Alunya Art thread
(Draw or showcase new Alunya art)
>>4671not that anon
idk how to symbolically represent the means of production here, so Alunya is seizing cash instead. feel free to edit
>>4673some people have it easier
some have it harder
if you can put lines on the canvas, you can figure it out with study and practice
>>4674>>4675thanks for the encouragement, anons. at least I can use kdenlive and imagemagick to make gifs of videos and such. like the scene preceding
>>4673 . should be small enough for 4chan. use it wisely
>>4680standard attacks
tilts: scratching with claws
smashes: baseball bat
aerials: standard punches and kicks
down aerial: bite/pounce (picrel)
special moves
neutral: molotov cocktail (1 to fill bottle, 2 to light it, acts as a throwable item, starts fires when lit, can stick to characters and environment)
side: AK-47 (stopping power and damage, but stops your movement and only fires horizontally, has finite ammo requiring a reload)
down: bunker (basically Kirby's down special)
up: power fist (basically Mario's up special)
final smash: revolution
summons a proletarian army that races across the screen swiping at enemies as they pass
>>4683side smash: hammer (regular high damage smash)
down smash: sickle (aims at feet, like it's used for harvesting, trips opponents with good timing)
up smash: hammer & sickle (held together like in the OP pic, maybe give it a little wind-up for huge damage)
up special: still the power fist, but give it a spin and have it respond differently based on context you you can say it's "dialectical." E.g it's stronger the more damage you have (like that indicates revolutionary potential or something idk)
>>4723nice and cute
captcha was cats. very fitting
finally some huge booba Alunya with thick ass and slight tummy
>>4804Nice shape, plush, hefty.
BBW Alunya one day ;_;
>>4812>can you stop with the titcow fetish?Titcows and shortstacks, oppai
lolis and mon-belly BBWs are
extremely proletarian.
The fatter the tits and tummy, the more proletarian it is
<t.hugeboobachubbychaser >>4808tail is too small
would not bang
or ass is undialectical and therefore unmarxist.
>>4816YESSSSSSShe big :3
luv the tummy crease and hip dip
>>4819Well fed. Hot. Wish I had someone to make well fed tbqh.
>>4820>sorry bbw anons.All g, at least you created delicious bbw oc ^_^
Wgo's bigger?
>>4823 or
>>4804 >>4828Fuck, you're right.
I'll report for guided self-criticism at my local gooncave immediately.
I still maintain that bellies have a role in the revolution, flat or fat, BBW-Aktion >>4835>in these disciplines and others the abdominal fat can help cushion and protect the organs from injury, I thinkLiterally why Roman gladiators were bears and strongfat (except the Retinarus who was a twink).
> personally I try and minimize my own abdominal fat Same. I just like fat little pot-pollies on grills.
>>4839More BBW Grace >:3
>>4846 Ha, you saw it on Twitter. It's just a rough drawing. Unfortunately, I can't draw yet. It takes a long time to learn these things. (/▽\)
哈,你在推特上看见它了,这只是一个粗糙的画作,很不幸我现在还不会绘画,学这些要很长时间 (/▽\)
We need moar Alunya art!
Also, a new fanfic thread
>>>/siberia/611788Unique IPs: 37