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 No.9917[Last 50 Posts]

I out of the culture war loop,and was told on 4chan that woke Leftists are seething over this Japanese McDonalds ad since it promotes wholesome traditional family values or some shit, but I haven't seen it, is it true?


>irrelevant culture war bullshit
>where is the meltdown?
>implying there aren't enough families in commercials already
>embed does nothing but circlejerk with twitter posts
cute ad though. i like the color palette.


You must remember that rightoids are eternaly mindbroken by their constant culture warring, so that when they see an advert (lmao) depicting people who are not black/queers they immediately view it as an affirmation of their values. Lib outrage is not impossible, but then again they're just the other side of the same idealist coin


Who cares? 4chan is for losers anyway.


Rightoids have an entirely self-contained culture war loop where they generate stuff to be mad about, including making up people being mad at things so they can be mad at/post about them.
The whole rightoid media circuit and internet ecosystem is a machine for manufactuing (profitable) ragefuel for lonely, sad, downwardly mobile, anger-addicted losers.


But i thought 'ackdonald was goyslop for the golems? wtf chinletsisters…


McDonald's: 👎
McDonald's, Japan: 👍


/pol/ regularly make shit up just to get outraged over it.


No but I don't understand the music. It's too complicated for a commercial jingle.


4chan makes up tons of BS that isn't true all the time. It wasn't good 10 years ago and it isn't of any value today either.


>Leftists are seething over this Japanese McDonalds ad since it promotes wholesome traditional family values or some shit, but I haven't seen it, is it true?
These are always strawmen. Nobody cared about this on /leftypol/ until you posted this shitty thread.


>muh HECKIN based ad!
>clearly depicts interracial couple with a mixed child


being a rightoid in 2023 is just looking at the most boring mainstream slop imaginable and making up headcanon based on its vibes


>was told on 4chan that
> is it true?


Cute now I want a family.


Japan is clearly trying to raise up the birthrate by any way imaginable, funding porn companies to start an impregnation fetish and now this.


That's unfair.
Why does Japan get to have cute adverts while we get shouty overweight black women :(


we can find a middle ground
how about a cute family of overweight suburban interracial couples?


Only if the dad is white and the mom isn't overweight (cute chubby is acceptable though).


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someone post that "you can tell a white man invented this" tweet with the mcdonalds burger and fries pic



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still looking


McDonalds, china: 🤬😡


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Macdonald(Vkusno i tochka)
, Russia:


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>We are only 2 years away from tradcels reclaiming back seed oils and corn syrup


literally where are the left or the liberals hating this? so far it's just a few twitter heads admiring it or saying "the left hates this"


>rightoids when they see girls with unnatural hair color normally: *screaming and pooping their pants*
>rightoids when they see girls with unnatural hair color in anime: "This is culture. This is what my ancestors died for."


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the body died
the idea stayed


what too much feminist ovned compilations does to a mf


Stonetoss is a Nazi.


Regardless his comics are really funny.


This is why rightoid criticism of imperialism, consumerism etc are all fucking bullshit. Same with liberal criticisms. You just dangle culture wars gruel in front of them and they'd all be on their knees praising how based/woke this or that brand is. Same with the whole Barbie or Bud Light shit. Absolute subhumans.


>pol getting hyped by AMWF propaganda
4chan has fallen.


>Same with the whole Barbie or Bud Light shit
Barbie was a good movie and transfem representation in advertising is based. Cope and seethe nazoid.


He wouldnt be asking how "we" allowed mcdonalds to become what it is today if he had watched the movie "the founder"


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Movie is shit and advertising is shit. If you're a le true leftist your first gut reaction to anything involving corporation and mass advertisements should be utter revulsion. Do you not comprehend how vile it is to drag impressionable transhumanists who most likely suffer from one form of societal isolation or another into lifelong alcoholism? Do you not realize how fucked up shit is when Japan suffers from a widespread economic collapse and the best thing they can do to ameliorate this is by promoting carcinogenic high fat instant food to financially struggling young families? In the name of God, read Adorno


Whites don't buy mcdonalds. Only poor blacks do and since the mother is the highest authority in many black families they are overrepresented in many adverts targeting Black people. Advertisement is dystopian like that


>Whites don't buy mcdonalds


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for the last time, I don't want breakfast, I want a cute Japanese family, no I don't want to be your buddy rick, the customer is always right, I said i want a wholesome redhead japanese waifu


The father and mother are giving their child love and attention - something that the nuclear family within its societal context tends to dampen or prevent (society's high trauma rates manifest)

the thing going on inside this video, the loving parents dotting over a child in a way that benefits the child's psyche is the actual goal of leftists (to say that interests are outside of the human sphere and only rational is a form of book worship)

AKA the depicted family dynamic is in reality more leftist than right wing, even if the right wing sees their project as capable of creating it. Queer children in right wing families will not ever experience this dotting behavior.


this is the theoretical analysis i come here for


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>thing Japan
Lol sauce? You dumb poltards repeat the same bullshit with no evidence all day. 99% of McDonalds advertising is just generic family sitting around eating McDonalds except this time it's anime. Anime is a mental disorder.

I checked 4/cuck/ to see how many threads were using the McDonalds advert as an OP rn. Kek.


She's a gaijin. That's why the kid has the same hair color.


>Anime is a mental disorder.
way to go comrade, you just alienated the entirety of >>>/anime/


It's an idealized depiction of the nuclear family (an capitalist institution).


This is not 4chan. Leftypol isn't an anime website and has never been one.
/anime/ is a containment board for you faggots. Leftychan had to recreate it despite the low pph because no one wanted porn threads on /ent/.


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weird fun fact, the place that has the most McDonald's in all of Asia isn't Japan, its China.



The CCP owns the burgers now.


