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I love death note. And I love light yagami as a character.

However it was very obvious that his entire worldview is extremely… reactionary I guess? Or like darwinist? Killing criminals and not trying to fix underlying problems is obvioiusly retarded. I wonder if any normalfags were able to make this obsevation


Edgy and over-rated but an interesting concept.


Psycho Pass Season 1 was better


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go back to the kindergarten


What's your problem? The person wrote a nice, solid OP about an anime and pointed out his thoughts. Do you have anything constructive?


He was trying to prevent future crimes by making people afraid to commit crimes so it wasn't as simple as just getting rid of specific people. Light was a brainlette in the end though. The Death Note's most powerful ability wasn't killing people it was controlling their actions before death but there is no rule that says you couldn't repeatedly control someone's actions and set the death to exceed the time limit. This would allow for controlling government leaders and capitalists until they die of old age or exceed usefulness thus obtaining the ultimate power for change. Instead he used it to stroke his sense of his ego filled sense of morality and kill whoever he saw as undesirable.


>Instead he used it to stroke his sense of his ego filled sense of morality and kill whoever he saw as undesirable.
I'm fairly sure that hi egoism is part of the point of the show.


I know. I'm basically saying there was a plot hole even in the manga version. The author easily could have fixed that by making the rules more specific or suggest there is another page of rules but not specify what they are.


That's true, I guess. It's probably something that doesn't come up as often because of the sheer ego of Light, he never thinks about these things and in turn it never comes up.


Yep, Light is just like me!


Judging by your half-dozen, smug, sage-posts across various threads… you're not wrong, in how similar you are to the little god-complex psychopath.



Death Note's success relied on a specific relationship more than they thought and quality plummets once that dynamic was gone.


>And I love light yagami as a character.
you missed the point of the show entirely.
also this


dude this shit was deep to middle schoolers


TBF You can like a characterization without actually saying you think the same of real life people like him.


Can I watch these if I haven't read/watched Death Note?

>you missed the point of the show entirely.
He literally said Light is retarded


>read/watched Death note
Assuming you mean the anime/manga, yes. The Netflix version of Death Note has about as much to do with Death Note as the M.Nights Avatar: The Last Airbender movie. However I do suggest reading the first 10 chapters of the manga (or episodes of the anime) before starting the reviews, if only to get some of the references E;R makes.
The only good part of the Netflix series IMO is that Willem Dafoe voices Ryuuk


true usually people's entry to 'Adult' or 'Dark' anime goes from Death Note to Evangellion and so on


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OP has horrible tasteaccelerationAcceleration


Probably everyone who has seen it. It's just fun watching this insane fuck blindly going about killing millions of people and plus the 4d chess cat and mouse game in the show.

Thinking the show is anything but is just a losing game on the analization side.

We should ban these type of posts, all these are is you guys just declaring your opinion (generally to put yourself above others) and not elaborating on anything. These don't fuel the conversation at all, unless the conversation your having with is a wall.


Go back to reddit contempt is ubiquitous on an anime boardaccelerationAcceleration


Go back to /v/.


btw I am better than youaccelerationAcceleration


>We should ban these type of posts, all these are is you guys just declaring your opinion
No shit faggot, have you ever been on /a/? High PPH is never going to be 100% effort posts, and sometimes people just have an opinion but are only invested insomuch as to comment and leave, or lurk. And proposing these posts should get bans is utterly pathetic.


