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/anime/ - Anime

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>mfw I keep convincing friends that anime and coomer art are inherently capitalistic
>tell them how coomerism fuels patreon bucks which impose an unrealistic and unobtainable image for women and males because of the rate of porn consumed created by comissions
>tfw only leftypol will be the only anime friendly lefty place, eventually

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so you're sabotaging the left and making capitalism last a generation longer…to drive more traffic here?
thanks i guess

> sabotaging the left and making capitalism last a generation longer
How did you reach this conclusion?!

Actually, anime is praxis. It undermines the ability of the American empire to exert the enormous influence it had over the superstructure by corruptimm the kids into being repulsed by 3D Hollywood films.
The less the reach of the Hollywood propaganda complex, the less the idealization of the American capitalist empire there will be.

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If they become so easily manipulated they were shit allies to beggin with

atm I am talking in reddit mod and admin circlejerks trying to convince them about how the trap therm is transgresive

If it was my efforts that actually influenced r/animemes it would be super cool

>mfw i keep convincing friends of useless shit
Another win for the left!

>dehumanizing the population of a country hinders the upper-class from oppressing and exploiting it
Uh, no.

What's a Marxist analysis of traps in anime?

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>this trans bullshit meme
No, get out. This is unironically anti-trans rhetoric by implying that all homosexuals and crossdressers are dysphoric.

Dumb greentexting /v/ermin.

>gay = trap

>>Anime art impose an unrealistic and unobtainable image for women and males because of the rate of porn consumed created by comissions
The only "unobtainable-ness" of it is that the characters actually have goals and likable interests. The beauty they oppose is obvious to the eye, anyone who has the chance to be with a real romantic partner would take it and will stay as long as they're good people.

>>tfw only leftypol will be the only anime friendly lefty place, eventually

Now with christian tier posts like this and the spooked shit that was the thread over lolis.

I can smell the pedophile a mile away

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You need to go outside more often if you think you need to be a bible thumper to dislike lolicon.


This. Astolfo >>> Brie Larson dropping JDAMs on Syria from a rainbow F-35.

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Great thread.

Isn't the author of Fate a radlib at least?

Some Japanese author is center-left? Shocking.

Fate is cancerous trash. Want a real hobby communist? The author of Tanya the Evil made the entire series as a satire about capitalist denialism and brutality.

But that guy is a literal larper, as in, he calls himself whatever the Japanese term for "communist larper" is (I forgot what it was).

Hobby Communist is what it's called (translated). and unlike FATE-faggot, he actually presents something left leaning in his work and his life.

read Culture Industry

Opponent of the Iraq War probably.
very cultured too

Anime was raised to its nowadays state by the major exploitation of animation labour.

It doesn't have to be like that though.

If everyone became traps, communism would then be achieved.

Thanks for the insight, I'm going to stop consuming anime and manga now.

If all your trap/feminization fags took meds and therapy for your fujo-tier bullshit, then communism would be a step closer and radlibs weaker.

> took meds and therapy
Do you mean HRT?

The fading of the intensity of the Japanese student movement meant that consumerism became the means by which the youth could make space for themselves in many cases.
Though actually members of the student movements also could be known to read manga sometimes.


&ltlet's take this quack trandistion bullshit to fuck up our heads even more!
No. I mean some basic medication for any mental afflictions or problems such as but not limited to depression. And therapy in which you go to people who help you talk things through and don't pander to you and enable your fetish to become a twisted reality.

>>tell them how coomerism fuels patreon bucks which impose an unrealistic and unobtainable image for women and males because of the rate of porn consumed created by comissions
These are radlib criticisms. Criticising something for consumer is fucking shallow. Like I give the fuck you buy whole grain bread.

You forgot to post a picture with "no ethical consumerism" in rainbow-colored Comic Sans over some random anime girl filled with JPEG artifacts.

You do it.

Go organize people instead of consuming HikkiNEET products.

jk, everything is corporations' products anyways
do organize people

Okay, real theory hours.
Do traps represent an affirmation or negation of the state of Japanese capitalism?