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If you're triggered by anime then there's plenty of better places for you to go than imageboards


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OR autists just like anime because the pretty colors and art makes them feel good and moeblob slice of life offers a simple plot with a rigid schedule based on binge watching anime since autists tend to prefer simple easy to understand media and a rigid routine alongside vibrant colors


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this is the future china wants


Meds. The only reason why internet autists love Japan so much is because Japan has the head start advantage in the cultural export department, at least where the Western Hemisphere is concerned. This advantage allowed them to carve brand loyalty. Japanese animation and Japanese comics are for many people baby's first cartoons because they are more avaliable compared to Western animation/comics. So many people have bias towards the Japan brand since you always remember your first


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This shit is why I am so glad for not having TV for a decade. I don't miss anything at all. Why the chinlets like this, I don't know considering that it's peak Tumblr aesthetic. Of course, people here decided to somehow roll this spectacle into another "Autistic people are evil" thread. But I'll just let ever-so-empathetic NTs here get back to their good faith debate.


Oh nooo as a gommie I would seethe so hard if all the based trad reactoids ate too much mcdonalds pink slime and gave themselves colon cancer oh nooo hahaha anything but that, I would be so owned


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Carrot heads


the mommy looks like the older twin sister of the baby and not like an actual mother kek


can I have sex with her?


This the real reason conservatives love the ad so much. The loli. Don't look up McDonald's anime ad r34.


this analysis sucks lol, doting parents is not something exclusive to "leftists" and certainly no commie wants to preserve the nuclear family. this is worse than the chobani ad, what's with anime drawings that get people writing thoughtpieces on literal fast food ads?


gingers have no souls


It's an anime thing. That's 90% of what they do in anime. Stand around and give essay long commentary on the characters fighting.

>whoah, how can this be? I used the shukufukujutsu

>This should've been able to karegishunputsu
<Unless he's using the fumikagorizootsuit…
>Nooo…. that can't be



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>Also the fact autists have problem with faces. Erasing all the facial features and replacing it with color schemes probably helps with that
Yeah, I can tell you just hate anime.

The original post was already dumb to highlight this tie of autism with anime with the fact that Japan has alot of autistic – and not the fact that:
>anime has a massive range in creativity
>Generally have more effort behind it, especially historically
<I can count with one hand the amount of american children/teen cartoons pre-2012 that were not episodic, or updated the story more than a few times a season)
>And that anime is massively pirated in this country
<Personal example: I watched tv alot until 2012 (I was also 12 that year), through it I got into Yugioh and Naruto, and I was able to watch both those series, plus 10 to a hundred others series online for free. On tv that would be impossible since I'd have to watch the episodes out of order unless I was glued to that couch – (never even saw the second episode of naruto until years ago because of the tv model). That, and minecraft youtube videos during 2012 - 2014, massively destroyed any reason to use tv, and typical american programming.
<To be fair on that example: I never got into streaming services, but that's because they never had stuff I wanted to watch, like Netflix never had "Everybody Hates Chris" except renting the dvd for some reason.

I 50% bet you're one of those terminally online twitter users who shit their pants when an animation style DARES to not hyper focus on the nose.

>Why the chinlets like this
Chinlets, reactionaries, and fascists in general – have a inherently hateful and alienating ideology that's entirely in support of capitalism.
Their only selling point to workers is asetheics, some vague general attack against the workers (like "le leftists" want to take your tooth brush), or what workers have already that they like is because of their ideology (like this mc donalds ad).


> Stand around and give essay long commentary on the characters fighting.
that's a holdover from silver age comics though, obviously.


They do it because it saves on animation costs. Also they even do it in non fighting animes. Long internal monologues about whatever the theme of the episode is.

Vid: Death Note but you can't hear the internal monologues.


it still sucks


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The suggestions when I was trying to look that up kek.



Is it autist to monologue internally about your sourroundings? I've been doing that since I was 5


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i mean yeah but nobody is thinking too much about how batman eats a burg using a knife and a fork


Anon, I…


It's a soliloquy you imbecile, have you never been to a theatre?


Yeah I usually hate the shounen kind of 'monologue combat' but in Death Note it makes sense since the whole thing is about deceptions and manipulation and so on


[to the tune of Wesley Willis' "Rock 'n' Roll McDonalds"]


Og nazies atleast had wagner and shit. New ones will commit genocide for mcdonalds advertisements lmao.


Oh my the theeateher. It's a cost saving trick so they can pan across still images for minutes at a time.


Also their love of flashbacks. Clip show every episode.


this might offend but anyone who is moved by a 21 second animation of a cartoon family eating mcdonalds is a complete simpleton


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It's funny how they've convinced themselves that the left are in an uproar about the ad. Look it up, every single post is a poltard going "WhY DooEs thIs tr1gger LibBs so harRD?"
The West has fallen.

Anime PFP manchildren culture warriors are simpletons? You don't say.


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some OC for all of you in here


>literally praising a mcdonalds ad
americans are beyond parody at this point, if this was a joke in a movie everyone would cringe and say it's too on the nose


All the /pol/tards are creaming their pants over it:


Europe has fallen


>Peeble throw
>Dakka dakka
>That greek guy who draws like he's on acid
>End wokeness
The gang's all here


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The russian saboteur transhumanist globohomo hate beauty. McDonald's has no more SOVL.



They already masshoot for 50s post cards


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>TFW McDonalds anime becomes the Helter Skelter for right wing shooters


all low effort content, twitter-brained youtubers must die


> when your tradition is feeding kids poisonous fastfood slop
They’re half-right, I do hate it because it’s an add that effectively plays on peoples emotional attachment to family, but not because “le traditional values”. Figures the right is once again trying to stir up a false controversy over their consumerist habits but it’s still pretty cringe.


Imagine actually being right-wing weeb, holy shit. What a shameful existence.


Liking anime ain't a mental disorder but the blind orientalism of the average rightoid weeb definitely is


Some people say Idiocracy is reactionary and too broad but what the fuck, I feel like the world we live in today is basically worse than that movie.


All that talk about the left being consoomers was a lie
2019 soy memes lied to me


After a long adventure, I can tell you that the comments on 9gag are about what you expect


Right wingers are pretty much always projecting.


TL;DR "Trads" are frauds. The ad is still Tumblr aesthetic, though.
I wish that they'd follow the lead of Matt Walsh and start hating anime. Maybe they can go back to the Nazi viking LARP of the Stormfront era.