Embedding error.
Fairly Odd Death Note a.k.a Deathly God Parents! Opening Theme - DEATH NOTE (NETFLIX) PARODY by NipahDubs. Animated from http://www.nerdragecomic.com/index.php?date=2017-03-31


Light was a faggot for killing L and I am glad he died the way he did. (Especially in the manga)


But light also made the world safer and improved the public safety of billions by getting rid of the worlds criminals, and corrupt leaders


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>But light also made the world safer and improved the public safety of billions by getting rid of the worlds criminals, and corrupt leaders
What? Dude killed his father, crippled his sister (not to mention he would have killed her too) and his definition of justice was that of a three year old. Also don't forget that a large portion of those he killed might have been innocent in the first place because of japans shitty legal system. When you think about it, Light is essentially that what liberals actually believe about Stalin. A la mass murderer, creating a regime of fear etc..


what a retarded view. Most criminals he killed were either already in jail, or suspects only. Most criminals aren't that dangerous and are normal people. Leaders were still corrupt after he was there, given his limited access to relevant information for this (actually hed prolly be pretty ez to use as a tool to get rid of some enemies if you control medias), and the fact that you dont fix an org by killing the leadership, most problems are systemics (in fact, prolly more likely you worsen the situation).
Only a complete brainlet with baby tier understanding of the world could support light actions, even discounting his ego and god complex.


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True in a sense, but frankly Light had no method of being caught if he didn't try and reveal himself and even then L's method is bullshit TBH. He only did all those things because the moral of the story is megalomania is bad and so they needed to have him fuck up and do things that are shit, or there'd be no story. Obviously mass-murder isn't good, but the story kinda fails to prove it, as the net good that he contributed outdoes the net bad

>Most criminals he killed were either already in jail
And that's good? There's a reason the Gulag only had 10-15 years maximum sentences and had prisoners do hard labor, people sitting in jail eating food and money from the state is inefficient and if you're going to imprison people for so long to no purpose Light's idea of killing them makes sense. Mind you I'm not condoning prison murder or shit like that, just pointing out the conceptual reason.
>only suspects
Something that is called inconsistent writing - it is out of character for Light to kill mere suspects that aren't proven criminals given his analytical nature, god complex or not, (though I suppose this may also be allegory to Japan's ~90% incarceration rate of suspects).
>Most criminals aren't that dangerous and are normal people
If I recall correctly he got rid of high-security prisoners/suspects involved in armed robbery, murder and other violent crime, not pickpockets and druggies.
>Leaders were still corrupt after he was there
Probably, that is more of a V-for-Vendetta tier fantasy action than a 100% serious idea of "just kill the corrupt"
>he'd prolly be pretty ez to use as a tool to get rid of some enemies if you control medias
That's a pretty intriguing idea


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Does Death Note compare to Code Geass? There IS a lot of similarity in the protagonists. They’re both anime in which a brilliant school student, disgusted at the world’s current state, comes across a supernatural power with which he uses to become a faceless vigilante. Throughout the shows both Kira and Zero attempt to cleanse society whilst also trying to keep their true identities secret alongside their relatively innocent high school lives. Also keep in mind that the Death Note and the Geass power are quite similar in that you can use both to control your victims.
They’re not extremely alike, but as two incredibly popular anime, these similarities are bound to draw some comparisons.


I don't think Ledouche was trying to "cleanse society" so much as purge the Brittanian royal family, and even that seemed to be more in the name of revenge rather than in the name of purifying society. Then again, the last time I watched Chode Gayass was when it came out.


>Chode Gayass


Glad to see /a/'s hottest 2007 material still kills


old but gold


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im bored here enjoy this cursed image


Blessed you mean


lol nice


So is L a retard merely depicted as "smart" or genuinely the high-functioning autist he is supposed to be? https://archive.ph/xvvvB


A vaguely similar and recent anime is Platinum End, though the plot is different, the focus on the (angel of) death and overall atmosphere really reminds me of Death Note, the MC even resembles bootleg Kira.


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Nice pic for antz


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>vigilante justice works
>the police only get in the way
>rule by fear is most effective
>justice is acted, not thought
>a benevolent dictator is the only way to get positive results
>you cant teach morality, you can only enforce it

i know people "liked" L but did they really go along with him?
he had to die. and he knew that.


I think you make a good point but that's only because the story presents itself like that.


