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How much of this actually exists? Annie-may that's so embarrassingly incompetent that you can actually sit through and laugh at ironically, like a hilariously bad movie? It's normally a lot harder to do because every bit of animation has thought and effort put into it, so it just comes off as intolerably bad when it's bad. Unlike an incompetent movie, which is much easier for someone with a handheld camera to half-ass their way through to a finished product. Pic related, Psychic Wars is fucking terrible.
76 posts and 25 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I guess, but it's 3D is excellent so the issue is kinda silly.


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Tenchi Muyo lol. Such a 90s anime. Still fun


It's fun at first, but it feels like it really drops off after Kagato.


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Finally understood the connection to the original Tenchi Muyo. What a stupidly convoluted mess. The old Tenchi Muyo being better than the newer stuff is just pathetic.
Also Geminar mechs >>10438


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Fuck I should have saved this, that "Hyuk, Hyuk, Hyuk" and other terrible laughs are just fucking peak cringe amusement. It's from episode 05 for the first half.

The other Ruggington stuff is gone too, like those clips in general dropped off the internet.


Embedding error.
Touhou - Memories of Phantasm [Ep 1-14] English sub


Does intentionally bad count?



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Bo bobobo is like Jojo on drugs.


In contrast to all this So-bad-it's good stuff, a so mediocre-its-bad series:
I went though "Eden of the East" in one lazy evening. What a dud that turned out to be. Almost none of the mystery boxes set up in the beginning are opened, and those that are, are resolved in the stupidest way possible. The boring ass mary sue protag and his angsty gf, nor any of the various side characters and their relationships did anything to improve on the whole.


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Baki the Grappler is IMO the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure of hand to hand fighting content. It's just that ridiculous.

Also some other boxing/fighting anime (that are IMO better than Baki).


Embedding error.
>Not a single mention of Ghost Stories Dub






I don't see this as so bad it's good. Like it or not it's exactly what it attempts to be


A lot of this early ridiculously violent OVA stuff has a similar vibe where it's filled with gratuitous gore and nudity and not a lot of sense or polish. Koichi Ohata's stuff (MD Geist and Genocyber) used to be called the worst anime ever for pretty much this reason. But the tragedy is it's all easily more interesting than most of the shit we get today


>Ruggington is gone
My night is ruined. Goddammit.
And the new account has none of the GX clips. GODDAMMIT.


The Sub is bland and frankly boring SoL shit that has a fantasy addition. The dub is so random, unfiltered and silly that I laugh enjoy it.


Embedding error.


Akira Tsuburaya's anime are often considered terrible or mediocre by a lot of people but I personally enjoyed a lot of the anime.


kenny lauderdale does plenty of videos on obscure anime.


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Slayers Return


>Word up, Mommy
rupload by a good youtubenon


I wish Tenchi Muyo would be good again. The first ova is a lot of fun, but it rapidly goes down hill.



The Megaman cartoon was hilarious shit; the dub even better




but katanagatari was just straight great


Just admit you liked it, because it is good.


It's literally Sacred Blacksmith tier shit, hilarious and funny but objectively trash in terms of an actually good story.


The dub only made it better.


To be fair, for all its stupidity, it had an interesting premise, and the 90s/2000s style makes it a gem of so-bad-its-good.


I've never been this insanely bored watching something,the ending is litterally the only interesting part and it makes no goddamn sense,like you're telling miss useless tsundere was actually playing 5d checkers with time travel when she has done nothing this entire time ?
the animation is shit outside some very specific episodes too (and even then it's good for 2 minutes and it goes back to talking about nonsense for 10 minutes to pad out the runtime),half of them are about ininteresting randoms or they're straight up insane.
I personnaly didn't find it funny,but I can understand if somebody did.


Looking back, I don’t know if this was bad or ahead of its time…



Apocalypse Zero is a fucking masterpiece with legit great humanistic politics if you read the manga, also gets super in-your-face about Japanese war crimes and anti-nationalism. Anime focused more on the action-comedy but it's still good.