The people in idiocracy are nice to a fault and defer to people they think are smarter than them. The failure of it is that in reality, stupid reactionaries are very, very senselessly cruel and violently hostile to anyone they perceive as better than them in some way (jews, "rich coastal elites", etc)


Yeah, true. If that movie was real they would have lynched that one smart guy.


i hate to subscribe to this thought because idiocracy really is reactionary as hell, but they would be calling the smart guy "woke" or something


>idiocracy really is reactionary as hell

it is, but, yeah, just saying I never thought things would be this bad


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There is no greater feeling than sharing a french fries with the waifu of your dreams. This is what they took from us.


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If I wanted to eat fries with someone I would go anywhere but fucking McDonald's, that shit sucks


>A Japanese ad by a billion dollar company turned more eyes than the flood in Libya or the earthquake in morroco
It's genuinely over, we will never be a developed nation


This is some shit thingnoticer would post about


mcdonalds fries are pretty alright now. they dont have the mccain ones that tasted lile sawdust


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I love how Bocchi looks uncomfortable in this picture, like she's not too sure about taking anything from that guy. Like she doesn't want to find out the drink has GHB in it. Can't find love even in their fantasies…


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I prefer the pics where the burger looks like it would instantly clog your arteries and the girls are making huge mess

Am I turning into a fat fetishist?


No you’re just a dumb weeb


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Not anime pfp but same idea.


Just like Stalin said


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Noted: If I see you in real life looking at something carefully and concentrated, I'll run up and put a gun to your head to make you more animated.

Yes I'm being abit mean, but these pauses are because the animation didn't properly convey how much time has passed when someone has talked or monologue. Jotoro vs Dio is a great example of this problem, where the anime makes it look like their flying because they pause in mid air for those actions, despite the fact they can't fly and are rather being flinged

Img rel


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Idiocracy is a lib's perception of why the world is the way it is. Hyper-individualist slop where the stupid and poor masses let themselves get brainwashed by porky and outbreed the few intelligent and wealthy people that have to save the day.


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Well we have Kais Saied saying that the Libya flood is caused by jews, so there's that


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They are tagged as `burger_malfunction' on the boorus.


>Alunya eating like a working class man while grace uses cutlery


There's a story for it in the fanfic thread: >>417412


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>But later that day, while spending the night at Grace-chan, Alunya got to know very well what the royal tongue was capable of.
I love it, no specific details. Only your imagination left


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>eating like a southern Swede is working class
the working man's burger joints like Frasses always has cutlery available


Don't think about yourself like that, it's more likely that she's just nervous because she's at a busy place with lots of strangers.


this is a contradiction only 14 year old 4chan-adjacent fbi.gov addict otaku face in their lives. i find this pretty amusing because i don't know why the fuck would this kind of person espouse conservative values


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>culture-war nonsense on 4chan
It's fucking nothing as usual. Cute ad, well-made and there's nothing wrong with wanting a happy family of your own, only the most internet-poisoned incels would be mad about it. It's a shame it's a McD's advertisement, given what they are, but that's what capitalism does - preys on what appeals to people. Doesn't mean we can't appreciate or want these things, just that we should keep those facts in mind.



Where on leftybooru are those last 2 pics on, link pls I must fix the tags since search didn't bring them up





>this is a contradiction only 14 year old 4chan-adjacent fbi.gov addict otaku face in their lives. i find this pretty amusing because i don't know why the fuck would this kind of person espouse conservative values
Bullied at school, want to bully people from safety online.


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IDK people care about this commercial
>pro family
Nothing pro family like eating out where some public McWagie slaves prepare unhealthy fast food for your children to get addicted rather than learning to cook together or having your wife make food.


I don't care about what anyone does with their own body, or whether they are gay or not. Just stay the hell away from innocent kids is all. Kids should have a human right to grow up and decide that kind of shit for themselves, not have gross perverted adults pushing sexual garbage on them. I didn't grow up that way and I'm much better for it. I'm also pretty open minded, except when the shit is being pushed on others and their children against their will.


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Wendy's is more local, traditional, burgerpunk, affordable, & family-friendly than McDonald's.


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Now we know why right wingers love this ad so much


Hair color and other pigmentation is controlled by numerous genes, and you can often find cases where biological children don't match one or both parents.


there is absolutely nothing remarkable about this ad in the slightest. the only remarkable thing may be right wingers clinging to ad featuring an interracial couple as traditional values and "triggering the left". (although its possible that there might have not been any reaction if the kid had black hair/was more japanese looking) weebs gonna weeb i guess

japanese people can have the red hair gene


SEX with corporate mascot


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Thanks, and I've fixed that.

>Doing the same mental chimp out as /pol/ by stooping to their level of "implying lol"

I always like the Starbucks Mermaid, there was an old one in my town a while back that had her nips out on the logo.

Worst part is that there's already hentai and of course it's primarily of the little girl
And no, I won't link it.


The fanfic thread is full of pictures that are not on the booru.


me in the middle


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hmmm today i will eat at mcdonald's


Which fanfic thread? link?

As vomit inducing as the food.


Fuck that crypto-fascist Haz and fun is a spook, my dude.


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>Not Hooters


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This is now a brand-whore thread


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I have literally never seen even a small amount of outrage over the Japanese McDonald's ad. All claims of anyone being mad about it are fabricated by the right to generate their own outrage fuel.


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Enough time has passed.


What anime is this?


That Time I was Resurrected in a World Where Only Fast Food Exist and I had to Pretend to Like It




I must have sex…. I must raise a family… I must raise the birth rates….


>Way of the World twitter account saying those weird looking cartoons in an ad targeted to japanese, are white
And they expect everyone else to take them seriously?
Thanks. Will watch it immediately.


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now that you mention it, is it just me or does the dad look like skinny guts?


uygha Guts is just generic Mediterranean face, i too look like Skinny Guts if you look from a very far distance


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>Ratio-ed the original artist by 7000+ likes
I mean it's an obscure tweet and no one really cared about it originally – but just how far has twitter gone right wing?


Why do you think Musk bought it?


why is the thread sperging out over anime


He get ratioed back by 25000 likes and rt doe.


can someone explain this to me


Literally all I've seen is everyone making fun of right-wingers for going all muh trad fast food joint.


You can't talk about mental disorders and type like this.


