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AMV thread
I know that AMVs aren't as big (or good) as they used to be, but I certainly think they're a lot of fun so lets enjoy the best of it!
153 posts and 83 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


gleipnir is a shitty adaptation of a mediocre manga


File: 1681835866960.png (Spoiler Image, 395.3 KB, 562x450, ClipboardImage.png)

Have you seen fursuits?


Yeah its worse than I remembered. Just boring and empty, nothing to even laugh about.


My favorite.


File: 1682651330787.mp4 (11.07 MB, 480x360, Lain at the Gay Bar.mp4)


yeah dawg


File: 1684781808725.webm (3.49 MB, 640x480, 1683715639179265.webm)


i don't think the song was good, i mean because of the religious lyrics, but this amv was very well made for a 2005 made amv, and it also won the 2006 VCA contest, which i think is a contest made for amvs on that website since there seemed to be lots of contests happening on that website

its a naruto one, and it looks good because of how well it's synced to the song and it's obvious it has a lot of effort put into it


what i love about a-m-v.org website thing is that it seems like a giant time capsule from early to late 2000s. i saw the guides on that site a few weeks ago and they are interesting though lots of it seems outdated to me



Yeah that site is the (time)bomb. Although I wish it was better at linking/letting people download the files. Like for your example I can't seem to get the video to download and so I can't view it.


File: 1686078921475.gif (2.2 MB, 854x480, Dancing DxD.gif)

>Masterchef: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs_mH4QnAe4
I still wish they used DxD's cooking scenes here from Season 1.


File: 1692566113834.mp4 (37.86 MB, 1280x720, Kamaz AMV.mp4)

An oldie updated


File: 1696183419894.png (322.13 KB, 750x600, ClipboardImage.png)

>want to check some anime OSTs that's aren't on youtube
>remember anime.thehylia no longer exists
Man. Is it just me or has enjoying free shit on the internet become harder and harder. I remember when you were a click away from whatever you wanted. Now it's like you actually have to pay for shit. Whether that's paying for the product or paying to pirate. Pay pay pay. It's super bad for third worlders like me because I can't even pay for basic necessities and you expect me to pay for my entertainment too. God forbid my country stopped subsidizing airing rights for sports, there might be riots when the proles have nothing to numb their alienations away with. Github took down the repo youtube-dl because of pressure from music companies that stated they were "stealing" from them – and that was overshadowed by zlibrary's take down.
Nyaa has some anime OSTs and if you have an old deleted url try using https://www.veoh.com/

As a side note unrelated to anime, a few Amon Tobin bangers still remain copyrighted by shitty car companies



use the r/piracy and r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH wiki if you want to have a list of sites for shit to pirate that's just a click away (some fbi.govs exist too,but fuck that)


I will always point out that this is actually an interesting form of Christian theology, and the nature of God's Mercy and how one cannot actually deserve it.

Do Panty and Stocking deserve grace? Hell no. They're both terrible people who sin constantly. But God's grace saves people who don't deserve it!

Scanty and Kneesocks, by contrast, adhere to the Law. They follow Rrrrrrrules, and by the Rrrrrrules they are condemned. There is only death and damnation in the law, because the Law cannot save people, only damn them.

So Panty and Stocking sin and are saved, and Scanty and Kneesocks obey and are damned.


Russian AMVs are pretty well made honestly, unfortunately they're obscure because "ENGRISH" dominates search results even if you search in Russian.

this New-Years Holiday DxD themed one is specific to Russian culture referring to the mandatory vacation for most workers being from the first to the 13th of January and the way its usually done there. It's pretty fun for me as a half-Russian and since I like DxD it makes it even more fun.


It's too bad this guy switched to way bustier and sillier models, I liked these old RWBY MMVs


Someone's been making AI Neco Arc covers of Russian and serbian military songs, they've been pretty good, especially considering AI's limitations


>has anime in it



lol cute, I liked it when Weiss's hair got in the way.


Yeah, old RWBY animations and fanimations were fun as hell because everyone put so much detail work to make up for the roughness of the models.

Found a Archived version of the thehylia anime (thanks to the Wayback machine's addon) and this is what the developer of the site left behind. I will miss this site

>The Hylia Anime is shutting down. Please download all files and music you would like to keep.

>I started The Hylia Anime back in 2007. Obviously, it was a different world back then. There were few legal options to watch anime, even fewer if you wanted to watch a proper translation, so people resorted to fan translations and online downloads. And I was 21 years old, and living a completely different life that now seems like a dream, that you can hardly recollect.
>The format of this site has been simple - provide direct downloads of old, obscure anime series not easily available through other means on a web page free of advertising, supported by user donations. Unfortunately, this format has proven to be unsustainable for several years now, and things have now reached the tipping point. Other websites that run different formats have proven to better reign in costs and be more resilient to copyright takedown notices. Continuing the site in this format is pointless.
> Thank you everyone for the good times, and happy watching!
>Please download all files you'd like to keep. The site will be deleted.




Vera is best girl


Such an awesome video honestly.



does this count


Such a cold girl. Her hair is literally as white as snow and her eyes are so serious they pierce through my screen.


The site also required FTP uploading until a few years ago.




Blame It On 2009: A Good, Good Year


Man I made this thread roughly 4 years ago and its still cooking.

Anyway I wanted to talk about Coubs, more specifically my frustration with them. Because Coub's a looped videos with restricted length, they can't be used for full AMV's HOWEVER there's a loophole wherein a background track can be set to the looped video and plays while the coub loops. Problem is, you can't download the full music vid as it is, only the first few moments such as vid rel.

Thus a loop like https://coub.com/view/38l9fx is banger, but I'm left with jack shit after downloading it, and no Coub downloader can circumvent this.




One more tonight


File: 1713323281286.mp4 (21.47 MB, 1280x720, Issei's Theme.mp4)

Although Shay mentioned HMVs (Hentai Music Videos) I'm actually surprised nobody posted any, especially since this thread was made before this board was made SFW… heck Shay didn't even post an HMV when mentioning them! To be fair I only remembered cuz I saw a clip of Moikaloop on youtube recently.

A good one I found too big for leftypol's file-size https://files.catbox.moe/o8j6rl.mp4

And found a Mega with this stuff https://mega.nz/folder/0lMSTbrY#fSkGmyboL900Q3KoHHLPlQ

site with plenty of HMVs https://www.iwara.tv/video/jm0mktpr3lfwk400v


Reposting this cuz its stupid but bangs



Lol I thought this dude had a swastika on his face


He is a prisoner, wouldn't be surprising.



>No links or Titles

>Golgo 13 AMV [Only Happy When It Rains (garbage)]

>Johan Liebert - The Man Who Sold The World 「AMV 」


Soggy Scab
>Mashup of some cutscenes from the PS1 Ghost in the Shell game. My first AMV attempt :-)
Song: Anthonio - Designer Drugs Remix by Annie


> https://coub.com/view/38l9fx is banger, but I'm left with jack shit after downloading it, and no Coub downloader can circumvent this.
To clarify this is the result I get, where it only does the beginning of Blood in the Water


Is Coub FLOSS or is it just TikTok 2: Electric Boogaloo?


Russian TikTok


>Russian Tiktok
Not really, Coub has been around for 4 years longer, so if anything Tiktok is Chinese Coub.

You mean is it Free/Libre Open Source Software? I have no idea.


>Dancing ダンシング Sakuga MAD
>Hip-Hop Sakuga
Pretty good, though I'm surprised Naruto Dancing or DxD's Dancing isn't included.



MP4 of AMV clip and full song

Unique IPs: 25

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