Of course a thread that is nothing but greentext and a funny reaction image is garbage.

Yes. Uphold firmly the power of glorious trap anime's counter hegemonic potential.

Affirms it. It is almost a necessity for some anime genre to have at least 1 trap or gender-bender per anime, milking to death the original idea.

Stay mad

There's nothing Hegelian about traps.

Other than the sublation of girl in boy? Traps are peak dialectics

It could be a way to revolt against the standard expectation to become a salaried worker, trap culture, that doesn't get the same connotations as the typical shut in otaku.

Obviously, similarly to general otaku culture and the sort, it relies on hyperconsumerism, but that is just to be expected. Also, that the left has not organized to the level where it is important to the political scene, and that the New Left of Japan also isn't anymore a major force in politics in Japan means that the retreat to lifestyle diversions becomes prevalent.

We should have solidarity with other leftists. Say no to opportunistically stealing their members

retard thread

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Good news boys

I am in contact with some of localization-translation publishers of manga staff members and they seem to react well to the proposition of DMCA ilegal anime sites with rightwing leanings (eg 4chan /a/ storytime threads)

I'll see how this goes

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lmao look at him dance ahahaha

also based news

Can i get a fucking sauce for this pic? I need it for my daily nut tonight.

Traps represent an affirmation of the Japanese prole cock's right to be erect.

There are several GETs in this thread.

They are the ultimate form, HOMO sovieticus, of the communist subject.
>"They say that the English Parliament can do everything except change a man into a woman. Our Central Committee is far more powerful than that. It has already changed more than one not very revolutionary man into an old woman, and the number of these old women is increasing daily."

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Didn't even realize I posted trips last night. Check'd and based

Not one, and this running gag of cartoon pedophilia being a real thing needs to end. The people jerk it to loli since the image is just a optimization of beautiful, it leaves the realm of ties to humanity behind. If the ties were there it would've been noted that cartoon pedophilia leads to real pedophilia, which has failed to show.

The continuation of this joke is nothing but to push baseless moralism, which does nothing but rape the mind further than any religion, cult, nationalist, etc. level group can ever dream.

Also >>3375, yes, you don't need to be a bible thumper to hate loli, there are many groups that sought for the same thing of raping the public with the concept of morality and what other plague of the week.

>this nigga finally answers, and it's the same cope and deflection.
Literally all of this garbage "argumentation" has been debunked already, fuck off pedophile.

Perhaps this should be a hidden board.

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You're not terribly great at arguing. You keep deluding the point when you should just go for insults and the direct response would be well this image. It gets anti-lolifags pissed off everytime. I love it.

>hide the board because a few threads are trash
Why are newfags such babies?

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Can I get the fucking Sauce for this image please?!?!

My Benis demands it.

>Literally all of this garbage "argumentation" has been debunked already, fuck off pedophile.
Stating something "has been debunked" does not debunk it

True, but
1) there was an entire thread of lolicon cope that had numerous responses that at the end were largely uncontested, or were replied with snarky replies
2) This is not the thread for this debate and so I won't waste time on it further.

Yamato Aki from [email protected] cinderella girls.

>animu gun control

Sauce is Aki Yamato from Cinderella Girls


doesn't mean people wouldn't make anime after capital is abolished, for fun/expression

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I liked it better when it was called cumbrain, but 5 minutes later someone "came up" with a wojak that fit the *oomer naming scheme and because that's what's all the rage among /v/ermin these days it ended up exploding in popularity.

I disliked both coomer and cumbrain so there's that.

Chomsky was mostly correct about how people's enthusiasm for their various leisure activities could be powerful if it were directed to organization.

t. masturbation addict

could you expand upon this ?

Chomsky said that one could contrast the apathy that characterizes the interest in politics to the level of obsession that people have in entertainment things, in the example, that he gave, sports, there being those who could know minute details of this or that in that area but also be very lacking in the knowledge of reality politically.

This was probably from his "Manufacturing Consent" that can be accessed on the Web somewhere.

