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Favourite anime related Youtubers? Why especially do you like them? Is there even a point in watching one of them?

Picrel and Pause and Select are definitely on of the better ones out there
88 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Embedding error.
Hate Vtubers but this clip made me laugh


Best moments of Code MENT


Does anyone remember Nobel? That dude is STILL making content FFS.


Drumsy Animated Opening is way too good for such mediocre youtube crap


School 13 A Russian short animated original series on youtube. Pretty good stuff.


Школа 13 все серий


based, but w out the essays part


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Noralities has some good points in her videos (his videos?) such as the excessive fanservice but undermines this with hypocritical or outright inane claims. Like yeah loli-shit is cringe and fucked up but the
dramafagging is some pretty shallow bullshit to be preachy about. She is also hypocritical about is the disgust which she flings at MHA fans for "sexualizing the female cast OF LITERAL CHILDREN" (that act and look either over age or severely underage) and proceeds to ignore the reasons for this fanservice being fucking capitalism marketing to specific consumers and not 'muh men bad'.
and then she has softcore yaoi of male characters thus elicting groans from the audience over her (un)ironic fujo fetishes.

So to summarize… in anime:
Sexualizing Lolis = not okay
Dudes bein' dudes with each other = okay
Girls who are 14-16 being treated like women that are 18+ if they are coded as 18+ = okay

videos mentioned
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4V3vEleTyE&t=1653s
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Buv3TA7dvdE
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZ8oXOL1Tfk


On Abridged Series


>Sexualizing Lolis = not okay
>minors that looks like adults = ok guys
also you forqet to say that she goes horny for MHA yaoi, you know, teenagers.


I didn't specifically go into her MHA yaoishit but I did refer to it
>then she has softcore yaoi of male characters thus elicting groans from the audience over her (un)ironic fujo fetishes.


>also you forqet to say that she goes horny for MHA yaoi, you know, teenagers.
Lol, that's a small offence compared to her love for shota boys.


Abridged Series are bad
They're filled with bad writing, unfunny jokes and even stolen ones from popular comedy shows
The voice acting is also shit because it's made by weebs who have never watched anything other than anime


Most abridged series are low quality shlock, that being said, this does not apply to those that clearly had effort.
>bad writing
like 90% of that is on the original show being abridged
>unfunny jokes
depends on the viewer
>stolen ones from popular comedy shows
You can't really steal a joke, and besides what part of "pop culture references" do you not understand?
>voice acting is also shit
<the VAs can go onto VA other animated works that are official.
>it's made by weebs who have never watched anything other than anime
That's not the reason or most bad Voice Acting - the majority of it is intentionally bad voices. It is also very unlikely that anime is all that they have seen, it isn't 4han.


>Most abridged series are low quality shlock, that being said, this does not apply to those that clearly had effort.
They're all bad
Even the ones that had effort put into them aren't good either
They all suffer from the issues i listed above
>like 90% of that is on the original show being abridged
It's because these people get so far up their own asses and turns into literal fanfiction
>depends on the viewer
These people can't write humor/dialogue
Their jokes consist of
1 loud = funny
2 character is an asshole
3 stolen
Without the good writing to make it work
>You can't really steal a joke, and besides what part of "pop culture references" do you not understand?
Yes you can
There is a difference between making a pop culture reference and just stealing jokes from popular media
>the VAs can go onto VA other animated works that are official.
That doesn't really mean they're good
Because anime VAs especially ones that do things like anime abridge dubbing can't actually act for shit
>That's not the reason or most bad Voice Acting
Actually it is
These VAs only real exposure to "good" voice acting is from anime so they end up not knowing how to act and it shows


>They're all bad DBZ Abridged & SAO Abridged are both superior to the originals in every respect, and several other abridged series are also decent quality. The majority of problems are generic statements of opinion at best, not objective analyses.
>these people get so far up their own asses and turns into literal fanfictio
That's just dead wrong, you really don't understand the meaning of fanfiction in terms of negative terminology (not to mention the concept of fanfiction is not in and of itself bad. To make it fanficky you'd have to outright re-animate massive portions and change the plots. DBZA for example removes massive amounts of inane or excess content and adds in jokes or actual non-crack content to supplement the stupid parts of the original, this is fairly obvious in a side-side comparison of the 2. Code Ment on the other hand is not meant to improve the story but be a crack on Geass by having its characters interact in hilariously excessive and silly ways, subverting the edginess of the original.


