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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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Hello I created this thread for people who like flag design and maps and herlady please enjoy posting creations I will be posting my Creations as well.
181 posts and 154 image replies omitted.

Gotta be embroidered, not not transfered though.

File: 1667059651382-0.png (742.01 KB, 3168x2496, Flag_of_Idaho.svg.png)

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>flags, above all, must be simple

>But why?

to quote Chairman Mao
<Where do correct ideas come from? Do they drop from the skies? No. Are they innate in the mind? No. They come from social practice, and from it alone; they come from three kinds of social practice, the struggle for production, the class struggle and scientific experiment.

This Idea also didn't drop from the skies but derives from the practical purpose of flags i.e. warfare. The main practical purposes of flags and standards in warfare are
1. Identification - who is friend? who is foe?
2. Orientation - from a soldiers perspective: where is my commander? In which direction am I supposed to go? from the perspective of a commander: where are my troops? where are there going?
3. Communication - lowering the flag indicates giving up a position, raising the flag taking one.

There is a reason why for example in the American civil war the flag bearer was always the one leading a charge, it was cause this is a simple and effective way to let the soldiers exactly know in which direction to charge.
Getting your flag knocked down is not just a disgrace to the honor of the particular unit and the troop as whole but also a serious military disadvantage leaving your soldiers disoriented and confused leaving them to be an easy target for the enemy.

If you keep these things in mind the reason why flags should be simple and easily distinguishable become obvious.
If flags are to complex it's harder to identify them on the battlefield especially at a distance which could lead to serious mistakes on side of both commanders and soldiers. Be it soldiers which fell behind being unable to find their units during the Battle or the commander or a messenger mistakes unit X for unit Y and give them the orders meant for unit Y which could lead to high causalities and eventually defeat.
The consequences of mistaking the enemy for your own troops or the other way around should be even more obvious.
Just imagine a new American civil war fought with the current US state flags.
Bad flag design kills.

As for communist vexillology re-using the same colors and symbols over and over again:
this serves the first practical purpose of flags and standards in warfare Identification, especially in a civil war scenario not uncommon in revolutionary communist history.
Volunteers of communist militia A will think twice before opening fire on communist militia B if communist militia B waves a red flag and the other way around even if these militias have no ties at all or don't even know of each other.


Simplicity doesn't always nor necessarily mean that flags are easy to distinguish - try distinguishing between an Chad and Romanian flag, a Indonesian and Monaco flag, and the flags of Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Simplicity is a second-rate characteristic of flags, flags can be complicated and easy to distinguish.

In modern civil wars this is flourishing - a lot of the niche battalions and brigades on the Russian and Ukrainian sides have chosen flags with complicated designs to fight under.

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Trying out some stuff.

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Dixie but worse


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Russian Red Army flag I made.

PS: Not a member of the CPUSA, I just like their variant of the H&S

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fuark Australia is hard :|

The flag of the Lugansk Peoples Republic in the style of the RSFSR flag

reddit man finally did a video 'grading' US state flags

he's deeply wrong about california and colorado btw. I don't know what it is about NAVA's design codes that makes these people treat them like written gospel. there's something to be said about the eurocentrism implied there too, especially with the 'no lettering' rule. maybe I should give the actual pamphlet a read again sometime (it's been forever); here it is for those curious: https://nava.org/good-flag-bad-flag

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>he's deeply wrong about california
this fucken shit is just rage inducing tbh; only a midwit would find this clever https://nitter.net/cgpgrey/status/1643259508083286016

What with this and Utah, I feel like every modern vexillologist thinks more about how their flag would work as branding on a screen instead of an actual flag in the wind

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flag for christo-fascist burger town (old one but reposting ITT)

A good flag should be easily adaptable to many brand formats, to be honest. I'm sure if you visited a tourist shop in California, Arizona or New Mexico, their flags would be on everything. I know for a fact it's the case with cities like St Louis, Chicago. and DC though. Utah has always been big on the beehive imagery due to its significance in Mormonism, which, hmm..

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Skinny star or fat star?