Because he's the worst shit poster and wanted to pretend he has clout?

That's good. I don't use the app since:
>ADHD + social media = 1 - 3 hours of time lost
So I just watch the disaster from afar.


>You're traumatized by 9/11? Cool. I witnessed twitter artists troonifying a McDonald anime ad with my own eyes. And i praise God everyday that brave first responders sacrifice their time to ratio the transhumanist menace. So stop it with this victim olympics


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it's crazy how a simple anime slop commercial can become a meme overnight, not even chinletjak turned this popular fast.


trad faggots already soyface over american ads from the 50s believing they represent what life was actually like back then, this is nothing new


It's an anime so all the retard 15-18 year olds and the millenoids who are still stuck in their teenage years absolutely gobble it up. Also it's pretty funny for young people to make fun of gen x for comparing everything with Star Wars, Dune and Marvel before proceeding to soycum over every weebslop on earth.

Believe me, one day when you have middle age crisis you will start bringing up animes to every topic and your kids will mock you for it


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>libertarian flag


>an entire medium is just like a single American IP


Kek laugh all you want in 2050 US officials will say shit like "damn Neo-Taiwan fighting the Belarussian Empire is just like Guts fighting the God Hand" and then Choomer gen kids will make memes about zoomers who keep doing thid



I’m personally not surprised.
Weebs love their weeb slop and will hype it to death.


Just a reminder that actual Japanese people see these type of ads the same way Americans see corny 90s anti-drug PSAs.


Sperging about text formatting is a sign of mental illness.


>It's an anime so all the retard 15-18 year olds and the millenoids who are still stuck in their teenage years absolutely gobble it up. Also it's pretty funny for young people to make fun of gen x for comparing everything with Star Wars, Dune and Marvel before proceeding to soycum over every weebslop on earth.
Lol facts. Look how emotionally pained the weebs get ITT. Like you're attacking their religion or something.

>>an entire medium is just like a single American IP


It’s all so absurd.
McDonalds is a foreign company selling gaijin food but this is all promoting trad lyfe somehow.


there is this new shounen trash manga that got a lot of hype before it even released
and it's just jjk mixed with demonslayer
so they're basically memeing the hell out it


>Look how emotionally pained the weebs get ITT
Uh you're the one getting mad at an artstyle.


Not mad just pointing out how shit weeb culture is. No problem with anime as an artstyle either. I like a lot of Japanese anime art. Doesn't change that 99% of it is shit and weebs are shit.


>Doesn't change that 99% of it is shit and weebs are shit.
99% of all media is shit, and so is everytime of media consumer/"enjoyer"


Speaking to the animation of discussion. I like the detailed cartoon scenery. I think a lot of anime has a nice magic realism with how detailed they draw environments, even if they just trace photos. I guess you could call it bg rotoscoping.

The character animation looks like shit. Looks like they're using some computer based tweening.


Well we agree to agree. No need to defend anime.


Weebs really make shitty cartoons their whole identity.


It's just a friendly reminder.
Music fans are worse


No doubt. Growing up is giving up on music that promotes an ebin identity and just listening to music that is artistically sound and agreeable.


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>anime is LE BAD
I wish commercials would actually attempt at animation more often.


that anime was shit tho. Look at it.


I should say mid, good qualities and many shit qualities.


Probably a million terminologies, I tried to look it up, but basically, digitally, they're doing south park style animation. Moving little cut out drawings each frame digitally instead of drawing new frames. It looks like garbage. It's not real animation. You can do real animation 100% digitally but this ain't it chief.


What about Britpop and other psyops though?


>What about Britpop
I have no need for off-brand Americans.


>inb4 CIA Beatles


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Guts is based on the magaka of Berserk, Kentaro Miura, who is Japanese. He's just a more European looking version of his own face.


>Music fans are worse
You've never heard of K-pop stans before, have you?


Imagine being that retarded you view homogeneity as a good thing. This is your brain in celsius room temperature


NTA but Kpop fans are deranged as hell.


File: 1695951857054.png (Spoiler Image, 3.06 MB, 2048x2048, ClipboardImage.png)

do rightoids really?


…So you agree?


>check profile


Chavez didn't go far enough, many such cases


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so brave


>Whites don't buy mcdonalds
Wow, I guess I was black all along! I must be cursed with vitiligo. Perhaps you are a Nazoid, holy cacao.
>Barbie was a good movie
Dunno, to me it seemed too preachy and pandering to the upper-middle class white liberal feminists. But I haven't fully watched it to be completely honest. Margot Robbie's in it so that's cool I guess but I'm not the kind of person to watch a movie for an actor. Judith Butler would've unironically been a better scriptwriter for this movie.


Hooters uniform is the new Playboy bunny suit by this point.
Fun is not a spook. What many people call "fun" however is but indulgence. And anime is art.
Le epik 4chan trolls NOT being snowflakes and taking things seriously, illustrated.


this is a reminder to all whiteoids who want to move to japan and marry their perfect tradthot japanese gf

this is how japanese people will actually treat you :


Hey, it seems to be well-animated. I like good animation.


I don't understand why one can't like Japanese (pop-)culture and hate the Japanese government at the same time. But no, Americans. the self-proclaimed lovers of FREEDOM and INDIVIDUALISM, cherish one of the most oppressive and anti-individualist countries that exist today. Must be some form of doublethink.


Young conservative men are retarded and don't have a functioning brain. They idolize a government that would exterminate them if it had the chance. They think Japan's success was due to ethnonationalism, when in reality it was because the USA spent its nigh-infinite post-WW2 wealth in rebuilding japan from the ground up and providing them with free military support.

The ethnonationalist euro countries they worship are also in the same boat, getting free support from NATO because the USA gets to play police officer for them. They don't need to spend extraordinary amounts of money on their military or stabilizing/defending their country, so they can spend it on making their citizens have a better life instead.


Anime is a medium. Not everything manga, anime or whatever is pop, by definition.


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Davido didn't move to Japan to get a girlfriend. Davido went so he can get the best Jap pervert merchandise. Davido is living his best life and you're seething.


