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>he hasn't seen this japo-american masterpiece

<The Hobbit is a 1977 American animated musical television special created by Rankin/Bass, a studio known for their holiday specials, and animated by Topcraft, a precursor to Studio Ghibli.


I have and I remember thinking it was super boring. Bilbo looking like an old lady didn't help. Surprised Japanese animation had anything to do with it.


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Find me a 70's anime that looks crisper


Flight of Dragons






>he hasn't seen Rankin-Bass Hobbit/RotK
This shit was dope.

But here's a masterpiece you probably haven't seen.


Ghibli did The Last Unicorn too


People talk shit about this "movie" even though it's basically a filmed theatre play, (like the Cats movie-theatre from the 90s)


I can just read the book, or watch the better movie.


Some absolute bangers. This has been stuck in my head for ages.


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>he hasn't seen this indo-japo masterpiece

<Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama' HISTORY of BHARATVARSHA (ラーマーヤナ ラーマ王子伝説, Rāmayāna: Rāma-Ōji Densetsu) is a 1992 Indo-Japanese traditional animation film directed by and produced by Yugo Sako and based on the Indian epic the Ramayana

<This film was made as a part of the 40th anniversary of India-Japan diplomatic relations and was worked on by teams from both countries


Link please




I love how memeworthy this was and love even more that the internet hasn't yet taken this apart into memes.


>>>/hobby/11615 LOTR thread



Thanks very much! As a side note if you ever want to watch obscure asian movies that aren't easily found, kiss.asian is a good source to start.


Rankin & Bass were Kino and should have paired up with Don Bluth to fight against Disney monopolization.


The best character introduction


As a kid they aired this on TV and i honestly fell asleep every time i tried to watch it and nothing ever did that to me.


Don't worry anon, the same thing happened to me when I watched The Sword in the Stone.


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Y'all just have terrible taste or you're too young at the time


Embedding error.


Speaking of these old grungy productions Ralph Bakshi's, Wizards has some lefty elements to it. the antagonist finds some old nazi propaganda films and uses them to radicalize his goblin soldiers. it's very much a critique of the pacifist section of the Vietnam resistance, especially the climax of the film.


>Smaug is green


Yes, admittedly I was still a kid when they aired it (Sword in the Stone) regularly late at night where I live. I'd always try to watch the whole film because it was super comfy, but just couldn't stay awake cuz it's so long and it was late.


I suggest trying it today - it's not actiony but it is wholesome and kinda inspiring to me


Just watched this the other night.

lol, that climax


Something that has similar asthetic to the stuff mentioned here is The BFG from 1989


Another classic


Funny thing is that there's the hobbit and the Lord of the Rings animations that are entirely separate productions but are so similar in style that people conflate the two as being from the same source.


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>TFW nobody mentions Flight of Dragons
Absolutely wonderful film. It's too bad the animated remake that the original creators were planning never got off the ground. I actually spoke to one of them and he was telling me about how they had basically written and story-boarded it all out, but it got the plug pulled on it because of funding and lack of popular interest.


Anyone remember what video this was?

>Roald Dahl's The BFG (1989) - Full Movie (FULLY RESTORED)

>"I am Gandalf…and Gandalf means…ME!"

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