding the loli stuff, the JCP was in favor of regulating loli porn in 2008
>It wasn't until the mangaka lobby kicked in and put fear into the opposition they did a 180
Yeah see it sounds like before 2014 when it "picked up massively" it wasn't a super-important element part and there were different sectors of the JCP that cared and others that didn't (i.e. they're not a hivemind); just as Ken Akamatsu, the guy who wrote a gay marriage in his manga, is now part of the LDP and is against censoring "degeneracy" while I'm 100% sure there are boatloads of other LDP politicians who'd absolutely support banning the mere mention of The Gays. As I pointed out, in 1997 the head of the New Japan Women's Association was on the same page as Shotaro Ishinomori on the subject of "censoring manga to protect youth".
>violent/sexual games bad for kids stuff
Again Tezuka supported them all his life and that's a dude who showed babies being killed in his shonen manga. Dumb stance to take.

The fact that you say it kicked in high gear in 2014 and they 180ed back in 2008 kinda enforces my general view that the 2010s are when a lot of the mainstream left developed unflinching sex-negative views, outright comparable to the right in some cases.
>agree, nightmare enforcing it.
Nah it's a "don't be a moral busybody" thing for me as >>24709 said. I don't really agree with the "sex work is work" stuff when it's extended to stuff like being a street-walker but you CAN have less abusive, and in the run largely non-abusive creation of pornography just as you can have that for every other type of work.

To elaborate, my personal view is anyone doing porn scenes should be able to choose who they do them with & not be forced into anything "for the sake of their career" because that's pretty rapey. And of course that's another can of worms - even that standard not resulting in subtler forms of abuse would require heavy structural changes in and outside of pornography. But it's immensely better to go for that instead of banning it and "stopping degeneracy" should play no part in your policies unless it's something that's inherently harmful like child abuse.

Left, right. All the same. "The left wing of capital" as the posties say. Especially the "progressive" left. The so-called "social progressivism" is just social conservatism that gives privileges to minorities and replaces Christianity with pious atheism, That's the only fucken difference. "Deschooling? Sex positivity? Wut? Haha, ha, you're insane."

call me a prude all you want, twitter isn't suited for loli smut. dozens of obscure sites for it, if anything having that material front and centre on twitter would just get more calls to ban it
this reminded me she had a fit over Naomichi Yamato and Shinsaku Sasaki endorsing 3 LDP guys(one a racist) and the 1 CDP guy they endorsed was a muh cancel culture dudebro. CDP heads had to tell him not to associate that stuff with the party cause he was waving around pro loli porn ads for his election and screaming at feminist groups such as colabo lmao
only issue with ikedas nowadays is so much of her works are outdated now days, claudine comes to mind. also I read the whole LDP interview with her and it's really just ordinary talk about women's issues and them wanting article 750 updated so men/women can keep their original surnames

>this reminded me she had a fit

Spoiler this shit you fucking retard, it's an SFW board.

idk how

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Like this

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Well that's a much more valid take but you never really specified "loli porn" in particular. We were talking about porn in general.

I 100% agree people need to realize most normal people are gonna think loli is weird & be way more careful about how they defend its right to exist (again Neil Gaiman's old write-up about it is way better than going "triggered, puritans?") but disagreeing with Colabo is hardly a "dudebro" trait. Even turbo-lib Tomohira Machiyama >>23424 openly disagrees with those types of sex-negative views (albeit in a more diplomatic way). Their views on manga/anime stuff are legit extreme in a way even the your average "raised on Tumblr" zoomer isn't.

Why do you feel Claudine is dated? If it's the fact that it's so miserable then, I think that while there's some validity to reading deeper sociopolitical reasons behind "bad endings for LGBT characters", I think a big part of it is also just showa-era women liking tragedy a damn lot. Oniisama E's original downer ending (that Dezaki removed) involved a hetero relationship after all.

i hate the new twitter, just a pain to navigate now. this is the initial thread, but a lot of posts followed outside of this thread https://x.com/NishiiTerumi/status/1544251407305687040 and the endorsements shes upset about this guy is one of the endorsed>>24151 https://www.janica.jp/press/press20220705b.html
>but disagreeing with Colabo is hardly a "dudebro" trait
true, but that guy dabbles in every bit of cringe culture war stuff and i like the guy as well. he's pretty on point most of the time, but I have seen him dive into anti-diversity type rhetoric
>Tomohira Machiyama
he has a history of supporting zoning(uzaki blood 2019 poster drama) but zoning itself is just common sense in most cases. he is a big colabo supporter. hell that spat he had >>23424 ended with akiman advertising the autobiography of the guy who is suing colabo
>Why do you feel Claudine is dated?
i just found it rather full of antiquated attitudes towards trans identities and the doctor constantly referring to claudine with she/her throughout(translation issue?), but then you realize this was released in the 70s and I'm probably dumb to evaluate it using modern standards. also its short as hell and I found it a messy read compared to a lot of her other stuff

>he is a big colabo supporter
Source? And to what extent? I searched his Twitter history for mentions of Colabo and from what I found he only brought it up in the context of "this antisjw guy is using his 'fight against Colabo' to grift", not "I agree with Colabo on manga/anime". Also a retweet regarding people obstructing their genuine aid activities (they don't exist purely to complain about cartoons after all, so he could agree with what they're doing in some areas but not all).