What a cool room, I'm jealous.


yeah, back when that stuff was obscure and hard to get


Anyone who falls for this is just dumb. All fast food is garbage food, some of it even fake food like chicken nuggets which are literally made with sawdust and addictive tasty yet very toxic chemicals. Might as well make smoothies from anti-freeze next, hey at least it will taste sweet.


Yeah being an otaku neet is cool now. Davido was ahead of the curve. Geniuses are never recognized in their own time.


How is it any good? Just look at the mum, people did better on Newgrounds two decades ago.


It's a pretty cool room when you realize it's all VN stuff instead of anime or manga.


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literally nobody is talking about capeshit


good job you proved my point


not really, youre comparing a single IP to a whole medium


retard the point is


<vgh, what utter nonsense, the west has fallen
>consoomer, japan


i dont care about "consumerism" as im not a liberal :)


sorry should i have said consoooooomerism instead XDDDDDDDDDDDD


Nobody is talking about that either.


maybe reddit would be a better site for you then


so are all your posts just memes or can you actually speak like a human being lol


a century of liberals whining about consumption they dont like and nobody can define anticonsumerism without completely arbitrary parameters yet


<decorating your room with muscular men in tights
>decorating it with kawaii loli waifus
Superhero fans are objectively gay


im sorry, i thought you didnt understand human language
epic own fellow redditor


>no u
uh ok


>if you arent a humanist liberal like me then you need to go back to reddit

><decorating your room with muscular men in tights
That would be a lot better than what the picture actually is.




channers can only post wojaks, speak via arrows or call people redditors


and despite all of that you still, somehow, managed to completely butcher the interpretation of a simple one dimensional wojak meme. for all your talk you sure arent any better than all those channers


your funny maymay isnt addressing anything thats happened itt though


read it again chvd


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there isnt a single word in your first post lol


Imagine caring about what people buy and then calling others redditors.


Have a nice tasty McDonalds.


one more time


Instead of demonizing individuals for their choices like neoliberals love doing how about restructuring society so there's no fast food in the first place? Do you also believe in shit like "ethical consumption"?


I think that people should be mocked for doing stupid shit yes


>Do you also believe in shit like "ethical consumption"?
believing theres wrong consumption necessarily means believing in right consumption

t. liberal


You can't call yourself a marxist. You're a neoliberal. America was a mistake.


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Look, turning your room into a shrine to cartoon porn is just funny.


cartoon porn is cool


Oh my god imagine seething this hard just because a normalchad made fun of your anime pedophiliic cartoons.
So I'm a neoliberal for mocking someone who jsut shat all over the floor too?


>muh seething
You're a puritan in self-denial constantly moralizing about people buying things you don't like.


>So I'm a neoliberal for mocking someone who jsut shat all over the floor too?
whats next, a food analogy


You literally just complained about someone buying things you don't like retard, scroll back a little and you will see how much of a hypocrite you are


I think you're mistaking me for someone else.


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Assuming normalcy was a thing I don't think they'd say things like this


see : >>10158
thats at least 3 different people assuming no samefag


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Literally everyone I know uses that word


That's… not even a complaint. Just making a joke.


So your only acquaintances are imageboard dwellers?


kind of like the soyjak huh


Doesn't seem like a joke when he had to make a post like this immediately >>10148


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>$50,000 dollars in cheap plastic toys
Shit's crazy.



I feel so bad for you


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Which instantly BTFO'd this entire website and sent everyone itt into full damage control mode to defend themselves. I guess he flew a little too close to the sun


Man I love intellectual honesty.


there's no ethical consumption under capitalism and individual choices don't affect systems sorry you had to find out this way


see : >>10172
…and the latest example, as seen in >>10192

how can one single jak cause so much seethe, to the point of the OP being accused of neoliberalism?


Not only that but Drawn/Cartoon/Animated porn is much more ethical than real-life porn, and it lets you have things happen that can't occur in real life.


the next post you made was you whining about "consoomers" which is the main point of the discussion


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I'm afraid you may have a porn addiction


Liking things you don't like = addiction now.


Anticonsumerism is liberal in general but complaining about poor people going to McDonalds is even worse, just flat-out Bush-era anticonsumerism.


>it lets you have things happen that can't occur in real life
If you're so desensitized to normal porn that you need to consume hardcore fetish porn, that means you have a porn addiction as far as im aware


You're reading things nobody has said.


that's the exact content of the quote tho


>so desensitized to normal porn that you need to consume hardcore fetish porn
I didn't get this from that post, like at all.



>hardcore fetish porn
not a puritan btw


i-im not a porn addict! I-ITS DA POOOOORITANS!!


why do channers must all speak with memes every 3 words. and then call others redditors for not doing it


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Very healthy.


File: 1696109931429.jpg (84.35 KB, 988x778, 1688487566293.jpg)

Biggest speakers for anti-consumerist discourse are liberals and traditionalists. I wonder why that is.


Lol, so true


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Shallow anti-consumerism is an unattractive program and not what the working class needs or deserves to hear. It’s also politically imprecise, just as amenable to reactionary or liberal ends as socialist ones.


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>Consumerist Obsession Can Rob Your Soul / Приобретательская страсть способна душу обокрасть


well if its on an old soviet poster it must be true

>Rob Your Soul

not liberal nor humanist btw!


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Anti-consumerism often comes from a puritanical, anti-modern place. Most quasi-liberal new agey anti-consumer types come across as if they think modern materialism has robbed us of some profound meaning, similarly to this example.


>maybe if i portray him as a consumeristic loser in a room filled with childish material goods i will win this online debate!


its not a coincidence that they also complain about cartoon porn


I've won


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I think it's just a sign of mental illness. It's like hoarding but worse because you're spending obscene amounts of money to turn your house into a monument of garbage. At least hoarders mostly get their garbage for free.


>So I'm a neoliberal for mocking someone who jsut shat all over the floor too?
If you use moralism that lacks historical materialism to provide an explanation for why people are so hyperalienated and estranged from sane and normal society, yes. Hating on "crazy" and "weird" people is literally the praxis of scolding Reaganites, no different than Hillary Clinton calling opiate addicted workers "deplorable" for having false consciousness about anti-immigrants or whatever foolishness.
>Shallow anti-consumerism is an unattractive program
If your politics is "don't make these choices as an individual, choose this instead" you are by definition not working towards a collective program.


