>mfw I keep convincing friends that anime and coomer art are inherently capitalistic
>tell them how coomerism fuels patreon bucks which impose an unrealistic and unobtainable image for women and males because of the rate of porn consumed created by comissions
>tfw only leftypol will be the only anime friendly lefty place, eventually
>>3292If they become so easily manipulated they were shit allies to beggin with
atm I am talking in reddit mod and admin circlejerks trying to convince them about how the trap therm is transgresive
If it was my efforts that actually influenced r/animemes it would be super cool
>>3193 Dumb greentexting /v/ermin.
>>3351 >gay = trapHuh?
>>3193>>Anime art impose an unrealistic and unobtainable image for women and males because of the rate of porn consumed created by comissionsThe only "unobtainable-ness" of it is that the characters actually have goals and likable interests. The beauty they oppose is obvious to the eye, anyone who has the chance to be with a real romantic partner would take it and will stay as long as they're good people.
>>tfw only leftypol will be the only anime friendly lefty place, eventuallyNow with christian tier posts like this and the spooked shit that was the thread over lolis.
>>3474>HRT<let's take this quack trandistion bullshit to fuck up our heads even more!
No. I mean some basic medication for any mental afflictions or problems such as but not limited to depression. And therapy in which you go to people who help you talk things through and don't pander to you and enable your fetish to become a twisted reality.
>>3489Affirms it. It is almost a necessity for some anime genre to have at least 1 trap or gender-bender per anime, milking to death the original idea.
>>3500Stay mad
>>3623lmao look at him dance ahahaha
also based news
>>3368Not one, and this running gag of cartoon pedophilia being a real thing needs to end. The people jerk it to loli since the image is just a optimization of beautiful, it leaves the realm of ties to humanity behind. If the ties were there it would've been noted that cartoon pedophilia leads to real pedophilia, which has failed to show.
The continuation of this joke is nothing but to push baseless moralism, which does nothing but rape the mind further than any religion, cult, nationalist, etc. level group can ever dream.
>>3375, yes, you don't need to be a bible thumper to hate loli, there are many groups that sought for the same thing of raping the public with the concept of morality and what other plague of the week.
>>3762True, but
1) there was an entire thread of lolicon cope that had numerous responses that at the end were largely uncontested, or were replied with snarky replies
2) This is not the thread for this debate and so I won't waste time on it further.
>>3759>animu gun controlcringe
Sauce is Aki Yamato from Cinderella Girls
>>3893>MADE MOSTLY WITH CAPITAL IN MIND doesn't mean people wouldn't make anime after capital is abolished, for fun/expression
>>4562>leftypol will be the only anime friendly lefty place LOL yeah, the several dozen "kill yourself weeb" posts are very friendly.
>Muh board make fascistsI really don't see how.
>>4835 Post is literally: Anime industry [read capitalism] leads to non-artistic products, as money > art for creators, just like any other mass media (movies, tv series, etc.) because pragmatism and greed over-rule artistic expression or actual effort in execution due to the time/budget constraints on artists (see
>>6437Modern technologie obviously creates alot of possibilities for animation even though its often not used in a good manner (bad cgi etc)
Anime nowasdays has great appeal outside of Japan bc of that more money is available to create more (and atleast on paper) better anime
I think the biggest problem of anime is the generalization and sterilisation which comes when companies trie to create mass appeal
so the biggest problem with modern anime is probably story wise there is still some really great stuff out there but the majority is just the same over and over which is obviously boring af
But thats probably just the way of mass media
>>8060And then the Soviets lifted the ban unlike the Nazis that had a ban throughout.
>>8424Sexuality would still be a part of art though. It just would be viewed under a different context.
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