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/draw/ - Original Art

"The strength of art is greater than that of a nuclear bomb" - Kim Jong-Un
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Alunya Art thread
(Draw or showcase new Alunya art)

File: 1726603117032-0.png (17.6 KB, 429x356, alunya bait.png)

File: 1726603117032-1.png (62.2 KB, 500x250, GWVaBo8WQAAY79l.png)

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alunya art

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File: 1726603228559-1.png (74.36 KB, 278x450, GAMRq6nWMAESlxX.png)

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new art

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File: 1726603442290-1.png (1010.88 KB, 2413x2103, leftypol2.png)

File: 1726603442290-2.png (659.64 KB, 1700x1700, 39_clothed_FINISHED.png)

File: 1726603442290-3.png (567.79 KB, 1700x1700, 39_nude_FINISHED.png)

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File: 1726614918304.png (14.92 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

an attempt was made

Not bad, make her do something next.

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not that anon
idk how to symbolically represent the means of production here, so Alunya is seizing cash instead. feel free to edit

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for the life of me I can't actually figure out how to draw. maybe being aphantasic is part of it

some people have it easier
some have it harder
if you can put lines on the canvas, you can figure it out with study and practice

Scott Robertson has a great series. He lays it out from just the basic handskills to very detailed industrial design perspective stuff.

File: 1726666941279.gif (3.77 MB, 478x360, ren can't draw.gif)

thanks for the encouragement, anons. at least I can use kdenlive and imagemagick to make gifs of videos and such. like the scene preceding >>4673 . should be small enough for 4chan. use it wisely

very good

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studying classic alunya ratios… is there a standardization? I did some thing-noticing and it seems there are teases of standardization, but I don't know if they're official

File: 1726687792055.png (1.28 MB, 1919x1453, alunya refs.png)

Every artist does it differently, including sometimes the same artist.

I thought "what if Alunya was a smash character, what would her moveset be?" but I realized making a huge sprite sheet full of her moveset would require standardization of her ratios for animation

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is there an Alunya version of picrel?

standard attacks
tilts: scratching with claws
smashes: baseball bat
aerials: standard punches and kicks
down aerial: bite/pounce (picrel)

special moves
neutral: molotov cocktail (1 to fill bottle, 2 to light it, acts as a throwable item, starts fires when lit, can stick to characters and environment)
side: AK-47 (stopping power and damage, but stops your movement and only fires horizontally, has finite ammo requiring a reload)
down: bunker (basically Kirby's down special)
up: power fist (basically Mario's up special)

final smash: revolution
summons a proletarian army that races across the screen swiping at enemies as they pass

I like it. Seems a bit derivative of other characters' movesets, but that's kind of the nature of those games. The bat is a bit too much like Ness and the Up-special is a bit too much like Mario. I'm thinking she could wield a hammer/sickle at some points or use her bandana in some way. Maybe strangle during grabs

side smash: hammer (regular high damage smash)
down smash: sickle (aims at feet, like it's used for harvesting, trips opponents with good timing)
up smash: hammer & sickle (held together like in the OP pic, maybe give it a little wind-up for huge damage)

up special: still the power fist, but give it a spin and have it respond differently based on context you you can say it's "dialectical." E.g it's stronger the more damage you have (like that indicates revolutionary potential or something idk)

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10th anniversary pic Alunya

I love them

any new pics of Alunya?

File: 1728582852723.png (16.39 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

4 (You)

bassed :DD

nice and cute
captcha was cats. very fitting

ill make the alunya 3d model eventually… gwehhh



File: 1732355587316-0.png (38.54 KB, 500x250, weed alunya.png)

File: 1732355587316-1.png (53.43 KB, 500x250, weed alunya2.png)

File: 1732355587316-2.png (45.79 KB, 500x250, weed alunya3.png)

File: 1732412089277.png (105.85 KB, 549x726, alunyasketch.png)


We need more big tiddy Alunya art like this.
draw more, plz


Fucking finally some huge booba Alunya with thick ass and slight tummy



File: 1732489009835-0.png (136.66 KB, 697x958, alunyaback.png)

File: 1732489009835-1.png (176.89 KB, 958x901, alunyapapers.png)

You all are too kind!

File: 1732495732122.png (11.43 KB, 492x328, look at those boobs.png)


File: 1732508432100.png (447.66 KB, 867x971, ClipboardImage.png)

Somebody got butthurt and decided to edit the original text.

Nice shape, plush, hefty.

BBW Alunya one day ;_;

File: 1732537600884.png (704.81 KB, 1070x2000, alunyacocktail.png)

art…. pure kino…

petite alunya enjoyers on suicide watch.

Oh we are straight up gooning to Alunya today

appreciate the effort but marxism is ass centric, can you stop with the titcow fetish?