>Hating on "crazy" and "weird" people is literally the praxis of scolding Reaganites
just 6 seconds after >>10219 lawl


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Where's the hate? I feel bad for the mentally ill.


You don't have to be one to one to understand the man yelling at thin air on the street corner is unwell same as the people who spend 10s of thousands of dollars to fill their room with plastic garbage.


>i dont like it so youre "mentally ill" if you do
not a liberal scold btw


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man shut yo goofy ass up boy


>People calling out the redditor tourist for being a redditor are just /pol/
Nice concern troll.


File: 1696135318946.png (3.69 MB, 3507x2480, arby wendy dt.png)

I have to wonder whether this schizo shit by /pol/ about leftists getting mad about this ad wasn't just bait to get liberals and even places like this, talking about the ad and discussing it, so that it would be rent free in our heads? I wouldn't put it past /pol/ to attempt psyop stuff like that.


/pol/tards live in an imaginary world where everyone who dislikes capitalism is a "woke SJW leftist" who is easily triggered by a random ad. They're so hardwired to this worldview that even entertaining the opposite view will probably result in their brains shutting down.

Also, Wendy is the best mascot any of those American fastfood corpos have ever done, she's carrying the entire Wendy's brand on her back. Best girl, she deserves her own anime.


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>/pol/tards live in an imaginary world where everyone who dislikes capitalism is a "woke SJW leftist"
While true, this only makes the possibility of a psyop to provoke the libleft even more likely, especially since most of the reaction was being posted on twitter, rather than actual 4/pol/ which had almost no threads about it…. fucking glowies did a good job making it hard to figure out an actual glow-op from people just being useful idiots for the fedz.
>Best girl, she deserves her own anime.
You just like her because you like snarky anime grills…. she does carry the brand tho.


Dude, I'm literally an anarchist, the "LibLeft bad" thinking of r/PCM isn't much better either.
>You just like her because you like snarky anime grills
<Look at me! I'm so socially conformist and spooked! I believe whatever is shown on TV and hold dominant ideology and social norms for granted! I'm normal and therefore I'm better than you. Society said so.


I have literally no idea what that means, I don't use reddit for anything other than looking up animals. I should have clarified that I'm referring primarily to radical liberals.
Admit it!


>Admit it!
I admit. 😑


She's literally perfect.


There's nothing healthy about choosing Kotori when Nozomi is also an option.


>$50,000 dollars in cheap plastic toys
Consumerist hoarding. The staple of modern capitalism. Anime girl figurines are fine though.


Who remembers?


I remember this vaguely.


Imagine the irony if this ad was made by Chinese animators.


>How is it any good? Just look at the mum, people did better on Newgrounds two decades ago.
Ah, sorry. I haven't actually watched it.
>Anime is a medium. Not everything manga, anime or whatever is pop, by definition.
Well, I wasn't talking about anime specifically. But I would say that the Japanese popular culture is heavily anime-influenced. Even Windows has its own anime waifu mascot (even though Windows is trash, Gentoo-chan best girl).
>Anyone who falls for this is just dumb
You can still enjoy the ads (however contradictory it sounds) and like the mascots without actually eating fastfood. At least the ads are made with some creativity behind them and can stand on their own I say. Way better than dozens of garbage JavaScript banners, TV commercials and YouTube sponsors like RAID SHADOW LEGENDS that are literally a form of psychological torture. Those ads should just fucking die, they turn the brains of proles into a mush. Advertising and its consequences were a disaster for the human race.


Now that I think of it: how is it that the ads aren't accountable to the same scrutiny as movies or any other form of media? The bougies just push thousands of ads into everything and we are supposed to just eat it up. The same was with TV, we were just supposed to watch it like drones, never critically examining anything we see. The ads still remain something that we're obligated to watch while even TV shows can't rely on the viewer's passivity now (on the Internet at least).

My point is, it seems that the bourgeoisie want to force the TV format onto the Internet, something that the Internet, just like VHS tapes and DVD disks, wasn't meant for. They seem to cling to this format of passive entertainment and are afraid of it going away. Because if there's no passive entertainment, there's no passive income. If there's no passive income, there is no stability. If there is no stability, there is despair.


>Raids Shadow Legends
Is based because it has singlehandedly turned popular opinion against youtube shill ads.
>Without buying the product
Ads isn't just for selling tangible products comrade, it's also to sell brands. It's like how most people back then, particulatly people that didn't smoke, used to view tobacco companies as embodiment of rugged masculinity because all those dumb "real man smokes x" ads instead of poison factories dependent on slave labour in highly unregulated plantations


>people did better on Newgrounds two decades ago.
Not a lot of people. It's a simplistic animation true, but it's not bad animation. NTA BTW


>Is based because it has singlehandedly turned popular opinion against youtube shill ads.
Huh, so it was just as planned all along. I didn't know you could spin this around in your favour like that.
>Ads isn't just for selling tangible products comrade, it's also to sell brands.
I'm by no means excusing that. Although I would say that the stores that allow them to sell all this stuff are just as guilty of big brands trampling local noname produce.


What is this, a Japanese tradwife?


That's literally a scam. VR gives you some actual 3D experience at least. This one is just a different form of gambling addiction. Maybe it's not that different from organized religion in retrospect.


Weebs will hate him because he spoke the truth


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They must retvrn to Ohio


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everything always seems to tie back to Ohio


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don't mind me just posting Marx laughing about moralists


Fuckers can't help themself but deepthroat corpo dick xD







Do you have more aosth reaction pics?
make a separate thread and post them


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Ronalda McDonalds




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Cute COMMUNIST cosplay.


I can't handle the Clussy


Damn, she's cute.


Mmmm, sweet-sweet CLUSSY.


This propaganda is fucking disgusting. These people look like fucking rats eating in their nest. How could this be considered wholesome when they are eating actual slave slop.


It's corporate propaganda, but you're really reaching there bub.


I'm not reaching at all. LOOK AT THE fucking GARBAGE STREWN ABOUT. It looks like they're even eating fucking garbage. Am I wrong??????