I saw him specifically argue that "yeah, you can say there's a time & place for otaku-pandering boob/moeblob ads, but calling it 'sexual harassment' is wrong and there's a lot of good 'sexy anime girl' characters. Are you against One Piece girls? Urusei Yatsura? Classic showa-era mangaka like Tezuka and Ishinomori?" https://twitter.com/TomoMachi/status/1184620348647432192 - this exchange alone makes him come across as not being an "anime boobs are inherently harmful" guy (unless his views changed since then?)
>true, but that guy dabbles in every bit of cringe culture war stuff and i like the guy as well. he's pretty on point most of the time, but I have seen him dive into anti-diversity type rhetoric
I think there's a lot to be said about how corporations handle it but I don't think diversity of ethnicity, gender etc in art (either through hiring or story content) is bad thing at all and has historically helped art/entertainment so I could see myself disagreeing with some of his stances (and a lot of people who get deep into this stuff do end up becoming "black characters existing = sjw!!!" types). Still, I'd rather have a dude from a center-left party criticize this general ideological ballpark than a far-right guy.
>the doctor constantly referring to claudine with she/her throughout(translation issue?)
It's been years since I read it but I know the story takes place long ago, so it makes sense for a doctor to say that while trying to figure out gender dysphoria. I highly doubt a late-70s Ikeda would've gone "ummm no I'm not calling you that; biology trumps all sweetie :)" at a trans person.

And as you pointed out here >>24732 it's not like she even espouses conservative views when talking to LDP people, so it sounds like I was right in that it's not really different from Tezuka publishing manga in a right-wing publication without actually changing his views to pander. Showing explicitly anti-racist, anti-war Astro Boy stories to a right-wing audience isn't cucking out as much as it is reaching out.

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>Source? And to what extent?
he debates with Akane Kyoua(@himasoraakane) who sued Colabo arguing in Colabos defense, the most recent one was 4 hrs long(summarized vid) https://youtu.be/epO39ImEY8w. I am not arguing he is some anti-anime tiddy guy, but a lot of the Colabo defense falls back on being pro-zoning (no government-funded anime tiddy in public spaces) and this itself is a hot topic in Japan whether or not it intrudes on freedom of expression. Colabo is probably a big reason why the JCP is as it as well, She is deeply linked with the former JCP leader Kazuo Shii and is a JCP member(high school besties with Saori Ikeuchi) https://youtu.be/1yD0tReKOWQ
>I think there's a lot to be said about how corporations handle it but I don't think diversity of ethnicity, gender etc in art
it was more him complaining about topical American issues such as diversity in universities, hollywood and such. he has a habit of diving head first into a lot of these things, it's why every single tweet you look up with him and Colabo has been deleted. I'll probably give Claudine another read eventually as I can see it has a published version by SS with heavy Ikeda involvement as I'm fairly sure I read a fan translation years ago

I wish I could source this (it was a private conversation) but regardless: Seven Seas have no actual authorial input (unless shit hits the fan after the manga is released, as in the case of That One Series). Their translators literally have a rule against contacting the author.

>cause Masami Obari dabbles in anti fem culture war stuff

he follows a ton of right-wing accounts and retweets them, Kana Shindo(@kanashindo) comes to mind as the worst. he is also a supporter of Ishigaki mayor Yoshitaka Nakayama and i've just had the typical anti-fem stuff popup on my feed from him, thankfully nothing like >>24038 so it's eye rolling at most when I see it. besides his support for Nakayama, i am mostly going off retweets/likes and follows with this guy tbh

I think what's going on is people who like drawing "problematic" stuff see scoldy culture war stuff from one side and instead of just going "yeah this is stupid, I'll tell them to go away and keep doing what I like" they decide to join the other culture war side instead, getting invested in political shit they otherwise wouldn't have cared about. I didn't follow him closely but I wouldn't be surprised if Akiman went from "I should be able to draw hot anime girls without annoying people screaming in my ear" to "I'm gonna read about QAnon on Gab, because I dislike The Woke".