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California's flag is pretty cool aesthetically, but still it's the lesser version of the "come and take it" flag. Just celebrating jacking it from the Mexicans, but California's story is just boring in comparison.

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When it comes to Texas, I've always been more partial to the Goliad Flag.


Skinny; fat star would look better if the sun were also fat.

I love the fat star one in particular but both look good. Different vibes tho imo: the skinny star looks more militaristic or austere or sinister to me, the fat star looks more friendly and lively and protagonistic to me. I think the fat star type is much rarer in vexillology than the first type. As far as irl examples I think star number 1 has been used in both soviet and american symbology. Star number 2 brings to mind the Chinese communist partisans old symbology and south american revolutionaries like the shining path

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also the fat one looks both more "lively" but also more plant like to me. It looks like a piece of starfruit or san pedro cutting I think. or a nice fat starfish for that matter

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Sharing twitter user @blagojevism's redesign of Illinois' state flag that incorporates the Piasa bird from Native American mythology.


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Might take a crack at redesigning Missouri's state flag in a similar vein using images from the Warrenton picture cave. Get a load of this 'large serpent with antlers and toothy mouth' dating back to 1000ad lol.


literally me

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here's a few I designed

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Some more. I've used the Hammer and Pickaxe as a personal emblem of mine for a while now

the CPA's logo isn't bad.. though it does look like a Facebook PFP. Here's some redesigns I came up with, starting with the most obvious "don't make it look like a Facebook pfp"

Day 1 of trying to recreate this $20k design

Curious how Catherine Clark Gallery no longer lists the price on artsy dot not

slight rework

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Yo. More stuff from my worldbuilding thing. This time, I want to show you:

- A redesign of the Mecanist Union's flag. Yes, yet another one!
- A redesign of the Organization's flag.
- A roundel for the Pacifican Air Force. I changed their name a bit
- And as a bonus, an old flag I made at random when I was bored. Don't mind the country's name, it's just a random name I came up with back then.

So, what can I say about those?

Mecanist Union flag:
>removed bottom green stripe
>replaced central emblem with a coat of arms thingy
>said coat of arms has a green ribbon, figured out how to make a simple one
>W H E A T
>changed shades of red and green. Again.
<could do a simpler emblem at the center with a green background instead of a white one, but I was so happy with this coat of arms thing I made that I decided to put it on the flag
<overall, very happy with the final result, although there is still much room for improvement, like adding details and text to the ribbon

Organization flag:
>redesigned emblem. I wanted it to be a bit more reminiscent of Nazi symbols (Hakenkreuze and Nazi flag), but IMO it feels neither original nor interesting to look at -_-
>brighter shade of red to set it more appart from the Mecanist flag (and look a tiny bit more like a Nazi flag, obviously)
<any advice on what makes a symbol evil AND iconic?

Confederate States of Pacifica Air Force roundel:
(they're still a United States analogue, I just thought this name sounded better How do worldbuilders find good names?)
>8 stars arranged in a circle with two orange stripes on the outer rim, meant to evoke their flag
<will probably rework it to look like a USAF roundel
>that's about it i guess

Bonus flag:
>oooooooooooh shiny!
>I like the colors and the red stripe things.
>will definitely give it to a country in my project when I stop being obsessed by the MU

>socialist US flag
why not just add yellow stripes to the forster flag? I think a socialist flag for the US needs to look completely different from the current capitalist US flag
although the US is more likely to get entirely dissolved and not exist than becoming socialist one day

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thoughts on this?

for a fictional ideology called "Houdinism", which is all about rapid people's war in response to climate collapse. I wanted to do a commie design but more militant and yet uniquely American. I went with the Tommy Gun because it's very American, very cool and has that gangster aggression to it, also it was used to kill fascists.
The chains are clip art I found and recolored.
the font is "We the People", with the text from the statue of liberty poem. It's a bit hard to read but that's kind of intentional.

Honestly surprised that nobody's made an Isn'treali flag with the Star of David swapped for the glyph of Khorne.

>glyph of Khorne
what's that?

the text is a bit unreadable

>it's intentional

ehh, i mean ok?

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Red Oceania, my beloved

PSFRA sooooooon

Unique IPs: 33

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