A paper bag and a wrapper placed aside?
>It looks like they're even eating fucking garbage
Get your eyes checked lad.


File: 1696352786264.mp4 (7.25 MB, 1280x720, ahdarat.mp4)

Rats are cute.


That shit is all fucking garbage. They have kitchen utilities right behind them, but that's how the psyop works. See how they humanize eating slave slop and how they remove the correlation of mcdonalds and poverty????¿ this isn't just an advertisement. It's full blown propaganda in this class war.


>They have kitchen utilities right behind them
Yes because most kitchens have them, because it's a homey atmosphere.
>all fucking garbage
You sound like an entitled richfag that has never been in the home of an actual poor person. Sorry sweaty but a lot of times the dining room is next to or part of the kitchen for poor homes.
>this isn't just an advertisement. It's full blown propaganda
No shit sherlock.


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If this propaganda doesn't make you retch immediately, then you're not a dignified human being and the propaganda has worked


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Look up these:
- Viral marketing
- Outrage marketing
- Shill marketing


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Lucky for me, I don't give a shit about some retard's opinion on the internet over what is and isn't human dignity. Being a drama-queen and shitting myself over something this blatant isn't worth my time, and certainly isn't dignified.


What the fuck was the prompt for this AI uncanniness?


I tried


Isn't Mei usually a bit chubby? Or even just fat?


Nobody cares. People like drawing her with big booba.


"Tracer from Overwatch eating various cheese with Don Turtelli". The latter got generated as a second Tracer for some reason.


Canon never mattered to "artists".


Also, Mai isn't flat. Never was.

Mei is kawaii and her weight is ambiguous in the game so people draw her skinnier. No hard science here.


Ah, so you're an expert on art?


Oh, an "artist" got offended in record time. Go draw the latest social media trend instead of posting here.


>an "artist" got offended
No, I'm just not spooked by the concept of "true art." You really should stop coping.


>"Tracer from Overwatch eating various cheese with Don Turtelli". The latter got generated as a second Tracer for some reason.
LMAO AI can create unintentional gems like this.

To be fair there are artists that seethe about characters being a certain way, or vice-versa, them NOT being a certain way, like the tumblrites that "fix" characters by making them fat and ugly, even when it makes no sense for the character to be so, or getting mad at fan-art that doesn't depict a fat character as fat enough or the correct racial skin-color (the /sug/ fandom's harassment and art "fixing" is a good example of that). Though it would be a stretch to really call them artists at that point, just politically motivated shitflingers with BAs.


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Thanks anon, I really needed that depression now.


>McDonald's anime ad r34.
I find it a bit concerning that R34 was being made within hours of the ad's release. That's some crazy obsession.


you have to be first to be noticed on twitter,that's just how it is,it's like when ANY pokemon leak/news happen.


>The Spectacle Never Ends


>pol pot 2: the spectacle never ends


Jungle Gang 3: The Spectacle Accelerates


>pol hitching themselves to globohomo corporate advertising (just bc its le epic >japanese thing - lets be real)
the chinletjaks always reveal themselves as soyjaks in denial


uh what


Consumerism US vs consumerism Japan


the budlight shit makes me think they never stopped doing it tho?


stop doing what? Stuffing culture wars shit in ads? Of course people will always do it, life is reproduction of social relations under capitalism.


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Pol users larp as nietzschean monks reading evola and practicing esoteric-hitlerist magick, scouring the net for the most forbidden and enlightening truths.
Then as soon as a
>current thing
is introduced in culture they immediately fold into a current in the zeitgeist to reappropriate bugman entertainment into a matrix of consumerist enjoyment, seeing the "hidden" and implicit spirit of history playing out in the drama of ken vs barbie (for example).
At least the liberals just fall in line - the poljaks have to spice up their genuine postmodern investments in pop culture with pretentious prefaces.


well you basically have to be living fully in denial to reconcile spending 13 hours a day at the computer posting on an anonymous board and somehow still being untouched by the cultural hegemon, poltards are probably more engaged in pop culture entertainment than most normal-ass people.


Its not just interaction with pop culture, but its the spiritualising of it.
Thats why they care if some capeshit superhero is played by a black guy or whatever - its genuinely important for them.
But like you say, theyre immobilised by their autism, and so can only exist as entities negative to politics, instead of having positive projects irl.
In a better time they would be cannon fodder on a battlefield. Again, who benefits most from liberal decadence and gibs if not their supposed ideological enemy?


I remember an old effortpost on how Evola became such a meme in /pol/ anyone have the screencap?


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Which book should I read?


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No, but I found it though in archive.is accidentally (pics rel):

Reminder that the contemporary origin of the "red-brown" theory (along with the contemporary fascination with Evola among slimy U.S. right-wing nerds) comes in large part from the work of A. James Gregor, a U.C. Berkeley professor, 1950s-era eugenicist and "national security" idiot who spent much of his career trying to convince people that Mao and the Chinese communists and the Vietnamese were the new Nazis and that Nazism was a "variant" of Marxism, and also that Evola was not a Nazi, that calling far-right extremist groups Nazis and fascists is leftist political bias and also Gregor translated Evola's works and was a huge Evola fan and wanted to suck Evola's dick until the cum came out of the dick.

He never achieved anything of note but got tenure, mysteriously, during the height of the Vietnam War when U.C. Berkeley was a hotbed for anti-war activism.

For this, Gregor was toasted at the Command and Staff College of the Marine Corps University in Quantico, Virginia as a deeply patriotic champion of democracy in the United States, and his work is one of the big links between the greasy, photophobic far right and the mainstream, military-threaded one. He's also good evidence how Berkeley is a town run by a bunch of rich hippies in a local government that holds meaningless votes against U.S. invasions and is ultimately funded by U.S. military contracts.


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/pol/'s already using this for their LARP. I hate this manufactured memeshit, it's a nicely made ad, but nah they gotta make it into something political. And of course liberals took the bait too.


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Everyone from Zheng to Bluethebone is memeing the shit out of this in Rule 34

It's a mess… and ironically the least retarded consequence of the ad.


