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Post Disney movie from which, in your opinion, the company's work had truly stopped being even historically progressive and had became a full-time force of reaction.

In my opinion, it''s this movie, for it's actually objectively more racist portrayal of Native Americans than the caricutare orcish barbarians from Peter Pan, which had kickstarted the trend of Disney trying to "represent" non-European peoples in a supposedly progressive, but de-facto very distorted and tokenised way, for liberal brownie points and profit. And also for kickstarting the toxic trend of blaming all of a racism and opression in a given society on a single super mean and evil guy(TM).

>stopped being even historically progressive and had became a full-time force of reaction
All of them?

>the company's work had truly stopped being even historically progressive
When were disney movies ever progressive except in a technical or artistic sense? Bambi, the jungle book, snow white, fantasia 2000 and pete's dragon are ecofascist, the lion king does bold-faced race essentialism and almost all of them shove in monarchist propaganda in some way.

Fun fact, the voice actor for Pocahontas's dad wrote an essay about how writing is anti native American, that Marxism has nothing of value for Indians, and was nominated by the Libertarian party to run for president in the 80s.

iirc Means is fairly controversial amongst the native community. It would make sense that the one guy from AIM who gets good MSM coverage is also an anticommunist bootlicker tho

>the native community
Burgerbrained brainrot, there are many native communities, all speaking different languages and all having different traditions, and yet some autistics on the Internet dare claiming to represent "le natives?" This is just liberal tokenism all over again.

Bruh, Disney was built upon whitewashing old nursery tales

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