As stated before with that "anti-woke" lady who writes yuri porn though, this is really stupid because once you step out of niche "conservative nerd" circles on Twitter you'll realize the average normie right winger will hate you for being a "degenerate anime coomer" just as much as the worst radlibs and also want your stuff gone. I feel like Japan's going through the same thing America did where right wing talking heads try to get nerds on board by saying "look, we'll defend your problematic stuff! we're not triggered SJWs!" - and how did that turn out? Is Milo Yiannopoulos fighting censorship? No, he's a "pray the gay away" guy now while US conservatives are trying to ban all forms of pornography, call video games degenerate & say anime waifus groom you into being trans.

How do you explain Tatsuya Ishida, author and artist of Sinfest.

Oh I go way back with that guy, I read Sinfest when I was like 11. Got into feminism, got into radical feminism and through it became a general anti-woke guy.

I dunno man it seems like he's gone beyond general anti wokeness at this point to full on protocols of Zion shit.

oh right I haven't paid much attention lately. yeah I guess he's in a fourth phase now.

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If you check that politicians feed, she does cosplay, swimsuit shoots with AV stars. Jp right wingers are weird. Has a nft as well. Probably to do with the lack of jp Christ tards

>t. doesn't know about femboy Nazis

>the terf book got translated
japan has fallen

>first pic

whomst drew this exquisite piece of art?

I wish we got proper guro instead of this shit. Its just lolicon torture porn. I want to see the beauty of the human body laid bare not some arms and shit cut off.

You want a… mature woman's arms and legs getting cut off?

Didn't expect to meet an AnNih who's into it.

His manga Sandland was the most political of his work, literally criticizing america imperialism.

I really need to read Sandland. Toriyama always struck me as the kinda guy who'd never cuck out to America.
A lot of female yuri artists are into loli

lol the opposition just reintroduced the loli bill ban into the House of Representatives, last time it was the Socialist dem Party leader who put forward the bill, but she got in late. Expect it to be trending there soon. Sad. Big election coming up as well, how timely

You can watch the movie adaption it's really good

big ew if ture

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Just a handful I have from my Twitter hitlist, mostly terfs and reactionary folks
Fag terfs
@mkw48_az - BL artist
@224_miyano - BL artist
miyake_ruko - BL artist
@heriyama - yuri artist
Rando mangaka
Hatsumi San - reactionary and anti kurds
Mitsuru Sugaya - LDP guy
Yosuke Inu - cringe anti-feminist manga with Akamatsu leading up to his elections

A lot of gag artists fall into reactionary

It's so funny to not only care about the political views of artists, but also pretend "liberals" ("leftists") are any less anticommunist than "conservatives" ("right-wingers"?).

I agree when it's the usual boomer political views, shit is expected. But when they start spewing/retweeting actual hateful rhetoric they can eat dirt.

That's my point, leftoids are just as hateful as right-wingers. Even (or should I say especially) on class lines, towards the proletarian. Prejudice is not tied to any ideology, and only scientific socialism spells it out very clearly why division on non-class lines is fucking stupid.

can you offer any kind of evidence for each of these statements? closest is yosuke inu cuz you can look up his work and find that manga but the rest is nothing. who even is "hatsumi san"?

here, searching "トランス from:224_miyano" gives you some basic evidence of that artist having those views. you can do the rest.

>Cause he constantly spews right-wing rhetoric? the guy spews some incredibly dumb things that get him trending often in Japan and even western news sites and puts even the most vile anti-feminists to shame.
So are you going to post an example? I don't really see it. I think he writes good female characters.
>Gantz also starts strong and degrades super fast and I rather enjoyed the vampire arc which most hate
It's one of the few bajillion volume mangas I've ever finished. Most of those fall off way harder, but yeah maybe he could've made it shorter.
>I mean if you just like meaningless combat with no story no characters and crappy cg art I guess it's fine
Bull Gantz has a lot of story and just character drama without fighting or action.

I looked through his tweets and all I got out of it was "he dislikes Hollywood idpol/girlbossing but still enjoys movies with such content for their artistic merits if they're well made"

"Puts even the most vile anti-feminists to shame" Yeah I don't think a career redpill/PUA/incel guy would say "I don't really agree with this movie's ideas but I still enjoyed it". What did he say that's so extreme? For all I know maybe he did make some really out there comments but multiple posts ITT just make these sweeping judgments and offer nothing to back them up. Like the Riyoko Ikeda thing that turned out to be nothing more than "she can be on friendly terms with conservatives sometimes" with no hint that she actually wimps out on her views in any way.

Gantz was great in an unhinged trashy way (and I don't mean that as a backhanded compliment either) but it's also one of those things where you read it and just know the author is probably an idiot

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Hatsumi san is another name he goes by, but Ryoumoto Hatsumi is his more common name. Found him again on Twitter as he was recently banned before and he's liking and retweeting LDP Akira Amari.
Bruh of anyone posted here Gantz author is the one 100% reactionary guy, he's just an ass hole to everyone and big on AI.