Already covered that hit
>character is an asshole
Any specific examples? Because that's pretty common to non-abridged content also.
>loud = funny
It can be, yes, your understanding of humor is ironically quite dry.
>There is a difference between making a pop culture reference and just stealing jokes from popular media
No you can't steal a joke, it's public property and retelling a joke (or meme whatever) is not stealing it. This is childish as fuck, that makes any anecdote in existence stolen because people retell them to others. Also most abridged series I have seen make actually good references, obviously a bad or low effort abridgement is going to be bad quality.
>hat doesn't really mean they're good
I do VA work and know VAs that have ben doing their jobs for literal decades, you do not get hired as a VA for projects unless you are qualified, you can't fake the credentials.
>anime VAs especially ones that do things like anime abridge dubbing can't actually act for shit
I disagree
>Actually it is
No it isn't I really suggest you take a look at SAO:A Post Mortem (or Team 4 Star's episode post mortems) and listen to the discussions on how something is done and why. You do not get this kind of knoqledge "just watching le animu"
>These VAs only real exposure to "good" voice acting is from anime so they end up not knowing how to act and it shows
I think that YOU don't have exposure to Voice Acting much and YOU just don't like their voices as a personal dislike rather than some objective reason.

You have the right to dislike every and all Abridged series and hell I agree that MOST are pretty trash and personally unwatchable, BUT you cannot claim that your opinion is true to all series or that they are all bad, because that's bullshit.


Holy shit
All of those examples you listed suffer from the exact problems I was talking about
It's so obvious that you've never been exposed to anything with actual good writing, acting and jokes
And you either have to be delusional redditor, or 12 to think any these things are supposed to improve on the original

Thanks for proving my point

>I do VA work and know VAs that have been doing their jobs for literal decades,

I see why you're being defensive over abridges now
I know VO directors and they have to constantly teach VAs that start out doing shit like abridges how to actually act
Because a lot of these VAs don't really know what good acting is or how to actually act
The same thing can be said for the people who direct these abridges


>Yes you can
retarded opinion


>All of those examples you listed suffer from the exact problems I was talking about
Just saying this is not an argument, you're just stating an opinion unless you can explain using specific examples.
>you've never been exposed to anything with actual good writing, acting and jokes
Given that I've seen a large number of films, read many MANY books to the point that my local library lacked literature to supply me and studied film theory of Eisenstein using old original texts, I'd say I do.
> you either have to be delusional redditor, or 12 to think any these things are supposed to improve on the original
<SAO is better than the abridged version
Yeah ok you actually have 0 taste.

>see why you're being defensive over abridges now

I have never done VA stuff for abridgements, but I do know the effort VA work requires.
>VO directors and they have to constantly teach VAs that start out doing shit like abridges how to actually act
Name one. Jim Frangione is my acquaintance, the guy is a professional theatre actor and VO and VA. I've listened to the stuff they do and can compare.
>Because a lot of these VAs don't really know what good acting is or how to actually act
>The same thing can be said for the people who direct these abridges
Again just stating this isn't a fucking argument, explain using examples. Also amateur VAs are obviously going to need correction and improvement, that's the fucking point of going Pro, FFS.
>Thanks for proving my point
You had no point, only a claim, seethe more


No you



Drumsy is best animes


Honestly despite the fuck up of prior efforts I'm kinda hopeful that some of these live actions could get pulled off right. They'll be a lot heavier on special effects and even the notoriously terrible Death Note adaptation by Netflix had pretty damn good effects; Dafoe's Shinigami is on point.


