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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Thread dedicated to attacking Israel's De Facto Apartheid State. Antisemitism and other /pol/ brained bullshit not welcome.

Desired: Books, Videos, Movies, Articles, Essays, Documentaries, Thoughtful Discussion, Relevant Personal Anecdotes, etc.

Not Desired: JQ Bullshit, Nazi apologetics, IDF-apologetics, Israel apologetics, Zionist apologetics, anti-Palestinian racism



File: 1663959545073-2.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 9.57 MB, 640x360, Nadeem Ahmed - video of Is….mp4)

File: 1663959545073-4.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 17.95 MB, 1280x720, Shocking footage shows Isr….mp4)

some vids




Male spouses under the age of 35 and female spouses under 25 originating from the Palestinian territories are prohibited from obtaining citizenship and residency.[71] The 2003 Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law effectively discouraged further marriages between Israeli citizens and Palestinians by preventing couples in these circumstances from cohabitation.[72] Although challenged as unconstitutional, this restriction was upheld by the Supreme Court in 2006[73] and 2012 and continued to be effective until the law’s expiration in July 2021.[74][75] These restrictions were reimplemented in law with no expiration time in March 2022.[76]

Jewish residents of former Mandatory Palestine at the time of Israel’s establishment were granted Israeli citizenship on the basis of return, but non-Jewish Palestinians were subject to strict residency requirements for claiming that status. Non-Jewish residents in Israel could acquire citizenship on the basis of their residence in 1952 if they were nationals of the British mandate before 1948, had registered as Israeli residents since February 1949 and remained registered, and had not left the country before claiming citizenship.[26]


These requirements were intended to systemically exclude Arabs from participation in the new state. The UNRWA estimated that 720,000 Palestinian Arabs were displaced during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War,[27] with only 170,000 remaining in Israel following its establishment. Until the Citizenship Law was enacted in 1952, all of these individuals were stateless. About 90 percent of the remaining Arab population were barred from Israeli citizenship under the residence requirements and held no nationality.[28]



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bumping this thread because of the recent habbenings



here is also a memoir by the author

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