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its just facts
the whole show is just the idea of bringing back the death penalty with the efficiency of immediate results - the only moral disagreement is either the idea that killing is inherently wrong (which it obviously isnt, for violent criminals) or that violent crime should be forgiven (which costs time and money and public morality, really).
Near and L make it about the morality of holding absolute power - but if kira doesnt then who does? the state? its the same difference. near calls light a "serial killer" yet kira shows empirical improvements to civilisation - theres no real grey area, which would have improved the show's complexity - if it showed kira mercilessly slaying petty thieves who were poor or whatever, that would have been good - but i think the creators are clearly on the side of light, which is why he loses in the most autistic way possible - because he couldnt lose if he really wanted to win - but i guess you can say that he lost because of his narcissism or whatever, but nobody really thinks the ending is epic, except his evil laugh and stuff.
i support the death penalty so maybe i am biased, but not supporting it also must have its justifications, its not simply given on its own terms.
kira was cleaning up the trash - imagine if a real bad guy got the death note, a guy killing world leaders and destabilising the earth. kira is very conservative since he rules by his own self-righteousness and not by chaos.


True, but as >>10179 and >>10178 pointed out, his methods are les than ideal, and come from narcissism rather than as genuine justice.


Light doesn't kill criminals only, since he killed L and tried to kill the special task force, and they were not criminals -being opposed to Kira while doing nothing wrong is a crime in the new world?-, also he uses Misa for his own fucked up purposes, he never does the shit he does because he's "good" he does all that because he's a massive faggot with a narcissistic personality disorder that wants to be a literal god, he even says so himself multiple times.

Fuck him and fuck his simps.


Near is kind of a chad though. That motherfucker doesn't give two fucks about nothing.


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Kind of overhyped a show but I'm fond of the nostalgia I have for the anime.


I honestly think if light was an the same character but dumber he'd probably win, for e.g his intelligence and careful planning is what gets L to figure out his exact location, kira went from being any person in the world to some one in a specific Japanese prefecture with a High IQ


An interesting Russian fanfic for Death Note crosing over into Re:Zero (essentially Light reincarnates in that world after he dies in his at the end of the series). It's called Arrogant Killer that has Light be rather well written IMO. A lot of fun for me.


I need a Columbo - Death Note fanfic oneshot, just for comedy.


Embedding error.
Kira theme


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You're given a Death Note. What do you do with it? If for some reason you're not familiar with its rules, they are as follows:
>Anyone whose name is written in the Death Note will die
>In addition to a name, you must also picture the person's face while writing it
>You can specify a time and cause of death, but by default they'll die of a heart attack 40 seconds later
>You can also specify their actions leading up to their death, as long as those actions are physically possible for them; you can make someone run in front of a bus, but you can't make them travel faster than light or make them recall information they don't have access to
>You can choose to give up half of your remaining lifespan in return for seeing people's names by looking at their faces
There are a bunch of other rules, but they're not really relevant


he saw that there where injustices in the world and when life gave him a hammer everything started looking like a nail. ironically i think that being raised in a police family gave him the enforcer mindset and the attitude that he had to be exempt from the law in order to enforce it as well as a very one dimensional view of crime. he was so obsessed with "Justice" through violence that he was never really the utilitarian he thought himself to be, he could control how people died but never made a billionaire liquidate and donate all his assets to charity or something else that would save lives because he only used his
hammer to drive more nails into the system rather than thinking how he could use the puller on the back to take it apart.


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If the plot hadn't made him intentionally arrogant Light'd start by being careful. The death note is totally untraceable, so if I live my life right, he can be Kira without ever being caught. Use TOR only, learn about my victims through the internet, and various news sources. Proxy, vpn, etc.

He'd kill world leaders. Cause chaos in the US ruling class by continuously assassinating pretty much every high-up in the government. The president is replaced every week. Senators drop like flies. The most reactionary and violent world leaders be targeted. All the neo-nazi leaders of the world die. Religious and cult leaders die. High profile reactionaries die. Kissinger dies. Elon Musk dies. Oil executives, war criminals, radical terrorists, nationalists of various countries, warmongers, they all die. Heart attacks only. No patterns. No messages. The media will inevitably go nuts, and be filled with suspicion and all sorts of insane theories. Most likely they'll blame China. Ignore any attempts by media or government agencies to try and draw me out by challenging me or asking me to give a message or insulting the unknown killer's pride or spreading fake rumors.