Alunya is anarchist though

>can you stop with the titcow fetish?
Titcows and shortstacks, oppailolis and mon-belly BBWs are extremely proletarian.

The fatter the tits and tummy, the more proletarian it is


tail is too small
would not bang

File: 1732592269889.png (389.98 KB, 1732x2137, alunyabbw.png)

holy based

bbws are not going to fight the revolution. you people are sick in the head.

BBWs are what happens when you win a revolution, because they are so well fed.

File: 1732602038308.png (136.66 KB, 697x958, 1732489009835-0.png)

ngl I prefer this physique, sorry bbw anons.

Lore-accurate Tuck.

File: 1732646586627.png (641.48 KB, 1706x2000, alunyatits.png)

as 4814 said, booba is proletarian.

lack of theory is showing. fat tits are inherent- you either have them or you dont. its the embodiment of idealism. ass on the other hand is meritocratic and material- anybody can work to grow a fat ass with a proper diet and exercise, which alunya obviously does. thank you for the art but i hope you change your ways for the better.

We need more!

>fat tits are inherent
The baseline yes, but if you take into consideration hormonal supplements, prolonging puberty and taking certain progestins can significantly promote breast growth.

boo ooh i dont care, big titties for the win

Boobs or ass is undialectical and therefore unmarxist.

File: 1732711844079.jpg (16.26 KB, 226x254, 6969656534253_78.jpg)

She big :3
luv the tummy crease and hip dip
Well fed. Hot. Wish I had someone to make well fed tbqh.
>sorry bbw anons.
All g, at least you created delicious bbw oc ^_^
Wgo's bigger? >>4823 or >>4804

Where the hell is the dick

Fuck, you're right.
I'll report for guided self-criticism at my local gooncave immediately.
I still maintain that bellies have a role in the revolution, flat or fat, BBW-Aktion

So does Alunya support Catalan independance?

>>4665 The grace fagging must come to a end

if you like it and it's not hurting anyone then it's good. personally I try and minimize my own abdominal fat because I like the aesthetics of it better tldr and I see it as "useless" fat compared to other spots where I want to have fat. however it has some purposes. like I am interested in boxing and street fighting techniques. in these disciplines and others the abdominal fat can help cushion and protect the organs from injury, I think

>in these disciplines and others the abdominal fat can help cushion and protect the organs from injury, I think
Literally why Roman gladiators were bears and strongfat (except the Retinarus who was a twink).
> personally I try and minimize my own abdominal fat
Same. I just like fat little pot-pollies on grills.

You could bounce a quarter off that ass and break a window

We need moar Alunya art.

starting to get the hang of zbrush maybe might make the alunya model who knows lol

More BBW Grace >:3

Draw Alunya with a santa hat!

Alunya and Grace under the mistletoe, lol

File: 1734250249853.png (352.86 KB, 1442x2048, Alunya drawing.png)

Ha, you saw it on Twitter. It's just a rough drawing. Unfortunately, I can't draw yet. It takes a long time to learn these things. (/▽\)

哈,你在推特上看见它了,这只是一个粗糙的画作,很不幸我现在还不会绘画,学这些要很长时间 (/▽\)


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File: 1734340466705-1.png (103.28 KB, 361x391, alunya shemmy.png)

File: 1734350432731-0.png (160.92 KB, 1000x1000, 42openno_mouth.png)

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File: 1734649501580-0.png (1.92 KB, 330x330, colmillos.png)

File: 1734649501580-1.png (2.16 KB, 388x388, alunya_aliased.png)

>Draw Alunya with a santa hat!
I drew this last year

What is she giving Grace-chan?

File: 1734740609393.png (405.93 KB, 1210x1767, 101201020390.png)

We need more Alunya midriff

True but no sm*king pls

more smoking please

more belly please

more smoking and tone her thighs, no way she can run with those

less smoking and fatten her thighs, no way she can't run with those

Agree with previous commentators

So more smoking and not smoking bbw but also abs with thick thighs that are toned?


I love this it's incredibly cute and fluffy it makes me so happy


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File: 1736245346020.png (1.7 MB, 2544x1905, download(27).png)

Alunya and Xi

what is their ship name? Alunxia? Xilunya?

Xilunya sounds good.




Getting cucked by Alunya will be mandatory under the regime

We need moar Alunya art!
Also, a new fanfic thread >>>/siberia/611788

File: 1737606953353-0.jpg (116.98 KB, 750x842, Miku hits Hitler.jpg)

File: 1737606953353-1.jpg (217.87 KB, 1290x1873, Shadow hits Hitler.jpg)

File: 1737606953353-2.jpg (116.66 KB, 593x543, punch nazi.jpg)

We need a picture of Alunya hitting Hitler noaw.

>American Alunya

File: 1737771575848.webp (176.6 KB, 784x931, BJ Blazkowicz.webp)

That's cute but you can do better.

Unique IPs: 37

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