It's a perfect optimistic companion piece to Shigurui.
Mad Bull manga is fantastic, anime is pretty good, Crying Freeman sadly sucks and removes a lot of the comedy from the manga >>5169
Geist is legitimately good too though definitely very rough; I feel that its "beginner director" traits help as much as harm it though.
Devilman Crybaby is flawed but worthwhile (just read the manga first), Spriggan is super underrated and anti-imperialist in a great way.


City Hunter - silly as hell yet still dope.


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High School DxD - peak so-bad-its-good


>dub of Armed Girl's Machiavellism
I still can't find that "hyuk hyuk hyuk" laugh anywhere else.


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>BlackedTheAnime - Season 2 OP
This is pure cringe.


>Armed Girl's Machiavellism
The OP slaps, but the entire story is pretty bad.


>Apocalypse Zero is a fucking masterpiece with legit great humanistic politics if you read the manga, also gets super in-your-face about Japanese war crimes and anti-nationalism. Anime focused more on the action-comedy but it's still good.
Haven't read the manga but I never got the hate for the anime, it's a weird semi-serious Go Nagai pastiche and it's very fun. People treat it like it's one of the worst things ever made.
People have this reaction to trashy 90s OVAs in general, they complain about shit like the low budget or the plot not making sense and it's like, that's part of the charm you rubes.


Didn't know people even hated Apocalypse Zero, I always had fun and I think you're right. I think people might have hated on it because it's not "accurate" to the source material or whatever, in both tone and story, which is asinine, but Otaku and Weebs can be autistic like that often.


A Blacked anime would be pretty good if it sets it up so that you think the mc is going to get cucked but surprise it's the girl that ends up cucked as the mc is forcefemmed by the bull.


I think feminisation of MCs in netorare are overdone.
Id rather the cucker be a hot power-bottom femboy


Last I checked otaku like the OVA fine? I don't think it has anywhere near the same reputation as it does with retro anime weebs.


>I think people might have hated on it because it's not "accurate" to the source material

I don't think it has anything to do with its accuracy - I've only seen that claimed as a post-hoc justification from people who earnestly like the manga but don't want to rock the boat too hard and defend the OVA too. The manga got shit on by ANN & whatnot back in the day too & even these days many refuse to see it as anything but "so-bad-it's-good". ADMITTEDLY the OVA doesn't delve much into the more serious themes, like the "Unit 731 in all but name" stuff (maybe it's because the studio didn't want something too "controversial" in there, or maybe it's just a pacing issue since they wanted to pack in all the fun battles; who knows?) but it's still really good as an action-comedy. If a bunch of old timers didn't get into the mindset of "we need to promote anime as a serious mature artistic medium and disown stuff with unashamed gore/sex/pubertal comedy" at some point in the 90s both OVA & manga would've probably been well-received now.

>they complain about shit like the low budget

Kakugo OVA has pretty damn good production values for a relatively niche post-80s-bubble OVA and I feel like being told it's "cheap" before you watch it can paint your opinion of just how solid and dynamic a lot of this stuff is. https://www.sakugabooru.com/post?tags=kakugo_no_susume+

But yeah definitely read the manga. The OVA isn't as abridged as other adaptations since it was smart enough to not try to cover too much but it still is abridged and you're missing out on good comedy and characterization early on along with the more serious thematic stuff. And yeah I know talking about "serious thematic stuff" in regards to Apocalypse Zero sounds weird but that's just how a lot of Japanese stuff can be.


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On the other hand if the OVAs DID include the more serious stuff and got to adapt the entire story I kinda get the feeling anglophone critics would've been even more upset: "Why are you trying to make a serious point about Japanese war crimes with something so stupid? It's disrespectful to the victims & tonally inconsistent!"


>Id rather the cucker be a hot power-bottom femboy
Ankoman fan?
I'd rather just have the power-bottom femboy and exclude whoever the cuck is supposed to be. Maybe the worst part of NTR is having to give any attention to the cookie-cutter Japanese loser protag at all


whats Ankoman?

But yes I agree with your last sentenxe. I hate how they use ugly bastrards as the protagonist


You just have shit tastes.

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