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Recommend me anime, manga and doujins with gyarus
100 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Are you ok or baiting? Take your meds anon.


Embedding error.
【Manga】A Gyaru Who Makes Me Lunch Everyday Was My Childhood Friend…?


I'm the guy who initially called Yang a slut. That was my only post. I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm sorry


I mean when you're right you're right


If you're >>10903 it's not your fault. You were right in that she's not a gyaru.


Anon are you projecting again?
>Yang pretty much fits in the definition for Gyaru… I don't see how that opinion takes away from your enjoyment of the characters or the subculture.


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Thought the thread might appreciate this list of Gyaru


Can anyone explain the reason Ganguru or Ganguro is conflated with Gyaru and the differences? As far as I can tell the former is just a subcategory of the latter.


Ganguro were a sub-type of gals.


Gyaru CYOA
Post your choices /a/nons

>For Me

~ Age n' Appearance: Adult, Dark Tan, Fertility Goddess, School Uniform + Stylish, Make Up + Tattoos + Accessories
~ Personality and Character: Pure, None (or smoking if I have to take one), Cheery + Seductive + Hobbies (Martial Arts, Movies, Sailing)
~ Interaction: Date + Bedroom,
~ Misc: Inhuman (Monster girl*) + Magical Ability + Futa

* IDK what kind; Wolf, Bee and Minotaur Girl are my faves


i dont like gyaru it promotes skin cancer and premature wrinkling


Adult Black Flat Black Hair Stylish Pure(Or used goods don't want a hoe but don't care if she fucked before) Smokes+Drugs Do all that shit Accessories Piercing Tattos Inhuman (Penis fine) Temper Crazy Hobbies Seductive


And this is why I don't come to leftypol anymore.


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Why is so much Gyaru content (especially hentai or ecchi anime) focused on NTR and prostitution? Does the bombastic sexualized nature of them really lend that much to the former 'fetish'? Pic rel example


>She sexy therefore slut
That's all there is to it really.


In real life, gyaru do have a certain stigma, they are associated with compensated dating or "enjo kousai" (basically like having a sugar daddy in the west).
Of course, coomers ignore everything about gyaru subculture/fashion to focus only on the sexual part.


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So sexual promiscuity is indeed said to be a large part of the gyaru/gyaru-o subculture, but it's more of an activity that is done to be socially deviant purposefully, which then becomes less done as one's seniority increases, whether of one's rank or of one's age.

But the depictions in popular media of the subculture are, like many others, excessively sexualized largely because the primary consumers of such media are coomers. Members of the actual gyaru/gyaru-o subculture themselves presumably don't consume much of the otaku, animated content based off of their aesthetics, after all.


Why the fuck do you keep spoilering everything in your posts???


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I raise you one Tan Gyaru Yang.



For me, when an OP starts with “for me” I immediately disregard their opinion and hope they choke on air


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>For me
<starts with “for me” I immediately disregard their opinion
Someone's angwee


Dunno if liking gyaru porn makes me racist or sexist, but I grapple with the fact that 2d>3d and I think I have yellow fever.


Unironic waifuism and pedophilia are pathological, for similar reasons.


>Someone's angwee
Idek what gyanus is, m8.


retarded nonsensical white people neurosis


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I find it interesting that not every female character can pull off a Gyaru look, even with modifications. For example Ruby Rose (pic rel) doesn't mesh well with the Gyaru look even when it's technically applied correctly.


>All this arguing
Post more gyaru pics, fags


nailkaiser good


Angel Blade is way too well animated for a hentai tbh



I wish it got a proper sequel.


I'm just gonna leave it here. Yes, she's a gyaru too.


She's also a gyaru.


A gyaru otaku, tbh.


Post the video names and links idiot, the Embed function on this site is pretty jank and deletes itself at times.


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Gyaru in wedding dresses look cute but there's so little of it.


I'd marry her right there


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A lot of it involves futanari as well I've noticed. Probably because of the dominant impudent vibe it has.


Tbh a darker skin makes the booba shinier.


>Tbh a darker skin makes the booba look shinier.
FTFY. I think it's because color contrast of light and dark shades stand out more.


>it's because color contrast of light and dark shades stand out more
Well, duh.


this is why I like seeing dark skinned girls oiled up


الحمد لله


Praise Allah indeed


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Ganguro Yang, I think it's an AI-Gen


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I find it interesting that there are Ganguro guys


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MIsato Gyaru by an AI (sorry couldn't find a watermarkless version)

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