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 No.4909[View All]

Things that are not anime and manga are also okay, and communist cosplay is even better.
55 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1662274777777.jpg (Spoiler Image, 784.28 KB, 2640x1488, 1662271335317-0.jpg)


Jason could become fulltime cosplay star ,if he truly does retire from maoistrebelnews.com. as he hinted on video recently.


>lefty Boards could do real meetup like those fags at pol
/pol/ meetups? That sounds incredibly cringe.


File: 1686752887618.mp4 (587.67 KB, 480x480, mexico.mp4)


She looks like she's JoJo-posing.

She goes around drinking alcohol and eating food in Mexico? I mean, it would totally be in character for Ryuko and Aqua but I wonder what looks she was getting.


Red Alert?



one of the characters she cosplayed was a jojo character (yukako)


File: 1695673749017-0.jpg (277.95 KB, 1280x1707, ah cos2.jpg)

File: 1695673749017-1.jpg (321.87 KB, 1280x1707, ah cos1.jpg)

Atomic Heart Cosplay


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File: 1696954038597.jpg (403.34 KB, 1024x1280, 1693713937601672.jpg)


Nice AI art, but how is this cosplay? Is it because it's a woman pretending to be a pirate?


historic reenactment and fantasy I guess


I suppose that works


Pacific Rim - Gypsy Danger Cosplay

Seriously fucking cool


Pacific Rim was great. Shame they never made any more.


I kinda hate stuff like this because it just makes anything you can do look like garbage. It defeats the point of even trying at cosplay. And the situation exists for every hobby, no matter what you try there's some paid influencer online that makes it completely pointless.

IDK maybe I'm the only one to feel this way


Yeah it's a shame the film never got a sequel, but the animated series was actually pretty decent even if it's a bit AU.

>It defeats the point of even trying at cosplay
Anon, cosplay is about doing your best, and only conceited fags are going to judge you for not being uber-rich or investing ungodly amounts of design to create such perfection. It's about having fun.
>maybe I'm the only one to feel this way
You're not the only one, but you should put those feelings aside, that's never the point of cosplay unless you're a professional.


File: 1697234084375.jpg (83.88 KB, 466x700, 2f3uq.jpg)

Art's quality isn't based on how close to life it is. Cosplay's quality isn't based on how accurate its depiction is.


Anyone know where I can order Cat-Eye or Snake-Eye lenses for Halloween and cosplay? Cuckistan bans their purchase.


File: 1697595913070.png (6.05 MB, 1536x2048, ClipboardImage.png)

Uh oh






Why do people claim that otaku are losers when they have all the pretties women dress up in silly clothes for them?


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File: 1698028704506.png (117.55 KB, 168x300, ClipboardImage.png)

>ultra-vanilla booette


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File: 1700913877158.png (8.66 MB, 2316x3088, weissu.png)


Wrong eye-color but not bad at all. Pretty good effort for a cosplay.

Kek, she's cute.


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File: 1705257900519.mp4 (587.67 KB, 480x480, 1686752887618.mp4)

>Shinji, get in the weather balloon


Maybe heteronormative people are a little bit too obsessed at not being attracted to crossdressers. ASTOLFO IS HOT I ADMIT IT GODDAMNIT.


Yo, this looks awesome.


File: 1707582351158-0.jpg (309.3 KB, 780x1040, Nico cosplay 1.jpg)

File: 1707582351158-1.png (834.15 KB, 780x1040, nico cosplay 2.png)

Nico Robin's New World outfit is a tease


>leg spread
lol why is this so insanely hot to me?


Not into FNAF or tiktok but I liked this humanization of Foxy, pretty cute.


Sauce for the music >>>/music/11162
SPED UP ★ Never Be Alone [Shadrow]


File: 1711391861023.mp4 (2.01 MB, 480x852, Red Weeb Army.mp4)


Mexican Cosplay contest


Rei would never do that.


File: 1713113102982.png (1.87 MB, 1080x1080, ClipboardImage.png)

LOL, reminds me of the McDonalds cosplays from that thread on /siberia/


This is Chilean, not mexican.


My mistake


File: 1713128584254.webm (Spoiler Image, 11.41 MB, 1920x1080, 5946497 - animated cospla….webm)

Anyone have uncensored sauce on this Rei Cosplay? (spoilered for a reason)



File: 1713130198271.png (1.28 MB, 1024x683, ClipboardImage.png)

Thanks m8!


File: 1713302694835.jpg (Spoiler Image, 366.94 KB, 1227x1755, 124.jpg)

That depends on which version of Rei…


File: 1713841567452.png (2.82 MB, 2339x1524, ClipboardImage.png)

Ah, Mogudan. Now that's someone I haven't seen in a long, long time.

Apparently it was because Studio Khara cracked down on fanart.


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File: 1714175819781-1.png (269.4 KB, 400x400, ClipboardImage.png)

>how the fuck do you stay comfortable half naked without panties like this?
<she may be wearing very subtle adhesive underwear


being half naked is very comfortable

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