Embedding error.
JustStop has some good vids but they can be real autistic their 3 hour video (Embed related) to defend Fairy Tail is an example. I like Fairy Tail in crossover fanfics and it has a good heart, but its got a lot of bad shit that feels poorly done, especially later in the story >>2526


An overview of Asterisk War


>live action mobile suit gundam


Impossible because no competent director works on this shit. Just look at cowboy bebop and how amateurish it looks.


Totally Not Mark got 155 videos Copyright Claimed by Toei recently, due to Japanse copyright law lacking real Fair Use legislation.


Not really a Hot Take but commentators like Hero Hiei are parasites, sucking off social media drama and bringing it out onto Youtube and other sites, they don't actually bring anything new or nuanced, just mediocre snark.


>Favourite anime related Youtubers
ChocolatDouchebag was an oldfag of the community before cringe normalfags like Mother's Basement took over the scene



i liked this youtuber

i also watched a 2hr video documentary on tits from this creator


gotta watch what youtubers say before i form my opinion on something


good boy, c'mere here


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This applies to e-celebs too.


I like to see the arguments and opinions of others to see if they may have a different take on something that I didn't see before.
>ignore celebrities
<ethical consumption under capitalism is possible


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I wish shilling youtubers here was bannable just like most sane imageboards.


I regret making this thread, if its any consolation


Why, what happened

I may agree with this, but going overboard on the opposite direction is just as cringe

They are just people, I like hearing people's opinions on things

Elevating them is the problem


>Why, what happened
While, I believe there are some good content creators out there, they are really one in a million nowadays and the amount of trash on youtube is making my autism kick in, that I believe that one should rather ignore ecelebs entirely(which was an iron rule on imageboards at some point), instead of looking for some of the good ones.


Used to like eyepatchwolf until his video on Devotion where he blatantly acted in bad faith and tried to cast KMT war crimes as being done by the mainland PRC. Course the comments ate it all up


>"""content creators""""
>"""opinion makers"""
God I hate this fucking ecelebspeak.
Even fucking nobodies on youtube that supposed to be counter-mainstream or whatever, spout this narrative and related buzzwords. Probably because they sleep and see themselves in PewDiePie shoes. "Please like and subscribe!" FUCK OFF BITCH! I DON'T HAVE AN ACCOUNT BECAUSE I'M NOT A CORPORATE SLAVE!

God bless Invidious! You will not get a penny from me, cocksuckers! Cry me a river!
Youtube should ban these corporate whores from integrating advertisement directly into their videos, they should get their income only through youtube ads, so that I can watch it without fucking ads on invidious.


Thumbnail reminds me of Lupin III

Жаль продолжение нету


Anime youtube scene has gotten both a lot worse in content recently and a lot better. On one hand you have every retard under the sun making dozens of "youtube shorts" with lame "memes" each, and on the other a lot of animators have come out with new stuff as animation tech makes it easier to get things released.


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One of the worst anime youtubers IMO is SethTheProgrammer - literally the encapsulation of the worst of the powerscaling community. It got so bad that a lot of his fellow powerscalers and even some of his former friends hate his guts.
Also his autism ruined the Ichigo vs Naruto fight animation.


There's a lot of those 2010s Comicvine rejects that do crap like Seth.


Any recommended anishitters for 2024? I only follow zhoniin now for some one piece recaps


Craftsdwarf is the goat channel.


Honestly I love finding obscure channels that upload old anime movies and clips:
For example TCD Blazer https://www.youtube.com/@coledenny40/videos


Trash Taste is fun, Anime Man seems… fine (his takes are pretty generic though, CDawgVA has much more based takes but I don't think he has an anime channel), Mother's Basement is mega-cringe and Gigguk is mid. Honestly, I just search for anime myself, I don't need a YouTuber to hand it to me.

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