The international bourgeoisie will be brought to utter panic. All their leaders dying constantly they will be in a state of constant uncertainty. They all distrust each other. The people lost faith in their ability to lead. They have an immensely difficult time maintaining their power. To the people Kira becomes a sort of folk hero. Religious people consider it to be an act of god, intervening on behalf of the people, and officially declaring the bourgeoisie to be sinful and unfit to rule.

But if less than 100 people die the first two days, before anybody can even react or make a connection, you're doing a bad job. you'd either have to go really slow and discreet or really fast because once porky realizes (sorta) what's happening, there's gonna be insane amounts of resources poured into investigating. It might well end with every person on the planet being directly surveilled 24/7 by flea-sized drones and whatnot and by then it's game over for you. A good strategy is to rotate countries but sometimes stay in one to throw off investigation. ideally Kira doesn't want them to know where he even lives by seeing patterns of when people die etc. It's a lot of work.

I'm not sure if this would actually create any positive change in the long run but damn the threads on here about it would be insane. And you just know the memes would be amazing. The problem is Kira is an egomaniac, he literally joins the investigation into himself, if he was actually smart then he would have just got some random unnoticeable job and just run the world from his bedroom, he killed people primarily on Japanese news, that's how L knew he was in Japan… although it'd be a hilarious move if he'd been a American Otaku mad about Japanese socio-economics ruining his /jp/ fantasies.


The control before death part seems the most intersting thing.
Can you imagine making all haed of state release their countries top secret intel everywhere on the Internet before they kick the bucket?
Not to mention you can make the perfect false flags.


finally we can know the truth about the ayys


I love Dafoe. is it worth it to watch just for him?



Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps


Light Yagami was a faggot.
End of.


Reactionary and progressive doesn't apply in Death Note. Light is a legist and L is a daoist. They represent political ideologies which don't make sense in the context of linear change.


>inb4 Christian symbolism
It's the Japanese we are talking about. Don't except them to seriously approach Western ideas. It's not that they are stupid, they just don't know or don't care. Despite all the symbolism and Misa's Kira-worshipping sect, everything goes back to normal to the way it has always been, at least from what see in the last shots: mortals live the lives of mortals and the death gods rule over death and their shitty wasteland which is as empty as death itself: it's pure nothingness.


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light yagami from the anime death note is basically a eugenicist, so it's ridiculous how half the fanbase thinks he's an "anti hero" or anything besides a complete monster

i swear weebs are really dumb sometimes


the only people who call him a "anti-hero" are right-wingers


which is a large portion of that fanbase


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describing yourself as a "death note fanbase member" in 2023


He's basically the rightoid idea of justice: a petit bourgueoise with some power that kills people that he thinks is the "true cause" of society issues, instead of fighting against the root of the societal issues


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Eugenicist? He didn't kill anyone on base of gene and wasn't concerned with reproduction at all (not even with his own lol). Anyway, moral relativist Near for the win.


Problem i see with Light was he didn't use the death note to it's full potential with how you can use it to control people's actions and instead had a narcissistic notion that he could be feared as a god focusing only on the killing aspect. I dont think eugenicist is best way to describe him.


there are people who unironically think that lelouch and light are both part of the anti-hero archetype and it drives me fucking insane


i'm not disagreeing with you but can you tell me what you think lelouch is? sympathetic villain protagonist? what role in the story does he have? because in my view he's an anti hero because he's going against a social darwinist empire that's racist, so it's more like dark gray morality vs black morality. On the tvtropes page its conflicted as well if he is anti hero or villain protagonist, and his character page has both tropes listed at once. So I don't think the character lelouch is as evil as light yagami. I think at worst he is a much more sympathetic villain than him even if he is still evil


I don't think Lelouch is a villain at all. Everything he does is to destroy the fascist empire and save his sister. Doing bad stuff doesn't make him a villain, it makes him a flawed person trying to overthrow an evil government.


