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/dead/ - Post-Left

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what are you reading right now?


Not Dead by Madi Girlmeat. Haven't gotten very far in it due to college, but I'm managing my time well enough now I should add some recreational reading to my schedule.


Simultaneously trying to get through Capitalism & Schizophrenia finally and familiarizing myself with the Situationists - finished Debord, now doing Vaneigem. After I finish Vaneigem I think I'll do Tiqqun.

If anyone has any recommendations for more contemporary work please share



Wageslaving has taken away all motivation to read


Juliette and Justine by Marquis De Sade


st augustine's confessions


why do I see so many posties read christian neo-platonism?
like genuine question, idk anything about st augustine


only nihilists can be true believers tbh


looks cool, any digital copies online?


now it is blessed is the flame


Yeah madi shared a copy on her stream fbi.gov. She's chill with sharing it for free she's a communist too.


many thanks


I should revisit this, I think I first read it when I was like 16 and thought wow le edgy, but I'm wondering if there might actually something of value in it.

Anyhow I'm reading Deleuze atm and Zhuangzi


How would one describe Vaneigem's ontology?


This was amazing.


The Peaceful Pill Handbook by Philip Nitschke and Fiona Stewart


at the moment,
>The Accursed Share vol. 1
>Communion by Whitley Streiber


halfway through a re-read of Shirer's book since its the only physical thing I have on the subject but would appreciate recommendations for something better or at least newer before I give up and move onto the kobo


your fortune


What does it say?


last night you had a strange dream
this was not a coincidence
something important happened
you forgot again before you woke up
you cannot remember until you know the way
there is a place you must go
you will sense when you have arrived


>Politics in Command JMP
>Prison Notebooks, Gramsci

Let me tell you, new JMP book is a fucking banger, and available for free too.


>MLMs on my /dead/
What do you think of Mao-Spontex?


twilight of the idols


I wish Mao-Spontex wasn't basically a meme that has never seen any real-world application or really any elaboration on in some piece of writing (at least not to my knowledge). I may be an anarkiddie at heart but Mao is pretty based


Not the guy you replied but I thought May 1968 was kinda influenced by Mao-Spontex.


yeah I guess I was wrong about it not having had any real-world influence, since it was apparently a thing specifically in the 60s in France. I've never heard of anyone developing it into a theory though. like aside from the wikipedia citation on it (lol) I'm not aware of any actual writings on Mao-Spontex.


the second search result is also the polcompball wiki, which is an extremely bad sign


Notes from Underground by Dostoevsky


"Sett took another long drag, crossing the threshold between anxiety relief and low-level psychedelic experience. The only weed available in Hell were mids with stupid names. That wasn’t particularly shocking or relevant, but something Ratty noted when it was said.
“Have you ever killed anyone before Miss Vermington?” Sett asked.
“It’s Ratty, please— and not to my knowledge. I talked a lot about killing Nazis as a kid but like— god, I hope not.” “Are you not supposed to remain unbiased as a reporter?” Sett asked.
“Nothing more unbiased than cracking some Nazi skull, ma’am.” Ratty winked, temporarily embodying a caricature of herself."

I'm dying of cringe


that whole interaction reeked of self promotion>>3884


The dawn of everything by Greaber
It fucks


Little Black Cart is closing down, no more reading for us.


This was pretty good too although the parts with the police made it a bit hard to believe.

I can't find more Traven online :(


I got like 100 pages into it and forgot about it. I need to pick it up agian. Greaber was so fucking BASED.


He was a real one
Too bad the rona got him


This is probably my favourite of him, reading this was like talking with him as a friend: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/david-graeber-anarchy-in-a-manner-of-speaking


< You put forward the idea that anarchism is not a way of life, a state of mind, but a real ontology. What do you mean by this?
> To speak of ontology is to speak of what is, of things, of facts - domination for example, hierarchy, exploitation, oppression, sadness (to stick to negative facts - but it is true that there are many). Contrary to what is often believed (including by some libertarians), anarchism is not an ideal or a utopia, "nice ideas" that we would see every day how unrealizable they are. Anarchism is extremely realistic. It speaks of things as they are: chaos, accidents, life and death, joy, but also pain and suffering, stress, relationships of force and power, the chance and necessity of our existence as well as of the world and the universe which are ours. In short, the "anarchy" of what is.


I bookmarked it. I'm thinking of getting the audio book version of Theory of Everything so I know I'll actually get to it, unlike the couple hundred unread books I'll never get to because I spend my free time veging out or playing stupid shit like bloodborne.


I read An apology for idlers, thinking that it would be some good anti-work text, but instead it just made me realize how much better off everyone around me would be without me. I already understood the objective, material benefits that my relatives would enjoy if I ended my life, but now I am convinced that, at least in the long term, their subjective and psychological state would drastically improve too.


So what? Who cares about them? You should be focused on consuming them for your interests instead of worrying how you taste to them.


>relatives would enjoy if I ended my life
I can tell from experience that this is probably the traumatic thing you can do to your relatives.


Just finished reading The Age of Surveillance Capitalism and next on the reading list is Atomic Habits.

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