So what does the contrast signify?




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[As a result,] the realization of labor appears as negation to such an extent that the worker is negated to the point of starvation. The objectification appears as a loss of the objects to such an extent that the worker is deprived of the most necessary objects of life and labor. Moreover, labor itself becomes an object of which he can make himself master only by the greatest effort and with incalculable interruptions. Appropriation of the object appears as alienation to such an extent that the more objects the worker produces the less he possesses and the more he comes under the sway of his product, of capital.

>tfw only leftypol will be the only anime friendly lefty place, eventually
the quality of this board would turn any lefty weeaboo into a fascist

>leftypol will be the only anime friendly lefty place
LOL yeah, the several dozen "kill yourself weeb" posts are very friendly.
>Muh board make fascists
I really don't see how.


Himegoto is the best propaganda for communism.

>bump posting
yes dear, what did you want to say?

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The manga/anime industry is inherently anti-art because the creators are incentivised to milk the fuck out of their series untill no one cares about them anymore - even to a more extreme degree than the Hollywood franchises and TV shows. I'm sure you could find a good story in most mangas, the problem is that it's buried under the 95% unnecessary bullshit and it lacks the proper execution because it's created under a lack of time. The deadline driven nature of comics prevents them from entering a higher level of art.

Post is literally: Anime industry [read capitalism] leads to non-artistic products, as money > art for creators, just like any other mass media (movies, tv series, etc.) because pragmatism and greed over-rule artistic expression or actual effort in execution due to the time/budget constraints on artists (see >>617)

anIme is communist.
otaku have only their games to lose.
uphold marxism lennsim lolism.

Actually there is Soviet animation, so no, it is not.

Is anime better nowadays than anime from before or not, what do anons think?

Modern technologie obviously creates alot of possibilities for animation even though its often not used in a good manner (bad cgi etc)
Anime nowasdays has great appeal outside of Japan bc of that more money is available to create more (and atleast on paper) better anime
I think the biggest problem of anime is the generalization and sterilisation which comes when companies trie to create mass appeal
so the biggest problem with modern anime is probably story wise there is still some really great stuff out there but the majority is just the same over and over which is obviously boring af
But thats probably just the way of mass media

Where did the sage posters all go, out of curiousity?

I can't remember if I liked them or hated them, but I bet they stayed at Bunkchan and/or left entirely

That was always weird af

let go of the illusion and embrace accelerationism, anon.

The Soviets have banned pornographic material.bolshevikBolshevik

Independent artists aren't capitalists. They're one of the few people under capitalism who can make money without being exploited or exploiting others. We should be admiring their freedom, yearning for it. Not doing this radlib type of critique that is devoid of materialist analysis.

There is a good possibility that production of smut'll go down if no one has to do it to make those wages, but then again perhaps under communism and more feminism there'll be demystification of sexuality.albaniaAlbania

And then the Soviets lifted the ban unlike the Nazis that had a ban throughout.

Sexuality would still be a part of art though. It just would be viewed under a different context.

all that which is not early Bolshevik dogma is capitalism, then? what about economic systems preceding the existence of capitalism, how on earth can all under the sun that is not socialism be capitalism if feudalism, decidedly not socialist, was also not capitalism?

Recently read MEIKYUU BLACK COMPANY And holy shit I don't know if this is meant to be a satire or is an unironic lolbert fantasy manga. Like goddamn is it unapologetic in it's "muh business-calss smart, worker stupid" crap.

The way of the revolutionary obviously is revolutionary celibacy.bolshevikBolshevik

It's the culture industry brah.

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Puritanical revolutionaries as Cockshott said are effective.

>Yui in the compilation

i kneel

honestly trans women who associate their identity with anime characters end up shoe horning themselves into endless cycles of dysphoria because of the completely unachievable nature of their preferred aesthetic, a much healthier goal would be something like a Victorian spinster, crazy cat lady, or russian babushka

frogot to link to

And that's a good thing.

thanks for the twitter recs

>POV: No father figure.

Unique IPs: 7

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