Millions of people got pissed over a McDonald’s ad. I can’t help but laugh


Don't click the second link in >>10305 if loli is illegal where you live.


What the fuck


>And of course liberals took the bait too.
You mean in your head? This is one of the most manufactured outrages I've seen lately.


>i checked rule34 and saw porn, worst day of my life


File: 1698097406689.jpg (37.26 KB, 559x263, deceitful liberal.jpg)

>in your head
<Waaaah not muh liberals!!!
liberals go to Gulag, they are not our comrades.

And yes there was a liberal reaction, that /pol/ intentionally provoked by manufacturing a supposed controversy over the ad and actually awoke genuine screeching from the American "Left-Wing" because burgers like you are reflexive, reactionary idiots that take the bait every time. Eat shit

Which is why I linked the general tag, instead of posting images.


>McDonald's Japan
>White family



big deranged post for someone spreading the right-wing myth that "liberals lost their minds over this ad!!!!!!!!!!!"


But everyone was laughing at them?


This liberal reaction
Please provide evidence of this.


File: 1698100548580.png (511.29 KB, 485x565, 1695960599754.png)

all i saw that week was stuff like this lmfao


>someone spreading the right-wing myth
You need to improve your reading comprehension and stop strawmanning what I said, you hyperbolic twit. Let me break it down for you chronologically:
>1) Ad comes out for Japanese McD's, spreads into Western sphere because Social Media
>2) /pol/ notices, decides to make a bigger deal of the meaning of it being anything more than just the intended "wholesome family time" that was McDonald's intended message
>3) /pol/ realizes this is an opportunity to concern troll and begins playing on the general liberal reaction that usually happens and drumming up a hysteria on social media
>4) liberals, who until this point had been mostly unaware see this, see rightoids talking about it and take the obvious bait and start responding in threads about it, reaffirming and perpetuating /pol/s schizo shit

Thus we got a bunch of /pol/ shitters manufacturing hysteria, dumb liberals taking the bait and everyone else avoiding the politics and just engaging Rule 34 or memeing the shit out of it.

Well yes, anyone normal was laughing at /pol/ and the other permanently online idiots that got mad over this ad, I'm just pointing out that /pol/ was not alone in this and autistic and stupid or not, they successfully baited twitterlibs into responding to their shitposting, like they have before. I just thought it was annoying that /pol/ sticks their fingers into everything and that liberals tend to also follow because outrage content is hype (which is why most eceleb star wars videos in Western youtube are either people calling any criticism of modern star wars racist, incel haters or or are crying about how Disney ruined star wars for the hundredth time since the Sequels were released (yet don't stop watching). It wouldn't matter if it wasn't so pervasive in every sphere, online articles, youtube videos, forums etc. can't just have fun without political infantilism being dragged into it.

>Spoonfeed me Twittercaps!
literally look up the threads, you'll see people posting back and forth about muh "tradishunalism" and "muh fashizum" and whatever and generally being idiots.


lots of text when you could just say you dont any have evidence rofl


File: 1698524446356.mp4 (7.14 MB, 640x480, Ronald McDonald.mp4)

Concession accepted


you took a week to say you still dont have evidence LOL


>you took a week
<babby still wants to be spoon fed!
It was 5 days and I don't live on this site like you.

Weird way of looking at this, but ok.


Why do imageboard shut-ins act like this


File: 1699059939381.png (228.14 KB, 300x300, ClipboardImage.png)

>Posts point out that /pol/ and twitter are both terminally online retards
<anons inexplicably start defending liberals over nothing
"u-ur a imageboard shutin" says the retard posting on an imageboard, I reiterate, I don't live on this site, I don't post here every hour or monitor the site, I post on my off time if I'm not outside, working or otherwise living life. Quit projecting.


Tell me you're a nazi without telling me you're a nazi.


What's that animation from?


Another McDonals advertisement


It's cute.


Just like you!


>wholesome reply chain on /siberia/
What is this witchcraft?!


All of you weebs should kys


File: 1701907168967.png (314.32 KB, 415x471, smug catgirl.png)

Boo hoo, cry some more.


No one would cry at your funeral, weeb


>only the most internet-poisoned incels would be mad about it.
I was on /gif/ aka animated /pol/ and there is a thread about ocean life. Didn't stop them from complaining about uyghurs and jews.


File: 1701917084977.png (39.36 KB, 382x342, smuggest NeoPet yet.png)

Projection is unhealthy, take meds.

My point is proven.


File: 1701922459597.jpg (481.54 KB, 543x999, its time to go home.jpg)


File: 1701923773984.gif (501.82 KB, 490x371, drink wave misato.gif)

<No you can't enjoy things
<"Muh animu!"
<He says while posting on a Korean nuke-instruction forum
Ok fag, stay mad.


>weeb plagued by imaginary arguments no one made with people in his head
Classic weeb seethe


File: 1701933840318.jpg (33.02 KB, 500x375, 13575268393.jpg)


File: 1701989081667.gif (564.69 KB, 500x338, Laughing Zoro.gif)

I left, went to work, went to the movies, had a beer and came back and you're still seething and projecting


File: 1702228568770-0.png (Spoiler Image, 4.96 MB, 2300x3000, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1702228568770-1.png (Spoiler Image, 1.57 MB, 897x1200, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1702228568770-2.png (Spoiler Image, 1.25 MB, 1200x1137, ClipboardImage.png)

The Yoru Mac Rule 34 only keeps on going, in every direction(Spoiler porn outside of porn threads)


Finally, a MILF porn for a change.


>(Spoiler porn outside of porn threads)
This is /siberia/, since when is that a rule for /siberia/? Mods oughta make sitewide. announcements for such things prior to situations like this.


I liked the pastel texturing too.


When this hits bump limit mods, please make sure to archive it.


Remember anons this is an ad for goyslop and his is being used as the pinnacle of American traditional culture. It's all LARP, traditionalism, cultural heritage, and history.


hitlerites jack off to the idea of us getting "mad" because of a "traditional family," nobody was getting mad except the right-wingers lol


>this shit again
Stop trying to revive with bait.


whats up with retards who spend necrobumping the same thread over and over. get a better hobby


I think people bump for the sake of having fun, like anything else on /siberia/

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