It sucks that Light didn't use the Death Note to go after the actual bad people in the world, he could have obliterated global capitalism


I honestly can't believe it's been 17 years since the Death Note anime came out… holy shit I feel old.


Who are you replying to?

I mean in some ways he starts off as an anti-hero, taking action against the vile elements that societies mechanisms fail to stop, but it just derails into a serial killers murder spree.


The Simpsons' parody of 'Death Note' from Treehouse of Horror 33 was actually pretty funny.


Lelouch is never presented as a psychopath, and feels guilty for the death destruction he has caused. But is able to bury it and continues on his crusade. And he never believes himself to be god or let his power get too his head. Hell he plans his own death so that world can live in peace,


Light was a fucking idiot. How do you end up getting caught while having a supernatural notebook that can kill anyone with just a name and a face?

Still, I love the hell out of Death Note.


Yeah really, he died because he was a narcissist retard, he's supposed to be a genius but decides to kill the head of the investigation into him… Like literally just do nothing and they would have no way to track you down. The guy he killed wasn't even a criminal (as far as he knew) so he broke his own rules too


He's simply the reflection of the superstructure of the neoliberal order. Everything "bad" happening is presented as someone's "personal failing," not some systemic problem that needs solving. Light is just edgier Batman really, he simply shows what Batman really is: a servant of the system who oppresses proles and lumpens for any transgression. The only difference is that in the eyes of your average comics fan or movie-goer a criminal getting beaten up to near-death and thrown in a cell is "okay" while straight-up killing a criminal is "evil."


True, you could totally end capitalism with the death note though (especially given that you can control people with it for at least some period of time(


I remembered how in Deus Ex when you beat up radicals they'll call you a fascist. Now imagine it was Batman. It still works.

Although to be fair to Batman he was rescuing political prisoners in Arkham City but I think he's still a counter-revolutionary (Dark Knight Rises comes to mind).


The batman thing is funny because writers kind of noticed this criticism so they decided to make him a super entrepreneur who donates all his money all the time and yet his money donations just cannot stop crime.
Which in a way just enforces the reactionary ideology by making the crime rate of Gotham less of a system thing and more of a people thing. Now there even is a “counter culture” group of lib comic fans who get annoyed when you say anything about superhero politics that in anyways criticise them, they for example point to batman donating his money as an argument that he isn’t a fashoid.


He's even worse of Batman. He straight up says he was planning to kill people who don't contribute enough to society. Big words coming from a pig.


i still think it's a little silly to call batman a fascist, just because superhero politics is just neither something that can exist in real life or important in any way, and it's not even consistent within the bounds of a single superhero (see superman). that being said, i think he's still more of a lib superhero, most of the works he is in feature him favoring a rehabilitative approach to crime and le donating to the poor, acting as a good soul within the framework of gotham, an evil and corrupt shithole exemplifying eternal 19xx america. i like batman and i think he's pretty cool


mp4 in case it gets deleto'd


>Columbo in Death Note
This is a Netflix adaptation I'd watch lol.



how does anybody like this dogshit anime. my dog could have animated this better.


It was a different time


I think people focus on the character too much and ignore the world the mangaka created around him.

Because in the context of Light's world, he is actually correct. He's not making an argument about what the result of his actions WOULD BE, the indiscriminate killing of anyone the Japanese justice system names a suspect does in fact eliminated crime from society for the duration of Kira's bloody reign!

You can say accurately that that's not how the real world works, but it is how the mangaka THINKS it works. There are no social or systemic causes of crime that cannot be overcome with harsher repression


homoerotic supernatural mindgame kino. if u dont get it you're a reactionary


>term meant for an arbitrarily defined phase of capitalism applied to people
bloody retarded

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