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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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File: 1647123589745.png (382.19 KB, 598x536, 1647123236913.png)


Attention all drawfags of /leftypol/.
I need someone to draw me a comic about this greentext for comedic effect. It doesn't need to be elaborate, in fact if it's crude or stick figures it will serve good enough
Once the comid is drawn, I'll edit it, put some TTS voices over it, some background music, and have our first greentext comic/video ever.

The greentext is taken straigh out of the Ukraine thread, regarding feds:
The daily fed grind.
>Be me.
>Work at FBI/CIA/NSA
>Get into my cubicle at the glowy office in Langley.
>Put my vpn on.
>Enter leftypol.
>"Actually russia le bad".
>4 hours pass, gonna go eat some sandwich.
>Come back to cubicle.
>"Actually Ukraine's not nazi but Russia is, look at russia blazzers bald nazi guy".
>4 hours pass.
>End work turn.
>Go back to your house.
>Talk to your kids.
>"Papa, what do you do at work?".
>"Save AMERICA".
>Go to sleep.

File: 1647129192234.png (383.77 KB, 1110x2236, average glowie day.png)

Someone actually did it the absolute madman


Fucking kek

It's done now.

File: 1672385331844.png (448.59 KB, 1050x702, ClipboardImage_(7)..png)


can't believe I missed this one
great effortpost anon

File: 1674691094090.png (70.35 KB, 715x962, cyborg uighers.png)

>>2207 (note: >>>/leftypol_archive/557221 )
I didn't realize it came from /draw/, thank you drawanon.

Unique IPs: 7

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