What a sicko.

I'd be more surprised if his knowledge of feminism DID go beyond reading some stupid culture war spats on Twitter. He's a 53 year old man who makes stuff that looks like this & has probably had a very alienating workaholic manga schedule for a very, very long time given he's consistently jumped from one series to the next. 2 year break between Hen and Zero One, then immediately Gantz, then Maetel no Kimochi (the manga where the "Bark!" "You don't understand!" meme comes from) running alongside it, then after Gantz finished he quickly jumped to Inuyashiki etc.

Also I just found out Hen which is mainly known for yuri started out as a yaoi & gender-bending thing https://mangapedia.com/%E5%A4%89%EF%BC%BBHEN%EF%BC%BD-ubm59lbbt

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>Also I just found out Hen which is mainly known for yuri started out as a yaoi & gender-bending thing
I think I forgot about that. Yeah his whole artstyle with that one looks like a female mangaka like CLAMP or something.

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Yeah I notice there used to be more dudes drawing shonen & seinen in a shoujo-like style back in the day like the Area 88 & Desert Rose guy.

Comic High IIRC marketed itself as "shoujo manga for men" but 1. that's more for moe appeal reasons & 2. Girl Friends, Kodomo no Jikan and Chu-Bra which look exceptionally girly all have female authors. Even Potemayo does, which doesn't look that shoujoey.

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I don't blindly dump them into the hitlist and i dont keep exact records, they certainly did or said something deserving. Hatsumi is the artist for >>24958 I just scrolled down and @mkw48_az had Walsh on his feed ew

Sure but I don't know you personally, and we're all anonymous, so it's still best to provide evidence with every claim. If I took everything posted in this thread at face value I'd think Rose of Versailles' author was a LDP conservative and a scoldy radfem now, neither of which turned out to be true.

And yeah she's a cuck if she's promoting Matt Walsh as a yaoi author to own the transes. He doesn't like gays, he doesn't like anime, he'd call her a degenerate too.

>And yeah she's a cuck if she's promoting Matt Walsh as a yaoi author to own the transes. He doesn't like gays, he doesn't like anime, he'd call her a degenerate too.
Yeah, tell that to right-libertarians, these fools still think conservatives care about liberty. This false advertisement of conservatives as freethinking freedom fighters is such a dogpile of bullshit, everyone who thinks conservatives care about freedom more than they care about their Christian values is fooling themself. It's such an obvious fucking psyop, holy shit.

Glad Trump got booed at that right-libertarian conference, not all lolberts have lost their marbles at least.

my social feed is just jp nsfw artists and adult video stars toe sucking elon right now over the new nsfw policy

What's the new policy?

>"Sexual expression, whether visual or written, can be a legitimate form of artistic expression," the platform's policy states. "We believe in the autonomy of adults to engage with and create content that reflects their own beliefs, desires, and experiences, including those related to sexuality."
twitter has never had a porn policy, so technically it was never actually accepted. But now it has one that allows porn. so good change I guess

Cool I guess though I saw porn on there anyways so meh

Surprising one is Nobuyuki Fukumoto, seen pictures with him and Katsuya Takasu.
Seeing all that AI art on his feed and some from himself, best he doesn't get a netflix show.

that's cause fukumoto is best friends with his
wife for decades. she's some award winning child's mangaka and is buddies with him as well now
way to many people are oblivious this guy hates all forms of art. i've seen furry artists follow him lol

I used to see leftist themes in a lot of works, now days I'm not so quick to equate that with the authors beliefs. I remember Yusuke Muratas(one punch) statement that he never dabbled in politics until LDP Akamatsu ran and then the next minute the guy was retweeting Kishida posts.
Fujoshis are miserable, not surprising.

>usually yuri mangakas are men.
The only sources I could find stated that yuri authors are overwhelmingly female. I didn't look very hard to be fair, just googled "yuri authors by gender".
>General audience for yuri is usually dominated by men
Once again, the only polls I found indicated it's either a bit more popular among women or around equal.

manga for sure, yuri hentai is overwhelmingly male which isn't surprising

I tried doing my own test and that still appears to be wrong, at least in terms of authors. I went to nhentai (a mostly male site I believe) and searched "yuri females only -gender" (idk if you want to include gender bender, I feel like it's usually more its own genre, if you included it it'd probably be more mtf), and searched artists one by one. Around 2/3s of them I couldn't easily find a gender, for the rest I got 12 female 8 male.
If you're talking about the audience then yeah I'd guess it's mostly male, idk about "overwhelmingly" but maybe.

found a recent thread with some updated stats on yuri mangaka genders, yep it seems still mostly women. it does not include hentai, but yuri mangaka being so tilted towards women I cant imagine hentai ones being majority male
seeing this trend all of a sudden on my social feed, news moves so slow

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