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File: 1608528798362.png (Spoiler Image,203.93 KB, 686x688, smug tomoko drinking coffe….png)


Tomoko thread… why? Because I like the character… and other reasons…
Post lewds (spoilered), memes, edits, pics and anything else related to the subject
333 posts and 133 image replies omitted.

>Politics is so shallow amd addicting.
Depends on the politics. And no, politics isn't when you constantly say "Capitalism bad," "Orange man bad" or "Patriarchy bad." Deus Ex was more subtle. But yeah, modern politics in art are shallow because zoomer progressives ruin everything they touch.
>People survived for centuries withput needing to delve deep into it.
Politics in art are a form of Situationist rebellion against le modern world. I'd argue that our world would have been much more shallow without it, and looking at modern day Japan, their life is pretty miserable already with all those bullshit rules imposed upon them. Sure, politics in art won't necessarily strike revolts but at least they make you think about your life, something your average salaryman is forbidden to do. I support art that makes you think thoughts, we need more thinking in our society. Not preaching, thinking. Huge difference.

Also, art is a good form of education in general. I know some people are critical of pop science but it's still one of the most engaging ways to teach science that ever existed.

I like the first one, it makes perfect sense.

The second one is Tomoko when the series changes into a harem slice of life.

>Japanese culture is heavily adverse to discussing about politics openly. They see it as incredibly rude. At least they're consistent and whatever label a Japanese person applies to themself chances are they will avoid bringing up anything remotely political, unlike most countries where the "apolitical centrists" are the most vocal about their ideology.
that's not entirely accurate. they don't talk about it in regular conversation, but there's a lot more public discussion of specific issues rather than political groups per se compared to the west. this focus does have problems of its own (like maintaining ldp hegemony) but my impression is that the japanese have actually named, described and tackled more social phenomena than the west. to go back to the hikkikomori classification as an example, i still haven't seen that much discussion of hikkikomori and associated social illnesses in america despite the fact that it's extremely common there as well. meanwhile japan has been monitoring them, training social workers, and giving updates on their situation. same thing with the long hours workers are facing in japan, vs the long hours workers are facing in america. the latter has only began the discussion reluctantly in the past decade while the former has been aware of the problem for quite a while even if they haven't done that much to fix it.
i get what you mean now. i don't remember the transition feeling sudden for my taste, but i can see why parts of the story might seem a bit too sweet for the average watamote fan

They're trying to get that sweet-sweet yuri fandom's mone. Ya gotta pander to the otaku to stay relevant.

>zoomer progressives ruin everything

See what i mean?
You cannot go without gen pol.
As if though Millennials are any better either. They started the whole current year progressive stuff.

>Politics in art are a form of Situationist rebellion against le modern world. I'd argue that our world would have been much more shallow without it, and looking at modern day Japan, their life is pretty miserable already with all those bullshit rules imposed upon them. Sure, politics in art won't necessarily strike revolts but at least they make you think about your life, something your average salaryman is forbidden to do. I support art that makes you think thoughts, we need more thinking in our society. Not preaching, thinking. Huge difference.

Just a bunch of mumbo jumbo youre spaking.

Again this is what Im talking about.
All you do is argue abstractions that have no direct bearing on you.

>You cannot go without gen pol.
I was complaining about not the progressive brand of zoomers (who can be any brand of progressives) but about the zoomer brand of progressivism which got spread thanks to the rise of the parasocial media, Zoomers can be quite based, it's the zoomers who are more open to modern music genres such as modern metalcore and drift phonk, Gen X'ers are more likely to have a "GET OFF MY LAWN!!" attitude when it comes to modern music because of its sleak production or whatever.

But you're right about millenials, I'm not disagreeing. I'm a zoomer myself so I'm allowed to criticize my own cohort, am I not? It's not like I'm adultist or anything.

>Just a bunch of mumbo jumbo youre spaking.
Just saying that art can be educational and rebellious and saying that it shouldn't be is arguably only limiting the creativity of a person. Muh freedom of expression.

I'm not saying that all art should provoke some DEEP THOUGHTS in your brain but there's literally nothing wrong with it and the Japs are simply being too puritan here imho. Heck, Ghost in the Shell already rises some philosophical themes already so clearly the Japs understand that, it's just that the politics are excluded because "philosophy good, politics bad" I guess.

I had to explain to my therapist what a hikkikomori/neet was to him after I mentioned it during conversation. It seemed pretty revelatory to him and he was excited because now he had a term to describe some of his other patients. It's honestly kind of shocking that the phenomenon isn't more well known here, but I guess the social dynamics producing it aren't quite the same here and there.

The lack of cultural dialog in our society is just terrible tbh, the most open people when it comes to cultural dialog are weebs and that's 'cause they fetishize Japan. I know I may come across as a Japanophobe but really I'm more of a misanthrope in that aspect, everyone seems to have that conservative "They're weird, I'm not going to talk to them" attitude. I myself am trying to combine the best parts of American and Asian cultures, picking and choosing the parts I enjoy in both. I watch anime, I watch cartoons, I play Japanese AAA games, I play Western indie games, it's all over the place.

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Um… May I help you?

What made Watamote so good that despite only ever having a single season more than a decade ago, people still talk about it?

It having a single season helps alot.

Quality shows have like 3 seasons max, the less season a show has the better it is most of the time

She's just like me frfr

holy fuck i also feel hot and sweaty during hot summer days wtf!!

it was one of the first "she is literally me" shows where the """male""" audience (eggs) could self-insert as the female protagonist
+ incest elements, tomoko and her brother were the original… what's the name of the couple from zoomer the incest game? they were that except significantly more pathetic, horny and funny

dang I might have to go watch it now

Andy and Leyley

>tfw will never get to have prone bone breeding with tomoko or play with her feet

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I came here from redirection from 420chan.
Seems the site ded long time ago kek…
Just wanted to hear the Xmas music from there again. Anyone get this?

Wrong board anon

Tomoko feet

What would your letter say?

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Tomoko I found on another board

Those feet and hindquarters look delicious

I would be feasting on her toes and ass at lease 4 hours a day

Here's this pic again

Fuck this picture is so good
I bet her skin is extra warm from blushing

What do you think she smells like?
Its canonical that she doesnt smell bad normally. I think she smells like the generic bar soap and occasionally gets fancy shampoo she sees from a collaboration or something and uses too much and smells super fraganty. Probably nice and salty on a summer day

i wanna touch her pubes…

Why did they draw her so sex?


She is sex

Anyone still reading the manga ?

Has she kissed…a girl yet ?

I stopped reading after she went on the overnight trip and shaved her pubes

>Anyone still reading the manga ?
Yes, it's great.
>Has she kissed…a girl yet ?
No, but she's got a harem of girls.

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