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File: 1619644473296.jpg (78.22 KB, 700x350, Nagatoro.jpg)

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I heard Nagatoro was adapted recently is it worth watching?
271 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Poor thing.


I wish there was a femdom anime that wasnt shit :(


missed a chance to make her hispanic


Prison School was really good outside of the ending (that I actually kinda like because of how non sensical everything was so far)
I also found MM! funny in how bad it is, but the author died before finishing the novel.
Aku no Hana is more psychological than physical,and it's not really wholesome.
does something like my life as inuka-sai dog count ?


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>Get those lame-ass recolors out of my sight.
I like Chocotoro better then normal 'Toro and comparing it to Boondocks or Afrosamurai is kinda a pointless dickmeasuring contest.


This pic is just… sad.

They're married and have a kid, but Senpai is unemployed in spite of his Honors Student with an Art Diploma. Nagatoro has a diploma but has to work at 7/11 to make ends meet. Their house is run down, there's cracks and duct tape everywhere since they can't replace or properly fix it 'cause no money (including Senpai's own glasses). Now they fight and their little girl watches sadly, even having to turn to her imaginary shadow-demon friend (look at the shadow and ceiling foot-prints) since mommy is too busy yelling at daddy for being a dead beat


I hate this artist


Why tho? Occasional fucked shit like that pic aside, they make some pretty good art.


seems like a realistic portrayal of the kind of people these characters would grow up to be


Agreed, sad as it is.


Good artist for sure, but interacts with a lot if unsavory stonetoss types


I don't care about shit like that, I'm here for the art not whatever drama may be surrounding their social media, it's why I don't have any social media myself (unless you count this place).


The prequel - accidental teen pregnancy and discussing with a councilor


which one of them decided to keep it


I would assume the woman. I guess he could've unilaterally decided to push her down some stares or something.


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But that wouldn't be deciding to keep it. I guess to do that he'd have to do some kind of Misery type situation for 9 months to force her to keep it.


The pope. Abortion was illegal in Mexico until recently.


That would be completely OOC. If anything I'd be the other way around, with nagatoro sequestrating him until he takes responsability.


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Actually I think (I may be wrong however) that khyleri said the narrative of an accusation of statutory rape or someshit like that, hence Sempai's blood nose, panicked expression and trauma-bloodshot eye, but for one reason or another it's just two teens making bad decisions, leading up to the crappy home conditions. As >>24067 states, a fairly realistic depiction of their relationship's future - an aggressive brat with issues and a repressed teen boy are not a good combo, Evangelion attests to that.


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Manga Chapter 10 went about how I expected it to go.


mfw nagatoro and senpai are finally together but yor and twilight still havent had SEX



Man, Butterbean was a hell of a boxer


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She should have been mixed-race: Asian-black, they're quite beautiful and it would an interesting aspect for the story IMO.


Yeah but drawing that hair would be a nightmare


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Nah, it wouldn't, curly hair can be stylized pretty easily.


>this tanned japanese girl shouldve been a black american


why not


There exist black people outside the USA.


Because you're asking for a completely different story lmao, are you daft?


Why? Is senpai racist? What would it change?


what about making nagatoro half black radically changes the story


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Why not? It's a fictional SoL waifu fantasy.

How is it completely different? What in Nagatoro's character would be so different. I don't care for liberal diversity nonsense, but there's nothing wrong with just having a character be black.


he really is kawaii


Shit is trash because 774 took out the psychological and physical abuse


Making her black wouldn't be a huge change, but making her a burger definitely would.


She could be black without being a burger.


>I hate Nagatoro, she and senpai should have a messy, abusive relationship and possibly break up
>Unless Nagatoro is black, then I love Nagatoro and think the premise of the show is great
You guys should take a break from Twitter.


We will discuss at the next conference, which stance will become the official party line.


You're fighting phantoms in your head.


>>I hate Nagatoro, she and senpai should have a messy, abusive relationship and possibly break up
>>Unless Nagatoro is black, then I love Nagatoro and think the premise of the show is great
Point me to a where these 2 things in the same post. Not everyone in this thread is the same person, moron.


>thread derailed completely by American whining some comic isn't about his fetishes
Uh ok.


Well, here you have a series of images of Nagatoro and Senpai being in an abusive relationship and people being weirdly enthusiastic about it in the replies


And then starting here >>24282 you have people suddenly being supportive of Nagatoro again in the context of her being black.


>72 IPs
Almost like there are people with differents opinions and tastes talking about this thread's subject.


the discussion isnt even about the content of the manga, its just some horndog posting pics of black people


Then you'd think the thread would have more arguing in it.


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>its just some horndog posting pics of black people
Suuure, and the fact that its primarily fan-illustrations of a black Nagatoro or demonstrations of anime-style black people is TOTALLY irrelevant.

Re-read my post, carefully; "Point me to a where these 2 things in the same post."
Those are not the same post. Furthermore, you can be of the opinion that Nagatoro's relationship is an unhealthy or abusive one IRL and still amuse yourself with the idea of a black Nagatoro, because it's just a fictional anime/manga that got memed heavily.

NTA but 1) There are arguments ITT
2) Having a discussion in a thread does not necessitate people screaming in one another's faces, don't be a moron.


You're moving goalposts neither you nor I even set up.


How am I moving goalposts?

Unique IPs: 22

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